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BPMRI Busselton Health Study in Busselton, Western Australia | Medical centre

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BPMRI Busselton Health Study

Locality: Busselton, Western Australia

Phone: 9754 0548

Address: 18 West Street 6280 Busselton, WA, Australia


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20.01.2022 It has been a wonderful 3 weeks hosting first year ECU Nursing student, Michelle, on her Clinical Placement. We wish you all the best for the future Michelle! #nursing #BusseltonHealthStudy #busselton #bpmri

19.01.2022 Stop by and visit our info stall at this year's SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon Saturday October 17th #bpmri #busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy #research #busseltontriathlon #health #triathlon

18.01.2022 Come down and visit us today at the SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon! #bpmri #BusseltonHealthStudy #Busselton #triathlon #westernaustralia SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon

16.01.2022 Invites to both the Baby Boomer & Respiratory Studies have been going out the door. Call our centre on 9754 0548 to make your appointment, check your status or update your contact details #bpmri #Busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy

16.01.2022 It's National Volunteer Week. So here at the BPMRI we are waving our appreciation to our wonderful volunteers! Thank you! #waveforvolunteers #NVW2020 #BPMRI #busselton #busseltonhealthstudy #volunteeringaustralia

16.01.2022 Great morning so far at the SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon stop by and say hello at the expo! #BusseltonHealthStudy #bpmri #busselton #triathlon SunSmart Busselton Festival of Triathlon

15.01.2022 Lowering the risk of disease by making healthier choices. Recently at BPMRI, a number of staff and volunteers took part in the ‘Get on Track Challenge' - an initiative of Diabetes WA and Healthy Workplaces WA. The aim of the Challenge is to encourage participants to move more and eat well. BPMRI selected a virtual hike along the Bibbulmun Track with steps earned by logging daily physical activity, fruit, vegetable and water intake. Two of our volunteers, Lesley and Penny in first and second place respectively with research nurse Gemma a strong third. All participants felt the challenge motivated them to make healthier choices #SmallChangesfForLongTermHealthOutcomes #getontrack #bpmri #busselton #busseltonhealthstudy #physicalactivity #HealthierWorkplaces Diabetes WA Healthier Workplace WA See more

15.01.2022 Today the Busselton Respiratory Study reached a milestone! Our 100th participant! Commencing in January we had no idea what was just around the corner - Covid-19. Although this slowed things down we are thrilled to be taking participants through and look forward to many more milestones! #bpmri #busselton #busseltonhealthstudy #BusseltonRespiratoryStudy #milestone #100participants #research #health #respiratory

13.01.2022 Watch the letterbox! Invites to both the Baby Boomer Study & Respiratory Study are heading out the door. Call our centre on 9754 0548 to make your appointment, check your status or update your contact details #bpmri #Busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy #BabyBoomer #RespiratoryHealth #HealthyAgeing #health #research

13.01.2022 BLUE FOR NATIONAL ASTHMA WEEK SEPTEMBER 1st - 7th 2020 There was plenty of blue at BPMRI on Wednesday with staff wearing blue to mark National Asthma Week as well as a blue light at the front of the building. Our latest study, The Busselton Respiratory Study, focuses on phenotypes in lung disease. This research will assist in better understanding airway diseases such as asthma #AsthmaWeek #lightthingsupinblue Asthma WA #bpmri #busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy #research #NationalAsthmaWeek #medical #respiratoryhealth #asthma #blue

10.01.2022 For anyone who may have missed it! GWN7 News report on BPMRI's latest study. #BPMRI #Busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy #WAHTN #UWA #Covid19 #MentalHealth #research

09.01.2022 We can now share some very exciting news in regards to the Busselton Health Study and Covid-19 research. #BPMRI #WAHTN #wahealth #BusseltonHealthStudy #researchgrants #Busselton #UWA #COVID19 #research #mentalhealth #survey

09.01.2022 BPMRI’s medical and population health research aims for a better understanding and management of disease and illness. Data from the Busselton Health Study contributed to the 'West Australian Burden of Disease Study 2015'. The report from this was released this year. The link to this is attached below #bpmri #BusseltonHealthStudy #Busselton #research #health #WABODS #wahealth... See more

06.01.2022 Meet Jolijn, Rachel, Jess and Jo - our highly dedicated and professional research team who will be collecting detailed respiratory and lung function data to help understand airway diseases such as Asthma and COPD in the Busselton community. Commencing very soon, the Busselton Respiratory Study will recruit 3000 adults and will run over the next few years. Look out for your invitation in the post.

06.01.2022 The Busselton Respiratory Study - a new study at BPMRI #bpmri #BusseltonHealthStudy #busselton #dunsborough #research #respiratory #asthma #copd #health #BRS #study

05.01.2022 Safety of participants and staff is of utmost importance here at BPMRI. Please see the below guide for visiting the centre. #bpmri #BusseltonHealthStudy #Busselton #covid19 #safety #health

03.01.2022 A huge thank you to the Busselton Men's Shed for their expertise in making hygiene screens for the Busselton Health Study. The screens provide added protection for participants and staff during respiratory testing. We truly appreciate partnerships with community organisations such as the Busselton Men's Shed #bpmri #BusseltonHealthStudy #busselton #MensShedWA #mensshed #CommunityPartnerships #community #covid19 #respiratory #research #safety

03.01.2022 BPMRI has recently welcomed Clancy Rose to the team. Clancy joins us as a Lab Technician and Research Assistant. Clancy completed a placement at the centre, as a third year Biomedical Science student, in 2019 and we are thrilled to have her on board!

01.01.2022 On Monday the BPMRI staff, volunteers and members of The Board attended an afternoon tea to celebrate some long serving volunteers at the centre. Professor Alan James, Chair of the BPMRI Board, presented Jean Chant and Peter Coates with Life Membership Certificates after serving 15 years volunteering with the Busselton Health Study. Val Barrett was also presented with a certificate to recognise her Life Membership with over 40 years service to the centre. Our volunteers are invaluable and we thank you all for your hard work and dedication over the years #bpmri #busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy #volunteering #lifemembership #thankyou #health #research

01.01.2022 Have you been through the Busselton Baby Boomer Study? Did you know we are now in phase two. If you have only been through the study once - you might be due to come through again! Give the Busselton Health Study a call today (08) 9754 0548 #bpmri #Busselton #BusseltonHealthStudy #BabyBoomer #health

01.01.2022 We have a diverse range of research staff here at the BPMRI. Today we give a special shout out to our Nurses on International Nurses Day #nurses2020 #internationalnursesday

01.01.2022 Cupcakes for a cause! Last week we raised money for the RSPCA while enjoying some sweet treats at morning tea as part of RSPCA Cupcake Day #rspcacupcakeday #bpmri #busselton #cupcakes #fundraising

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