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Bullsbrook Netball Club in Bullsbrook, Western Australia, Australia | Sports club

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Bullsbrook Netball Club

Locality: Bullsbrook, Western Australia, Australia

Address: Pickett Park, Chittering Road 6084 Bullsbrook, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Just a reminder to support Bullsbrook Netball Club at Grill’d Restaurant in Midland as we are halfway with our fundraising! *Go get some burgers at Grill’d-Midland *Put your token in our Jar.... *Thanks for everyone’s support. *Bullsbrook Netball Club

25.01.2022 Save the date Club windup - 13 Sept. 10am - 2pm (Please not date change)

24.01.2022 Swan Districts has cancelled 430pm spring netball time slot due to heat. (sparkles) Blazing Bulls - 530pm time slot have forfeited due to lack of numbers - oh and because its still going to be very hot!!

24.01.2022 After a great turnout to our AGM we have a new executive committee for the new year. President: Liz Kohler Vice President: Renea Beacham Treasurer: Kylie Munn (returning Treasurer) Secretary: Cara Holschier... We also have alot of new faces on as general committee members, which we welcome happily. Looking forward to a successful year of netball. Once again we thank them for their contribution and wish them the best Kirrilly Patrick, Kelly Johnson and Cherie Powell See more

24.01.2022 Below is information regarding a possible return to Netball. This is dependent on EVERYONE doing the right thing and adhering to the new rules and procedures fo...r the upcoming season! Please note there will be a meeting here at Swan Districts on Monday evening 25th May, commencing at 7.00pm to go through the requirements before anyone can commence training. Only one offical representative per Club is requested to be present. Please make sure they register their intent to Swan Districts via email, before lunchtime Monday the 25th based on Covid 19 group limit restrictions. Attendance at this meeting is a requirement before commencing any training and return to Netball at Swan Districts. Swan Districts will be running a shortened Winter Season commencing on the 25th July, 2020. Fees will be adjusted by the Swan Districts Component. We are still to be advised whether Netball WA will be adjusting their affiliation fees. Thank you for your continued patience and support. Please direct any questions to your club officials.

23.01.2022 Congratulations Bullsbrook Blazing Bulls. Great victory in the U/13 Grand Final 43-21

23.01.2022 Committee meeting tomorrow night at 6.30pm. Need more helpers. So if your interested in coaching, umpiring or helping the club come down. We would love to see you there.

23.01.2022 Nominations to try out for Swans Development Squad. Please see photos for info and registration form Ages 13s/under (Born 2007) Ages 14s/under (Born 2006) Ages 15 and 16s (Born 2005, 2004)

23.01.2022 Committee meeting 10th March 2020 545pm We really need some new people to come down and learn the ropes for next year - volunteers like you is what keeps the club going for your children.

22.01.2022 Basically brand new jacket, second hand. $50 Size 14 possibly fits Year 8/9 or thereabouts.

22.01.2022 Bullsbrook Netball Club AGM 26th October 2020 630pm Pickett Park ... All Welcome

21.01.2022 Senior players - lets meet at 5.45 at the courts for a quick chat (Tuesday)!!!! Feel free to bring a friend.

20.01.2022 Bullsbrook Netball Club AGM: 2nd December 2019 7pm @ Pickett Park Club rooms Please come along and nominate if you’re interested or just be apart of the general committee... Many hands make light work

20.01.2022 Please remember to return your chocolate money by the 28th July.

19.01.2022 REGISTRATIONS ARE NOW OPEN!! Existing players from last year will receive a $10 discount if they register and pay in full by the 28 Feb 2020. Please get into and register yourself.... Once your on the mynetball site type in our postcode 6084 and click register.

19.01.2022 Update from Netball WA CEO. Over the next 4 -6 weeks we will be committing our attention to : 1. Investigating the use of their facility fund as a hardship fund... 2. Determining any further postponement dates from 31 May (by end of April/early May) in junction with Netball Aust, federal/state governments.) 3. Working with each Assoc to develop competition scenarios for the back half of the year 4. Developing a whole of sport position on refunds and credits across membership and participation programs with netball Aust and member organisations. 5. Explore reduction of membership and participation fees for 2020 and review membership model 6. Continue to build on learning opportunity for coaches, umpires, players, volunteers 7. Continue to work with netball Aust in planning 2021 8. Working with state government and Netball Aust to understand how stimulus packages can help our sport

18.01.2022 And that’s a wrap for Spring Season 2020! Thank you to all of our members, players, parents, coaches, managers, umpires, committee and volunteers for another awesome season. #Bullsbrookclub #netballislife #celebrate

18.01.2022 Training will now be suspended until the 28 April . Please liaise with your coaches

18.01.2022 If your not sure if Netball is your thing - Come down and Try it out. (Current Players Welcome) 31 Jan 5-8pm Pickett Park Netball Courts.

17.01.2022 Its nearly netball season again

17.01.2022 Wanted: 2 x U/13 players 3 x Seniors 1x yr 6

17.01.2022 Spring netball information. Please let your coaches know if your interested in playing. Existing players for year 2/3/4/5 please only

15.01.2022 Wishing all some well-deserved downtime and a very happy new year to come. Cheers to health, happiness, and prosperity in 2021! Bullsbrook Netball Club

15.01.2022 Ever thought about taking up netball again? Want to do some exercise? Want some time without the kids? Come down and join the Bullsbrook Netball Club Seniors team.... (training on Tuesday - playing Saturday arvo)

15.01.2022 Good Luck to all the U/13s Netball players that trying out for Swans Development Squad Trials tonight!

15.01.2022 Don’t you wish you could Swish like Bullsbrook. U13 and U 15 straight through to the Grand Final. Seniors unfortunately miss out by 8 points

15.01.2022 NEW UNIFORM ON OFFER Jackets Fleece $70 Jackets Lined $80 Polo $35... Knicker $32 Measuring charts will be available on our first training session 3 March 2020. Please see Cherie in the shed. turn around time should be 4 weeks once ordered

14.01.2022 Sharna and Emily representing Bullsbrook Netball Club from our seniors team.

14.01.2022 WA NETBALL CODE OF CODUCT - Please make sure to follow this guidelines Coaches, Parents/Guardians and umpires during a netball game! Thanks in advanced

13.01.2022 Don’t forget We have polo shirts, jackets and undershorts available for players and parents Measurements and orders for polos, jackets and undershorts being taken in the shed from 4.15pm at training on Tuesday 3rd March. ... We request 50% deposit in cash or by bank transfer to secure your order.

12.01.2022 Congratulations to Kaylene Dumbleton and Aaliyah Hall that got into U/12 Development Squad for 2021 at Swans! We are super proud of you 2 girls! Well done from the Bullsbrook Netball Club!

12.01.2022 Secondhand uniforms for sale 1 x size 10 dress $10 (sold pending) 1 x size 12 dress $10 1 x size 10 jacket $25 (sold pending)

12.01.2022 Kylie Munn stepping down as our Treasurer for Bullsbrook Netball Club. * Kylie Thank you for your commitment and hard work the last past year as our Treasurer for our Club! We would like to Welcome Anna Daniel to take the role as Treasurer 2021 for Bullsbrook Netball club!... * Anna we as a club are lucky to have you as one of our Committee members! See more

11.01.2022 Fees: Seniors $182 Juniors $130 Netsetgo $135... ALL fees must be paid by the 8 June (first training session) If you need a payment plan please let us know - your deposit will be due by the 8th June. Due to the short season we must be strict on the fees this year and no player will take the court on the 25 July unless fees are paid. If we owe you money, we will be in contact over the new few weeks.

11.01.2022 Best of luck to all our girls that will be at the carnival this weekend

11.01.2022 Jackets Fleece $70 Polo $35 4 week turn around. We will be putting in order by 23 June 2020.... Please message the page for an order. 50% deposit required. See more

11.01.2022 Teams are filling up fast...please don't forget to register.

10.01.2022 2nd hand Bullsbrook Netball Club uniforms: Dresses - sizes 8 and 12 - $15 ea Jacket - size 6 - $20

10.01.2022 Keep Up your Netball Activities!! >>> Shoot 5 Goals every time you go outside >>> Dart left and right when you are going to feed your pets . ... >>> Jump as high as u can 3 times in the bathroom before you brush your teeth . >>> Hop on your left foot / lean over and touch the ground when going down the hall way to your bedroom - hop on your right foot /lean over and touch the ground when going down the hall way to leave your room. >>> Practise your goal defending lean when hanging up the washing for your parents >>> Love your family - Do your school work - Keep safe Hope to see you all soon

10.01.2022 Updated flyer for Come and Try Sports

09.01.2022 Good Afternoon Parents and Caregivers, As you would be aware there has been lots of news in the media about the corona virus, at this stage the netball season is still going ahead. Bullsbrook Netball Club will still train on Tuesdays at this stage. The Committee is very conscious of the health and well being of all our players and their families. While the club will still be training on Tuesdays we completely understand if families are not comfortable or unable to have thei...r children come to training. All we ask is that you inform your child's coach if your child will be there or not. Please all stay safe and if you would like to discuss anything about training or the season please feel free to contact me. Kirrilly Patrick President Bullsbrook Netball Club

09.01.2022 Looking for a second hand dress size x small for new player.

08.01.2022 We go into next weeks game under stage 4 restrictions. This means: 500 people per timeslot Entry gate is the main gate... Exit gate is the gate near the grass area where the clubs normally have the BBQ. Entry gate will open 15 mins before game. Only allowed 10 mins to warm up. get in play and get out policy. After each time slot everyone to leave so committee can clean toilets and water fountain. 1 spectator per player. Players must be with an adult at all times (including toilet visits) Canteen open, more healthy options, less unhealthy options. First team on scorecard responsible for cleaning game ball and posts. Score card to be filled out quarter by quarter. No player allowed to take court unless registeted on my netball.

08.01.2022 Hello netball lovers . We have heard from netball wa and we can start training. We just need to get approval from the shire and your coaches need to do some covid training. Couple of things to note :... 1. We will meet with swans on Monday 18th to discuss season dates & fees. 2. Bullsbrook netball committee will meet Tuesday 19th to discuss commencement of training ( this will need to be staggered as we can only use 2 courts) 3. You need to let your coaches know if you are still playing It’s getting closer - yay!!!

08.01.2022 *Bullsbrook Netball Club fundraising with local Grill'd - Restaurant in Midland.* Members, family and friends choose our club BULLSBROOK NETBALL CLUB with your token when visiting the Grill’d Restaurant in MIDLAND! Thanks for your support! Every token counts!... SHARE SHARE SHARE TIA BULLSBROOK NETBALL CLUB

08.01.2022 The tokens keep rolling in! Thanks for your support! Grab your burger @ Grill’d in Midland and put your token in our Jar! #Bullsbrooknetballclub #token #fundraising

08.01.2022 Best of luck to all our players for the first game of the season tomorrow, Especially those playing their first game ever. Play hard, Play safe and have FUN.

07.01.2022 Important Club Dates: 25 March - Last chance to order Jacket/Polo/Pants 2 May - First Game 23 May - BBQ at Swan Districts Courts... June - Cadbury Chocolates 16th June - Parents vs Players Game 25th July - Movie Night 30 August - Netball windup See more

07.01.2022 Wishing our 13's and 15's good luck tomorrow in their grand finals. Hope to see some of you there cheering them on. 13's are at 10am on crt 12 15's are at 12.15 on crt 11.

07.01.2022 Talent Development Program 2021 11 years as at 31.12.20 - 15 Oct 5pm 12 years as at 31.12.20 - 22 Oct 5pm... If your interested please ask your coach or the swans office on sat for a form. 13-17 year old dates available in late oct


06.01.2022 Looking for possibly 2 second hand dresses. Small and xsmall Please message if you have any to sell

06.01.2022 Chocolate money : please put it into the bank account we use for our fees . BSB: 633000 Act :138834403

06.01.2022 Hope All our Players and Families have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. See you on the courts soon - Dates to be Advised late Jan 2020.

05.01.2022 Uniform /registration day (if you can’t work out how to do it in MyNetball ) 18th Feb... 4.30-530pm. See you there !!

04.01.2022 See you all at 7pm - Pickett Park. AGM tonight !!!

04.01.2022 Team photos - 1 Sept during training Please wear your uniforms

03.01.2022 Bullsbrook Netball Club wishing all the players and their family a wonderful holiday Season. May your holidays sparkle with moments of love, laughter, and goodwill, and may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Happy Holidays. Looking forward for a great season in 2021( Net, Set, Go, Juniors and Seniors team)

03.01.2022 Update: Netball WA have engaged with other major winter sports to develop a collaborative approach and joint position ( WA football commission, Basketball WA, Football West, Sportwest) They are currently developing alternative competition structures and seasons for our Netball WA competition framework and are assisting Associations to do the same. They are planning for community seasons and competitions to run in 2020 and although they may not be certain when these will resum...e, they can and are preparing for any scenario that eventuates Netball WA provides a range of membership-based services (including junior and senior netball competitions and NetSetGO programs) that have been suspended due to government restrictions to combat the COVID-19 crisis. It is important to note that these services have not been cancelled, but instead postponed until a point in time when the existing government restrictions are lifted with respect to sport participation Fees already paid are currently being held in credit until a decision is made. *please note, Bullsbrook has not paid any money, so your money is still with our club. Netball Aust are working on a virtual program that can be used in the interim for engagement but will not replace the normal program Kidsport is being put on hold also until a decisions Is made. Update decision should be Late April/Early May

02.01.2022 Due to lots of events happening on Sunday, it has been requested that everyone is to park in the church carpark. See you all Sunday Your BNC committee

02.01.2022 Bullsbrook Netball Club Calendar is out now! Important upcoming dates: Registrations Open: 1 February 2021 ... First Training commence: 1 March 2021 For further information please contact us at: [email protected] See more

02.01.2022 Wishing all our netball Dads and Grandads a happy Father's day. Hope the young ladies in your life spoil you today. Thank you for being there and supporting the girls every Saturday. From the Bullsbrook Netball Club

01.01.2022 Hope to see some of you at the come and try festival between 5pm - 8pm. If we get enough girls will play a game or two.Hope to see some of you at the come and try festival between 5pm - 8pm. If we get enough girls will play a game or two.

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