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Byanne | Health/beauty

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23.01.2022 Handmade Market 4 today! 9am-9pm offering free shipping on orders over $50 and 2 soaps samples with each order. #handmadevirtual #handmademarket #handmadecanberra #christmas2020 #handmadesoap #christmasgifts #australianmadeandowned #australianmade #canberrabusinesswomen #smallbusiness #shoplocal #veganfriendly #ecofriendly #sustainableliving #environmentallyfriendly #ekko #naturalskincare #byannesoaps

22.01.2022 100% Olive Oil Bar, extremely moisturising to the skin, smells of sweet fig, added green clay for rich creaminess, beautiful natural handmade soap, perfect for any eco super mum gift! @handmadecanberra @splattergallery #handmadevirtual #oliveoilsoap #naturalbeauty #skincare #soapmaker #soap #ecofriendly #ecomums #moisturisingsoap #australianmadeandowned

22.01.2022 Plenty of bars of beautiful handmade soap available at my store, the 6 pack is great value, while stocking up. #handmadesoap #soap #supportsmallbusiness #etsysoapmaker #splattergallerycbr #canberrabusiness #naturalsoap #australianmadeskincare #soapmaker #byannesoaps

21.01.2022 Lemongrass & Rosemary with green clay cleaning bar a popular one in my essential oil range, made with organic coconut oil from the South Pacific Islands & Olive Oil, lemongrass is zesty, fresh, invigorating, clears mental clutter, and is healing to ease muscle aches and spasms. @splattergallery @handmadecanberra #byannesoaps #naturalsoap #organicskincare #antibacterialsoap #floriade #floriadecanberra #handmademarketcanberra #etsyaustralia #handmadecbr #floriadenightfest #floriadereimagined #handmadevirtual

21.01.2022 These soaps are a loofah and soap in one, nothing like a good exfoliate to revitalise your skin and get the blood flowing! 20% off my entire shop today until 9pm. #handmadevirtual @handmadecanberra @splattergallery #loofahsoap #nopalmoil #ecofriendly #naturalskincare #soap #naturalbeauty #skincare #exfoliateyourskin #australianmadeandowned #madeincanberra @ Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

19.01.2022 Baby Shower Favours available in mixed colours and scents comes with personalised labels. Very popular for bridal showers, wedding favours, events and gift bags advertising your business. #favours #weddingfavours #bridalshowerfavors #babyshowerfavours #weddingfavourideas #babyshowerideas #bridalshowerideas #byannesoaps #etsyaustralia #canberrabusiness #canberraweddingideas #canberrasmallbusiness #madeincbr

16.01.2022 Meet JoJo a mini foxy cross, my daughters new puppy, I had to share because he is such a cutie, who can’t resist a cute puppy photo? #minifoxypuppy #cutepuppy #puppylove #animallovers

16.01.2022 Felted soaps made from @tabandy wool, these are great as they exfoliate while you wash an the soap lasts longer too! #feltedsoap #australianwoolfelt #handmadesoap #soaper #naturalsoap #feltingwool #ecofriendly

16.01.2022 Wrapped and ready to be posted, lots of parcel heading out the door from online orders over this last week. #christmasgifts #christmasiscoming #christmas2020 #merrymakers #handmade

15.01.2022 Home grown calendula flowers air drying, once dried they will be infused with olive oil and added to healing balm. #healingbalm #calendulaoil #naturalskincareproducts #australianowned #australianmadeandowned #canberralocals #canberrabusiness #handmadesoap #veganskincare #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #supportsmallbusiness #byannesoaps #bushcapitalsoapco @splattergallery

15.01.2022 Floriade Reimagined starts tomorrow 12 September until the 11 October 2020, this year Floriade is spread out all over Canberra and here is the offical website to see maps and programs for it I’m featured in the Virtual Marketplace where you can find 80 other business that usually have a stall at Floriade featured from around Australia #floriade #floriadereimagined #floriadecanberra #floriade2020 #canberralife #canberrabusiness #australianmadecampaign #supportaustralianmade #supportaustralianhandmade #organicskincare #naturalbeauty #buyaustralianmade #byannesoaps

14.01.2022 1 hour to go to get 20% off entire store, finishes at 9pm. Also If you brought anything from me today and didn’t get the discount at check out, I’ll be issuing a refund of 20% off your total purchase soon! Sorry I didn’t realise it wasn’t working, it’s all working now, enter HANDMADEVIRTUAL at check out. #bathsalts #handmadevirtual #essentialoils #seasalt #pinkrocksalt #epsomsaltbath #relaxingbath #byannesoaps @ Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

13.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who visited my online shop today through Handmade Christmas online market today... I’m offering free shipping on orders over $50 until 9pm tonight if you missed out today.. #handmadevirtual #christmasgifts #madeincanberra #naturalsoap #australianmade #australianowned #handmadesoap #ecogifts #ecofriendlyproducts #byannesoaps

11.01.2022 I’m offering FreeShipping on orders over $50 with free soap samples!

10.01.2022 Skin loving natural soap colour free, palm oil free, cruelty free, plastic free, earth friendly, vegan, made with organic coconut oil and olive oil, biodegradable, detergent free. Available my on line store and @splattergallery @_flowerswithlove_ @floriade_australia @handmadecanberra #floriade #nightfest #handmadecanberra #handmadevirtual #canberralocals #naturalskincare #soap #naturalbeauty #soapmaker #australianmade #australianmadeandowned #supportaustralianbusiness #buylocal #ecofriendly

10.01.2022 Handmade Market 3 tomorrow 9am-9pm. Find me there with other great Australian Handmade designers and businesses from across the country. We all have lots of beautiful Christmas gifts available online go to @handmadecanberra link in their bio. Or go to my website direct link in bio. I am offering freeshipping on orders over $50 and 2 soap samples with each purchase. #handmadevirtual #handmadecanberra #handmadegifts #handmadechristmasgifts #handmadesoap ... #soapmaker #canberrabusiness #australianowned #ecofriendlyliving #ecofriendlyproducts #bekind #bekindtoyourself #bekindalways #byannesoaps @handmadecanberra See more

10.01.2022 3 more sleeps until the Handmade Christmas Market 2, I’ll be there! Enter coupon code ‘FREESHIPPING’ on orders over $50 and 2 soap samples. This offer will be from 9am -9pm on 14 November. #handmadevirtual #soaper #christmasgifts #handmadegifts #madeincanberra #australianmade #ecofriendly #ekko #nopalmoil #handmadecanberra #canberramade #byanne

09.01.2022 Not long to go and the Spring Handmade Virtual Market will be on Saturday 26 September, great day for online shopping at @handmadecanberra .. I’ll be there with lots of beautifully scented soaps and skincare..great pre-Christmas shopping and gifts for loved ones and spoiling yourself with some lux soaps. #handmademarket #handmadevirtual #handmadecanberra #australianmade #australianmadeandowned #canberrasmallbusiness #buylocal #supporthandmade #naturalsoapmaking #naturalbeauty #naturalskincare #crultyfree #vegansoaps #biodegradablepackaging #ecofriendly #recycledpaper #byannesoaps

09.01.2022 6 and 3 Soap Bundles available at my store, makers choice or if you prefer leave a note at at checkout with your choices. #handmadesoap #vegansoap #soap #organicskincare #naturalbeauty #ecofriendlyproducts #eco #germfree #biodegradablepackaging #handmadecanberra #smallbusinesscanberra #floriade #handmadecanberravirtualmarket #floriadecanberra #handmadevirtualmarket

09.01.2022 This Eucalyptus & Rosemary soap is a favourite in my essential oil range, added colour of ground nettle, yarrow, green clay, coconut & olive oil.. antibacterial, cleanse and moisturising to the most sensitive skin. #byannesoaps #eucalyptusessentialoil #naturalsoap #australianmadeskincare #australianmadeandowned #canberrabusiness #handmadeskincareproducts #vegansoap #ecofriendly #environmentallyfriendly #floriade #supportsmallbusiness

09.01.2022 Orders gift wrapped in brown paper and almost ready to be posted! I try to minimise my use of plastic as much as I can in my business and in my day to day life, it’s not easy because so much of what we buy is wrapped in plastic! We can only try and also recycle when we can! #plasticfreejuly #noplastic #noplasticwaste #pleaserecycle #savetheocean #savetheplanet #recycledmaterials #australianmade #australianmadeandowned #handmadesoap #ecofriendly #crueltyfree #vegansoaps #lovetheplanet #savetheplanet #buyethically #shoplocal #shopcanberraahandmade #shopsmallbusiness @ Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

08.01.2022 Handmade Spring Market is today from 9am-9pm. Visit to see my store free shipping on orders over $50 and 2 free soap samples with each order. #handmadevirtual #handmadecanberra #marketday #canberramarkets #skincare #groomingday #smallbusiness #shoppingday #ecofriendly #recycledpackaging #naturalbeauty

08.01.2022 Today 9-9pm at my on line store freeshipping on orders over $50 and 2 free samples. Shop link in bio! Visit @handmadecanberra Virtual Market for other great Australian Handmade Designers offering discounts for today! Christmas Market 1... 3 more to come! Each Saturday of November plenty of shopping time. #handmadevirtual #handmadecanberra #canberramade #madeincanberra #australianmade #christmasgiftscanberra #shoplocalcanberra #ecofriendly #ecogifts #ekko #vegansoaps #soapmaker #canberrabusiness #bekind #loveearth #beenvironmentallyfriendly #environmentallyfriendly #crultyfree #crultyfreeskincareproducts #byannesoaps

07.01.2022 Spring is coming and I can’t wait, I’m looking forward to the warmer weather, it’s been a long cold winter this year... but now my garden is filling up with daffodils, violets and jonquils, pink and white blossoms, yellow wattle everywhere, it’s so uplifting . #spring2020 #daffodils #floriade #handmadesoap #naturalsoap #byannesoaps #soapmaking #canberralife

07.01.2022 By buying a 3 or 6 Soap bundles you’ll get a discount, and you and give them away as gifts for Christmas or have a stash for yourself. They are available at my store, tap on product tag or go to my bio for my website link, if you live in Canberra I stock @splattergallery Belconnen Mall, @_flowerswithlove_ in Jerrabomberra, small range @moad.aus gift shop Old Parliament House, @handmadecanberra @floriade_australia #virtualmarket #handmadevirtual #ecoskincare #vegansoap #supporthandmade #canberramade #canberralocals #australianmadeandowned #australiansoapmaker #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness

05.01.2022 Who doesn’t like to have a bath where you can relax and de-stress from the world outside.. as I have gotten older, I really appreciate my baths and the health benefits from them. They can be a luxury for some but why not make them extra special with bath salts and fizzes available at my on line store. Also @splattergallery @_flowerswithlove_ @handmadecanberra @floriade_australia #byannesoaps #bathsalts #bathsoak #essentialoilblend #naturalbathsalts #ecoskincare #relaxingbath #handmadecanberra #handmadevirtual #australianmadeskincare #canberramade #shoplocal

05.01.2022 I love wearing these aromatherapy perfumes, the two blends are made using organic fractionated coconut oil as the carrier oil and pure essential oils, that’s it! I roll them on to my pulse points at the temple, neck and wrists. To see the exact essential oils in each blend click product tag in photo to take you to my shop, also available @splattergallery @handmadecanberra #virtualmarket #floriade_australia #byannesoaps #naturalperfume #naturalskincare #aromatherapy #ecofriendly #veganskincare

04.01.2022 Sweet Meyer Lemon Soap, so fresh and sweet, colours with yellow oxide and kaolin clay, moisturising olive oil and coconut oil... #handmadesoap #naturalbeauty #ecoskincare #ecosoap #australianmade #canberramade #canberrabusiness #ekkobeauty #ekko #byannesoaps #handmadevirtual @splattergallery @handmadecanberra

04.01.2022 Pretty baby shower, bridal shower and wedding favors available in a variety of qualities, colours and scents. #weddingfavors #babyshowerideas #bridalshowerideas #handmadesoap #soapmaking

04.01.2022 Favours for competitors gift bags entering in Burlesque Idol Canberra on 19 February at Harmony German Club, @maedelarue will be there! #burlesqueidolcanberra #favours #soapfavours #canberralife #burlesqueaustralia #oldschoolentertainment #canberramade #soap

01.01.2022 Handmade Virtual Market this Saturday 26 September, Australian made and owned!

01.01.2022 Skin & Bath packs available @splattergallery and online at my website and Etsy store. Makes a lovely sampler gift, a little bit of my best sellers. #byannesoaps #splattergallery #splattergallerycanberra #handmadesoap #etsyaustralia #australianmadeandowned #canberramadegifts #canberralocals #canberrabusiness #ecco #sustainableliving #veganskincare #crueltyfreebeauty #recycledpackaging #handmadeskincare #bathsalts #bathfizzers #lipbalm @ Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

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