Bundy Music | Tutor/teacher
Bundy Music
Phone: +61 438 644 903
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25.01.2022 Can you imagine not being able to perceive music. We all have some level of tinnitus or tone deafness, but we all can still enjoy listening and playing music, but there is this very rare condition that I have been looking at through my psychology course, the condition is called Amusia. This condition means that individuals can not perceive music whatsoever. Can you imagine that? Here’s a very interesting video about the condition: https://youtu.be/tPRW0wZ9NOM
23.01.2022 I understand that sometimes, scales can be the most dry part of your practices, but there are ways that you vary scales to make them more beneficial for your playing and also make them more entertaining to learn. - Start with your standard straight quavers, then vary the rhythm (dotted rhythms, triplet patterns, long tonic - anything you can come up with). - Play them in different octaves than you usually do. Play them back to front starting at the top instead of the bot...tom. - Play them Russian pattern - one octave similar motion ascending, one contrary motion, then one similar motion descending. The variety keeps you focusing and building up those neurone pathways faster than just playing the same way every time.
21.01.2022 I have 3 x 30 minute piano lesson slots available, on Tuesday and Thursday. Want to begin learning straight away, I can start you straight away through the easy to use Zoom platform. Or, do you want to begin learning once face to face contact is once again allowed, all good, just let me know your interested and I will get in contact with you once we are allowed to begin face to face lessons. Lessons start from $25 / 30 minutes. So if you have been thinking about learning an i...nstrument or have learnt previously, I can teach you. Let me know if your interested in beginning. Email: [email protected] Or give me a call and leave me a message, number is in the about section of this page.
20.01.2022 I now have a website for Bundy Music. It will eventually grow to house teaching resources, but currently it has the functionality to allow parents and future students to ask questions. I would love to hear your thoughts on the website, either through PM or in the comments. LINK: https://bundymusic.bundesen.me Go check it out!... Thanks, Carl
20.01.2022 As we come to the end of an absolutely hectic year I want to thank all my students for some wonderful music making. We have had to make many changes throughout the year from in person lessons to online lessons and I'm so proud of you all. Everyone has managed to make the most of this situation and come out with some great progress, in a way learning online has really stretched us and made us all become far better than if we had been just having a normal year of lessons. I also want to thank parents, for having to organise kids, hold cameras and try to diagnose errors with zoom and the internet. I really appreciate all of your help in making a seamless transition between different lesson formats. So as we come to the end of the year I want to wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!
20.01.2022 Many people love to do a bit of jazz improvisation, they might use a mode or a blues scale, but this phrase is actually one of the most prevalent phrases in jazz and it is called The Lick. The Lick is a lick regarded as "the most famous jazz cliché ever". It has been popularised as it is easily adaptable into all keys and modes and is heard in many famous pieces, including many non-jazz pieces. As it has become such a cliche that musicians tend to only see it as an inside joke, so unironic performances are rare.
20.01.2022 Hi! I am currently offering piano and saxophone lessons and have got slots available to take on more students for 2021. Also, between now and the end of February, I'm offering free consultations. So, contact me if you or anyone you know is interested. For more information, visit:... https://bundymusic.bundesen.me Contact details: Email: [email protected] Mobile: 0438 644 903 (text or leave a message)
20.01.2022 Hello Everyone. Just letting you know that all available spaces for 2020 semester 1 are filled, and I feel immensely blessed that I have received the interest I have. Thank you. Depending on my work load in the first semester I will open up more spaces in my schedule for teaching, but for now I’m at capacity.... Thanks for all your support and a great year! Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! Thanks, Carl
16.01.2022 As we come into term 4, Bundy Music’s website has just received some updates. Big thanks for those who helped with a few technical difficulties through the process!
15.01.2022 It is 2020 and the new year has just begun, hope everyone has been having a good one so far. Lessons for 2020 have just begun. A common question I ask myself and many students and parents have is, how much should I practice? I think Samantha Coates, answers the question quite aptly. Have a read if your interested (https://blitzbooks.com/how-much-should-my-child-practice/). Anyway, as the year goes on, I hope it will be a good one for all.... Thanks, Carl
13.01.2022 A question I have received and had a think about is, will we ever run out of melody ideas? Well, we know that in the English language there is around 170,000 words, so the likelihood of a paragraph ever being written by another individual, exactly word for word is extremely low. In music however, we only have in our equal temperament system 12 tones to play with. If we were then to write a three bar melody ignoring rhythm (so only using crotchets) and have a limit of an octav...e, which is a normal singing range, we would have 68.7 billion possible melodies. People have speculated that at the current rate of new songs being written, if every melody was different we would exhaust the list in 248 years. Now, with that in mind, has there every been someone that has tried to write everyone 3 bar melody? Well, yes there has been and it took 6 days! The person who did this, was actually a lawyer who has defended multiple musicians in court battles around melodies and copyright. Well, he set about coding a program, that would brute force melody writing and spit out a midi of every single possible melody. What he came up with was 2 terabytes of MIDI melodies, spanning an octave over 3 bars, every possible string of notes that could be written in a major key. His aim, well to try and protect musicians by placing every possible melody with these parameters in the public domain and to prove the point that copyrighting melodies is really not beneficial to the music industry. He said that the number of melodies is not taking into account other scales, or music systems, however, he did state it is an ongoing project and all the melodies and software can be found at his website: www.allthemusic.info So in essence, yes there are a finite number of melodies, just not as finite as you would first imagine. If you would like to watch a video on this interesting concept, Adam Neely probably does a better job explaining: https://youtu.be/sfXn_ecH5Rw It is a really interesting concept, for all those who dabble in a bit of composition.
10.01.2022 Just a little interesting tid bit about tuning systems. The most well known systems include equal temperament and just temperament. Just temperament is based on whole number ratios. A guy by the name of Benedetti, created a progression that when using Just ratios would cause the pitch to rise for each repetition of the two-measure pattern. This is know as Bendetti’s puzzle. If you want to learn more about this really interesting concept here’s a great video by Adam Neely: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TYhPAbsIqA8
10.01.2022 Hello Everyone. Due to unprecedented interest, I have expanded my capacity for the first half of the year and have subsequently filled all spots once again. I thank all of you for your support in getting this small business up and running. Thank you! If you have any questions or concern regarding lessons, feel free to contact me.... Thanks, Carl
09.01.2022 We have completed the first term of school and uni for the year 2020 and wow I don’t think anyone thought it would be this hectic, but I thank you all for the great first term of teaching that has just gone. Now, I just wanted to take the time to wish everybody a Happy Easter as we go into the long weekend! Hope you all have time to rest and of course have fun during by far the most different Easter we are ever going to celebrate. Please stay safe everyone and I look forward ...to the next term of music making together. Thanks, Carl
09.01.2022 As musicians we have all likely experienced burnout. Maybe we have been working too hard or practicing so much that we’ve lost sight of the passion behind playing music. So how can we beat burnout, here’s a great article: https://www.musicindustryhowto.com/how-to-avoid-burnout-as/
08.01.2022 A big hi-five and congratulations to all my students for a great semester of music making. Several of you guys just began at the start of the year and your progress is a testament to all your hard work. Not to mention the difficulty that we have faced with trying to learn by online means. The dropouts, stuttering and complete loss of audio sometimes made it very difficult to communicate, but you all did so well and we learnt so many things along the way. Thanks to the paren...ts as well, for there dedication, shifting music stands, getting better camera angles and just sitting with your children through the course of an online lesson. Couldn’t have done it without you. Overall, it has been a great semester of learning and music making and I myself have learnt a lot too. I feel so blessed to be able to teach a wide range of ages from 6-70 and I have learnt so much from you guys. Thank you for a great semester and let’s see what the second half of 2020 brings us!
07.01.2022 Did you know I can travel to your house? I know that life can be a bit hectic and to have to drive drop kids to all their different commitments can be a bit too much. So if you have any number of children learning with me, I can travel up to 4km away or no more than 8 minutes away from my house (for a small fee... of course)! Currently, I am up to capacity, but a few more spots may open up in the next few months, as I settle into my new timetable.... Once again, thanks for the support many of you have provided!
06.01.2022 Did you know there is a scale known as the hyper chromatic? It utilises half sharps and half flats, like the picture below! This scale can be played if you had a piano tuned to 19 tone equal temperament or on an instrument that doesn’t have fixed tuning. There are so many interesting scales created by some amazing musicians. Another amazing scale was created by Jacob Collier called the Super Ultra Hyper Mega Meta scales!
03.01.2022 All lessons that I now offer have moved onto an online medium. So far a successful experience and am really happy with the feedback I’m recieving. I understand it is a testing time for us all and music is still something that we can continue to listen to and make in the comforts of our own home. Finally, a quote from Aretha Franklin, Music does a lot of things for a lot of people. It’s transporting, for sure. It can take you right back, years back, to the very moment certai...n things happened in your life. It’s uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening. Take care everyone and we can get through this together.
02.01.2022 Following on from the post yesterday, I just wanted to provide some of those interested in switching over to an online method of teaching with a few resources. So, I tried a few different clients including, Skype, Discord, FaceTime, Messenger and Zoom. As far as I can tell from research and hearing for myself, Zoom seems to provide the best audio out of all the platforms. So, first of all, how do you setup the Zoom Client, well here is a handy dandy startup guide: https://sup...port.zoom.us//categor/200101697-Getting-Started This first link covers most of all that you will need to know about setting up. It would be ideal if you used a decent quality microphone, whether from a headset, or an external microphone. Nowadays however, laptop and tablet microphones are pretty good, however when using Zoom, they apply a bit of audio processing, which is not ideal for giving a true representation of what is being played. So, to try and ensure the best audio quality the one setting that needs to be enabled is the original audio setting, here’s a quick guide on how to enable it in the client: https://support.zoom.us//categor/200101697-Getting-Started Here is also a YouTube video that talks about improving audio quality even further, check it out: https://youtu.be/50NoWIiYECA Anyway, I just thought I would share this as a setup guide for some students that are setting up with Zoom for the first time. I had to go through the setup process for my Uni course, but overall it is a very quick and easy process.
02.01.2022 Hello Everyone. I understand that many people are feeling stressed and worried about the growing pandemic and as we finish up the first school term of the year, I will endeavour to setup an alternative method of teaching. I will be utilising the mobile app Zoom which is available on both Android and IOS. This should allow for teaching to continue if and when teaching needs to go fully online.... Anyway, I will continue to try and provide the best service I can within the parameters of the current advice that is available. So, please continue to look after yourselves and stay safe. Thanks, Carl
01.01.2022 As we come to the end of semester 1, I wish to thank all my students for all their hardwork! I hope everyone has a fantastic break and I look forward to jumping in to some awesome music next semester!
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