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Bundaberg Golf Club- Bundaberg Golf Course in Bundaberg, Queensland | Golf course & country club

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Bundaberg Golf Club- Bundaberg Golf Course

Locality: Bundaberg, Queensland

Phone: +61 7 4152 6765

Address: 22 One Mile Road 4670 Bundaberg, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Veteran’s Results Tuesday 19 January Stableford Winners: Peter Hughes 37 & Jill Marrinan 33... Keith Stoddart36; Dean Meade 36; Les Jackson 35; Ken Willmett 35; Paul Gaston 34; Roy Price 33; Ross Brandon 33; Ross Wilson 33; Bill Stewart 31; Chris Tanzer 31; Geoff Loveday 31. Del Crowley 32; Jean Davis 26; Lesley Loveday 26; Sue Brandon 25; Diane Rowley 25; Jenny Sharp 24. Next Week: Stableford Opening Day is on Tuesday 2 February ~ 10am ShotGun Start Names to Julie if not already on the sheet please.

25.01.2022 2021 VW Scramble Winners - Congratulations

25.01.2022 Veteran's Results Tuesday 17 November Stableford Draw for Partners 4 Person Aggregate Sponsored by: JOHN & PAM McDOWELL and GORDON & LINDA FINSEN... Rod MacInnes, Roy Price, Maryann Price & Ross Brettell 144 Margaret Magnusson, Keith Stoddart, Carmel Elphinstone & Richard Wagner 138 Jill Marrinan, Bill Pole, Don Hingston & Bill Stewart 130 Les Killer, Russell Ezzy, David St Eloi & Bill Ives 127 Barry Dansey, Mary Shailer, Garry Harrison & Peter Ryan 125 Val Nixon, Keith Spencer, Grant MacDonald & Carmel Elphinstone 123 Grant MacDonald, Des Jackson, Kerry Jones & Eddie Martin 123 Next Week: Stableford sponsored by Val Earney AGM & PUDDING DAY - 8:30 SHOTGUN START Eclectic Trophies announced - See you there ...

24.01.2022 Ladies Results Saturday 26 September Aggregate Stableford - Draw for Partners Sponsored by: PULSE ELECTRICAL Winners: Penny Teiniker 42 & Delmay Searle 37 (79)... R/Up: Cathy Harrison 36 & Linda Phillips 33 (69) Consolations: Beth Dummer 38 & Deon Fleming 31 (69); Margaret Magnusson 38 & Valmai Mitchell 30 (68); Diane Rowley 30 & Mary Shailer 31 (61); Val Earney & Miriam Newman 31 (60). Approach 14 Div 1: Averil Chalmers .93; Div 2: Penny Teiniker .23. Approach 17: Deon Fleming 2.04 & Cora Nicholas 2.54.

24.01.2022 It’s all happened out on our course today - VW Scramble 2021

23.01.2022 Veteran's Results Tuesday 22 September Stroke Monthly Medal Men Winner: Russell Ezzy 71... Ray Hatt 71; Peter Hughes 72; Wayne Dye 72; Kerry Jones 72; Alan Gray 72; Tim Marrinan 74; Kev Christensen 74; Ken Kirkwood 74; Bill Stewart 75; Peter Ryan 75; Eddie Martin 75; Les Killer 76; Paul Easton 76; Don Hingston 76. Ladies Winner: Diane Rowley 72 Helen Hannah 72; Julie Wilson 72; Kay Tischler 73; Jill Marrinan 73; Averil Chalmers 73; Miriam Newman 73. Next Week: Stableford sponsored by KAY TISCHLER.

21.01.2022 Nominate your team now ..... Contact the Pro Shop on 4151 6706 to play in this great event!

19.01.2022 Ladies Results Saturday 19 September Bisque Bogey Sponsored by: LOCAL SOLAR SOLUTIONS Division 1 Winner: Averil Chalmers +8... R/Up: Jill Marrinan Sq. Division 2 Winner: Maryann Price +11 R/Up: Jean Davis +10 Jenny Sharp +6; Kay Tischler +5; Carmel Wooldridge +5; Cathy Harrison +5; Val Nixon +5; Val Earney +4; Cora Nicholas +4; Marion Mobbs +3; Linda Finsen +3. Division 1 Approach 14: Jill Marrinan .62 Division 2 Approach 14: Cora Nicholas 1.01 Approach 17: Averil Chalmers .001 & Marion Mobbs .18 Please note change to program for Next Week: 4 Ball Aggregate Stableford - Draw Partners - PULSE ELECTRICAL

19.01.2022 Results for Saturday 12 October 2020 Monthly Medal sponsored by Wade Abbott ... BETTA HOME LIVING

18.01.2022 Ladies Results Saturday 16 January 2021 Stableford Club Trophy Winners: ... Division One: Judy Gibbs 41 Division Two: Kay Tischler 31 Kaye Rosengreen 36; Chris Herrmann 35; Jill Marrinan 34; Linda Phillips 33; Sue Brandon 32; Kate McFarlane 31; Jean Davis 31; Jenice Caflisch (Bargara) 29; Rose Lay 28; Marion Mobbs 28. Next Week: Stableford

17.01.2022 Veteran's Monthly Medal Finalists Competition Date: 1 December 2020 Allan Beggs; John Berry; Peter Busch; Les Killer; Ray Hatt; Barry Dansey; Ken Thompson; Russell Ezzy; Paul Easton; Kev Christensen & Richard Wagner... Jill Marrinan; Miriam Newman; Carmel Elphinstone; Beryl Gatt; Linda Finsen; Delmay Searle; Diane Rowley; Helen Hannah; Julie Wilson; Karen Thompson & Margaret Magnusson Good Luck to all the Finalists

17.01.2022 Ladies Results Saturday 14 November Stableford Sponsored by: ADVANTAGE SCREENS & BLINDS Div 1:... Nikita Zwisler 42 Kaye Rosengreen 36 Div 2: Mary Shailer 39 Cathy Harrison 39 Rundown: Jenny Sharp 36; Beth Dummer 36; Judy Gibbs 35; Donna Jorgensen 34; Linda Finsen 33; Carmel Wooldridge 33; Sue Brandon 33; Cheryl Wright 33; Delmay Searle 31. Approach 14: Sue Brandon .52 & Cathy Harrison .37 Approach 17: Deon Fleming 1.24 & Margaret Magnusson 1.33 Next Week: Medal Day Final in conjunction with Stableford sponsored by RSL President’s Cup at Bargara on Sunday - shotgun @ 12 noon.

17.01.2022 Late afternoon putting practice for one of our members....

17.01.2022 This Saturday 26 September 2020 is an Aggregate Stableford for both Men and Ladies, secret partners. Sponsored by ... Scott Bretag PULSE ELECTRICAL

16.01.2022 Results for Saturday 26 September 2020 Aggregate Stableford ( secret partner - drawn by independent, third party grandchildren ) sponsored by ... Scott Bretag PULSE ELECTRICAL Winners S Olive 44. D Obst 33. 77 Runners Up. F Lowe 35. G Winterburn 40. 75 Consolations 73. D Cartwright 38. R Grills 35 72. T Olsen 37. G Holloway. 35 71. W Tapper. 36. W Chalmers. 35 70. H O’Malley. 37. S Buxton. 33 69. Alan Rayner. 32. G Ridge. 37 N Weston. 34. W Pole. 35 68. K Willmett. 37. K Christensen. 31 M Atherton. 35. W Dye. 33 67. A Bond. 29. L O’Shanessy. 38 66. P Hutchings.34. W Stewart. 32 J Rach. 32. I Hazel. 34 T Futcher. 29. D Williamson. 37 D Blundell. 37. R MacInnes. 29 B Harvey. 34. P Batt. 32 65. R Stephens. 33. P Casey. 32 K Jones. 34. K Herrmann. 31 M Perks. 33. D Hingston. 32 I Keune. 39. G Wilmott. 26 A Beggs. 33. T Hall. 32 Approach on the 6th J Muller. 6.26m Approach on the 12th. W Olsen. 1.85m Gardeners Golden Circle 4th R Burton. 2.56m

16.01.2022 Saturday 12/9/20 Results

16.01.2022 Congratulations Kate. Wide Bay District Champion. Two great rounds of golf at Maryborough.

14.01.2022 VETERAN GOLFERS Tues 24 November Pudding Day & AGM 8:30 start - Names to Julie PleaseVETERAN GOLFERS Tues 24 November Pudding Day & AGM 8:30 start - Names to Julie Please

14.01.2022 Results for Saturday 19 September 2020 Sponsored by Colin Hill... LOCAL SOLAR SOLUTIONS A Grade Winner. N Hart. +4cb Runner Up. T Hall. +4 B Grade Winner. G Hunt. +5 Runner Up. T Barbagallo. +3cb Consolations +3. G Ridge, R Zielke +2. S Aslett, R Maudsley, P O’Neil, L O’Shannesy +1. C Rowe, Z Bainbridge, C Gibbons, D Turner, D Blundell, C Mutatiri, D Wieden W Pole, W Dick 0. W Olsen, S Hartley, T Marrinan, P Schoch R Stephens, D Dooley, G MacDonald, R Morgan -1. T Mooney, I Hazel, J McEwan, W Chalmers B Ives, I Webb, K Stoddart, H O’Malley T Walker, R Cooke, T Futcher -2. A Portelli, D Anderson, J Menyweather J Wooldridge, M Doolan, R Burton C Tanzer Approach on the 7th. J Muller. 13.2m Approach on the 18th. G Loveday. 1.39m Gardeners Golden Circle 4th M Doolan. 1.67m Eagle on the 9th. T Hall

14.01.2022 Mark this event in your golfing calendar!

13.01.2022 Veteran's Results Tuesday 29 September Stableford Sponsored by: KAY TISCHLER Ladies... Winner: Jenny Sharp 43 Runner-Up: Averil Chalmers 38 Rundown: Maryann Price 37; Delmay Searle 36; Cheryl Wright 35; Sue Brandon 34; Julie Wilson 34; Del Hartfiel 33; Margaret Magnusson 33. Men Winner: Ken Willmett 41 Runner-Up: Vic Glass 40 Rundown: Don Hingston 39; Bill Pole 38; Ken Thompson 38; Tim Marrinan 38; Allan Beggs 38; Barry Dansey 37; Russell Maudsley 37; Des Jackson 37; Brian Druitt 35; Kerry Jones 35; Ross Wilson 34; Russell Ezzy 33. Next Week: Stroke - Monthly Medal - Sponsored by: Brian Druitt 4 Ball Mixed Championships - October 20 & 27 - Please organise your partners for this event. Open Days coming up: Rockhampton - check out the notice board.

13.01.2022 Time sheet for GOLF WIDE BAY OPEN AND CLOSED CHAMPIONSHIP at Maryborough Golf Club

13.01.2022 Mens Results Saturday 14/11/20. Stableford Event sponsored by Advantage Blinds. Thanks Terry for a great day. Another windy day which restricted the scoring. A Grade Winner -Alan Beggs with 39 points. Runner up -David Challen with 38 points on a count back. B Grade Winner -David Blundell with 38 points. Runner up -Jamie Rach with 37 points. Consolations - 38 Points - B.Stewart, W.Scott, W.Dye. ... 37 Points -D.Lester 36 Points -B.Prossliner, W.Tapper, D.Hingston, B.Oates, P.Hughes, B.Kello, G.Chandler 35 Points -E.Martin, G.Tesch, K.Stoddart, S.Enever, P.Casey, D.Anderson, N.Stitt 34 Points -J.Raszkiewicz, A.Pisani, W.Pole, N.Shaw, M.Hodgkinson, D.StEloi, M.Goodwin, B.Ives 33 Points -D.Petersen, B.Stevens, K.Grayson, P.Schoch, M.Atherton, J.Menyweatyher 32 Points -Alan Rayner, A.Portelli, P.Batt, R.MacInnes, P.Hutchings, F.Donnelly, R.Tolley, H.Anderson, P.Ryan, P.Giles, D.Williamson, I.Webb, D.Weiden 31 Points on a count back - G.Lituri, M.Hart, R.Pitt. Approach on 9 - G.Rieck 1.11mtrs on 15 -M.Atherton .43 mtrs Golden Circle - P.Hutchings 4.10 mtrs Pros Pins Hole 2 - Judy Gibbs 4.31mtrs. J.Raszkiewicz, P.Casey, A.Portelli, Adam Rayner & W.Dye 8.91mtrs Hole 4 - P.Hutchings 4.1mtrs, K.Moore, M.Pearen, G.Lituri, M.Perks, M.Mudge 18.1mtrs Hole 8 - D.Searle 1.74mtrs, P.Batt, P.Brandon, Ken Brown, A.Lovett, S. Farrer 4.93mtrs Hole 14 - M.Atherton 2.37mtrs, D.Anderson, D.Lester, Kev Barritt, K.Rosengreen, T.Juilerat 8.65mtrs. Next Saturday the RSL Services Charity Day will be held. Get your names down early as a full field is expected with great prizes up for grabs. See more

12.01.2022 Bunker Reno’s in progress on the 8th hole. Please check with Pro Shop staff on Tuesday, as good chance this hole will still be out of action for the day.

12.01.2022 Ladies Results Saturday 21 November Stableford Sponsored by: RSL SUB-BRANCH BUNDABERG Ex ADF & Associates Centenary Trophy Winner 2020 goes to DONNA JORGENSEN (40)... Division One Marian Hemsley 37; Kate McFarlane 36; Ros Savidge 35; Jill Marrinan 34; Miriam Newman 33; Linda Phillips 33; Sue Brandon 33. Division Two Donna Jorgensen 40; Diane Rowley 37; Maryann Price 35; Cathy Harrison 34; Jean Davis 33; Margaret Hendren 33; Lesley Loveday @32. Congratulations Kate - Eagle on No: 1 Approach 14 - Jill Marrinan 2.81; Cathy Harrison in Hole & Chris Redshaw in Hole. Approach 17 - Del Crowley .09 & Judy Gibbs 2.33 Next Week: Stableford sponsored by: RealWay Property Consultants Sunday 29 November - Party Day - 9 Hole 3 stick competition @ 9am followed by AGM and Presentation of Trophies.

10.01.2022 Ladies Results Saturday 3 October Stableford Sponsored by: REGALLINE CABINETS & JOINERY Congratulations... Kate McFarlane - HOLE IN ONE - No. 8 Division 1 Winner: Jill Marrinan 38 R/Up: Linda Phillips 38 Division 2 Winner: Marion Mobbs 35 R/Up: Jean Davis 33 Consolations: Kate McFarlane 36; Miriam Newman 36; Judy Gibbs 36; Deon Fleming 35; Averil Chalmers 34; Chris Herrmann 33; Beth Dummer 33; Lorraine Schafer 33; Margaret McQuire 33; HelenDavies 32. Approach 14: Div 1 - Sue Brandon .17; Div 2 - Beth Dummer .74 Approach 17: Jill Marrinan .59 & Judy Gibbs 1.58 Next Week: Stroke - Medal Day - Putting - Betta Home Living GWB Ladies Open & Closed Championships at Maryborough - November 14 & 15 Please let Miriam know if you wish to play and require accommodation.

09.01.2022 Organise your mates, nominate and have some fun out on the course and support some great Charity Golf Days during October!

08.01.2022 School Holidays Junior Coaching Clinics Mick Murnane will be holding will be holding clinics during the 2nd week of the holidays. 29/9 and 1/10 form 9am to 10.30am. Each clinic will have up to 8 people so if you are interested log onto the the attached link put in our postcode (4670) and then scroll down to view programs and register.

06.01.2022 This Saturday is a Bogey event sponsored by Colin Hill LOCAL SOLAR SOLUTIONS ... Col will be around the Clubhouse on Saturday if you have any questions about putting on Solar...

06.01.2022 October's going to be busy ..... check out all these great Charity Golf Day's coming up at the Bundaberg Golf Club. For more information regarding these events, contact the Pro Shop on 4151 6706.

05.01.2022 FOOTJOY SALE - Men’s and Ladies footwear Needing new shoes, then look no further than the Pro Shop and their FJ shoe sale. Please note, sale only on featured shoes.

03.01.2022 THURSDAY SPORTERS RESULTS / 17th September 2020

03.01.2022 Veteran's Results Tuesday 15 September Stableford Sponsored by: BILL & CATHY POLE Men... Winner: Ken Willmett 38 Russell Maudsley 38; Geoff Loveday 34; Keith Spencer 33; Brian Mackinnon 33; Chris Tanzer 32; Alan Dwyer 32; Peter Menzies 31; Bill Pole 31; Grant MacDonald 31; Kerry Jones 31; Peter Hughes 31; David Shaw 31; Tim Marrinan 31; Rick Eldridge 30; Kev Christensen 30. Ladies Winner: Jill Marrinan 33 Diane Rowley 33; Cheryl Wright 32; Averil Chalmers 32; Penny Teiniker 31; Val Nixon 30; Cora Nicholas 30; Cathy Harrison 30; Miriam Newman 30; Margaret Magnusson 30. Next Week: Stroke - Monthly Medal

01.01.2022 This Saturday will be a Stableford sponsored by Rob Asnicar REGALLINE CABINETS AND JOINERY

01.01.2022 Any Bundaberg Golf Club members interested in this event? There have been about 15 members participate in this well run, fun week of golf in the past. This year with travel restrictions in place for most of the other States, it is looking very much like a Queensland World Masters. Check out Go Golfing on Facebook or go to their Website for more information.

01.01.2022 Below are the qualifiers for the Victory Cup Final to be played on Saturday 21 November. The day will be a Stableford run by the RSL, however the Victory Cup players will need to record your strokes as well.. ( these players will need to play out each hole )

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