Butterfly Blue Health & Well-Beings in Sunshine Coast, Queensland | Beauty, cosmetic & personal care
Butterfly Blue Health & Well-Beings
Locality: Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 414 556 475
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25.01.2022 How many of you right now are struggling on your feet all day or with aches and pain? Or do you know someone who has just had an operation? Just ask Steve... DID YOU KNOW ... A Foot Massage Serves as a Natural Pain Relief! A 2004 study published in the Pain Management Nursing journal, performed by researchers from the Indiana University School of Nursing, found that post-operative patients reported a greater reduction in their pain symptoms following a massage of the feet o...r hands than those who used pain medication alone. Now I have ONLY2SPOTS LEFT for our Deluxe Hands and Feet Scrubs and deep moisturising Treatments with Reflex Massage using Hand and Nail Tonic and Peppermint Foot Balm to Finish!
24.01.2022 Is it time to take care of YOU? When did you last put your self first??
23.01.2022 Love new and healthy ideas ... Check this out !
23.01.2022 #ThyroidHealth #BloodTestsDontHaveTheFullStory #ResearchForYourself #HowMuchDoYouKnowAboutYourBody
23.01.2022 The more you understand yourself, the more silence there is, the healthier you are! Wouldnt you agree?
22.01.2022 Moved HouseSet Up Home Set Up Home Treatment Room Back into our Morning Routine We are to Learning To Live Again... Have A Great Day!! Give Thanks and Live a Life of Gratitude ~ Steve and Jewels
22.01.2022 If you are feeling thirsty .. there is a good chance you are already starting to be dehydrated... Stop now and refuel with H2O!
22.01.2022 When people have a new offer they always seem to tell you what you stand to lose if you dont join, am I right? Well lets flip that and talk about what you stand to GAIN. Here are 3 things you can expect after booking a massage 1. BODY - Inflammation and Pain - Bring HEALING... 2. MIND - RESTORE clarity and FOCUS 3. SOUL - Reduce Stress and Increase PEACE Have a Beautiful Day ~ Jewels
21.01.2022 3 things in life - your health, your mission, and the people you
21.01.2022 Helping to get the Microbiomes in the Gut right. How do probiotics and prebiotics help with gut health? Both probiotics and prebiotics are important for a healthy functioning gut, but they have two very different roles. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics are food for the bacteria.... Probiotics Probiotics are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. They can provide numerous health benefits. When probiotics are consumed in adequate amounts, it can lead to improved digestion and immunity and even a healthy and happy mind. Eating fermented foods is a great way to increase your intake of probiotics. They contain beneficial bacteria that thrive on the naturally occurring sugar or fibre in the food. Some examples of probiotic foods: * Sauerkraut * Kimchi * Kombucha tea * Kefir (dairy and non-dairy) * Some types of pickles (non-pasteurised) * Other pickled vegetables (non-pasteurised) Prebiotics Prebiotics are basically fibre that is not absorbed in the small intestine. Once this fibre passes into the large intestine its then used to help reduce inflammation, keep the large bowel healthy and influence appetite regulation and immunity. Some examples of prebiotic foods: * Legumes, beans and peas * Oats * Bananas * Berries * Jerusalem artichokes (not the same as regular artichokes) * Asparagus * Garlic * Leeks * Onions Healthy Gut = Healthy Body #learntoliveagain #betheverybestversionofyou #helpoverhype #guthealth #LTLA #weightloss
21.01.2022 Shout Out to all the Dads ... Thank you for all that you do .. Make sure you spoil him today and all year through .. #Fathers #fathersday #Sons #Daughters #familytime
20.01.2022 Eat Better ... Feel Better #ButterflyBlueTopTip
20.01.2022 At the start of each month, I love to sit and think about all the #Blessings that happened in the month prior. I know it keeps me motivated! 3 things Im most grateful for that happened #August2020... 1. Steve had his Hip Replacement - A New Man without PAIN 2. My Family is Happy and Thriving 3. I have achieved the goals I set to educate and empower more people to become Healthy Well-Beings Your turn, name 3 things you are grateful that happened in August 2020?
20.01.2022 As part of our LTLA Mentor Training we understand the importance of a strong immunity, particularly in extraordinary times like these. This is one of the things... I love about being a LTLA Mentor, its not just about being part of an incredible online health community however I also feel protected and secure, not only with my own health however also being able to provide this information to help others. See more
20.01.2022 #TipTuesday Has the Stress of the past few months been getting you down? I know some days it just seems to overwhelm you and knock the wind out of your sails... So I now make it a habit to check in with my feelings and emotions and I take care of them with my favourite essential oils and blends... Diffusing these make me feel good, and bring joyful and delightful aromas to my home and office space... Who else could use some help with their emotions today?
19.01.2022 BUY 1 get one Free
18.01.2022 Come fan the Flame of your hearts, Worship the King and bring His Kingdom to Earth!
17.01.2022 Are you wanting to learn more about #FoodAsMedicine #GutRepairProgram #WeightLossProgram and learning to prepare food as a Lifestyle.. Real Food with Real Results?? This is what I am passionate about .. Helping People achieve their goals! I am #SmashingGoals and taking control of my health! #JoinMeOnTheJourney #SummerBodiesCreatedInWintee
16.01.2022 Got plans to do more of what you LOVE this weekend?! #WeekendVibes
15.01.2022 Happiness is the highest form of health! #WeekendVibes
15.01.2022 He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything
14.01.2022 Got my December Free Frankicense So many amazing uses!!
14.01.2022 Is there something that youve been wishing to ask me about health and wellbeing and never asked ... Nows your chance!
14.01.2022 Good Health changes everything ..how much would you change to have Good Health ?? #ChooseLife #ChooseForYOU #YouAreWorthIt #LTLA #LearnToLiveAgain... Feeling Good Again is a Choice!
13.01.2022 When was the last time you put yourself first..... If you are still thinking about it, its been too long already! DM me for massage availabilities
12.01.2022 Have you experienced IBS? Had your appendix out? Would you like to learn more about your digestive system and how #LTLA could help ? Check out Ollies story!
12.01.2022 Here are some great questions to ask about many products !!! Check it out!
12.01.2022 Splashing into September Australias spring is characterised by sunny days and cool nights. Jacarandas and wildflowers are in bloom, creating a spectacular display of colour ... and the Beach .... Sunshine Coast Beach ... Whats your favourite place to go for the springtime? Photo Credit: Lynn_barbera_photography
10.01.2022 Come and Join the fun!! Just 2 weeks until our the next Candle, Wine & Wrinkle Party! Limited to Maximum of 8 per workshop .. Book Now to secure your seat and bring a friend or 2 or more! Full details below and a link to Register ! Last one was so much fun!!
09.01.2022 Wellness encompasses a healthy body, a sound mind and a tranquil spirit. Enjoy the journey as you strive for wellness
09.01.2022 Tomorrow’s Workshop is FULL! But wait there is more... 3 Workshops still with seats .. See The Events on our page and link below to book .. Bring your friends .. Catch up, make some Christmas Candle gifts for yourself or family and friends... Make great Secret Santa Gifts!! Square Register Candle Link https://checkout.square.site//che/IRXORCL7EEEANWZTQTRMH57G
08.01.2022 If we are creating ourselves all the time then it never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with
07.01.2022 Good Morning! My current workspace... My desk today is taken up with making some oil blends ... Send me a pic of yours!
07.01.2022 Niemand praat erover... Tekst van een Franse naturopaat: Het is nogal saai dat de media dag na dag en steeds meer in het hart van de pandemie geen uitle...g geven over de werking van ons immuunsysteem. We worden voortdurend aangemoedigd om buitenbescherming te zoeken die ons redt: maskers kopen, hydroalcoholische gel kopen (zonder te vermelden dat deze gel niet gedurende enkele dagen op rij mogen worden gebruikt omdat ze op basis van ethanol de eerste immuunbarrire zullen elimineren natuurlijk van ons lichaam: de lipide bacterin en films van onze huid, die een barrire is voor virussen... [Dit is ook te wijten aan het overdreven gebruik van antibacterile producten in de afgelopen jaren, en aan een misverstand over de rol van bacterin in onze immuniteit, dat onze lichamen met jaar gevoeliger worden.] Hoe meer we deze gel gebruiken op basis van alcohol, hoe meer doorlatend en virusgevoeliger de epidermis wordt... Laten we de klassieke zeep prioriteit geven! Vervolgens beginnen de media ons te vertellen over een oplossing die ook van buitenaf zou komen: een toekomstige farmacologische behandeling of een vaccin waarvan de evaluaties van de vergunning voor het in de handel brengen zeker om dringende redenen worden verwaarloosd "... Wanneer werd aan de bevolking uitgelegd dat iedereen het vermogen heeft om zijn immuunsysteem in enkele dagen (jongeren) of in enkele weken natuurlijk te versterken? Dat zou de verspreiding van het virus zeker niet verhinderen, maar zou onze verdediging tegen het virus versterken en daardoor het aantal ernstige gevallen verminderen om thuis veel sneller te genezen. Waarom betrekken we niet bij de informatiekanalen, die 95 % van hun tijd besteden aan dit onderwerp gedurende enkele weken, aan gezondheidswerkers die spreken over preventie, als voedingsdeskundigen, naturopaten, homeopaten,, fytotherapeuten, die kunnen enorme informatie-en preventiewerk doen bij het publiek en dus de artsen die in de frontlinie staan, verzachten? Waarom zeggen we niet tegen mensen dat het eten van afval, zoals verwerkte en verfijnde industrile producten, het eerste is dat onze immuunverdediging vernietigt? Dat de efficintie van ons immuunsysteem strikt afhankelijk is van de kwaliteit van onze darmflora (en dus van de kwaliteit van wat we eten) Welke levende, rauwe, lokale en seizoensgebonden groenten en fruit zijn de beste manier om onze minerale reserves, die nodig zijn voor immuniteit, snel te verhogen. Waarom leg je niet uit dat vasten het immuunsysteem in slechts 3 dagen versterkt? Waarom praten we niet over de voordelen van de koude douche die binnen enkele dagen het niveau van bepaalde T-lymfocyten verhoogt? Waarom leg je niet uit dat planten zoals echinacea, astragaal, vlier en scaramusso, in hun geconcentreerde vormen, de immuunverdediging binnen enkele weken verhogen? (dan hadden we tijd gehad sinds het virus verscheen...) Waarom praten we niet over de efficintie van etherische antivirale olin naast hoge doses en mineralen, sporen als zink en selenium? Waarom praten we niet over het belang van lichamelijke activiteit en recente studies die de snelle efficintie van yoga aantonen om het immuunsysteem te versterken? Waarom leg je niet uit dat angst een krachtige immunosuppressiva is? En waarom is dit de enige emotie die momenteel wordt uitgezonden door de belangrijkste media die een niveau van angst genereren dat elke dag steeds meer verzwakt...? Waarom leg je niet uit aan mensen die een potentieel hebben voor verdediging en genezing dat oneindig krachtiger is dan welke drugs ter wereld en die snel kan worden geactiveerd? Ons lichaam is een echte genezing machine. In deze tijd dat we eindelijk tijd hebben, is het tijd om ons te interesseren in onze eigen werking, onze persoonlijke macht opeisen, de controle over onze gezondheid en onze toekomst te nemen. Jose Gorrochategui
06.01.2022 There is still time to join us!! Would you like to improve your Health and Be a Well-Being? Message me now and I can show you how to Repair Your Gut and achieve your Weight Management Goals!!! #SummerBodiesAreMadeInWinter #Health #GutRepair #Weightloss #ButterflyBlue #LTLA #LearnToLiveAgain
05.01.2022 New Treatment Room is taking shape as I find the boxes ... Look forward to treating you ... Check out my current Facebook Offer .. BOGO! Buy one and Get One Free!!
05.01.2022 Today is a gift! Go out and enjoy it!
04.01.2022 Check out our latest Offer for Christmas ... Buy One and get one for a Friend!!
04.01.2022 Dreams come a size too big so that we can grow into them - Josie Bissett What are you dreaming about today
03.01.2022 They Say that Summer Bodies Start in Winter... So no better time to get started on those Summer Goals than right NOW... Join me on the journey!
03.01.2022 Nurturing yourself is not selfish it's essential to your survival and your wellbeing Happy weekend everyone!!
02.01.2022 I just had to share this fantastic tip I learned from my friend Bob Belivieu WELLNESS WEDNESDAY! Bay leaves" -- Who knew all this? I do now... ... Many people add bay leaves to foods especially a bowl of rice (Nigerian), red meat and poultry but do you know why bay leaves are added to food? When asked why, some reply: to add flavor to the food Do you know that If you boil some bay leaves in a glass of water and taste it, it will have little to no flavor? Now why do you put bay leaves in the meat? The addition of bay leaves to meat converts triglycerides to monounsaturated fats, and for experimentation and confirmation: Cut the chicken in half and cook each half in a pan and place on one bay leaf, and the other without bay leaf and observe the amount of fat in both pans. If you have bay leaves, there is no need for a pharmacy. Recent scientific studies have shown that bay leaves have many benefits & helps to get rid of many serious health problems and illnesses. The benefits of bay leaf are: - *Bay leaf treats digestive disorders and helps eliminate lumps, Heartburn, Acidity & Constipation. *It helps regulate bowel movement by drinking hot bay tea. *It lowers blood sugar and bay leaf is also an antioxidant *It allows the body to produce insulin by eating it or drinking bay tea for a month. *IT eliminates bad cholesterol and relieves the body of triglycerides. *It's very useful in treating colds, flu and severe cough as it is a rich source of vitamin "C", you can boil the leaves and inhale steam to get rid of phlegm and reduce the severity of cough. *Bay leaf protects the heart from seizures and strokes as it contains cardiovascular protective compounds. *It's rich in acids such as caffeic acid, quercetin, eigonol and bartolinide, substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. *It eliminates insomnia and anxiety, if taken before bed, helps you relax and sleep peacefully. Drinking a cup of boiled bay leaves twice a day breaks kidney stones and cures infections ... Just like garlic and ginger are a must find amongst my collection of spices, Bay leaves are a must see in my collection of spices too(my little spice secrets to good aroma and flavor)
02.01.2022 #This!! Anyone else suffer from the effects of chlorine in your water supply?? I have suffered with Psoriasis and know that I can only spend a few minutes in the shower before my skin, my scalp and my eyes start to react .. red eyes and red and itchy skin... no fun!! I think this may be a great help!! Going to investigate and see how it goes!! ~ Jewels
02.01.2022 It is health thats the real wealth and not pieces of gold! Learning to live again
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