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Burnie Safe Space 24/7 | Public & government service

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Burnie Safe Space 24/7

Phone: +61 3 6430 4150


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25.01.2022 = HUGE SHOUT OUT = Thanks to Todd Rogers signs Burnie for Donating his time, effort and materials to the Safe Space Burnie. We appreciate you Todd and your team! #supportlocal

25.01.2022 = FEELING THE LOVE = WiseGuise deliver again! Not just the Zaaa this time, but with a congrats to Burnie Safe Space from Alex, Jordan and the #WiseGuise crew for our renewed funding and ongoing operation to serve those most in need! #supportlocal

25.01.2022 Roger Jaensch a cause the Safe Space is more than happy to get behind and support! Well done all involved! Awareness is key!

25.01.2022 = CHRISTMAS UPDATE = Thanks to a couple of very generous community members we now have an amazing Christmas tree and decorations thanks to Sue, and more decorations thanks to Mandi! Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated! Thank you both

24.01.2022 = APPRECIATION POST = A big thanks to Liv Eat Burnie, for their fortnightly donations to the Safe Space in Burnie! You guys rock! The guests look forward to it Erry time! Thank you!

24.01.2022 = A CHRISTMAS WISH LIST = PLEASE DONATE IF YOU CAN! Now that our 64 year old female guest has secured housing there’s just one little problem, how does she make it a home in time for Christmas with limited funds? Maybe with the communities help?! If you are feeling the Christmas spirit she requires! * A bed & mattress * bed linen, Etc favourite colour is blues! ... * couch and chairs * plates, bowls and cutlery * washing machine * Fridge * Broom and dust pan * Vacuum * bedside drawers * Wardrobe * Electrical goods, tv, microwave etc. If you can help, please PM us and hopefully we can help someone have the best Christmas they’ve experienced in years! Much love community

21.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE = Just a few more likes for our page to hit 1000. One lucky person who likes our page between now and 1000 will be randomly selected & rewarded with coffee and cake on us at Leonardoz! Get liking peeps

19.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE = If you know someone who is sleeping rough or just having a tough go of things with nowhere to go! They may be on the street, in a park, a humpy, in their car or couch surfing that is no longer going so well? Give us a call at Burnie Safe Space! Everyone is welcome to a roof over their head and a warm bed! Bookings need to made prior to 9pm nightly. Contact 0417427312 or 0409308712. We’re here to help! #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven #salvationarmyburnie

19.01.2022 = THE WINNER IS = Sharon Murray, you were the randomly selected winner of the Father’s Day Bunnings voucher! Congrats. Please P.M us for details on how to collect! Thanks to all who entered. #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven

18.01.2022 Congratulations to Jessica O’Neill you are the randomly selected Bayviews Dinner for two competition winner! Safe Space will contact you soon for details. Thanks for everyone’s support!

18.01.2022 Just 23 more likes and we get to 1000! Give our page a like and go into the draw for coffee and cake on us at Leonardoz Burnie!

17.01.2022 Thanks to the community for helping us get the word and work of the Burnie Safe Space our there. Coffee and cake winner announced soon!

17.01.2022 = A HOME AT LAST = Another great outcome for a Safe Space Guest. Today taking delivery of her new house keys! If you’ve been following her story our 64 year old guest finally received permanent housing today after living two years in her car. After a couple months at #burniesafespace we connected her with all the right services and she can now finally call a house a home! Much love community for following her story and the donations that you have made #salvationarmytas Roger Jaensch

16.01.2022 What an amazing approach, well done Salvation Army and Kim Maree Haworth for continuing to support the community.

16.01.2022 = PLEASE HELP & DONATE = Milk, Coffee and Sugar! When you’ve got 15 guests a night and more during the day these items don’t last long! Last week we went through 21L of Betta milk alone, not including the long life! When it comes to food and staples we rely on donations. If you can donate a tin of coffee, or one long life milk or a bag of sugar. It would go a long way to help us utilise the governments budget for more essential services required for our guests! If you can donate, PM us and we’ll point you in the right direction! If you aren’t in a position too, PLEASE SHARE this post! Share anyway! Much Love Safe Space.

13.01.2022 If you’re struggling financially, talk to the Salvos! We’re here to help. Completely confidential. Just click the link below

13.01.2022 #antipovertyweek #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven

13.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE = A TESTIMONIAL! One of our guests, a 64 year old female who is an amazing woman, kind, thoughtful and takes many young women under wing at the Space had this to say about her experience at Burnie Safe Space so far! These are her words!

12.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE = BSS is approaching 400 night stays, and due to covid restrictions we are running low on New Pillows especially, and still require some sleeping bags. Please feel free to PM if you can donate.

11.01.2022 Feel good post! = JOB NEEDED = One of our guests has been doing amazing since coming to the Burnie Safe Space, he’s in his mid 20’s, he’s fit and healthy and willing to work! He’s got a certificate IV in Land Conservation and finishing of his Cert III in Horticulture, he can even break horses if needed! He’s an extremely hard worker and can give you the Latin name for almost all plants which goes over my head! If anyone is looking for a Farm assistant, seasonal worker, a landscape assistant or anyone that requires help in forestry! I’ll vouch highly for the young man! Please feel free to PM for details and a resume.

11.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE, OR DONATE = With over 15 guests a night, Christmas is upon us! We would love to give our homeless guests a great Christmas. Full of cheer and wonderment! We are hoping for our community to get behind us and help us deliver a Christmas that our guests have not experienced in a long time! We are praying for donations of a Christmas tree and Christmas decorations to make our shelter feel like a home, if just for one day! If you can donate please PM us! Much love!

11.01.2022 Winner of the Father’s Day Bunnings voucher, announced soon....And the winner is?

10.01.2022 Homelessness starts somewhere! Regardless of how the perception is of people who are. Some may say, it’s a choice? It’s through bad decisions! And in some cases we can see why you would think that, but those people are still human and deserving of a second chance. In the majority of cases it starts early and through a lot of bad circumstances, no fault of their own! These figures are worrying, and of real concern. We wished our Space didn’t have to exist, but it does becaus...e we care, and it’s needed! We are truly helping many in a positive way, and we will continue to do so until we are hopefully no longer needed through change! #burniesafespace #salvationarmy See more

09.01.2022 Dr Jed Donoghue on the importance of Anti Poverty Week! Social Mission Coordinator & State Manager for Housing and Homelessness for the Salvation Army Tasmania. Empowerment is key!

09.01.2022 This Christmas, The Salvation Army is needed more than ever. But we can't do it without you. Help transform a struggling family’s Christmas and donate today.

09.01.2022 = HUGE SHOUT OUT = To Alex and the crew at Wiseguise for donating the Zaaa for Our guests and staff! #supportlocal #wiseguisepizza #alexjonesisalegend #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven

08.01.2022 The phrase, we’re all in this together means just that! With Anti Poverty week just around the corner, please take a read and understand where a lot of our community members are at.

07.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE = An Update to our amazing community! 500 night stays at the Burnie Safe Space in just a little over 2 months! So who do we accommodate? You ask? #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven accomodates all people that are without housing! We deal daily with people from all walks of life, some come from traumatic backgrounds wether it be from childhood or as an adult subjected to domestic violence. Some may have mental health issues, PTSD or other prescribed illnesses. ... Some are just down on their luck, like the 64 year old and 80 year old women we have as guests at the moment. You never know when you will need a helping hand in life! Burnie Safe Space is a Godsend for many, with no other options available. We provide a dedicated team of talented Case Workers who provide support 24/7 and try to help transition our guests to a better place in life. We have so far provided many with permanent housing, help with AOD issues, assisted with DV situations and transitioned them into more stable accommodations! Burnie Safe Space is helping the majority! There are a few that aren’t quite ready for the help we provide, just know that we will continue to support them until they are, and the ones that we are helping right now and have already, appreciate this communities support and commitment to help. #salvationarmytas

07.01.2022 = GIVEAWAY TIME = Dinner for 2 on us!! Due to the outpouring of community support and donations to the Safe Space, it’s time to give back! Dinner for 2 at the opulent Bayviews restaurant Burnie. To WIN this prize, simply! ... Like our page if you haven’t already! Like this post! Share this Post and tag a friend! If you’re already a friend of the page, just like this post and share, and you will go in the running also! Comment Liked and shared Jump on our page and share our Bag request! Entries close Monday 17th August! Good luck everyone, and thanks for supporting #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven

07.01.2022 = PLEASE SHARE = small fridge required for staff use at the space. The donations the guests have received have definitely filled the fridges onsite! If you have one to donate the staff would appreciate it!

06.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME Burnie Safe Space are giving away a $100 voucher for Fathers Day! To win this prize, simply! Like our page! Share this post! Tag A dad that you know is deserving, or write his name if not on FB! ... Ask them to share the post on and like our page! Winner announced this Friday COB 4th Sep! #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven #supportlocal

06.01.2022 = BIG SHOUT OUT = William Adams crew Somerset, today provided the #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven with 50 pillows to keep our guests comfortable! #supportlocal Thank You William Adams!

06.01.2022 Congratulations to Brendon Hicks, you are the winner of the coffee and cake at Leoz for helping us hit our goal to get 1000 page likes!

06.01.2022 = WISEGUISE DELIVERED AGAIN = Thanks to Alex Jones Jordan and the Burnie crew, #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven have some happy guests tonight! Zaaa for all! #supportlocal #WiseGuise

05.01.2022 = HUGE SHOUT OUT = Burnie Whole foods delivered a heap of organic Apples and Broccoli today. The guests spent the afternoon making organic vegetable soup for each other! Thank you @burniewholefoods

04.01.2022 = CHRISTMAS MIRACLE = On the 18th Oct we posted this lovely Testimonial from a 64 year old female guest who has been with us for a couple of months. She spent two years living in her car before coming to Safe Space. Since her arrival we have re-engaged her with all services and supported her daily! A Christmas miracle has happened and as of next week she has a home of her own to move into. She has also signed up to do a course in community services at TAFE TAS and she promises to come back for Christmas as she would like to spend the day with her new family! #burniesafespace #salvationarmytas Roger Jaensch

04.01.2022 = TRAUMA IS THE CAUSE = Addiction in most cases is the RESULT of that TRAUMA! The majority of people who come through our doors are just down on their luck, needing a place to stay for a few nights or just one night. But the few % who have been primarily homeless for years, it’s not just because they have addiction issues, that’s a result of trauma! Trauma at any age can happen, and if you don’t talk to friends, family, loved ones, specialists! that’s if you have any of the...m in your corner at all, which most don’t! Then at times it can lead to self medication! We want people to look back at all the times you shared on FB #areyouokday #beyondblue etc. We want our friends and family to speak up, we all want to lend a helping hand! But we also ask all of you, when they don’t, where do they go? We are aware of what can happen all too well! And nobody wants to go through that! Burnie Safe Space can be a start! For your mother, father, sister, brother, cousins and so on! You will never know when someone close to you will need our assistance! Just think about that! Please don’t judge who we help on a daily basis! It could be someone you know who is in need of help. They may not ask for your help, but #burniesafespace is here! So is #salvationarmytas If you know someone who is in need of assistance, homelessness, mental health help! They don’t need to be a guest! #salvationarmytas will help regardless and lend a hand that’s needed! May God bless you all.

02.01.2022 BAYVIEWS COMPETITION CLOSES TOMORROW! Be sure to get your entries in! By COB #burniesafespacetwentyfourseven

02.01.2022 = HAPPY BIRTHDAY = So today a thing happened...!? One of our guests celebrated his 30th birthday at the Space. Other guests took the time to bake him a cake and make a good o’ll Pav! Staff were blown away and a little emotional if we’re honest when every guest presented him the cake with candles today and sung a very heartwarming happy birthday too you song! This is what this space is all about! #burniesafespace #salvationarmytas the slices below were set aside for the Coordinator to take home, so I guess I’m doing something right

02.01.2022 = PROGRESS UPDATE = 247 guest sleepover stays have been had at the Safe Space in just 36 days! Thanks to the community for your support of this much needed program!

01.01.2022 Bayviews Competition drawn soon.......And the winner is.......?

01.01.2022 Hey wonderful community, get around it and support this amazing initiative! Click the link!

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