Burnside Chiropractic in Adelaide, South Australia | Medical and health
Burnside Chiropractic
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 8 8364 2600
Address: 529 Glynburn Road 5066 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Website: http://www.burnsidechiropractic.com.au
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25.01.2022 We're still open. The waiting Room is looking slightly different with all the social distancing measures in place, yet it's still as joyful and sanitised as ever. As stated by the government allied health practices (including chiropractors) are still open, and playing our part to reduce the burden on other health professionals in this difficult time. It is important to maintain your health even during time of struggle and were here to help you get through.... Remember to eat well, exercise daily, rest both body and mind well, and continue your health regime including adjustments. Stay safe everyone. See more
25.01.2022 We hope you all had a fantastic long weekend. Start your week off with an adjustment. Call 8364 2600 to book.
25.01.2022 Are you hoping to smash things this weekend? Whether it be winning tennis 6-0 6-0, or getting 100 runs in cricket or just living life to the fullest. Be sure to get your spine and nervous system tuned up in time. Call 8364 2600 to book an adjustment.
24.01.2022 For many this week is the first week back of the year and when the year 2020 really starts. There no better time than the start of a new year to make changes an...d looking after yourself is the perfect place to start. The beginning of the new year is also a great time to share chiropractic with friends and family. Call our friendly staff on 8364 2600 to book an appointment or share this with someone who needs a boost to their nervous system.
23.01.2022 Fantastic feedback from parents around the country on the benefits of chiropractic care for children. Take a look at the summary of the review.
23.01.2022 We hope you all had a eggsellent Easter weekend. We are Adjusting from Tuesday 14/4 as normal.We hope you all had a eggsellent Easter weekend. We are Adjusting from Tuesday 14/4 as normal.
22.01.2022 A reminder to check your home office setup to make sure you aren't putting any excess physical load on your body.
21.01.2022 Welcome Kylie our new massage therapist From Monday November 4, Kylie Will be joining the Burnside Chiropractic team. Kylie will be available for remedial massage Monday's and Thursday's.... Call 8364 2600 to book your massage.
20.01.2022 Have you ever weighed your kids' bag?
20.01.2022 Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. However you spend Christmas we hope you enjoy it.
20.01.2022 As part of spinal health week this year the Australian Chiropractic Association are launching #ConsiderAChiro. We would love it if you joined us in making chiropractic part of your life and sharing it with your loved ones.
19.01.2022 With their constantly evolving young bodies and all those activities they've been doing during the holidays, it's the perfect time to get their spines checked, allowing them to grow and develop to the best of their abilities.
18.01.2022 Today is #WorldSpineDay, what better time to go and get your spine checked by your local chiropractor and to exercise.
17.01.2022 Fools Gold Recently we have been working with a competitive cyclist to maintain peak physical condition for his event's. Over the past few months he has been working with our team in preparation for the master's games held in Adelaide last week.... Today he proudly bought in his winnings, 2 fine pieces of gold he picked up in the time trial and criterion event's. We would all like to congratulate him on his performance and hope these are just the start of a much larger collection.
17.01.2022 This Saturday morning stand in your driveway at dawn to honour those who fought past and present. It may not be the service you're used to but, lets all come together with a cuppa in hand and raise it to thank our ANZACs
17.01.2022 Happy World Spine Day. After the strange year we have had, this year's theme is getting back on track. Get active, Get adjusted, Get back to being you.
16.01.2022 Lets talk about the effects of phones, computers and more on the neck. Forward head posture results in muscles working harding than they need to be and may be the cause of headaches and/or neck problems. Have a look at how Nathaniel (doctor of chiropractic) shows that posture and demopstrates using a model of the spine what that posture is really doing to your spine. #WorldSpineDay #GetActive
15.01.2022 Healing... It's a process
15.01.2022 Exercise is the most underutilised antidepressant. Go take a free sample, strengthen your BODY and MIND!Exercise is the most underutilised antidepressant. Go take a free sample, strengthen your BODY and MIND!
14.01.2022 Easter is only a few days away. Many would be going on holidays around this time, but due to the circumstances around the world, we have been asked to stay at home this year. Just because we need to stay home to protect ourselves and others, it doesn't mean you can't have fun over the Easter weekend.... This weekend is time to get creative, camp in the back yard or do an extra long egg hunt, play some board games or if the weather nice play in the garden. Don't forget to keep in touch with your loved one's; if they are vulnerable, be sensible and contact them using one of the many forms of technology we are blessed with today. Most importantly, stay safe and don't be silly, we don't want any humpty dumpty type stories over the weekend . We are still open for adjustments leading up to Easter, however we will be closed from good Friday to Easter Monday. Call 8364 2600 to book.
14.01.2022 Is chiropractic your real true love. Refer your special someone this Valentines Day to share the chiropractic love.
14.01.2022 Well today has been interesting hasn't it. As was the case earlier this year we are still deemed an essential service until told otherwise. We recommend sticking to your adjustment schedule as it is designed to provide your body optimal health and best defence system against the stresses of life (there's quite a few of them around today).... No need to worry about hygiene either, we can assure you we have that fully under control, you may even see some funny masks to brighten the day. If you have been to any of the locations listed by SA health or are feeling unwell, please call us to reschedule on 8364 2600 otherwise we will see you at your appointment. Take care, and remember to keep calm and carry on
14.01.2022 We hope you have all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Normal opening times resume today. The team can not wait to help you smash your health goals in 2020. Call 8364 2600 to book.
12.01.2022 A great little read on what we need from our nights sleep. https://www.spine-health.com//restorative-sleep-brings-bac
12.01.2022 With many of us having now experienced working from , we have discovered that it's not for all of us. Over the next week or so I will be posting some tips on how to optimise your work space, and how to redue the physical stress when you are unable to have the ideal ergonimcal arrangement. If there are any specific tips or questions you would like answered please comment below and I will try to cover them in a future post as best I can.... Have a fantastic weekend .
11.01.2022 It's that time of the year again, back to school! To book your child's adjustment call 8364 2600.
10.01.2022 Why do people see chiropractors? Here are just a few reasons to get your spine checked.
10.01.2022 It's getting dangerously close to the day the Big Man comes bearing gifts (for those on the nice list that is). With only 4 weeks left and plans in full; swing we thought now would be a great time to inform you all of the changes to our adjusting hours over the holiday period Christmas Hours as ordered by Santa himself: Christmas Eve Dr Brett 10am-1pm... Closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day Dec 30th Dr Nathaniel and Dr Brett 3-7pm New Years Eve Dr Brett 10am-1pm Closed New Years Day Jan 2nd Return to Normal opening hours See more
09.01.2022 Do you spend hours at a time sitting without moving? Do you get aches in your lower back, or tightness in your lower back and thigh areas? Have you considered what position the spine is actually in while sitting? Watch this video and see how the shape of the spine changes with our sitting posture. Then learn an easy and simple exercise to counteract the flexed posture we spend the majority of our days in.
09.01.2022 Get Ready for it, Silly Season is officially in swing, that means lots of things to get done and not enough time to do them. Whatever you have planned for this month don't forget to put your health first, otherwise the rest of the plans will never be accomplished.
09.01.2022 As many of you have seen the chief allied and scientific health officer has announced all allied health outside of hospitals must close for the next 6 days, sadly that means us . We understand some for some you this will effect your adjustment schedule and possibly the conditions you see us for. You will receive a call from us shortly to reschedule any affected appointments to after next Wednesday the 25th of November, when at this stage we plan to reopen and get back to hel...ping our great community live life to the fullest. For any urgent matters we are still eager to assist you via telehealth, chiropractors contact details can be accessed by calling 8364 2600. For now stay say and keep calm and carry on
08.01.2022 We're still open. Currently the health care system is under a great deal of pressure especially in hospitals. Lower back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide, effecting approximately 4 out of 5 people at some point in their lifetime. As a primary health care service, that treats lower back pain amongst many other conditions, we are doing our part to reduce the load on other health care services so that they can put all of their efforts into their import...ant work at this time. Due to the restrictions in place to combat COVID-19 we have made a few changes so that we can still continue to provide chiropractic care to you, the public. - We have further increased our regular hygiene. Tables and hands are cleaned between each person that we adjust. - Waiting area seating has been spread out to keep a safe distance from each other. - Both Dr Brett and Dr Nathaniel have completed the department of health's infection control course for COVID-19. - In order to accommodate everyone we will be opening later where required to suit people who would prefer to be adjusted in an empty building. Please contact us if you would like this service. - For the benefit of us all at this time we would much appreciate if payments could be made via contactless methods (phone or cards) rather than cash to minimise contact. It is extremely important that we all respect these changes to daily life that we will need to follow for the foreseeable future as it is in the best interests of the population as a whole. As we are all aware these are tough time for many of us, so it's important to first look after yourself, especially your health by maintaining active and keeping to your scheduled adjustments. Secondly look out for each other, its hard both mentally and physically so remain vigilant and check in on the vulnerable, remembering to keep a healthy distance apart in the process. Finally remember we will be here for you throughout this time, we understand the situation and will be happy to answer any questions, so don't hesitate to contact us on 8364 2600.
08.01.2022 Newsletter's are on there way to your inbox. this month learn about the benefits of stretching and more. us on 8364 2600 to book an adjustment next week as we have limited availability due to the short week. Enjoy the long weekend and safe travels to those of you going away for leisure or reuniting with family.
07.01.2022 We are about to Merge two Facebook Accounts - Things may look different for a day or two.We are about to Merge two Facebook Accounts - Things may look different for a day or two.
06.01.2022 Is your body weak if you cant last more than 1-2 weeks without seeing your chiropractor?
06.01.2022 Spinal problems don't always present direct symptoms or immediate signs. Get yourself checked by our chiropractors who are trained to find and adjust the cause of these problems. Call us on 8364 2600
06.01.2022 Happy Halloween from the team at Burnside Chiropractic
06.01.2022 We have your back's this Halloween Call 83642600 to get adjusted before the wicked witches and ghosts get to you
05.01.2022 Ordered to Closed as of 19th November for six days. Our hearts are heavy for many of you and your children who are in a bad way at the moment. We wish we could help you!... We’ll keep you posted on reopening.
05.01.2022 "Maintaining your neck range of motion is not only important for retaining function and preventing injury, it is also vital for simulating and de-tressing your brain.
04.01.2022 Is this how you are on a Monday, after a busy weekend of sports, being out in the garden or what ever else you enjoy doing on weekends. What better start to the week than getting adjusted, ready to perform at your best all week. Call 8364 2600 for an appointment with one of our chiropractors
01.01.2022 Lockdown doesn't mean rest time, it means getting creative to stay as active time. Our lovely resident PT Dream.Believe.Achieve has been doing online PT sessions, all year and has kickstarted them back up this week, she has plenty of experience for working out with limited space and provides plenty of good Craic!
01.01.2022 We hope everyone is well, what a crazy confusing few days we've had. Good news is positive changes coming for next week. Be sure to go out and get some exercise today, stretch the legs on a nice walk and be sun smart as its quite warm outside (I just found out the hard way). Stay safe tomorrow as the weather cranks up another notch, enjoy some rest and we look forward to seeing you all again next week for your adjustments.... Have a wonderful weekend everyone
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