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Diocesan Youth Ministry Office in Bunbury, Western Australia | Religious organisation

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Diocesan Youth Ministry Office

Locality: Bunbury, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 9721 0508

Address: 11 Money Street 6230 Bunbury, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Happy Feast of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop! Australias first and (for now) only Saint!

25.01.2022 Wow what?!?!?!? We're announcing next year's summer camp dates already? That's right!!! Next year will be our 10 year anniversary of Diocesan Summer Camps! It's going to be amazing so save the date now!!

25.01.2022 If you were there @ WYD16 you will be getting treated to a heap of memories post this week! Do you have a favourite photo or moment? Heres our group outside our host parish in Warsaw!

24.01.2022 Join us in seeking the intercession of St Charbel and St George, and #prayforlebanon and our brothers and sisters there.

22.01.2022 And with your...

22.01.2022 Happy Feats of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! Weve all pretty much seen the pictures, but do you know the symbolism in them?

22.01.2022 In this coming Sundays Gospel we hear Jesus say, "If anyone gives so much as a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, then I tell you solemnly, he will most certainly not lose his reward." Never underestimate the value of small acts of kindness and love.

21.01.2022 Did you know Fr. Liam Ryan, a Catholic Priest in Perth, was one of the people who rescused a shark attack victim in our Bunker Bay? Hear the heroic story below.

20.01.2022 Keeping in line with our Marian theme from yesterday. Salve Regina!

19.01.2022 Have you heard about Embrace the Grace???? ETG is one of the Archdiocese's of Perth premier youth events! This year we are offering sponsorships to anyone from our diocese who wishes to attend! Get in contact if that's you! More information here: Embrace the Grace 2021 - Real Love dive into the real meaning of love lived fully mirrored through the gift of the Holy Family. The largest Catholic youth conference in WA; In the surrounds of the beautiful nature in Swan Valley, there will be 4 days of dynamic speakers, music, fun activities, drama, prayer, and more. The conference engages with life’s big questions and the issues of modern day living. To be held on 9 to 12 of December 2021, for young people aged 16-25. Cost $300 with sponsorship available.

19.01.2022 Happy Feast day of St. Anthony of Padua! Patron Saint of lost things, among other things.

18.01.2022 Dont forget to register! The night will include scripture, intentions and personal sharing. We will also be streaming the session live on FB.

18.01.2022 JAM 2020! Music & Prayer with Fr. Christian Saminal OSJ

17.01.2022 Today is All Souls Day. Today the Church remembers and prays in a special way for all those who have died and gone before us. This morning many of our parishes would have had special Masses for All Souls Day as well as visits to cemeteries, columbarians and other final resting places. There are even special blessings for people who visit these areas and pray for the dead today. The Archdiocese of Sydney have also put out the below for those who wish to commemorate the day at home. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

15.01.2022 Happ Trinity Sunday!

15.01.2022 When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart - Jeremiah 29:13 So some huge news tonight! The ‘Search, Seek, Find’ Diocesan Summer Camp 2021 is happening January 14th 17th 2021!... Sign up for an awesome 4 days at our beautiful Catholic Youth Camp right on the beach in Busselton! You know the drill! There is great activities, music, games, inspiring faith speakers, unique prayer experiences and awesome people! All are welcomed! Regsiter via Brushfire @

15.01.2022 Fratelli Friday! Another piece of Pope Francis' latest encyclical (letter) on social friendship and fraternity.

14.01.2022 Did you catch some of Fr. Rob Galea on Compass the other night? Heres the full episode! Check out some of the footage of ACYF 2019!

14.01.2022 Clergy formation day! Our clergy gather throughout the year for formation. Thank you to our Priests for growing and developing their ministry to us!

13.01.2022 Check out our very own Sr. Pauline Dundon rsj talking about and reflecting on the life of St Mary Mackillop for a community in East Timor! We celebrated Mary of the Cross Mackillops Feast day on the 8th of August.

12.01.2022 Happy Feast St Elizabeth of Hungary, Patron of Bakers and Beggars!!!

12.01.2022 Lest We Forget Today is Remembrance day and it is fitting that it is also the Feast day of St. Martin of Tours, Patron Saint of Soldiers. He is also the first canonised Saint who wasn’t a martyr or Apostle and a special liturgy today. St Martin was born into the Army, his Father being a high ranking officer, and eventually became a soldier himself. There is a beautiful story of St. Martin, in all his Army Regalia, cutting off part of his uniform to give to a freezing homeles...s person outside a big city on a winter's night. That night St. Martin had dream of of Jesus, surrounded by the angels and saints, holding the cloak saying, "Look there is Martin, who gave me his cloak." There are many more stories about St. Martin who eventually left the army and later became a Bishop. St. Martin of Tours, Pray for Us and especially those we remember today who sacrifice for us.

11.01.2022 Happy Feast day of St. Joseph the worker!

11.01.2022 Happy Priest day! Today is the Feast of St. John Vianney, also known as the Cur dArs! He is the patron Saint of Priests. Our Priests give their lives in service of people and the Church, often leaving their homes, family and friends to serve in dioceses like ours. Say a prayer for all our Priests today.

10.01.2022 Ill be praying the #Luminous mysteries of the #rosary with you this Thursday night 9pm (Melbourne time). @frgministry #virtualparish #letuspraytogether

10.01.2022 Happy Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, May Our Blessed Mother continue to protect and intercede for you and your needs.

10.01.2022 Today the Church prays for all the dead. In parishes across the world prayers will be held at cemeteries and columbarium. Let us pray for and remember all those who died, especially those close to us, that they may rest in God's eternal love.

10.01.2022 Hey soul sister! know... Sister of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart! Filming about St Mary of the Cross MacKillop for a community in East Timor!

09.01.2022 Happy Solemnity of the Assumption!!! Did you know that the assumption is often depicted with Marys body being replaced with a bed of roses?

08.01.2022 Happy St Patrick’s Day!!

08.01.2022 Have you signed up to our new mailing list yet? Sign up to receive updates and all the latest news! Click the link below to sign up.

08.01.2022 Super cool and super powerful message for us during this time and during any challenges we may face. PS Who can you recognise?

07.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who joined us or tuned into JAM 2020 last night!

07.01.2022 It is never too late to stop, seek forgiveness, healing and change your life, especially for Catholics.

06.01.2022 Remembering Calvin with love, from the CYM Team Eternal rest, grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

06.01.2022 Happy Feast of St Maximilian Kolbe! 10 random prisoners were selected to starve to death by the command Auschwitz, seeking to punish an escape attempt. St Koble took the place of one of the men and led his fellow prisoners in prayer until they the end. The man he saved was at his canonisation many years later. St Maximilian Kolbe exemplifies the words of Jesus, " No one has greater love than this, to lay down ones life for ones friends." (John 15:13)

05.01.2022 Happy Pentecost everyone! To celebrate Gen Bryant is releasing her music video later today, check it out!

05.01.2022 This launches in just over an hour! Want to learn more about Catholic teaching and Theology of the Body? Have questions about sexuality and faith? Sign up for this Free Virtual conference where you will hear some great speakers on these topics. You will have access to a range of pre-recorded talks you can watch at your own pace.

05.01.2022 Prayer is relationship... Are you podcast fan? Check out the friars talking about prayer and giving some practical hints.

04.01.2022 Happy Solemnity of St Joseph! Today is an important day for us; St Joseph is the patron of the Catholic Church and this year is the Year of St Joseph. St Joseph was entrusted by God to be the husband of Mary and earthly Father of Jesus. In the Gospel St Joseph never says a word, he is the silent protector, provider and worker of the Holy Family. Today we ask his intercession for the protection and provision of the Church. We also give thanks for all the faithful and loving fathers and husbands we have. St Joseph, pray for us!

03.01.2022 New Saint coming up! Carlo Acutis a young computer programmer will be beatified October 10th.

03.01.2022 Our prayers are with our sisters and brothers in Victoria.

02.01.2022 Let’s Pray for Pope Francis and the Iraqi people as Pope Francis journeys to Iraq.

02.01.2022 Unexpected visitors at our Diocesan Youth Council meeting today!

02.01.2022 Happy feast of St Augustine! There are too many great St Augustine stories to share here but if you have the time look up these: The story of his conversion The struggle of his conversion The story of the child in the beach St Augustines words on restless hearts... And of course dont forget his Mum, St Monica, whos feast we celebrated yesterday! See more

01.01.2022 CYM’s beautiful tribute for our brother Calvin who was laid to rest today.

01.01.2022 Happy Birthday to our Blessed Mother!

01.01.2022 JAM 2020! Its happening again! This time with Peel Catholic Youth! Join us from wherever you are via Zoom for a night of worship lead by PCY! Register here:

01.01.2022 Save the date! Summer Camp 2021 will be from the 14th - 17th of January 2021! If you would like to be part of the leadership team that plans and leads Summer Camp contact at [email protected] as the planning days will be happening soon!

01.01.2022 Join us for JAM 2020! Join in from your home with music and prayer led by our very own singing Priest, Fr. Christian Saminal OSJ! 23 June 2020, 6:30PM. Register via brushfire @

01.01.2022 Happy Feast Day Sts Peter and Paul, founders of the See of Rome!!!

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