By Design Coaching | Personal coach
By Design Coaching
Phone: +61 433 608 517
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25.01.2022 Are you looking after yourself? Or do you need a juggernaut of self love?! More and more artists are highlighting mental health and removing stigma through colour and humour - it’s brilliant! If you need to work on your approach to self care - coaching can help you increase focus and build self care skills! Get in touch
25.01.2022 As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact many lives in many ways, Grief & Goodbyes at Work looks at the emotions experienced during redundancy. If you’re wondering what’s next for you, coaching can help - your first session is free and can now be booked through the Book Now button on my profile.
25.01.2022 Did you know? Coaching in Australia is unregulated - anyone can call themselves a life coach, a business coach, a health and wellness coach. If you’re looking for quality, evidence-based coaching, it’s important to ask your coach what their qualifications are and what ethical framework they work with....
24.01.2022 New blog post available! Something different with a video to introduce it this week. Let me know what you think!
22.01.2022 Minouche Lusakivana put aside childhood dreams and goals in the pursuit of a career that would deliver a big paycheck. This week's #experiencecoaching tells her story as she reconnects with her dreams and goals to feel more complete and motivated. Are you seeking more inspiration for your day to day? Get in touch for your free first session and see if I'm the right coach to help you reconnect with your goals!
20.01.2022 #experiencecoaching this week tells Sahar's story of transitioning to motherhood from a life primarily focused around her career. Parenthood is one of the biggest changes we face and coaching can process the change, define our parental values and set goals for the future. Maybe you're expecting or already have kids, reach out and see if I'm the right coach for you by booking your free first session with no obligation to continue.
19.01.2022 I’ve had a bit of a struggle this week thinking about what to post here. Do I post some motivational gear, to encourage you to be better? Do I preach about the things you should think, feel, do, in order to grow? This is what a life coach on Facebook does right? But it’s just not me.... My coaching approach is not about me preaching and persuading you, it is about partnering with you to enable and empower you to achieve your goals. It’s hard to put that into a pic So, instead, here’s how I spent an awesome Saturday night a few weeks ago, around a camp fire, with my family and some friends. Camping might be your thing, or it might not, like your goals, this isn’t about me telling you how to have a good time. You tell me, what’s your idea of an amazing Saturday night?
17.01.2022 Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about what to post, what to share on here that will show you who I am and what I'm about. I don't want to just feed the beast with posts that I don't believe in or connect with. I've decided the best way for you to know who I am and what I'm about is to work with me! I'll give you three free sessions if you book in before the end of 2020. Let's have a chat, unpack your goals and see if I'm the right coach to help you move forward!... There's no catch and no obligation to book more sessions, just an opportunity for anyone to experience coaching and see if it works for you! If you know someone who might be interested in giving coaching a go- tag them and let them know!
16.01.2022 Coaching can be helpful at any stage in life - change effects all of us differently. #experiencecoaching this week shares the story of Kenneth who was feeling lost as he retired after spending 30 years building his business. If you're facing change and needing to talk, your first session is free with no obligation to continue. Get in contact and see if I'm the right coach for you.
15.01.2022 Washing the cars at our place is always a team sport. Daddy’s bucket, Daisy’s bucket and James’ bucket ready to go! I give it 7 minutes before I’m washing the cars myself and the kids are throwing sponges at each other What are your kids helping with this weekend?... #parenting #parentalcoaching #coaching #lifecoach #carwash #coaching
13.01.2022 What’s the top song on your playlist at the moment? Music has an undeniable impact on our mindset - it can change the way we perceive the world and connects us to each other. Picking our playlist helps us pick our mood and while we’re all isolating it can help us lift and keep connected!... Comment below with your top isolation hit! Are you rocking out to some 80’s glam? Pumping out a power ballad or rapping along to something faster paced? #coaching #coach #lifecoach #covid19 #isolation #music #mindset #mood
12.01.2022 Do you brim with confidence everyday or do you hold back because you don't want to be seem arrogant? What's the difference between confidence and arrogance? After listening to an episode of "David Tennant does a podcast with..." I took some time to consider the differences between the two. Especially starting this business and putting myself out there more, how do I do it confidently and connect as opposed to turning people away with arrogance? It's a brilliant podcast by the... way, all links included in the article should you want a listen: See more
12.01.2022 If you're curious about coaching, know you want to make a change but you're not sure how or you just need to debrief 2020 - get in touch before December 31 for three free sessions! Book Now button on my profile!
12.01.2022 COVID-19 has changed our day to day lives in many ways. Our normal stresses and worries have an extra layer of uncertainty at the moment which impacts our outlook and approach to life. Inspired by the idea of Little Wonders I looked into the impact of uncertainty for my first blog post.
12.01.2022 I came across this video yesterday afternoon and enjoyed it for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the way Ash talks about goals and the value of writing them down - the numbers do support success being more likely when our goals are visible and exist somewhere other than in our head. However, Susie has never written her goals down. She is an olympic gold medalist and world record holder, her motivation and drive towards her goals took her to the top of the world in her field. Thi...s is the second reason I like this video - goal setting should not be a cookie-cutter approach. What works for one person might not for another, this approach works for Ash but Susie didn't need it to achieve her goals. If you have goals you want to achieve but you're not sure how, reach out! My approach is client-driven so we will find what works for you to make your change happen! See more
11.01.2022 Are you facing change and feeling pulled in different directions? Are you unsure what’s next? Coaching can help you answer these questions and set a new direction. Your first session is always free with no obligation. Get in touch and see if I’m the right coach for you! My latest blog post; Post-Grad Purpose" is a reflection on a chat I had with a friend recently who is seeking direction after graduating university....
11.01.2022 Dorothy felt stuck. She couldn’t pinpoint when or why it happened, but somewhere along the way she had forgotten who she was and what she wanted out of life. #experiencecoaching this week tell's Dorothy's story as she begins working with a coach to let go of past baggage and begin to feel excited for the future. This is the final #experiencecoaching video and timely as we start a new year to let go of the things that weighed us down in 2020. If you're determined to make 2021 different - get in touch and let's start working on your Design for Change. Your first session is free with no obligation to continue.
07.01.2022 There is beauty and awe to be found in the little things that surround us everyday. These Tiny Wonders can help elevate our moods during times of uncertainty. We can’t travel at the moment but there’s Tiny Wonders to behold all around the world - let’s see them! I spotted these two on a walk with the kids! 1. Post a picture below of a Tiny Wonder you’ve found - a flower, a leaf, a rock, a bug, an animal - something that you might normally miss.... 2. Tag someone you’re missing but can’t see at the moment to share your Wonder with them. 3. If you’ve been tagged, share a Wonder of your own and keep the Tiny Wonder World Tour going! If you’d like to read more about uncertainty and it’s impact on our mindset or about Tiny Wonders:
07.01.2022 Today is World Suicide Prevention Day - recognised in Australia as R U OK Day. 8 Australians a day die by suicide - it's the leading cause of death for 15 to 44 year olds in this country. Too many lives lost and countless others impacted. This year especially has presented challenges none of us expected or have experienced before. ... If you're in doubt, ask: Are you ok? If you yourself are not ok - please get in touch. The theme this year is "There's more to say after R U OK". Please check out if you need help starting the conversation. I've also included The Suicide Scale by Emmengard - this scale has been recognised as useful for those people helping others with suicidal thoughts to understand their frame of mind and gauge the level of action needed to try and save their life.
06.01.2022 Today is World Mental Health Day - with so much happening this year it's vital that we think about our mental health and wellbeing. 45% of Australians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime but more than half of them will not access treatment or support due to the stigma still associated with mental illness. If you're in need of support, please reach out to me or get in touch with someone you trust, your GP or one of these support services available: Creative Coun...selling & Coaching Beyond Blue Mental Health Australia Lifeline R U OK Day See more
06.01.2022 Are you under 25? Or know someone who is? Many of the young people I have worked with talk about feeling lost or unsure what's next. Maybe you've finished your degree but can't remember why you started it? Or you're keen to make a change but not sure what or how? 17-25 is such a unique period in our lives. We're "supposed" to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives but it's just not the way it works anymore.... Many people no longer have one career or life path. If you need some help working out what your path looks like, shoot me a DM to organise a free chat. I want to make life coaching as accessible as possible for you so have discounted rates for under 25s. As a bonus... Some throwback pics of me at 22 Can you pick which one is me on my 22nd birthday?
04.01.2022 My name is Dominic Leahy and I have a passion for people development. Through By Design Coaching I'm excited to offer Leadership, Life and Parental Coaching. Combining more than 10 years of leadership experience with a Bachelor of Counselling (Coaching) degree, I offer an evidence-based, client-driven approach to empower you to achieve your goals....
04.01.2022 10 Days into the New Year, are you on track for the New You? Turn a New Years resolution into a real goal for long term change through coaching. I have new availability this year for new clients, get in touch and see if I’m the right coach to help you make your long term change! #lifecoach #coaching #newyear #goals #change #growth #coach
03.01.2022 Meditation might not be for you or it might be worth giving it a go if you never have before. Do you make time in your day for self-care?
03.01.2022 We had tears in our house this morning as the kids had their first experience with death. Sadly Milo the guinea pig passed away over night. We cried, we talked about Milo, we talked about needing to look after Honey a bit more now she might be lonely, and then we read our When I’m Feeling Sad book. It’s easy to say don’t cry or it’s ok but teaching healthy grief and allowing sadness is a lesson in emotional intelligence and is one of my own core parenting goals.... If you’re wanting to get started on emotions with your own kids, these books by Trace Moroney are fantastic.
03.01.2022 Did you make a change this week? I was gifted a book this week and it prompted me to change my bedtime routine. I love reading and used to devour books but for a while I’ve been reading things online on my phone in bed. Receiving the gift this week made me realise I had a few books backed up in my reading pile...... So, my change this week was: phone down, book up for bedtime! Did you make a change this week? What was it?
02.01.2022 The early gets the or something.... Both our kids are early risers... lights on and busy by 5:30 most mornings... Who else is up early to get a head start on their weekend?!
02.01.2022 ~Free Parental Coaching Available~ Becoming a parent is one of the biggest changes we face in life. Whether a parent by choice or by chance, coaching can help you process the change and also support you to define your parenting goals. To celebrate Fathers Day, during September I am offering 3 free sessions to parents or soon-to-be parents - maybe you want to set some parenting goals, or just want to chat - get in touch!
01.01.2022 If you're unsure what coaching is all about or how it could positively impact your life, check out this info from my website or get in touch with any questions you may have!
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