Butterfly Childcare Gumdale | Businesses
Butterfly Childcare Gumdale
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25.01.2022 Last chance to get a raffle ticket for our Mother’s Day draw! We will be drawing the raffle at 10am and announcing the winners shortly after !
24.01.2022 Ekka Fun Day!!! Today was filled with loads of games, prizes, costumes, ice creams, rides and much more!
24.01.2022 Tomorrow and Tuesday morning we will have Jitters Mobile Cafe in the car park for your morning coffee! Beautiful coffee and many milk options!
23.01.2022 Little Juju Berry will be selling their beautiful homemade earrings at our Open Day markets on Saturday 27th March! Come along to check them out between 9am and 12pm.
23.01.2022 Have you got a roast planned for dinner? Spaghetti bolognese? A chicken dish? Come and grab a bunch of our home grown rosemary, straight from our community garden.
22.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/256631361520031/posts/973808139802346/?extid=VY4ZLwJfAgpXjcZN&d=n
22.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/718133351674235/posts/1750931528394407/?vh=e&extid=z8hDcwHzlJffjsop&d=n
21.01.2022 Wishing all of our Butterfly families a very Happy Easter. Enjoy this weekend with those closest to you and be sure to check in with those who you are unable to catch up. Take care and stay safe. Xo
21.01.2022 A huge thank you to Aussie Capalaba for the wonderful gesture of providing us with morning tea! We really appreciate the delicious brownies from Bayside Brownie Company.
21.01.2022 Butterfly Childcare would like to say thank you to all the service men and women that have made the ultimate sacrifice, in order for us to live free in this beautiful country we call home. Lest we forget
21.01.2022 At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, We will remember them.
21.01.2022 Yesterday was Butterfly Childcares 5th Birthday! To celebrate we ordered a giant cake!! Yummy!
20.01.2022 Yesterday was Butterfly Childcare’s 5th Birthday! To celebrate we ordered a giant cake!! Yummy!
19.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who purchased the Father's Day raffle tickets! We have collectively raised $390 for Beyond Blue.
19.01.2022 On Tuesday, our Pre-Kindy 1 staff supported the children's sensory needs through a high impact activity. This was interesting as the children ran as fast as they could into the rolled up mat to obtain instant physical feedback. It was amazing to watch each child try as hard as they could to Mr Dan over. The idea behind this, is to allow the children to be provided with a safe way to exert any energy, frustration or to just let loose in having fun. To ensure that the environme...nt is safe, the soft fall mats where placed down on the ground. We also engaged in a conversation with the children, during and after the activity, to ensure they understood this activity was the only time they could tackle, as it was a safe space. Children have an innate desire to engage in rough play. Rough play is a basic human instinct that helps children develop many skills but mostly children like this kind of play because its fun! Rough play helps young children: understand the limits of their strength explore their changing positions in space find out what other children will and wont let them do work out social relationships as they play roles, take turns and sort out personal boundaries.
19.01.2022 Our window of tolerance refers to how much we can handle, emotionally, before shutting down or blowing up. Healthy brains in optimal circumstances have a big ar...ch that helps us stay present to listen, learn, and grow even when difficult stuff is happening. For brains that have experienced trauma, neglect, or some mental illnesses, that learning space is a little smaller and we may move into shut-down or overwhelm more quickly. What I want to tell you today is something you probably already know intuitively: Windows of tolerance shrink during times of high-stress. If you had a healthy window of tolerance before Coronavirus, it's normal to feel tears well up much easier right now or to just want to check out. If your window of tolerance was already a little smaller, you may be noticing even less flexibility. Rather than forcing yourself to engage when you can't, give yourself permission to ask for what you need in order to stay present (like breaks, or tabling a conversation until after a meal/walk/etc). Often, just giving ourselves permission to move between "ok" and "not ok" without judgment can help make just a little more space to be ok. Download a coloring page of this image for $1.25 at https://lindsaybraman.com/WOT-CB Learn more about Window of Tolerance at https://lindsaybraman.com/WOT #quarantinelife #mentalhealthcare #windowoftolerance #familytime #togetherathome
19.01.2022 Good Morning Butterfly Families! For all those children at home, please join us at 10am for a LIVE book reading from the famous Miss Ellie!!!
18.01.2022 Today we are acknowledging the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander children forcibly removed from their families. We reflect on the painful history and hope... that this day gives us a chance to join together and work towards healing for the Stolen Generations, their families, and their communities Sasha Mortimore Photography #sorryday #valuingchildren
18.01.2022 Families - stay connected with your students. Be safe, be well. Enjoy your weekend. Get rest, play a board game, eat some popcorn, read a good book, play with ...your pets, plant a garden, etc. Note: Original sentiment from Feeding Futures (when we came across it, their attribution had been removed). This sentiment, although not original to us, is what we believe. This thought aligns with our philosophical worldview of teaching the whole child. It supports our school district's the Whole Child Initiative. (http://www.ascd.org/programs/The-Whole-Child/Safe.aspx to view one aspect of this initiative)
18.01.2022 We would like to wish our Butterfly family and friends a Happy New Year. May this year bring you all good health and moments that fill your life with happiness.
17.01.2022 A big shout out for all of our Educators, we hope you enjoy your day. We appreciate all that you do. Xo
17.01.2022 Father's Day Raffle! Congratulations to Danya Rogers! You have won 3rd prize! :-)
17.01.2022 Hi All, Just a reminder that tomorrow we are having a rainbow dress up day! Come dressed in your brightest colours!
17.01.2022 Congratulations to our Kindy 1 & Kindy 2 Graduates!
17.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/100044221609994/posts/281312650019453/?d=n
17.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/409097472480163/posts/3084256764964207/?d=n
16.01.2022 Stop scrolling a reminder to pause & breathe. Save or bookmark this to come back to when feeling restless or anxious #semannslattery
16.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com//a.17287347285/2140420582770840/
16.01.2022 Dear Families, RE: Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough We are holding a Billy G’s Gourmet Cookie Dough drive as a major fundraiser this term and we ask for your support. All the funds raised will go to OUTDOOR SPORTING EQUIPMENT.... Billy G’s is an Australian family owned and operated business. There are ten (10) delicious flavours including their NEW Mint Choc and NESTLE SMARTIES cookie dough. There is even a cheese flavoured Doggie Dough for your special fury family members! The delicious cookie dough is only available through fundraising and is not sold in stores, so stock up! Final Online and Cash Orders Due FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Online Prize Ordering Closes on FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Delivery Date APPROXIMATELY 2 WEEKS AFTER ORDER DUE DATE How Do We Fundraise? Butterfly Childcare have now received a Billy G’s Fundraiser order form with instructions on how to collect orders from family, friends and neighbours. Families can obtain orders in cash using the order form together with online fundraising Families who sell 1 tub or more are entitled to an incentive prize for their efforts. But why not aim higher? You have the option to choose up to five (5) prizes and this will set your fundraising goal. Family and friends are your greatest supporters, so ask them first for support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time! How do we create an Online Fundraising Page? Creating a fundraising page is easy as 1,2,3. 1. Head to www.cookiedough.com.au to create your Online Fundraising Page by clicking the Register Now button and fill in your information as a parent/guardian. 2. Choose your child’s prize goals and create their avatar! 3. Share your child’s online fundraising page with your family and friends via the Share section so they can start buying some Cookie Dough as well, How Easy!
16.01.2022 Butterfly Childcare have chosen to Host a Gift Collection in the lead up to the holiday season in support of The Smith Family's Toy and Book Appeal. Please support me by donating new toys and/or books for children aged 0 - 12 years. Your gifts will be donated to young Australians in need who would otherwise go without on Christmas morning. So please give generously to help us achieve our goal so that we can spread joy at a time when it is needed most. Please place your gifts ...in the centre foyer or speak to a Centre Director for any questions. Thank you for your support!
16.01.2022 So the winners are... 1st Prize- Mr Dan 2nd Prize- Joti Deo 3rd Prize- Rachel Thomas ... 4th Prize- Zara Partridge 5th Prize- Keetah Johnston 6th Prize- John Neilson Congratulations!! Thank you to everyone who donated to this years Mothers Day Raffle
15.01.2022 There’s no doubt, that we value high quality care here at Butterfly! We understand that some families have made the decision to keep their children home in the current social climate. To keep children and their key educators connected to Butterfly we are starting a private Facebook page to deliver ‘Butterfly at Home’! As a member of this Facebook page you will receive the following; Play-based learning activities such as; sensory experiences, DIY obstacle courses, art and cr...aft, gardening, physical activities and more! Resource/Shopping Lists Live Readings from our wonderful Educators Live Yoga sessions Links to activities Retainment of your enrolment here at Butterfly Opportunity to connect with other Butterfly parents and families https://www.facebook.com/groups/1178823955786186/
15.01.2022 Grandparent’s Day is a globally celebrated day in honour of the bond between grandparents and their grandchildren. For grandparents of miracle babies, this bond is incredibly special and important. Join us to celebrate Grandparent's Day in the week leading up to 25th October and help to support the NEW Proud Grandparents Project. The experience of a baby being born not as expected can be life-changing and it affects the entire family. Grandparents can be just as affected as ...parents, riding the emotions, but often removed from the situation, waiting weeks or months to meet or hold their grandchild. This Grandparent's Day, we are asking for your help, to make a difference to the special grandparents of little miracles. To provide further support for these families, including grandparents. In honour of Grandparent’s Day 25th October, we’re asking for donations of new, children’s storybooks, to provide to families in the NICU. As hospitals will not accept second hand books, we kindly ask that any books donated are new, rather than second hand. These books will be included within the organisations NICU Survival Packs, together with important information, resources, and tools to help families cope with the experience of having a baby in NICU or SCN. Reading to newborns in the NICU is proven to help reduce stress for the baby, is one way that grandparents and parents can bond with their baby without touching, and also aids development (with premature babies at risk of developmental delays). We have created a collection zone in the foyer, where you can donate children’s books. If you would like to support this special project through fundraising, monetary donations can also be made by simply visiting: https://miraclebabiesgrandparentsproject.raisely.com/
14.01.2022 Father's Day Raffle! Congratulaitions Emilie Outhwaite, you have won 2nd prize!
14.01.2022 Dear Butterfly Families, On Wednesday 2nd September it is Early Childhood Educators Day! To show our appreciation for our wonderful Educators we have created a space in the foyer where we can express our gratitude.... Plenty of pens, leaf message templates, Blu Tac and scissors are placed next to this display. You can also print the leaf template here https://earlychildhoodeducatorsday.org.au/resources if you would like to make your message at home. We would love it if you could take the time to leave a special message for your child/children's educators. Thank you! :) -Butterfly Management
13.01.2022 Bekaboo will be holding a stall at our Open Day! Don't miss out on checking out their beautiful handmade items such as: Playmats ... Baby & Toddler Swings Tummy Time Pillows Pram Liners Trolley Liners Reusable breast pads and burp cloths Scrunchies Easter Baskets See more
13.01.2022 My School Journey will be at Butterfly Childcare Gumdale OPEN DAY! Fantastic discount on books available only at the open day. Come and check them out: Saturday, 27 March, 9am - 12pm
12.01.2022 Congratulations to all of our children who participated in the Premier's Reading Challenge!
12.01.2022 $2.50 Medium coffee! Back to school special! Today only!
11.01.2022 Good luck to all of our Butterfly Families and staff who have bought tickets in our Mothers Day raffle. Thanks again for all of your generous donations.
10.01.2022 To all of our Butterfly Mum’s and Grandma’s, Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you for all that you do.
10.01.2022 Todays a day where we can say THANKYOU to our amazing team of Educators. Words cant describe how appreciative we are for all you put into our little Butterflies lives! How can you thank your ECE?
10.01.2022 Father's Day Raffle! Congratulations to Yolande, you have won 1st prize!
09.01.2022 If you have lost your job/income/financial hardship - please apply for Additional Child Care Subsidy. This covers 100% of your fees for up to 13 weeks. You apply through your mygov account... here are the steps >> https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au//applying-during-temp
08.01.2022 Today’s a day where we can say THANKYOU to our amazing team of Educators. Words can’t describe how appreciative we are for all you put into our little Butterflies lives! How can you thank your ECE?
08.01.2022 Last chance to get a raffle ticket for our Mothers Day draw! We will be drawing the raffle at 10am and announcing the winners shortly after !
08.01.2022 THANK YOU to the wonderful family who shouted us all a delicious afternoon tea from The Pie Hole. It's these beautiful acts of kindness that gets us through these challenging times.
08.01.2022 To celebrate how well we have done through this CRAZY year, we decided to have a WACKY WEDNESDAY!!! A day full of crazy fun! Which Educator do you think deserves best dressed?
07.01.2022 We all need a little sunshine on a cloudy day Every storm is followed by a rainbow #weareallinthistogether ... #hereforourbutterflies #rainbowtrail See more
07.01.2022 A great video for parents during this time.
06.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com//a.33041524702/4379367992133580/
06.01.2022 Be kind to me this Christmasfrom a little person's point of view: - You've probably let me eat more sugar than usual. I'm bound to have higher highs and lower ...lows. - In the holidays I'm out of routine. I can cope better with transitions when I know exactly what's coming next, so please explain our plans for the day clearly to me. - The anticipation of Christmas can be pretty overwhelming and exhausting. Help me to rest by keeping to my normal bedtimes. - Travelling at Christmas is stressful for all of us. When possible, be flexible about when we travel and check the traffic before we leave. - I have no idea about the value of money. If there's no way I can have that giant Lego set for Christmas, then please tell me well before Christmas morning. I'll have time to get over my disappointment, and I'll learn to trust your honesty. - Grown-ups find preparing for Christmas stressful. I know you want it to be perfect for me so I'll have memories I can cherish forever. But I see you getting stressed, sometimes even before you do. I pick up on it and reflect it like a mirror. Please slow down, notice me, talk to me, play with me. That's what I'll remember. - When I lose itand I probably will at some pointplease don't make me ashamed of my feelings by shouting at me. I never set out to deliberately disappoint you and I didn't try to ruin your Christmas. I'm really not that calculated. I'm just a little person whose brain deals with stress in different ways to yours. Please try to understand me, from my point of view. And when all else fails, wrap your arms around me and hold me so I feel the strength of your love. Shared via Esther's Childminding
06.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/events/703492830419351/permalink/704199143682053/
06.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/1533761640257682/posts/2425775461056291/?vh=e
06.01.2022 To all of our Butterfly Mums and Grandmas, Happy Mothers Day. Thank you for all that you do.
06.01.2022 Building Foundations is key to success... #letthemplay
05.01.2022 Thank you to all of our wonderful Educators!
05.01.2022 6 Beautiful prizes are up grabs for Mothers Day! Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $5 The raffle will be drawn at 9am this Friday...
04.01.2022 Don't forget to wear your cosiest PJ's tomorrow and bring a gold coin donation to raise much needed awareness and funds for children in foster care! Donation containers will be located next to the phone at reception! :)
04.01.2022 This simple yet beautiful game of musical crates was a perfect example of how our Educators are attuned with the Early Years Learning Framework. Each of the below elements are derived from the framework and explain how this simple game assists with reaching the five learning outcomes. *Educators plan opportunities for children to participate in meaningful ways in group discussions and shared decision-making about rules and expectations.... *Educators promote a sense of community within the early childhood setting. *Educators challenge and support children to engage in and persevere at tasks and play. *Educators plan for, and participate in energetic physical activity with children, including dance, drama, movement and games. *Educators provide opportunities and support for children to engage in meaningful learning relationships.
03.01.2022 https://wehavekids.com//Preschoolers-Learn-Best-Through-Pl
03.01.2022 Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them. ... #internationalwomensday
03.01.2022 Dear Families, RE: Billy Gs Gourmet Cookie Dough We are holding a Billy Gs Gourmet Cookie Dough drive as a major fundraiser this term and we ask for your support. All the funds raised will go to OUTDOOR SPORTING EQUIPMENT.... Billy Gs is an Australian family owned and operated business. There are ten (10) delicious flavours including their NEW Mint Choc and NESTLE SMARTIES cookie dough. There is even a cheese flavoured Doggie Dough for your special fury family members! The delicious cookie dough is only available through fundraising and is not sold in stores, so stock up! Final Online and Cash Orders Due FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Online Prize Ordering Closes on FRIDAY 25th SEPTEMBER Delivery Date APPROXIMATELY 2 WEEKS AFTER ORDER DUE DATE How Do We Fundraise? Butterfly Childcare have now received a Billy Gs Fundraiser order form with instructions on how to collect orders from family, friends and neighbours. Families can obtain orders in cash using the order form together with online fundraising Families who sell 1 tub or more are entitled to an incentive prize for their efforts. But why not aim higher? You have the option to choose up to five (5) prizes and this will set your fundraising goal. Family and friends are your greatest supporters, so ask them first for support. You will reach your fundraising goal in no time! How do we create an Online Fundraising Page? Creating a fundraising page is easy as 1,2,3. 1. Head to www.cookiedough.com.au to create your Online Fundraising Page by clicking the Register Now button and fill in your information as a parent/guardian. 2. Choose your childs prize goals and create their avatar! 3. Share your childs online fundraising page with your family and friends via the Share section so they can start buying some Cookie Dough as well, How Easy!
02.01.2022 Thank you to the Beautiful Family who surprised our Educators with morning tea this morning!
02.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/59944789668/posts/10159255482224669/?d=n
01.01.2022 Good luck to all of our Butterfly Families and staff who have bought tickets in our Mother’s Day raffle. Thanks again for all of your generous donations.
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