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25.01.2022 Lets work hard to defeat Malaria!

25.01.2022 Coronavirus tips 4/4 Wipe surfaces, door handles and steering wheels. If you live or work in a place where people come and go then regularly wipe door handles and other surfaces with disinfectant wipes to kill any germs that may have been passed on.

21.01.2022 To eradicate malaria by 2050 would be a wonderful achievement!

21.01.2022 Ever wondered why we want to get rid of malaria, this video says it all - you donation to Buzz Off helps us to save lives.

21.01.2022 Coronavirus tip No 5 Stop touching your face Coronavirus is a respiratory illness. The virus is trying to get to your lungs. Your hands will most likely pick up the virus from touching infected surfaces or having infected droplets sneezed or coughed onto them.... Every time you touch your face the germs on your hands are more likely to be breathed into your lungs and you start getting sick.

21.01.2022 Cover your cough and sneeze.

21.01.2022 COVID 19 poses a major setback for malaria treatment and prevention ...

21.01.2022 Video from the team as they go into remote flood affected areas in Mon State

20.01.2022 If this comes off a lot of lives could be saved!

20.01.2022 Coronavirus tips. 2/4 Wash your hands, with soap or use sanitizer. Germs can be picked up from surfaces, door handles etc. By regularly washing your hands you are reducing the spread of germs that are picked up by your hands when you touch surfaces that may be infected.... Keep unwashed hands away from your face, the virus cannot get through your skin but it can get into your body via your mouth, hands and eyes.

19.01.2022 We are very concerned about the situation at Mae-la please give to this appeal.

19.01.2022 This vaccine is 40 effective and takes 4 doses to get to full strength ... slowly slowly we are getting there!

19.01.2022 Coronavirus tips. 1/4. Take WHO and government warnings seriously Dont make the mistake of thinking that it will never happen to you. Some cemeteries are full of people who thought that or were infected by people who thought that. If you are feeling unwell or are experiencing flu-like symptoms seek medical advice. Stay at home and ring your GP or seek it through the government helpline for this emergency is 1800 020 080.... It is better to be told that you only have the flu than to find out much later that you have been the Typhoid Mary of your generation. With this disease, it is important not to panic, and to follow the medical advice you are given.

19.01.2022 Coronavirus tips. 3/4 Sneeze and cough into your arm or a tissue. When we sneeze or cough small droplets that could be infected are released into the air and can stay there for some minutes and infect others who breathe in using that same space.... If you use a tissue, dispose of it safely.

19.01.2022 This article argues for the eradication of the mosquito not just the development of a vaccine and the wider use of LLIN nets.

19.01.2022 Family planning for Plasmodium parasites, interesting!

18.01.2022 I wonder if it is the pitch of the music or if mosquitoes are fussy about what they listen to?!

18.01.2022 Coronavirus has now been declared a pandemic!

17.01.2022 This is wonderful news from the Buzz Off Trainer team in Yangon

16.01.2022 Coronavirus what it is and how to be protect yourself better from it.

16.01.2022 The latest World Malaria Report can be found here. Things are improving albeit slowly.

14.01.2022 Now this is interesting! GM fungus kills mosquitoes. Like to see a longer study.

13.01.2022 Malaria fighters latest chemical weapon may not last long

11.01.2022 Malaria fighters' latest chemical weapon may not last long

10.01.2022 This is a concern areas that were once malaria free could now become malaria endemic.

10.01.2022 I really hope this works!

09.01.2022 This is interesting ....

09.01.2022 This is a novel approach!

08.01.2022 It is world malaria day. Lets do our best to continue the fight against malaria in 2020.

07.01.2022 An information sheet about COVID 19 in English and Burmese can be downloaded here.

06.01.2022 This is not good.

05.01.2022 Dengue fever is an increasing risk for many of the worlds population.

05.01.2022 Very interesting approach to mosquito eradication!

03.01.2022 After a cyclone there is a lot of water on the ground, water on the ground increases mosquito breeding sites and so malaria cases and deaths rise. Cholera spreads by people drinking untreated water that has had faeces in it. Mozambique is going to see these two diseases increase in the coming days.

02.01.2022 In case you were wondering....

02.01.2022 This is really serious. You cant cure dengue fever, just treat the symptoms. It is caused by 4 viruses that are spread by mosquitoes working together. It is very painful; that is why dengue fever is also known as break back fever.

01.01.2022 This has been known for some time and is a major concern!

01.01.2022 And speaking of mosquito eradication.

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