Bum Nuts Australia in Gunning, New South Wales | Farmers market
Bum Nuts Australia
Locality: Gunning, New South Wales
Phone: +61 430 370 670
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24.01.2022 Eggfast done right by @home_grown_nutrition #showusyourbumnuts Olive and herb sourdough, poached eggs, garlic mushies and homemade everything but the bagel seasoning
24.01.2022 The golden hour before sunset yesterday. Has anyone had a chance to get outside and enjoy these beautiful Autumn days?
23.01.2022 Just trying to fit in and the ducks are having none of it
23.01.2022 Chickens are so amusing!
23.01.2022 Day 4 of homeschooling - birdwatching. Did you know there are more chickens in the world than any other bird. #birdwatchingchickens
22.01.2022 HELP NEEDED! We just cannot decide Please share and like your favourite design and we will announce the winner tomorrow morning at 9am Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter and for supporting Bum Nuts. Your good eggs, golden even
20.01.2022 Yummo! Thanks for the share @umamidiary Do you do home delivery? #showusyourbumnuts Shio Ramen made from scratch (recipe from @ramenjunkie ) made by @austrianmarkus So good! Eggs from @bumnutsaustralia pork belly from @valencafreerangepork #ramen # # # #austrianmarkus #noodles #ivanramen
20.01.2022 Its happening!! #eggpanic2020
19.01.2022 Day 2 of homeschooling - egg collecting. The look says it all. #matheggmatics #countingeggsnotsheep
19.01.2022 A friend of ours, who shall remain nameless, attempting to make eggs for breakfast
18.01.2022 Glorious rain and lots of it. Some very happy campers here, the early bird catches the worm and all that. Rest assured the girls have plenty of shelter and do actually enjoy getting out in the rain. Do you have any drowned rat, chicken photos? If so, please share :)
18.01.2022 Day 3 of homeschooling - Business admin. Learning to do the books. #beaudityoucanbe
17.01.2022 And thats a wrap. #timetoroost
16.01.2022 First entry in!! So much to love about this. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together Georgie Mitchell To enter simply design a bottle label for our new product LIQUID GOLD chook poo fertiliser. The winning design will receive $750 the design should reflect an organic and holistic theme as we are using Biowaste from the farm. As you know we like a good laugh, so have fun with it. Please share your designs by tagging us @bumnutsaustralia on Facebo...ok or Instagram and email to [email protected] Winner announced 1st of October
16.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME Design a bottle label for our new product LIQUID GOLD chook poo fertiliser. The winning design will receive $750 the design should reflect an organic and holistic theme as we are using Biowaste from the farm. As you know we like a good laugh, so have fun with it. Please share your designs by tagging us @bumnutsaustralia on Facebook or Instagram and email to [email protected] Winner announced 1st of October
15.01.2022 Hysterical chicks in skirts *please share the post, dont steal the photos and post as your own* Shay Butter Bows like my page please ... This content is exclusively managed by Caters News. To license or use in a commercial player please contact [email protected] or call +44 121 616 1100 / +1 646 380 1615 See more
15.01.2022 EGG UPDATE: - As you may be aware there is an increasing demand for eggs yet our hens lay the same amount of eggs everyday. OUR SUPPLIERS are getting their standard orders and we are not taking on new customers. OUR COMMUNITY eggs are available from, Merino Cafe Gunning, Gunning Butcher Shop, Crookwell IGA Plus Liquor, SUPA IGA Yass and Gundaroo Grocer & Cork Street Cellars.... OUR LOCALS if you are unable to get eggs, please message as we have some set aside and endeavour to look after you. OUR FARM GATE has a limited amount allocated, please be mindful of others. Thank you for understanding and your ongoing support.
15.01.2022 Bacon and egg jaffles cooked on the campfire for dinner. This is the life
15.01.2022 Recently we had a most welcome surprise visit from her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley Governor of New South Wales and her husband Mr Dennis Wilson who were in the neighbourhood and decided to pop in and say hello. Getting the opportunity to talk about the origin of Bum Nuts, our innovations and regenerative farming practices was an absolute honour!! The honourable Margaret Beazley was most gracious and genuinely interested in what we do. Sally took a shining to Mr Wilson. We have been invited to Government House for a cuppa! Can’t wait
14.01.2022 18 month old retired HENS FOR SALE These older ladies still have good laying years left in them!!! This Friday 27th, Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th November only. $15 each and fully vaccinated. Minimum order of 3. Get in quick, they usually sell fast. Pick up at our farm gate. There are 3 session times a day. Drive thru and pick up from the chicken pen, bring your own box or pet carrier. Due to social distancing one customer out of the car at a time. Plenty of room to c...ue. 10kg bags of Bum Nut blend feed for $17.50 also available. Please PM to ORDER ONLY, first in, first served. Instructions and directions upon order.
13.01.2022 Not just a Bum Nut... Our mobile sheds were designed and built by us on farm to suit topography, the climate and fertilise paddocks. Our chickens are hand raised in large, roomy brooders with perches. No overstocked floor raised or trucked in chickens here!! Nutrition is managed at the vital early stages and they transition to pasture at 10 weeks of age, very happy and very healthy. ... We are not any ol egg!! We are BUM NUTS This is farming, this is REAL pastured egg farming. Our holistic approach to sustainable farming, animal welfare, practicing organic and biodynamic principles underpin our core values. Family farmed in Gunning, NSW
12.01.2022 With the wind came the rain
11.01.2022 18 month old hens for sale $10 each Pick up Tues 7th, Wed 8th, Thurs 9th and Fri 10th at our farm gate. There are 3 session times a day. Drive thru/pick up at chicken cages/enclosures, bring your own box or pet carrier. Due to social distancing one customer out of the car at time. Plenty of room to cue.... 10kg bags of feed for $15 also available. Please directly PM to place an order only, first in, first served.
11.01.2022 Too funny!!! @adventuresofcomb If youve got a chook, youve got a gym [part 1] Happy Monday from Clarice & I hehe #stayhome #gym #homegym #stayhome #iso #workout (music: Physical - Olivia Newton John) ps: video x2 speed
10.01.2022 My "Ultimate Ramen Bowl" only with BumNuts of course Ingrid Vogel #showusyourbumnuts #goodegg
10.01.2022 Why did the Easter egg hide? It was a little chicken.
09.01.2022 Dippy eggs for days #quareggtine Thanks @magic_comes_in_all_forms #showusyourbumnuts #bumnutsaustralia #eggs #freerange @bumnutsaustralia #happy #chickens #deliciousness #breakfast #runnyyolk #darkrye #delicious
09.01.2022 We are extremely honoured to have made it to the Semi finals for the Prime Super Agricultural Innovation award as part of the NSW & ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards. Finalists will be announced on the 23rd September. So very proud to have made it this far
09.01.2022 During the week a number of Bum Nut hens made their way to new homes. We have received such heartwarming feedback with beautiful photos, it just had to be shared! they have settled in nicely at their new home Cluckingham Palace the girls are now enjoying the company of our guinea pigs, rabbits and learning the love of a rooster... we just love them, Booga, Becky and the Tanks it looks like four out of five chickens are laying, we even got an egg on the car ride home so lovely, Im about to take them some warm mash as a special treat settling in nicely and love your chook food laid five eggs this morning and loving their new home the chickens are so lovely and friendly, they are laying well to our hens are called Gloria Eggstafan and Megan Cluckall Molly, Dolly and Polly have just joined Iso, Rona and Covid who my girls dont really like laying great, so chilled and friendly
09.01.2022 WINNER announced tomorrow afternoon!! Our last entry in. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together Georgia Arndell To enter simply design a bottle label for our new product LIQUID GOLD chook poo fertiliser. The winning design will receive $750 the design should reflect an organic and holistic theme as we are using Biowaste from the farm. As you know we like a good laugh, so have fun with it.... Please share your designs by tagging us @bumnutsaustralia on Facebook or Instagram and email to [email protected]
09.01.2022 Our chickens are ready to make there way to new homes. Lots of eggs laid in the pens this morning. We still have a few hens left Wouldn’t it be great to have your very own backyard Bum Nuts ... Friday 12-2pm or 3-5pm Saturday 12-2pm or 3-5pm Sunday 9-11am, 12-2pm and 3-5pm Please PM to order
08.01.2022 Introducing flock of 2020 who are graduating from the Brooder . Spread your wings and fly little pullets #newadventures #greatoutdoors #timetoexplore #pasturefreerange
08.01.2022 Aww cute little fluffies having there first dust baths
08.01.2022 Everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather today
07.01.2022 Point of lay - Hyline HENS FOR SALE These young ladies will lay for years to come!!! Friday 23rd, Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th October. $35 each and fully vaccinated. Pick up at our farm gate. There are 3 session times a day. Drive thru and pick up from the chicken cages/enclosures, bring your own box or pet carrier. Due to social distancing one customer out of the car at a time. Plenty of room to cue.... 10kg bags of Bum Nut blend feed for $17.50 also available. Please PM to ORDER ONLY, first in, first served. Instructions and directions upon order.
07.01.2022 Very proud to have made the Semi finals!!
07.01.2022 Joe Eggsotic. unknown
06.01.2022 Congratulations Amy Curran!! The consensus was, two bums are better than one Thanks to everyone who took part in the competition making it such a success. Special thanks to Georgia Arndell for all the time and effort put into her cracking designs.... Liquid Gold will be rolling out in the next couple of weeks, available from the farm gate only. Stay tuned
06.01.2022 Rain is on the way and the race is on to get seed into the ground. With the paddocks rested we use the disc seeder to sow into ground cover/stubble. . The benefits are : less soil disturbance than ploughing/tilling improves microbial activity in the soil uniform seed depth ... reduces water run off maximises germination Time to wait and see. #youreapwhatyousow #winterpasture See more
06.01.2022 Looking for an ASSISTANT POULTRY MANAGER to join our ever growing team. You will be required to work one weekend a month. Pay is above award wage. Due to Bio-security reasons the applicant must not have any poultry at home. Please send your resume to [email protected]. More details about the job below...... https://www.gumtree.com.au//assistant-poultry-m/1241542720
06.01.2022 What a season we are having! Rain chook fertilised paddocks = So much tall grass that we have had to slash the fields because the chooks were cheeky and started finding hidey holes to start laying eggs in
05.01.2022 WAIT FOR IT LMAO
04.01.2022 Our golden eggs lay in the valley below. #endoftherainbow #goldenbumnuts
03.01.2022 Bog rolls or Bum Nuts? What are your priorities . Visit our farm gate for the freshest eggs #backherup #fillitup #youknowyouwantto #goonbuysomemore #idareya #theyarerunningoutfast #eggcrisis #panicbuy2020
03.01.2022 Want to expand your flock without expanding your flock?
03.01.2022 Do your kids help out in the kitchen? If so, what are their favourite dishes? Thanks for the share @foxyfliss #showusyourbumnuts . @foxyfliss You have to love a Gunning Bum Nut! #bumnutsaustralia
01.01.2022 On Friday I made my way to Sydney to have a cuppa with the Honourable Margaret Beazley. Her Excellency took me on a tour around Government House talking about the history of the building, the portraits of previous Governor’s and the artists. If you haven’t been to Government House before, you must! Apparently Bum Nuts are what makes custard so delicious and creamy I am absolutely honoured and grateful to have had this opportunity.
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