Burrowes State School | Government organisation
Burrowes State School
Phone: 3802 3333
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25.01.2022 Burrowes P&C Holiday Raffle We all deserve a weekend away, what better way to entertain your children than at SeaWorld Nara Resort. You could win a family holiday for 2 nights away at SeaWorld Nara Resort Includes a $100 food & beverage credit, $100 Caltex card, entry into Seaworld ... All for only $2 per ticket Limited tickets available so get in quick. Raffle will be drawn on Friday 18th September @ 2pm, live on our Facebook page. Please return money and form to the Tuckshop by 10/9/20, pre purchase only, all presold tickets will be sent home once paid for. This will be the P&C major fundraiser this year, please support our raffle All money raised will go towards the hire of the buses for swimming and the year 6 camp.
25.01.2022 We are looking for cleaners to join our relief staff If you have a current blue card email me your resume [email protected]
24.01.2022 The Burrowes Student Council is hosting one last project for 2020. Star Community Services are collecting gift and/or donations to go towards making hampers for the elderly that live in our own community. They work with Meals on Wheels to identify the most vulnerable and needy residents who have no family to share Christmas with. The gifts and/or donations do not need to be wrapped as they will be added to hampers that will include food platters and perishable items. Last ye...ar they were able to provide 650 hampers to elderly residents and this year they hope to be able to provide more hampers to those that need a special gift the most. If you would like to support our Student Council, then please send your donations to Mrs Turner's classroom. Catherine from Star Community Services will be collecting from our school on Friday 4th December. Your help is much appreciated.
24.01.2022 All graduation fees and permission forms are due tomorrow. For catering purposes we need all permission slips returned by 3pm tomorrow Friday 20th November 2020. Cash only, please return to the Tuckshop or office
24.01.2022 Please check your email for a letter regarding the new way school route numbers are being displayed on the front of the busesPlease check your email for a letter regarding the new way school route numbers are being displayed on the front of the buses
23.01.2022 Enrol for prep now. Please phone the office on 38023333 or pop in and speak to our lovely office ladies
23.01.2022 YOUR SAY MATTERS Please go online and complete this survey as we are looking at moving our uniforms to Lowes - Browns Plains for better accessiblity for families to purchase. Prices will be similar and you will be offered discount days. To insure stock availability for 2021 this survey will close the end of business Friday 21st August, 2020 https://survey.qed.qld.gov.au/anon/5230.aspx
22.01.2022 UNIFORM SALE TOMORROW THURSDAY 19th 2.30 -3.30pm In the car park near the hall gate entrance. Senior polo shirt (worn by grade 5&6) shorts, skorts variety of sizes CASH ONLY $5 each
22.01.2022 Tuckshop special Monday 31st August- Thursday 3rd September. Please order online using the link below www.munchmonitor.com School ID - burrowesss Password- munch4132
22.01.2022 Please check your emails for a letter from the principal
19.01.2022 Just a reminder Friday 14th August is a holiday for 2020
19.01.2022 Breakfast club on temporary hold
18.01.2022 YOUR SAY MATTERS Please click the link below and have your say on the new proposed school hours for 2021 https://survey.qed.qld.gov.au/anon/5376.aspx
16.01.2022 Burrowes SS P&C Holiday Raffle Thank you to all families that have supported our Fundraiser so far, if you are selling to family and friends please write their name and phone number on the back of your order form and we will return their tickets to your childs class but in the ticket holders name .This is a great family holiday prize - limited tickets are available so get in quick. Tickets will be sent home once the P&C have received them. GOOD LUCK you have to be in it to win it. Tickets are only $2 each. Please return all orders and money to the tuckshop by Thursday 10/09/2020, if you have any questions please Call Karen(P&C fundraiser)on 3803 7717
16.01.2022 Raffle has been extended until Monday September 14. Got to be in it to win it. Burrowes SS P&C Holiday Raffle Thank you to all families that have supported our Fundraiser so far, if you are selling to family and friends please write their name and phone number on the back of your order form and we will return their tickets to your childs class but in the ticket holders name .This is a great family holiday prize - limited tickets are available so get in quick. Tickets will be sent home once the P&C have received them. GOOD LUCK you have to be in it to win it. Tickets are only $2 each. Please return all orders and money to the tuckshop by Thursday 10/09/2020, if you have any questions please Call Karen(P&C fundraiser)on 3803 7717
15.01.2022 YOUR SAY MATTERS Please check your emails for the letter and survey on new proposed school times. https://survey.qed.qld.gov.au/anon/5376.aspx
13.01.2022 Please check your emails for PBL reward day informationPlease check your emails for PBL reward day information
13.01.2022 Swimming starts today
12.01.2022 Tuck Shop will be closed tomorrow Friday 18th September
12.01.2022 Apologies for any confusion this morning as we are looking after the health and well being of our Burrowes community. We are asking that you use our online tuck shop facility and you only enter the school in an emergency . Thank you for your ongoing support www.munchmonitor.com... School ID burrowesss Password munch4132
11.01.2022 Breakfast Club will resume tomorrow morning from the tuck shop
11.01.2022 Win a family holiday for only $2 The P&C have extended the cut of date till Thursday 17th September Drawn Friday 18th September @ 2pm live on the Burrowes SS Face book page To purchase send in your money in an envelope - include name, phone number and childs class ... Return to the Tuckshop You could win 2 nights accommodation at sea world Nara resort for 2A & 2C 1 day entry to sea world for 2A & 2C $100 food and beverage voucher $100 Caltex fuel voucher
10.01.2022 Dont forget this Friday 4 September is a student free day.
10.01.2022 Burrowes P&C Silly Sock Fundraiser Keep a eye out for your order form Please support our schools P&C by purchasing your Silly Socks for our silly sock day... ORDER DAY HAS BEEN EXTENDED PLEASE RETURN YOUR ORDERS MONDAY 24th AUGUST. All orders are due back by Friday 21st August Please send in the correct money in a zip lock bag or envelope with your childs name and class on the order form
09.01.2022 Thank you to our hard working Teacher Aides! We appreciate you and all that you do for our students, staff and school community
09.01.2022 Please go online and complete this survey as we are looking at moving our uniforms to Lowes - Browns Plains for better accessiblity for familiues to purchase.To insure stock availability for 2021 this survey will close the end of business Friday 21st August, 2020 https://survey.qed.qld.gov.au/anon/5230.aspxPlease go online and complete this survey as we are looking at moving our uniforms to Lowes - Browns Plains for better accessiblity for familiues to purchase.To insure stock availability for 2021 this survey will close the end of business Friday 21st August, 2020 https://survey.qed.qld.gov.au/anon/5230.aspx
07.01.2022 Just a reminder that tomorrow Friday 4th September is a student free day
05.01.2022 Please check your email for a letter from the principal
05.01.2022 We are getting excited for PBL rewards day on this FRIDAY!!! Ask your child which level they have achieved!
05.01.2022 Prep C students celebrating 100 days of prep
03.01.2022 Report Cards have been emailed home today. Please contact the office Monday if you didnt receive your childrens
02.01.2022 School photos are on Wednesday. Please remember to send your payment envelopes in with your children on the day or pay on line.
02.01.2022 Silly socks last chance to purchase this Thursday in the school car park From 2:30pm-3:15pm Come and support the P&C ... Silly sock day this Friday 18/9/20
02.01.2022 Due to covid, year one was not able to head out to the wildlife park for their Science unit where they would have explored some habitats of animals. Therefore, we brought the zoo to Burrowes! The kids had lots of fun at the zoo today
01.01.2022 Please check your emails for a letter from the principalPlease check your emails for a letter from the principal
01.01.2022 We are closed tomorrow. Enjoy the long weekend
01.01.2022 Does anyone have an adult size wheel chair they would like to donate to our schoolDoes anyone have an adult size wheel chair they would like to donate to our school
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