Butterfly Garden Family Day Care | Businesses
Butterfly Garden Family Day Care
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25.01.2022 Let Nature Be The Outdoor Classroom For Children Today we visited a local reserve which is home to a playground, dirt humps (a bmx track), a basketball court, a quality all-age see-saw, a walking track, a community garden, two ovals, a lake, rocks galore and just an abundance of grass, puddles and natural nooks. The setting is diverse and rich with potential fun and learning. It didnt take long for this pair of children to meander away from the playground and begin to e...Continue reading
24.01.2022 - Unloading My Thoughts - Ive been fairy quiet on here lately. Ive been frazzled. Undoubtedly, were experiencing unprecedented times and with this comes stress, anxiety and a bit of sleep deprivation, well for me anyway...... Ive spent significant chunks of time engaged in essential cleaning and disinfecting. Ive been busy with administration, trying to relay information to families, adhering to all the new and updated policy / procedure changes, reviewing and evaluating so many different components of my work (and implementing changes) and Ive been clarifying endless details with my wonderfully supportive scheme. Ive been attending to professional development on infection control and mental health (ongoing PD) for both children and educators. Ive viewed countless webinars. But Ive also had fun. I take comfort in knowing Im embracing the moment more. Im treasuring the cuddles, the laughs and the humour exchanged between the children and I. This is why Im still here, to be that safe haven for children in what seems to be a rapidly changing and restrictive (albeit essential) world. With this pandemic Ive realised, more then ever, that Im truly needed. Im also reminded that, to me, children represent hope for the future. While Ive been taken out of the community I appreciate that working with children is a great service to ones community. I thought Id share this post / photo to alert you all to the urgency to keep our valuable sector alive. I wanted to alert you to the flexibility being offered by the government and to keep your child enrolled in a child care service. Anyway, families, please do what is right for you. You must do this. I want you to do this. Ill still be here when normality eventually returns, but Im also here for you now if its needed. So if you can... #StayEnrolled #MyFamilyDayCare #FamilyDayCareAustralia #EarlyChildhoodAustralia Sincerely, Mel
24.01.2022 - Snoozing Seniors - (Our reaction to sleeping residents on our FaceTime call to our local Nursing Home...) We engaged with a half a dozen residents from the nursing home this week. On top of this, two other residents were present, but asleep for the entirety of the session....Continue reading
23.01.2022 - An Intriguing and humorous conversation on private parts as Child Protection Week came to a conclusion for us - (I also reflect on the value of letting children talk freely about private parts and the value of deeply listening to their conversations.) This week we focused on the child protection theme given it was Child Protection Week....Continue reading
22.01.2022 My Published Article A few months ago I was invited to write an article in the Family Day Care Australia Magazine. This week it was published and I chose to write about my experience and my feelings in being an educator during the Covid-19 pandemic.... True to form, its a long read but I spoke from the heart and I wrote it to all other educators irrespective of their setting or circumstances. If youre a family day care educator, if youre in long day care or if youre in a kindergarten setting, this message is for YOU! Youre all remarkable. Youre all influential. Dont forget that. Sincerely, Mel P.S Heartfelt thanks to: Debbie Macleod Belinda Martin Estelle Gleeson-Bell Victoria Edmond Katrina Ashmore For your support, inspiration and/or tips for article writing.
22.01.2022 - Focusing on design elements within drawings - Im thinking some of the children would love this activity. I have some little humans in my service who are impressionable little designers. They are so focused on the details of the clothing they draw... ... Instead of a person template already at hand - the children can draw their own person. This will be more meaningful to them for sure. Instead of using pre-designed paper, perhaps the children can create their own designs. On Thursday one little girl told me that shes no longer going to grow up to be Emma Wiggle and shes had a change of heart about being a fire fighter... Now shes an aspiring fashion designer and she told me with such conviction in her voice. This will be the perfect experience for her and some of her little companions. Us educators are always looking for ways to upgrade or heighten childrens learning in playful and exciting ways that capture their interest. There is always thought invested in the experiences we offer and create... Sincerely, Mel
21.01.2022 Our Nursing Home Engagements Continue TO Be Overshadowed By Sadness (Sorry its long, I try to convey things with detail, true emotion and accuracy.) Today I visited a nursing home foyer to drop off Penpal mail. It was a really somber moment of my day off. This visit immediately made me think of the sadness over Tuesdays FaceTime to the elderly treasures at the nursing home....Continue reading
21.01.2022 Just a quick THANK YOU / UPDATE ON MY THINKING. So, on Thursday morning one of my little humans arrived with a gorgeous sun flower craft with a note beneath it to say that she loves me. How heart warming? It was an instant pick-me-up. She even insisted on one of those lengthy and giggly cuddles that I always treasure.... If you look at the picture, it has bird seed on it to act as the centre of the flower - what a terrific idea. Id never thought of using bird seed in art (we use it in a sensory tub). Later that afternoon, it was time to check the mailbox for the 12th time. You see, theres a real fascination with the letter box here. The novelty at opening it to see if mail has arrived, never gets old. Maybe its the element of surprise at what could be inside. Anyway, who knows. But what the children discovered was a thoughtful package. Kymberley Wylie, a fellow early childhood educator, who Ive known since middle primary school, so 25 years, was at it again. She sent: - a note with some encouraging words, - another stunning origami piece, - 2 masks (butterfly / floral print) (Im obsessed with butterflies, obviously.) I instantly felt a lot better - isnt it funny how those surprise messages (or gifts) lift our mood and temporarily distract us from our ailments. Being an early childhood educator is such a wonderfully enriching and rewarding role, but its tiring too. Especially when youre on your own during the day and stuck in a lockdown where contact with extended family and other adults is restricted. (Its necessary, Im not contesting that, merely expressing the challenge.) It doesnt help when it feels like you cant escape a moody/hormonal/always hungry teenage boy either!!! So it sounds stupid, but after work on Thursday, I put on my mask in my own garden - haha - silly, but I wanted to wear the mask, I ignored my irritable teenager, listened to some music and chilled in the garden caring for my plants. My husband knew to ignore me too - hes much wiser these days and realised I was indulging in some chill time. Before I knew it, it was dark and nearly 7:15pm. (The torch on the phone is sufficient for some light, right?) Plants make me feel happy. I cant wait for lockdown to be over where I feel freedom to being allowed back out in nature, and around greenery. It will be wonderful to eventually return to nature reserves with the little humans too. I cant speak for others, but for me, greenery and nature, it just makes me feel calm, productive and relaxed. It helps soothe my troubled or distracted mind. I am so very thankful to my entire community! My family, my enrolled children and their families, my friends and fellow ECE colleagues from everywhere. This has been a tough year but the children, their families and thoughtful friends still know how to brighten any dull day. This lockdown journey is nearly over... Sincerely, Mel
21.01.2022 - An Appreciation Post - Check out this thoughtful and practical care package from the City of Ballarat FDC Scheme Today I took a breather... I unwrapped some mail (face masks) and explored a care package from my management team.... Firstly, a big thank you goes to Kymberley Wylie for her masks and a thoughtful note with a piece of origami. This little note was uplifting, and it was unexpected, but needed. I shed a tear. (And Ive always loved Kymberleys origami projects in the past and Im now privileged to have one.) This is going straight into my study, on my inspiration wall! Being an educator is both challenging and rewarding. This goes without saying... However, being an educator in Victoria right now is profoundly tough, especially if youre an educator in Melbourne. Im in regional Victoria, we have active Covid19 cases and Covid19 also surrounds us. Bordering shires are now in lockdown and half of my enrolled children transitioned into new lockdown restrictions today. While the daily Covid19 cases skyrocket for our state, in some ways, so does the anxiety and concern. This anxiety seems inevitable really. But instead of being anxious I am choosing to be thankful for now. In fact, right now Im so thankful. Im thankful for the leadership, support and thoughtfulness from my management scheme. Thoughtfulness is always important but it just seems more vital right now. Thoughtfulness can be encouraging, reassuring and motivating right? This gift pack is useful, practical and it even comes with treats just because. How nice. Being kind... Being thoughtful... This unfolds when we make ourselves aware of the needs and feelings of others and then taking some level of action to help them. It means taking the time to stop thinking about ourselves and, instead, switch the focus on somebody else's needs and to think, "What can I/we do to make that person's life a little easier or better? And this is exactly what the City of Ballarat Family Day Care Scheme have done... So today I am incredibly thankful for the thought and the support. To all other educators out there, it is my absolute hope that your management, either in long day care, sessional kindergarten or family day care, are supporting you. If youre gifted with treats, know that you truly deserve this! I appreciate you. Many appreciate you. Hold onto that knowledge. Sincerely, Mel P.S Not sure what to think of the mask look, but heck, I thought it was most appropriate to ensure I had a butterfly mask, given the name of my business.
20.01.2022 Appreciation Post Today I heard a softly spoken voice repeatedly say hello, hello, hello - she was delivering surprise envelopes filled messages of hope and encouragement on behalf of the scheme. This lady sported a smile, she gave a friendly wave and reiterated wanting to place the gift in a position where I would see it. After all the egg would soon melt. (Social distancing was maintained.)... I eagerly went and retrieved the egg and envelope and I started reading the instructions and a tear trickled down my right cheek. Mel, whats wrong? stressed Miss A. These are happy tears I affirmed. I ignored the instructions on the envelope. I have 5 little cherubs nicely sitting on the steps eagerly wanting to know why this envelope was so special to me. Essentially, it was a message of appreciation, encouragement and hope. Such a thoughtful idea. An envelope filled with carefully selected, printed and cut quotes to empower, motivate, encourage and reassure us educators. Well... To the cohort of ladies that make up the scheme, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! With parent permission, I plan to share the egg with all 5 children in attendance this afternoon. Just a nibble of chocolate to excite them and involve them a little more. I read the notes out loud, the children picked their favourites and we carefully returned the powerful and thoughtful messages to the envelope. The girls were concerned about the prettiness of the notes. Gestures like this are really powerful, emotive and encouraging and especially so during difficult and tiring times. Its been a tough week. Ive been on a roller coaster ride of emotions with the current changes and restrictions but there is light at the end of a tunnel and a listening ear on the phone that I can reach out to. I dont know who was the mastermind behind this thoughtful idea, but what I do know is that each of you value us and, for that, I am grateful and proud to be affiliated with this scheme. I truly appreciate this gesture so much. Sincerely, An empowered Mel
20.01.2022 Happy EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS DAY to all you remarkable educators! Today is special. Today is Early Childhood Educators Day.... This is our day for us educators. It is a day of celebration. It is a day of recognition. All encompassing, it is a day dedicated to educators for others to celebrate and recognise the heart, soul, long hours, ongoing thinking, continual preparation, sweat and tears, that we educators put into our chosen vocation. This role as an early childhood educator aint for the weak, unmotivated or the lazy... I am really proud to be an educator. I am really proud of all educators out there. Maybe youre family day care... Maybe youre long day care... Maybe youre occasional care... Maybe youre in a kindergarten... It doesnt matter, you setting is irrelevant. Youre all influential... Youre all inspiring... Ive said it before and Ill say it again, from one educator to another, THANK YOU for your worthwhile contribution to our community! Oh, and a HUGE SHOUT out to one of my enrolled families... They sneakily came by and snuck a home made card into my letter box. It made me cry. Happy tears of course. I dont know if Im becoming more sensitive or maybe this gruelling pandemic has really shown me that the thoughts, the effort, the appreciation, from others, its what pulls on the heart strings and it matters SO MUCH to me. Thank you to Sheree! I truly loved this, and seeing my Mel on the cover truly made me giggle in between those trickling tears... Another shout out to my scheme and the City of Ballarat Children Services department - you enlisted the support of our deputy mayor to promote how valuable and appreciated us educators are through an emotive video, you gifted us a plant accompanied by an inspiring message! Today I am so proud and so very thankful for everything and to everyone. Im only the educator I am because of the ongoing support, the inspiration and the appreciation that gets bestowed upon me. Community, its EVERYTHING! Sincerely, Mel P.S - If Ive tagged you, its because I am incredibly thankful for your unwavering support and appreciation, ongoing influence, regular collaboration and inspiring ways! I wanted to tag all the inspiring educators, but Id be here for the next hour! Sarah Burnett Sheree Coleman Estelle Gleeson-Bell Kim Elizabeth King Maddi Darouti Fiona Chatterjee Jacinta Clarke Vanessa Vagg
19.01.2022 - Fun with the dusting of SNOW- Today we were fortunate to experience a light dusting of snow here in Ballarat. It was a bit of a reflective moment for me, but Ill expand near the end of this post about that...We were outdoors and eager to discover. We were quickly reminded that snow feels cold!Incredibly, lovely, lovely, oh my lovely cold snow according to Miss I.Wonderfully good but so, so cold at the same time was how Miss A described the feeling of s...now.Super shockingly cold was Master Hs description of the cold snow.It's hard to feel a dusting of snow though, because snowflakes melt and turn into water as soon as they touch your skin. But, be rest assured, there was a way to feel snow more uniquelyMiss I decided to clump snow together to experience the feeling for a little longer. Miss A and Master H followed her lead.Miss I and Master Hs lips tasted the snow and Miss Is cheeks felt the snow too!Children truly like to involve their senses in whatever theyre experiencingSome of the children wrote their name or initial along the snow covered fence edgeMaster H then decided to create a heart with the snow too Everyone then tried this and Miss I was so impressed with her snow heart.All of this tactile touch with the snow became too much and little fingers soon felt uncomfortably cold but this too was okayWe didnt have gloves but we had slippers. Miss A decided that the slippers would be the perfect impromptu pair of gloves that she was desperately craving in order to warm those exposed extremities.Such fun to be had in the snow, even if it was for just 30 minutes.The children were creating memories, exploring their senses, weaving in a little literacy, being creative and definitely thinking outside of the box.When the hearts were formed in the snow it was a bit of a pivotal moment for me. I was reminded that it really is so easy to see the beauty in beautiful things but its hard to recognise beauty when our situations suck. Despite the resurgence in Covid19 cases... Despite the tough new lock down rules... Despite the hard workload at timesDespite it all ...Im choosing to find clarity in seeing what others cant see, in finding grace and harmony in places others overlook. Most of all, Im accepting that there is still happiness to be found.Working with children, irrespective of our limitations, brings us an abundance of happiness and I hope you share this same feeling as you engage with little humans. Sincerely, Mel Sarah Burnett
19.01.2022 Sunflower Happiness I was in my happy place for part of the afternoon... In a field of thousands of sunflowers... I came to love sunflowers when a little boy gifted me one nearly 4 years ago... I can vividly remember this gorgeous moment and since then Ive just loved them. Even planting shorter sunflowers in a repurposed toilet was a fun highlight towards the end of last year.... This field of sunflowers was extraordinary. So many vibrant blooms. The sunflowers all standing tall. There is this sense of bravery about them as they stand tall and stretch for the sun. They bravely hold their seedy heads high. Theyre all unique and slightly different to those nearby. They just add so much brightness and vibrancy to the moment and I love it. I very rarely take my educator hat off, and today is was no different. As I look at these sunflowers, I think they might just be the perfect inspiration for some large scale real-life art next week. Im sure the children will enjoy the opportunity to draw and paint their own sunflower. Perhaps I can connect these gorgeous flowers with feelings and enquire, how do you feel when you look closely at the sunflower?. So for those of you who use early childhood services, just remember, were a hardworking, passionate bunch of people who find it very hard to switch off from our work and were always looking for new opportunities to engage, educate, inspire and excite the children we are connected to. Sincerely, Mel
18.01.2022 A Funny conversation (at the end) Welcome all... Im back! Today was my first day back after five weeks of annual leave....Continue reading
16.01.2022 Wed just like to wish everybody a very Happy Easter... Check out the drawings on these Easter Egg Hunt bags the children decorated... Such confident and focused little artists. Its amazing how childrens drawing evolves and matures when an adult patiently nurtures, encourages effort and attempt, and takes the time to teach sequence for drawing when it is asked by the child.... Children are capable artists if we remind them so and take the time to be attentive and intentional with childrens drawing pursuits. Sincerely, Mel
16.01.2022 - Our Surprise Morning Tea - (This post highlights the values in an emergent curriculum along with the benefit of strong partnerships with families.) Today some siblings were late to care but, as it turned out, the wait was worth it....Continue reading
15.01.2022 The Pyjama Week Celebration Wrap Up... Firstly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Thank you for the support youve shown for this worthwhile cause. Together, weve raised $240 for the Pyjama Foundation. These funds will be used to help fund a mentoring program for children in foster care! ...Continue reading
15.01.2022 Gratitude / Struggling Health Update I have been meaning to write this gratitude post / now health update for a few days now... Ive been a bit unwell, recently in hospital, and trying to identify what exactly is plaguing me. ...Continue reading
13.01.2022 Loved my PD Tonight - Learning is a Lifelong Journey Im not sure whats better, this gorgeous view at the Geelong waterfront or the enthusiasm and inspiration Im feeling after listening to and briefly engaging with Niki Buchan at Deakin University. What an opportunity to meet her!!! She had such a lovely energy about her. Right now my head is exploding with ideas and thoughts, so I figured Id just share them all with you. Who knows, 1 or 2 of you might be inspired too...... Niki spoke about the healing power of nature for children, the significance of nurturing and establishing connections with children, the value in risk-taking for children, the reminder that ADHD is a mental illness and the true value in childrens play. I was reminded to: - Nurture the connection with each child entrusted in my care. A sincere and deep connection with children is pivotal. - Nature is precious to the children. When children connect with nature they become less stressed, less depressed, self-esteem is improved, increased resilience occurs and social play and inquisitiveness unfolds. Nature alleviates the impact of life stress on children and helps them deal with adversity. - Children want a sense of freedom. We can give children a perception of freedom but we still have a duty of care to supervise them and keep them safe. - To keep children as safe as NECESSARY. (Not as safe as possible.) - Collaborate with children to create agreements (not rules): - Try not to hurt yourself. - Try not to hurt anyone else. - Try not to hurt the environment. - Keeping the agreements to 3 helps the children in accessing the risk for themselves. Enquire, are you feeling safe? Remember our agreement... Expand from here. - The Benefit Risk Assessment which is a tool to record the favourable things to support the children in risk-taking experiences but shows youve actively thought about the potential risks too. - Think about INCLUSION - to include all children irrespective of their behaviours, physical abilities, mental abilities and ages. - Loose parts are the best toys ever. The provoke creativity and there is no right or wrong way to use them really. - Humans were not born in litters (only the education system thinks this way - haha) so FDC is the perfect environment to engage in nature immersion because peer mentoring will unfold between the varying ages and abilities. Moving forward, it is my hope to provide the children with even more opportunity to engage and explore in the local natural settings. I will try to give children a perception of freedom to own their play, their discoveries, their risk-taking pursuits and more. Most importantly, I will continue to build on those nurturing connections and make sure that the children know that I trust them and their judgement. What an inspiring and thought-provoking PD. Sincerely, Mel P.S Thanks for the great company, stimulating conversation and chauffeuring An De Keulenaer and Rosalie Brown
13.01.2022 Withholding Affection DOESNT Happen Here Im a firm believer that children are hardwired to be kind and compassionate. To create a kind and caring atmosphere Ive always cultivated a culture of compassion and nurturing ways, and not just by my example, but by empowering, investing (explicit teaching) and inviting children to take charge in this area. This creates a sense of positive connection and community too. Today I witnessed another act of child-led compassion. I... was hardly needed but I still gave a little input and made myself available if I was, in fact, needed. Today Mr E came to care feeling a bit sad and not wanting to part ways with his Dad. It was okay because Miss A and Miss L stepped in to assist and comfort their friend. Withholding affection never occurs here... The children never ignore sadness in others, instead they offer input and try to help soothe... Im a genius, Im going to get Master E to laugh again. Im in control Miss L. Follow what I do. Tears were delicately wiped away by little hands... Miss L was very compliant and wanted to see her friend present as happy and cheeky again. Do a rub okay suggested Miss L. You mean a brilliant massage, good idea. Negotiation was occurring, I smiled... The girls went and retrieved some handheld massages from my sensory / calming station. I invited Mr E to pretend to blow into imaginary balloons 5 times. This helps to regain a bit of composer. As soon as Mr E saw the massages he flopped to the ground and enjoyed the indulging few minutes. The girls were committed to their masseuse duties and Master E was very thankful. Thanks guys. Now say youre welcome back to me quickly. In this instance I knew Master E was back! Master E started being cheeky, wanting to do peek-a-boo and hide and seek play. As the beanie was deliberately pulled down to cover hiding eyes, Master E started counting and giggling, possibly deliberately skipping numbers... 1, 4, 6,7,9,10,11,12... This was definitely another exciting moment. The girls were not helping because it helps them to get what they want. Maybe they were after a bit of praise but they definitely anticipated the needs of their friend and I cant help but think it becomes intrinsically rewarding for them as they do nice things for other people. I wonder if I had a fragile moment, if Id be lucky enough to receive an indulging massage at the hands of these helpful children... Sincerely, Mel
12.01.2022 Children say the DARNDEST things... Please note: This conversation may not be to everyones taste. Given our current pandemic climate in Victoria, I thought we could all do with a momentary distraction/brief giggle....Continue reading
12.01.2022 - Pyjama Party Reminder - Reminder to families that our week long Pyjama Party starts tomorrow... Remember those cosy pyjamas - either worn to day care or placed in your childs bag for an outfit change! ... Heading out after day care? No worries, pack some appropriate clothing for your child to wear closer to departure time! So... I decided to have a PJ party. There were two motivations for this party. 1. I wanted to support the Pyjama Foundation in their efforts to support children in foster care (and I plan to gently and age-appropriately explain what foster care is to children in the coming weeks). Here is a link for anyone who wishes to support this worthwhile event. https://the-pyjama-foundation.giveeasy.org//butterfly-gar/ 2. I wanted to bring joy to the children through celebration. Its been a remarkably tough time for everyone, especially our little humans and a party is definitely what is needed to lift our spirits and heighten our joy... (The children are missing their engagement and connection within the community immensely. We do remote connection and we continue to find ways to try and implement connection within the community but its just not the same as being physically immersed in it.) I decided to decorate the day care environment with a bit of party cheer! I wanted to get the children really involved in the decision making process. It turned out that many of the children had a clear idea of what they wanted. - They wanted a sign - so they worked together to make one (how gorgeous). - They want to feel special and enormous relaxed a little girl remarked. So weve got massages, non-allergenic cream, face masks and a foot spa! - Numerous boys wanted pizza with no vegetables - so were making pizzas. - They want bubbles - so everyone is getting a bubble wand and helium filled ballon to take home. And I wanted to gift the children a small present. Everyone gets to receive a pair of snuggly slippers to wear at day care only. Im always striving for that home away from home feel and I hope the party along with the cosy slippers, the couple of cooking experiences (Covid19 safe precautionary measures to be implemented), the balloons, the bubbles and the relaxing and pampering foot spa experience help to bring joy, laughter and relaxed smiles to the little faces this week. Sincerely, Mel
12.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day / A reflection on Gift Art For the past month or so, here and there, weve dabbled in meaningful art tailored to the dads and weve engaged in discussion about our dads too. Weve shared what we think of our dads in a detailed interview Before I engage in my reflection, Dad, if you happen to read this I love you and I miss you so very much. With my holiday, your holiday and ongoing lockdowns (and 90km of road), weve spent a whole 8 hours togeth...Continue reading
11.01.2022 - THANK YOU EVERYONE - It is with tremendous honour that I announce that I’m the 2020 Regional Family Day Care Educator of the Year for Ballarat and Central Highlands. (One of 17 shortlisted finalists for Victoria/Tasmania.) This award and recognition isn’t possible without the unwavering support, belief, endorsement and encouragement of the current enrolled families, the past families and the wonderful cohort of educators and coordinators I engage with.... When you build the right community who will give you the strength to act on your ideas and inspire you to be the best version of you, success can unfold. So this award is to all of you amazing educators out there. Quite frankly, I don’t care if you’re family day care, long day care or sessional kindergarten. Thank you for your ongoing support, your encouragement and for seeing and celebrating my worth as a quality family day care educator. Thanks to the City of Ballarat FDC Scheme, too! They’ve been integral to my success. Thanks to my family too - near and far for the love, prayers and sacrifices! To all of my followers and supports... Thanks for encouraging me, inspiring me and above all, supporting me! It’s been a year I will never forget. Covid in Victoria has been something else, and to compound that with my lingering but manageable new health ailments, it hasn’t been easy. But nothing worthwhile comes easy, does it? Much love and heartfelt appreciation, Mel P.S - thanks to everyone who has been directly messaging me after learning of the announcement - all those messages emanating love, congratulations and happy thoughts are most uplifting!
11.01.2022 An intriguing story unfolded over wet undies and once again it got me thinking... Yesterday a child wet their undies but the story that unfolded was something unique and rather special. I wasnt sure the wet ground was the result of a toileting accident so I enquired if someone converted their drink bottle into a squirting device. (This happens on occasion.) ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 - Master E’s Bananagram - Today, a funny and insightful little conversation took place between Master E, half a banana (the impromptu phone) and his absent Mum. It was insightful, humorous and animated. I guess you could say I’ve really learned how to identify these moments as soon as they unfold...... ........ Hi Mummy, I got a new banana. I say ‘thumbs up’. Now listen careful Mummy. No more old and yucky bananas ever and ever again. Old banana are for old people like you Mummy. I’m new and I want new bananas, please. Now, I say please okay. ...Big pause... Time to listen up Mummy and look Mummy, I got my thumbs up so good. If I get an old banana again I won’t be able to play with you ever again. You’re a good player too. So I hope I don’t feel so sad, Mummy. Remember, old bananas make me sad, now. Love you, Mummy. Gotta go do ‘Muddy Puddles’ play. Bye darling. Oh you not say bye back. You’re so rude, Mummy. ........ Master E then proceeded to slam the banana on the table in abandonment and stormed off stomping and roaring... He transformed into an exuberant and loud dinosaur. There is usually a blend of humour, affection and complete seriousness about pretend phone calls that children spontaneously make to their non-responding parents, but this call took these outcomes to a whole new level. On this particular occasion, with half a banana in the hand, a detailed call was made to this child’s mum. The call was creative, in depth, demanding, a tad confronting and matter-of-fact like. It was filled with a blend of giggles, seriousness, tone variation and expectations on the Mum moving forward. But more importantly, it was a way for the child to communicate their preferences for new and not old bananas in their lunch box. Master E is quite imaginative but doesn’t typically use a banana to initiate a phone call. I am so glad I paid explicit attention to the call because it meant that I was able to learn something new about him and his ever-changing preferences and enlighten his parents on this preference. I am so fond of the deeply authentic and intimate relationships I share with the children in my small group setting. Sincerely, Mel
10.01.2022 A little delivery excitement Its been a few days since Ive been spontaneously super excited... (Im currently unwell but a few more days of rest should see me up and running again next week...)... This morning when I went to place something in my letterbox for a nearby parent to sign, I discovered a package on my doorstep... The contents of the package was a program planner to assist me in being more engaged with my daily programming. Check out the presentation - isnt it so impeccably beautiful, so inviting and simply pretty... Im eager to start using this program planner from next week in addition to what I already do. When Im feeling a bit more alert and attentive Ill enthusiastically explore the contents of this package further. Big shout out to the lovely team at Big Hearted Education... Until then, Im going back to bed... Sincerely, Mel Victoria Edmond
08.01.2022 Appreciation Post Here is hoping everyone is having a fantastic day, or at the very least, having a better day than myself. Just a quick appreciation post...... You see, its still important to be thankful even if youre internally finding yourself deep down in a temporary pit of despair. Thanks to all for the advice I received through my personal Facebook Account. Special thanks to two people affiliated in some capacity to my FDC - Justin Burnett and Crystal-may Ryan for the invaluable advice and links to further assistance. Special thanks to the hubby too, as he tried to help remotely. Whats going on? Well, on my day off, my pc, the device that is equivalent to gold for a Fdc educator, - as were always using it to download pictures, make resources, watch childrens music clips, type learning stories or the childs voice in some capacity. Maybe were doing online learning, writing emails or who knows what else, has TRULY spat the dummy. A computer is an essential device for me. We have such a close relationship. Moving forward, I guess I better take improved care of this device or its replacement. This is the 4th consecutive year that Ive destroyed a computer. Err.. technology is wonderful but only when it works! Whats better than a pc? The supportive community Im surrounded with through my FDC service. Thanks again to those who went out of their way to truly help me. Sincerely, A grateful Mel
08.01.2022 - Our Book Week Celebrations and My INTENTIONAL low key approach - This week we celebrated Book Week here at the Butterfly Garden FDC. We always read story books and sometimes we delve deeper and get immersed in a conversation about a topic, issue or interest that gets sparked through a story book. ...Continue reading
07.01.2022 A Butterfly Wreath Succulent / Mental Health Awareness In love with my latest gift to myself... a butterfly succulent wreath... Its my Christmas present to myself... Its a great addition to the outside environment even if its just for aesthetic reasons... After all, were called the Butterfly Garden Family Day Care!... Thanks so much to Lauren at The Birds and the Wreaths! You are so much more than a succulent and greenery crafter extraordinaire. Youre helpful, friendly and so attentive to individual and custom preferences! Thank you for this succulent gem! Its important that us educators indulge in something of interest and for me, its my garden or board gaming. I just love to get my green thumb on and potter in the garden or replanting succulents into pots... Spending time in my garden tends to be the tonic to help me reduce my stress levels and to improve my wellbeing. Speaking of mental health and wellbeing, Ive been completing online modules through Be You - and the latest one Im reviewing is: Understanding mental health and wellbeing in learning communities. No matter your position in early learning services, you play a central role in supporting good mental health in children! If youre an educator, register your profile. Its free and its highly beneficial for yourself and definitely has the potential to heighten your knowledge and competence around identifying and supporting, mental health in children and adults alike. Sincerely, Mel
05.01.2022 - When Scooters and United Hands fix EVERYTHING... - (A little reflection on children fighting and how I responded, or hardly responded...) There was a day in care recently where 2 little children sported such big emotions and conflict after conflict kept presenting itself....Continue reading
05.01.2022 This was sitting in my work digital inbox today. I checked my email after I saw an ex colleague share theirs... Appreciation is such a powerful thing and the expression that appreciation goes a long way, is definitely true.... One of lifes greatest motivators is appreciation. When people take the time to let me know that they value me, it inspires me to continue doing even more than what is expected. Id have to say that this is precisely why gratitude is the ultimate gift that drives us for excellence in what we do. So thanks Dan Andrews. Youve made my night! Sincerely, Mel
05.01.2022 Saw this beautiful message in my inbox. Its so uplifting to read. Ive been unwell with cluster headaches but I still prioritised writing letters as Mrs Claus to the children in my family day care. It was most important that I personalise letters from Mrs Claus to the children in my care. It seems Australia Post failed on their end to deliver personalised responses from Santa. After all, these children dictated, wrote and illustrated the most beautiful messages to Santa. ...These letters were not all about their wants and wishes, instead, it was about reminding Santa to remember those less fortunate this Christmas. Children wanted the sick, the elderly, the lonely, the poor, the animals and the bush fire victims remembered this Christmas. I regularly involve the children in projects and engagements that see them involved with and learning about gifting to charity - both local and afar. (We have 10 shoe boxes filled with little gifts for less fortunate children on a ship to Papua New Guinea as we speak, we donated scooters and bikes to the local Salvation Army Appeal for Christmas, we made 31 Christmas Cards for farmers and the children learned about the frustrations and limitations that farmers experience and we filled two boxes of tasty groceries to bring a smile to the faces of two local families this Christmas through the Reverse Advent Calendar initiative. I do all this to bring meaning and deeper purpose to my life and to help shift the thinking in others - from Christmas being all about themselves to others...to strangers in particular. I want to inspire children and their families to give to those less fortunate than us. 1 project at a time, I continue to make a small difference. Shona Maree, this message really uplifted me. Thanks for bringing me joy through this message. Merry Christmas to all of my FB community! Thank you to those who support and appreciate the work I do with young children. Sincerely, Mel
04.01.2022 Reflecting on my WORTH as an educator... (This is a tribute to all of you hard working, innovative and dedicated educators out there.) Ive never done this role for the money alone. If I was motivated by money, Id have chosen a different career. ...Continue reading
04.01.2022 Todays reflective moment looks at play, that at first glance, looks like COMPLETE mess! Today I paused. I paused for a moment and had a few quick but silent negative thoughts about the play mess heightening... I then silently reminded myself to move past this thought... I have to, Im an early childhood educator...... You see, the children here delve into their play and surroundings with full gusto. Mess (to me) unfolds and evolves... But I need to allow mess when Im educating little humans. Yes, I need to be mindful of potential hazards. Yes, I need to encourage the children to care for their environment and to respect the belongings by encouraging them to pack away their play when theyre finished. But... I need to let the children play! After all, were regularly reminded of the notion that play is childrens work and its how they learn and process the world around them. Personally I cant stand mess or disorder but Ive taught myself to look past the initial perception of mess and to find the magic. The magic comes in the form of thoughtful, purposeful and creative play residue hidden amongst the mess. Today, Ive seen: A wooden drumstick used as a beak on a bird creation on a transient art table. A farm set up where high heels were protected by witches cone, a present for a wife. Nearby the man was building a drive way... A pig created a car park at the new shops all on a light box... A castle wall being built to protect the sparkles hiding in the handbag... A puzzle board was used to sort loose parts by colour and magnetics were used around this board to create open gates and closed gates.... This is just a small snippet of magical play in a small window from today. Children are creative. Children are inventive. Children are purposeful. Children are open-minded. Children are focused. Children are content. Children have a strong chance of achieving this so well when theyre empowered to use resources how they see fit, when theyre encouraged to be independent, when theyre permitted to play with minimal limitations. For now, Im quite happy to see a state of disarray unfold before me in the play area. Why? Because Im bound to continue discovering more little areas of magic created at the hands of little humans. And this truly delights me. How do you view play mess? Sincerely, Mel
04.01.2022 The True Beauty of Multi Age Learning Settings... While Ive only just settled back into the rhythm of working alongside the children this year, already on so many occasions, Ive been reminded that little ones want to feel involved and in charge, so you know what? I let them feel this way! Ive also been reminded of something special too. Mixed age settings, which are so prevalent in any family day care setting - are so beneficial to all of the children! One of the bigg...Continue reading
03.01.2022 The Death of Mr B and the value in FaceTime with the ELDERLY TREASURES at a local nursing home... Earlier this week we did another FaceTime call to the nursing home. Its definitely not the same as meeting in person (heck, the children miss the intimate and meaningful touch and laughter) but its still beneficial nonetheless. Typically, a staff member and a handful or two of residents eagerly await our digital presence on a Tuesday morning at 11:00am. (This is our virtu...Continue reading
03.01.2022 Far more than just another painting experience... We did some tape resist art this week. Dont get me wrong, this was a brilliant experience, but like usual, the aftermath is where the true magic emerged. If youre patient, read through the mundane part to get to the exciting part......Continue reading
03.01.2022 The Importance of Hand Holding for the Elderly Treasures Weve returned to the nursing home this year to visit the elderly residents who we typically refer to as our elderly treasures. We participate in a high quality music therapy class, with the ultimate goal being to foster meaningful interactions between the young and the young at heart through music.... Two children are new to this experience and two are returning children. Nonetheless the dynamics have changed and some children are easing back into the rhythm of the program and others are fully engaged and exuberant. But one thing is the same for all... There is so much intimate and treasured hand holding/high-5s/fist bumps and hand shakes that unfold throughout the session. Mrs J, a long time elderly attendee of these sessions, pulled me aside at the end to let me know something so important to her. You know, the kids, their hands, their soft hands, I not forget that touch. I, never forget that touch. I forget some things all the time but I not forget that touch. That touch makes me smile when Ive had enough. She then shook my hand and a small tear trickled down her left cheek. I never got the chance to verbally respond as a little one started crying and I went to comfort and connect with them. We exchanged a little wave from afar but this comment stayed with me and I can only assume that several of the elderly treasures feel the same way. It got me thinking about holding hands... Typically, we tend to begin holding hands with our parents when were small and helpless and later in our romantic relationships... The action of holding hands is associated with feelings of being loved, connected, and cared-for. Thats why it must be so vitally important for the elderly to have their hands held as often as possible, so they can remember and receive that same feeling... Visiting the nursing home has reiterated to me that loneliness is a very real issue for the elderly and as our ageing population increases, so do the problems. So this is why Ive decided to highlight and celebrate the benefits of this simple act. I want to encourage more people to hold hands with family members and friends, of all ages, especially any elderly treasures who you may know. Note: It takes tremendous confidence and trust for the children to engage in physical connection with the elderly treasures. The childrens preferences are always honoured - theyre never forced to hold hands - I guess thats why the varying hand actions unfolded, as children were respected and given autonomy to engage in hand touching in a manner that feels comfortable to them. Sincerely, Mel #myfamilydaycare Sound Connections Music Therapy
02.01.2022 - Chalk the Walk - So, this is what adorns our entrance area to our residence / family day care. A rainbow pictured with clouds and raindrops along with a message of hope.... I cant take much credit for the chalk art, thats largely the work of my son, Charlie. The teddy bears compliment the rainbow (thats my work). I shared some chalk art with Charlie and temporarily banned him from the phone and he got set to work in the dark last night and finished the art off this morning. While neighbours, extended family and friends cant hang out in person, we can at least share colourful, uplifting and appealing images and messages on driveways and footpaths. Already, this art has captured the interest of an elderly lady on her solitary walk, a runner, a cyclist, a neighbour and a mother shared that her 1 year old squealed with delight as soon as she pulled into the driveway. This is just heartwarming stuff. So go around, adhere to the social distancing rules and find the teddy bears and admire the chalk art. Youll feel better for it. Oh, and remember, chalk the walk too! Were all in this together! Sincerely, Mel
01.01.2022 Mothers Day Tribute Today is a sad day for me. Mums are often (but not always) the heart of the family. ... Happy Mothers Day to all the Mums out there. Speaking of Mums - a huge shout out to my own Mum! Mum, youre treasured and loved! Its been 3 months (given your holiday and iso life) since weve hugged and giggled together. I miss you so much Mum. Thanks for loving me everyday, including the days where it seems I was so unlovable! Here at the Butterfly Garden FDC, we made sure we took the time to create some special keepsakes for the Mums involved in our service. Why? Because I think its important to acknowledge the influential and selfless role that mothers typically play in their childs life. I made sure to capture the childrens voice again - its something I am most passionate about and I can only assume that the Mums reading the questionnaires will giggle, smile and experience their heart feeling all warm and fuzzy. Some might even be a little embarrassed - after all, children say the most honest of things at times. The children decorated their picture frames to their mums too - and its always interesting to see the additional detail, the extra care, the increased focus, the exceptional precision and more when children intentionally create for others. Children will typically draw or create with increased levels of motivation, quality and detail when theyre creating for someone else. I received some thoughtful and useful donations too - some placemats from one family, a craft box of odd bits from another family, and some blank wedding cards from a Mums wedding many years ago. We used these resources to create our gifts. (Im so blessed by my wonderful enrolled families.) There were a couple of different art pieces being created too - its always important to make the tasks age appropriate and I wanted all children to be included in this Mothers Day focus. Anyway, happy viewing and again, Happy Mothers Day to all... Sincerely, Mel P.S - Julie Barry - this is as good as it gets - sending you a virtual hug.
01.01.2022 Lest We Forget We may not be in a physical congregation but were still together as we pay tribute on this day of national significance. One way were together and connected is through the concept of decorating our fences and driveways to commemorate those ANZACS and those who have or are currently serving in the military. These isolation rules provide the best excuse to dive into art and craft with little humans and Ive had 3 little humans tell me that I need to pret...ty the drive way again (they remember the playful rainbow chalk art). I did pretty the driveway again but I did it in collaboration with the children by incorporating their carefully painted egg carton poppy flowers and their poppy paintings. One child even wrote a sign for me, but Ill always enlist help with sign making as Im a huge fan of involving the children in meaningful writing tasks and sign making is just one way to do this. Already, people walking past appear to love seeing the Anzac spirit coming to life in this neighbourhood. Through my camera system I saw one car intentionally pull over and an older couple got out and looked at the display more intently. I then noticed that they stood there, hand-in-hand, in quiet contemplation. It was a beautiful observation. Prior to this poppy egg carton making and poppy flower painting, I read the story ANZAC Ted by Belinda Landsberry and Lest We Forget by Kerry Brown. I shared some additional ANZAC Day facts but in a general and sensitive way. Following this, in true to me form, I interviewed the children about their thoughts on their understanding of ANZAC Day, what pieces of the stories were important to them and if they felt safe in Australia. Im always eager to empower children in sharing their thinking. For children, I always hope to engage their inquiring minds, to lay the foundations for understanding, empathy and respect, to capture their voice and to allow them to feel capable with new tasks, to feel a sense of accomplishment and to take pride in their unique creations. I think I can confidently tick these boxes in my mind with this current focus. So, if you havent already, please spend a moment in quiet reflection and remembrance at home on this day of national significance. Sincerely, Mel P.S - I added the heart into the chalk display as a means to acknowledge the birthday of my beloved Grandpa today. He would have been 82. I miss him terribly!
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