Busy Hands Family Daycare in Caloundra West | Childcare service
Busy Hands Family Daycare
Locality: Caloundra West
Phone: +61 407 138 272
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25.01.2022 Sharon asked Mackenzie " what's something you see up in the sky, so we can add it to our sky?" " ummmmm ........I know rainbow" "yes a rainbow. well done Mack. lets make a rainbow to put in our sky" said Sharon. " what colour paints do we need?" asked Sharon " Red, yellow, orange" replied Mackenzie " blue & green" replied Brylee. " hmm are they the only colours in a rainbow?" asked Sharon. Mackenzie and Brylee looked at each other and they both said at the same time " yeah". ...While we were painting our rainbows Sharon played I can sing a rainbow song and we discovered that we had missed two colours pink and purple.. Then we went outside and the muddy puddle is a popular play choice ,Koah, Mackenzie and Brylee all sat around it and used kitchen utensils to scoop the mud into different sized kitchen objects., then they decided to jump into the muddy puddle much to their delight. Brylee made Sharon some muddy marshmallows, while Koah took baby Tyson for a walk. Then we headed into the sand pit where Mackenzie made Sharon soup and so did Brylee and Sharon and Koah enjoyed a coffee together cheers!! All this action was too much for some , Koah, Brylee and Mackenzie all had a big sleep and Koah slept on his big boy bed ..Yay Koah.. See more
25.01.2022 Today we helped Brylee celebrate her 3rd Birthday. Brylee asked for a unicorn cake, so Sharon made her one.. We enjoyed unicorn cupcakes, chips, cheerios and some lollies. Brylee is taking the cake home so she can share it with her family tomorrow for her birthday celebrations. After eating, we played pin the horn on the unicorn and pass the parcel, where Brylee got some unicorn erasers. Then we went outside Koah played in a box, playing peek a boo. Brylee asked if we can make a muddy puddle to play in , so we did... mud glorious mud!!!!
24.01.2022 Now this should keep my dinosaur and mud mad little friends happy...
24.01.2022 A fun ,engaging and messy day today..
22.01.2022 Brylee bought in some dinosaurs for us and we cooked for them We used our imagination, communication and cognitive skills. We also did water play which involved use all of our senses..
22.01.2022 While Ethan and Koah were waiting for Mackenzie to arrive, they tipped out all the cars and played with them. When Mackenzie was here we practiced our counting, colour recognition using our colour cards and matching the corresponding colour cars to the cards and we practiced our shape recognition Then went outside to have some fun. Mackenzie gave Koah a pan as he couldn't get one off the hook, then she made him a pancake. We then ventured into the bark pit with the trucks, scooping up the bark and putting it into the back of the trucks, we played in the boxes and in the mud kitchen and muddy puddle, we even put a plank over the muddy puddle so we could cross it so the crocodile couldn't get us!!
21.01.2022 Hump day feels..
21.01.2022 A very spontaneous day today . all child lead activities, lead by Brylee. Brylee asked if we could make dinosaurs " good idea , what can we make dinosaurs with?" asked Sharon " playdough" replied Brylee. So we got out the playdough and we made playdough dinosaurs. Koah was busy manipulating the playdough and he threaded a yoghurt lid onto a craft stick, very clever Koah. Then Sharon said " what else can we make dinosaurs with?" " umm boxes" replied Damien. So we went to the making draws and got some boxes and other recyclable items to make our dinosaurs.. While Brylee and Damien were busy making their box dinosaurs, Koah was having a chat to some one on the phone. Then the dinosaurs came out to play and we painted their feet and they stomped over our paper, leaving their foot prints..
20.01.2022 One of my babies getting ready to be a big school boy for prep 2021
19.01.2022 Today Koah drove the red car beep beep!! and he read some books before having some sensory fun with rice, rolled oats with raisins and cranberries, pasta and Nutrigrain. Our dinosaur friends joined in along with some small cups, bowl, spoons, spatula and paper towel roll. All of Koah's senses were involved in this activity, including taste!! This Kept Koah busy and engaged for ages, until we went outside where we played in the sandpit, played peek a boo and extended on the inside sensory activity by Koah picking, smelling and tasting mint and parsley.
17.01.2022 Today we welcomed Koah to Busy Hands Family Daycare. This Morning before Koah arrived Ethan and Damien discovered the new toys, they had so much fun exploring and playing with the new toys together. While they were playing Sharon had a talk to both Ethan and Damien about Koah and that they need to be kind and good friends to Koah and to show him where things are and to help him if he needs help. When Koah arrived we greeted him and his mum and Koah instantly headed for the toys.. We enjoyed morning tea together, then we headed outside, so Koah could explore his new surroundings. He loved the obstacle course climbing up and down it and walking over the plank...which was on the ground.. he road one of the balance bikes and played in the sandpit..
16.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/130350487042241/posts/3030015267075734/
14.01.2022 This morning we were talking about animals that live in fresh water, Brylee said "frogs ,maybe we can make some ?". So we looked up frogs on the tablet and discovered that there are lots of different species and lots of different coloured frogs.. Then we made our frogs using paper towel rolls. Damien wanted his to be blue like the frog he saw and Brylee wanted her's to be yellow like the frog she saw. Koah and Tyson's frogs were green frogs. While our frogs were drying we w...ent outside and played in the sandpit, had fun cooling down with water play and we also painted. Then we went inside to finish our frogs and to have lunch.. We made avocado mousse with cacao, it was a yummy treat which we loved. One of my babies (Damien) is off to prep next year, he went to his school for an orientation day to get a taste of what school life will be like. He cant wait to be a big prep boy. See more
14.01.2022 Today we started to look at things that live in the water, we used the tablet to do a bit of researching.. We looked at fish, dolphins, octopus and sharks.. Damien and Brylee watched bits of documentaries on sharks, and octopus. Brylee asked if we could make dolphins and we did , our dolphins are rainbow dolphins they are very colourful.. Damien said " we need to make see weed as well" and we did using different coloured crepe paper and cellophane. Then it was time to head outside for some fun. Damien made an obstacle course for everyone to enjoy, then he had fun running in and out of the water being sprayed from the crazy octopus.. before everyone played in the sand pit.
14.01.2022 We've had a busy day!! My babies are asleep with their babies..
13.01.2022 Mud...Mud... glorious Mud. Today we all enjoyed the pleasure of playing in mud. Mud play engages all of the senses and should be a normal part of outdoor play. Mud play has many physical, psychological and emotional benefits for children. Mud play is important for children to develop and practice their fine motor skills, increase awareness of their senses, improve hand eye co ordination and develop their social and emotional skills like taking turns and following directions. ...Its a sense of joy and lots of fun and in turn it fires up imagination and creativity. Mud makes you feel happy, it increases brain activity, it increases physical activity, it reduces susceptibility to depression, it helps reduce allergies and asthma symptoms, it builds creativity, it can reduce childhood anxiety and stress, key developmental milestones are achieved through mud play, it creates childhood memories, it builds a connection with nature and most of all mud is fun.. See more
12.01.2022 We made playdough today as its one of the things that Damien wants to do when he's here. We poured some flour, salt, cream of tartar, oil, red food colouring into the bowl and we stirred it all together, then Sharon added hot water to dissolve the salt and to make the playdough, Sharon mixed it and then kneaded the dough until it was nice and cool and Damien, Brylee and Koah could play with it. We added some yoghurt screw top lids as well as playdough toys.. We squished, roll...ed, poked, ripped, cut and pressed things into the playdough. This kept us busy and engaged for awhile, then we decided to go outside where we had loose play with boxes, plastic reels and containers!! We played in the sand pit and we enjoyed water play, before stopping for some lunch.. Then Koah and Damien decided to put dirt into the water for some muddy fun even the dinosaurs enjoyed playing in the muddy water!! See more
08.01.2022 This morning Koah and Ethan played side by side but not with each other, Solitary play and parallel play. Parallel Play (Theorist Rubin): Children are working next to each another, but not together, using materials and resources in their constructions or creations Solitary Play (Theorist Rubin): Child plays by themselves building, creating or constructing something . We practiced our colour recognition using our colour cards and we also practiced our counting using our dino...saur counting cards, to extend on this we used red, blue, green, yellow, black and white water paints to paint and count 1 crane, 2 computers and 3 kangaroos. Then it was time to pack every thing away, put our hats and sunscreen on and go out side to enjoy the warm sun. We had fun in the sand pit, playing in the big box and crawling through the tunnel before washing our hands and having a picnic lunch outside.. See more
08.01.2022 Sharon had some left over marshmallows to use up, so we made home made LCM bars but with a twist , instead of using rice bubbles we used crushed up Special K cereal. We melted the butter, added the white marshmallows and stirred them until they were melted, then we quickly poured the marshmallow mixture over the Special K and stirred it through, then we poured it into a lined tin, cut lines in it and put it in the fridge to set.. While our Special K bars were setting Mackenzi...e asked if we can do drawing, so we did, instead of using textas or pencils today we explored pastels. Sharon showed the children how to smudge the pastels to blend the colours together. We cleaned up and it was time to try our Special K bars... mmm They were a hit and everyone wanted more!! Then we headed outside to have some fun crawling through the tunnel , balancing on the obstacle course plank, and playing in the sandpit, before enjoying a picnic lunch in the warm sun.. See more
07.01.2022 Before, during and after....
07.01.2022 Free choice fun Friday happens every Friday and we do have lots of fun!!!
06.01.2022 Free choice fun Friday. It's just how we roll..
04.01.2022 When Damien arrived this morning he said to Sharon "we need to make some planes for our sky" . "that's a great idea Damien, lets go to the making draws and find things to make the planes" said Sharon. So with that Damien went through the draws and chose what he wanted to make the planes for himself, Brylee and Koah. We all practiced our fine motor skills and imagination and using our knowledge of what planes look like. Koah also made a collage using coloured paper . then it w...as playdough fun time again using our hand muscles and imagination and talking to each other discussing what we are making. Then we packed up and went outside, Damien couldn't wait to get outside to explore the new play area.. Damien built a cubby out of large boxes and Brylee was the first to test it out!! Koah was playing with the blue light fittings, pushing them with his hands and watching them move. Then we all played chase Sharon around the yard!! Intentional Teaching: fine motor co ordination pincer grip using imagination loose parts play strengthening our hand muscles Children's Voices
04.01.2022 This morning Mackenzie bought in some bananas to share with her friends, she got a high five from Koah!! After we ate our fruit snack we played with peppermint playdough, squishing it, squeezing it, rolling it, pushing it, cutting it, tearing it, smelling it, using our hand muscles and senses to explore the playdough. Then we packed up and went outside to paly in the mud / dinosaur area, while Koah was enjoying the mud, Brylee and Mackenzie were on the obstacle course, rode the balance bikes and played in the sand pit, Brylee made a bowl of ice cream and Mackenzie made some ice blocks, then Beylee, Mackenzie and Koah all filled up the back of a truck with sand, before taking turns on the sea saw. Mackenzie and Brylee were also making pancakes in the sandpit, so we made real pancakes and had real icecream!!! Living our best lives...
03.01.2022 Love this girl...Dont ever stop being you Mackenzie Dawn, you're such a ray of sunshine and there's never a dull moment when you're around..
01.01.2022 Today Louie, finished his Christmas wind chime, his Christmas painting and wrapping paper.. Then it was time for morning tea and that mischievous bear Ed decided to have a drink from Louie's cup!! Then we went outside . Brylee wanted to do painting, so we set up the painting easel, paper and paints , Louie and Koah were first to do painting, then Brylee and Damien. Louie had fun with containers in the water play while Koah was practicing his balance skills on the balance buckets and beams.. Ed the bear found our bubble machine and he had fun trying to catch the bubbles with Koah and Louie.. Then Ed got out some books and his friends the dinosaurs joined him and so did Koah and Louie...
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