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Butterfly Transition Life Coaching
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25.01.2022 Are You a Corporate Refugee? Are you a committed, hardworking professional who was in the midst of projects you cared about when your company announced a change of direction that eliminated your job? Have you been cast out of your "home" company due to downsizing or reorganizing -- through no fault of your own? Prior to a job shift or job loss were you part of a team to which you felt a strong sense of belonging, and whose mission appeared to be fundamental to the healt...h of the organization? When you took the position from which you were made redundant, did you assume (or were you promised) a lengthy tenure that would provide a reliable career track for professional growth and benefits for your financial well-being only to have those assurances suddenly pulled out from under you? Have you "jumped ship" in the wake of corporate mergers or acquisitions that signaled your job would soon be history? Is your work history spotted with redundancy that had nothing to do with your job performance and everything to do with current economic realities in your industry or the speed of change in your field? Has constant change inured you to a wandering professional life, one in which you believe there is no loyalty between employer and employee, and it’s each person for him/herself? If any or all of these questions describe your situation, you qualify as a Corporate Refugee. Take heart. There is life after redundancy or your corporate change. Does this sound familiar? See what possibilities exist for you to take the next step and align your life so you feel like that same routine is broken into more excitement and passion, then book yourself in for a free 30-minute consultation session where we will both get to see if you are ready for the next step. Visit www.butterflylifecoaching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. Like a butterfly transform yourself into something great and powerful. See more
25.01.2022 It’s Your Money!!!! With the constant increase in the cost of living and the lack of pay increases, it’s just getting tighter and tighter on the household budget. Saying that, it seems looking for a better deal on home loans, health insurance, car insurance, mobile phones and even pay TV seems to go into the too hard basket or we are just brand loyal and don’t want to switch? Let me tell you about brand loyalty - the loyalty only swings one way and if you think these companie...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Are you over being a vocational traveller??? Today the average person changes jobs ten to fifteen times (with an average of 12 job changes), 12 job changes in a... person’s working life, WOW! Long gone are those days where you had one job for 30 years and then retired. If you are halfway through your working life and you have a number of job changes, you are a vocational traveller. In our current working environment, it is acceptable to be a vocational traveller, it is almost expected. If a hiring manager sees one or two jobs on your resume there is a chance your resume would be passed over for someone who had more jobs on their resume as they would be perceived to have more experience, which is not necessarily true. Changing jobs can be quite stressful. You may have had to change jobs due to no fault of your own due to corporate restructure and redundancy, or you have decided to jump ship as your current role is no longer enjoyable, or you have hit the promotional celling, or just had to change jobs for one reason or another. Here we go again, another entry on the resume, time to update LinkedIn, gotta make the recruitment agencies rounds, Seek and Indeed become your best friends again. The looming question is, where is my next crust of bread coming from? Not only being a Transitional Life Coach supporting corporate people through their ongoing career and job changes, I too was once a vocational traveller and did find the constant job changing stressful, learning new environments & cultures, new procedures and processes, who is who in the Zoo and of course, who was going to help you and who was going to undermine you. Does this sound familiar? Can you relate? If you are a vocational traveller or its just time for a change and you would love to experience a deeper level of clarity in your life, see what possibilities exist for you to take the next step and align your life so you feel like that same routine is broken into more excitement and passion, then book yourself in for a free 30 minute consultation session where we will both get to see if you are ready for the next step. Visit www.butterflylifecoaching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come. See more
22.01.2022 Tips For Surviving As a Corporate Refugee From my own experience as a corporate refugee over the past two years, I can validate that the sense of loss can be ov...erwhelming at times. The loss of a secure income is significant in itself, but when it compounds with the loss of identity, structure and community, there are times when it's paralysing. Today, over two years later, I proudly consider myself a Corporate Refugee who has successfully navigated the gruelling journey and emerged with an amazing new sense of purpose and freedom! With that in mind, I offer you tips for surviving from my own experience . Give Yourself Time To Heal Acknowledge the fact that you have been thrown into a life changing experience. Before you can move toward the future it's important to resolve the past. Just as in the loss of a loved one, there are stages of grief you will need to deal with. Chances are you will feel denial, anger, bargaining, and depression before you get to acceptance. Expect it, accept it, and try to have the forethought to recognize where you are in the process. Take Advantage Of Your New "Lack Of" Schedule One of the greatest advantages you have right now is "time". Even though much of that time will be preoccupied with processing your thoughts, there are no boundaries around where and when you do that. Turn off your alarm, forget your bedtime and let your body reset it's own clock. On gorgeous days go out and explore during times you would have been working. Whether you're running your toes through the grass, sitting on the beach or running errands, you'll discover sights, sounds, and people you haven't experienced at that time before. Cold, rainy days are great for putting your nose in a good book, clearing out clutter and browsing great bookstores. Like it or not, your time is your own now, take advantage of it. Soul Search And Rediscover Your Passions This is NOT the time to make major life decisions, but it's a perfect time to re-evaluate what is most important to you. When you were 10 years old, what was it you wanted to be when you grew up? If you went in another direction, is it time to explore that option now? What are your values, your needs, your personal boundaries? What is it that you love so much you get lost in time? What is it that makes you laugh until you wet your pants? What have you always wanted to do, but never had the chance? The time is right to explore these things about yourself. Evolve Rather Than Revolve This is a time of evolution for you, not a revolution. Based on what you're doing, or not doing, things will change. You'll think about and do things differently than you did before. Things that worked for you before will no longer work. You'll see things you didn't see before. Take time to "just notice" without judgment. It doesn't need to be about shoulds, coulds, good or bad. It just is, so just notice. Let Go And Let Be I'm a believer that we have the power to influence outcomes, but we can't control them. In other words, what will be will be. I also believe that the universe is constantly sending us messages. If you don't listen to the messages, you get to learn the lessons. Save yourself the frustration and struggle of trying to control outcomes. Maintain Undeniable Faith Even if it's not clear now, never lose faith in yourself or your abilities. Your past successes are validations that you have what it takes to navigate and emerge from this experience with a greater sense of understanding and appreciation. See what possibilities exist for you to take the next step and align your life so you feel like that same old routine is broken into more excitement and passion. Book yourself in for a free 30-minute consultation session where we will both get to see if you are ready for the next step. Visit www.butterflylifecoaching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. Like a butterfly transform yourself into something great and powerful.
17.01.2022 Golden Rules of Goal Setting Well we are almost at the end January, where are you at with achieving your goals? Have you thought about what you want to be doing in five years' time? Are you clear about what your main objective at work is at the moment? Do you know what you want to have achieved by the end of today?... If you want to succeed, you need to set goals. Without goals you lack focus and direction. Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life's direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. Think about it: Having a million dollars in the bank is only proof of success if one of your goals is to amass riches. If your goal is to practice acts of charity, then keeping the money for yourself is suddenly contrary to how you would define success. To accomplish your goals, however, you need to know how to set them. You can't simply say, "I want" and expect it to happen. Goal setting is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. In between there are some very well-defined steps that transcend the specifics of each goal. Knowing these steps will allow you to formulate goals that you can accomplish. Here are our five golden rules of goal setting: 1. Set Goals That Motivate You 2. 2. Set SMART Goals Specific. Measurable. Attainable. Relevant. Time Bound. 3. Set Goals in Writing 4. Make an Action Plan 5. Stick With It! See what possibilities exist for you to take the next step and align your life so you feel like that same routine is broken into more excitement and passion, then book yourself in for a free 30-minute consultation session where we will both get to see if you are ready for the next step. Visit www.butterflylifecoaching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. Like a butterfly transform yourself into something great and powerful.
17.01.2022 GOALS ARE DUMB!! A very profound statement, GOALS ARE DUMB. If you are like one of many millions of people who are, or who have set your goals for 2018, and b...y February you will have abandoned your 2018 goals for many reasons, there is one reason and one reason only you have failed in you goals for 2018 - YOU have set D.U.M.B GOALS!!! Dateless - Your goal does not have a beginning or end date for you to achieve. Unsupportive - How are you going to support and manage your goals until you have reached success? Muddy Your goals are unclear, you are unsure of what you really want to achieve. Beyond Reach You have set a goal that is unrealistic and out of your reach. Don’t get me wrong, I think goals are great and every successful person sets goals, however for goals to be achieved they need to be S.M.A.R.T Goals. Specific - What exactly do you want to achieve? The more specific your description, the bigger the chance you'll get exactly that. S.M.A.R.T. goal setting clarifies the difference between 'I want to be a millionaire' and 'I want to make $50.000 a month for the next ten years by creating a new software product'. Measurable - Measurable goals means that you identify exactly what it is you will see, hear and feel when you reach your goal. It means breaking your goal down into measurable elements. You'll need concrete evidence. Being happier is not evidence; not smoking anymore because you adhere to a healthy lifestyle where you eat vegetables twice a day and fat only once a week, is. Attainable - Is your goal attainable? That means investigating whether the goal really is acceptable to you. You weigh the effort, time and other costs your goal will take against the profits and the other obligations and priorities you have in life. Relevant -Is reaching your goal relevant to you? Do you actually want to run a multinational, be famous, have three children and a busy job? You decide for yourself whether you have the personality for it, or your team has the bandwidth. Timely -Time is money! Make a tentative plan of everything you do. Everybody knows that deadlines are what makes most people switch to action. So install deadlines, for yourself and your team, and go after them. Keep the timeline realistic and flexible, that way you can keep morale high. Being too stringent on the timely aspect of your goal setting can have the perverse effect of making the learning path of achieving your goals and objectives into a hellish race against time which is most likely not how you want to achieve anything. For further information about how to set S.M.A.R.T Goals please contact us. Butterfly Transition Life Coaching can help you to become educated as to how best to navigate this sea change in your life. Begin by understanding the stages you can expect, and making the most of each one through proactive strategies. Butterfly Transition Life Coaching is here to support and guide you through the unknown sea of change. Visit www.butterflylifecoaching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come. See more
12.01.2022 ESCAPE FROM THE CUBICLE FARM It has been almost two years since I walked through the cubicle farm. I remember on my last day as I walked through the farm, obser...vant as usual to the desperate sadness of the farm, but something was different this day. I suppose it’s because I was coming up on my final day before I finally resigned from this unnatural lifestyle. I looked into cube after cube of lifeless workers, some of whom I considered friends. But this day all I could see was waste. Men and women, with lives wasting away, going along with a system they never questioned, never challenged, never even knew was there enough to reject it. Puppets to a force they falsely assume is more powerful than them. I felt sadness, but mostly compassion for all of the potential lost. And I also felt a shiver of fear, and anger, and betrayal. I had been one of them, a puppet to this system, and no one looking out for me. Not my family, and not my friends. Until a few years ago, no one ever told me that this whole thing was bullshit. That we had (and have) choices. If escaping the corporate cube farm, living free, earning more, and living life on your own terms appeals to you, then you should definitely keep reading. The organizing and mass production of human efforts humbly began as Henry Ford’s big idea. Henry Ford is the father of mass production and the idea of expendable employees. His legacy created our modern-day cube farms. In public schools, we are prepared to be domestic animals herded into cubes, exploited, and put out to pasture with our best years behind us. We buy into this huge, unthinkable life compromise for the promise of: Marginal economic security now Rapidly eroded retirement dollars later Ailing health and ongoing doctor visits, because you lacked a purposeful life that reduces your pasture time!!! And, when you FINALLY have the freest time, you’ll mainly see your friends at their funerals (seated or lying down). There are only three endings to this story: You like cubes and will make yourself indispensable because you love it. (Happy Cow) You just want a pay cheque not interested in climbing or growing. (Dispensable Cow) You hate cubes, want to see more of your freest time now, and produce income that supports your life outside of the cube farm. (Divergent Cow) If you are #3, diverge with me from the cube farm philosophy, and escape the malodorous stench of office-politic cow pies, big brother policy cattle prods, and straight-jackets constricting our creative and innovative minds. If you’re like me, your cube walls are closing in fast and you are having a Morgan Freeman moment Shawshank Redemption. Can you relate? Butterfly Transition Life Coaching can help you to become educated as to how best to navigate this sea change in your life. Begin by understanding the stages you can expect, and making the most of each one through proactive strategies. Butterfly Transition Life Coaching is here to support and guide you through the unknown sea of change. Visit www.butterflylifecoching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come. See more
12.01.2022 Is life really like a box of chocolates? Like most of us I enjoyed the movie Forrest Gump, the story of Forrest resonated with us on so many levels. Forrest had to overcome so many adversities to become a champion and successful in so many ways! Although I found the movie great entertainment and very uplifting, I only have one problem with this fantastic movie - My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. To be clear, mamma... is always right!! However, Is life really like a box of chocolates? I know when I open a box of assorted chocolates I make a conscious decision to pick a chocolate that looks the best and appeals to me. Much as in life, we make a conscious decision that is the best and appeals to us, like picking the chocolate we will find the most enjoyable. Picking a chocolate at random and hoping you get something you like it not what most people do. Most assorted chocolate boxes come with a map guiding you to which chocolates you want the most. As in life, some of us have a map guiding us to make the right decisions so we can get the most out of life, while other are unsure of their life direction and working without a guiding map. Are you just plodding along, is what mamma said right? Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get? Or do you want to choose the life you want and not leave it up to random chance? See what possibilities exist for you to take the next step and align your life so you feel like that same old routine is broken into more excitement and passion. Book yourself in for a free 30-minute consultation session where we will both get to see if you are ready for the next step. Visit www.butterflylifecoaching.com or call +61 0407 460486 so we can help you. Like a butterfly transform yourself into something great and powerful.
09.01.2022 If you watch the pennies the pounds take care of themselves. Many years ago I was working for a really good manager and one day we were talking about money and personal finance. Chris taught me one very simple rule - If you watch the pennies the pounds take care of themselves. I’ll translate for the current currency - If you watch your cents the dollars take care of themselves. When I first heard about this saying many years ago when I worked in a corporate office, it was...Continue reading
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