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24.01.2022 The Passion of Leonard It was Leonard Cohen’s Birthday yesterday, September 21. To mark that here’s a little vignette that I wrote after listening to his last ...album. I just listened to Leonard Cohen's latest album You Want It Darker. A miniature masterpiece in my opinion. As always, a poetic marriage of the sacred and the profane, working the familiar themes of love lost and found, tasting both bitter and sweet, and flavored with notes of nostalgia and regret, but this time taken to yet another level of refined artistic expression. This is the work of a master craftsman at the top of his game attaining to near perfection. And in this elegiac farewell with its seamless blend of a spacious Zen aesthetic with biblical themes of sin, failure and redemption, all suffused with a mood of compassionate acceptance, I see the astrological signature of his 12th house Venus conjunct Neptune in Virgo manifesting at its highest level of expression - 12th House (ashrams, monasteries, places of solitude and confinement; suffering, sacrifice, endings, completion) - Venus (the artistic lover) - Neptune (spiritual, mystical, transcendent) - Virgo (humble, modest, refined, self-deprecating, pure/impure, saint sinner) / the highly skilled artist / craftsman Thank you Leonard

24.01.2022 MERCURY returned to SCORPIO this morning Nov 11 AEDT where it will reside until Dec 2. First I repost my take on this placement and then to further get a feel f...or it check out the quotes from a selection of influential exemplars Mercury in Scorpio produces a deep and penetrating intellect combined with a strong intuition and what may be termed x ray vision. Digging and probing to reveal the secrets of the unconscious mind is a forte, but a fascination with the mysteries and power plays surrounding sex, death and money may degenerate into compulsive obsession. On the other hand, this Mercury has a capacity to feel or sense things about people and events which they cannot rationally explain, but which nevertheless prove to be accurate, or come to pass. People with this placement see through the games people play, and are naturally adept at exposing the shadowy yet all-too-human motivations that underlie polite surface behaviour. Thus they make excellent therapists, the influential ‘anti-psychiatrist’ R.D. Laing being an inspiring example. Forensic and research work of all kinds benefits from this placement, as does medicine, insurance and financial planning. Their communication style is to tell it as they see it, often using crude or cutting language, or to keep their mouth shut and say nothing. Which option is best in any given situation is often difficult to know, for if they speak their mind they may cause hurt or offence, but if they keep their counsel, an uncomfortable silence can descend, which at worst can poison the atmosphere and destroy a hitherto happy occasion. ALEISTER CROWLEY - Sun sign Libra with Mercury in Scorpio "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law" "Sex is the sacred song of the soul; Sex is the sanctuary of Self." GANDHI - Sun sign Libra, with Mercury, Venus and Mars in Scorpio I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. Nobody can hurt me without my permission. A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave. Hate the sin, love the sinner. Whenever you are confronted with an opponent, conquer him with love. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace. Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. You don’t know who is important to you until you actually lose them. I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. OSCAR WILDE - Sun sign Libran, Mercury in Scorpio had some typically astute insight into the subject of temptation: "We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind, and poisons us. The body sins once and has done with it, for action is a mode of purification .. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it and your soul grows sick. A similar provocative contention is expressed by WILLIAM BLAKE, a Sun sign Sagittarian, who also had Mercury in Scorpio: "Sooner kill a babe in its cradle, than nurse un-acted desire. Oscar again: Each man kills the thing he loves - Some do it with a bitter look / Some with a flattering word / The coward does it with a kiss / The brave man with a sword / Some kill their love when they are young / And some when they are old / Some strangle with the hands of lust / Some with the hands of gold / The kindest use the knife, because / The dead so soon grow cold. Finally, a couple of acerbic witticisms from Oscar which this Mercury can excel at: He had one of those characteristic English faces, that once seen are never remembered. He is the kind of bore who is here today and here tomorrow

23.01.2022 To celebrate the Sun’s entry into Jupiter ruled Sagittarius here’s a version of Jupiter written with an Australian accent by an Australian - moi JUPITER Austr...alian Version (Excerpted from my book The Planets Speak; Wisdom of the Gods) G’day Isn’t life great ? Fantastic, absolutely fantastic I’d say You wouldn’t be dead for quids, would you ? Apparently Jupiter is the planet that rules long distance travel Well that’d be right I've been everywhere, let me tell you I've been to Broken Hill, Uluru, Kakadu, Vietnam, Bali, India, Rio de Janeiro, the Uk, USA, Bangkok, thanks a lot Ah yes, you better believe it In fact, to tell the truth, I've never spent more than three months in the one place Get restless real easy Don't like cities, need room to move Love the wide open spaces, camping under the stars Sitting round the fire at night, swapping stories .. Did I ever tell you about the time I got stranded out the back of Bourke ? You wouldn't believe what happened .. [Tell a story with a happy ending] Isn't life great? Won ten grand at Jupiter’s Casino last week Blew it all the next day, but oh well, what the heck Sure did enjoy myself doing it Easy come, easy go, I guess Not to worry, I’ve always been a lucky bastard Help always seems to come when I need it Kissed on the arse by a fairy, my mate says Whatever happens, it all works out in the end anyway, don’t you reckon ? Enjoy yourself while you can, that’s what I say Why think about tomorrow? It might never come! Well, I can feel myself starting to get itchy feet, better keep movin’ Good talking to you, see you ‘round sometime ..

22.01.2022 The Sun is now in Libra! Libra is the sign of the good the true and the beautiful; of balance, proportion, and equipoise; peace, love and harmony; fairness and ...justice; the golden rule, the golden mean; of Apollo, Aphrodite, Adonis, Ishtar, Eros and Psyche .. Here are some favourite quotes to evoke the essence of Libra: The way is perfect like vast space, where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess The Book of Nothing Life is relationship. To be is to be related, and without relationship there is no life - J. Krishnamurti Beauty is truth and truth is beauty. That is all you know on earth and all you need to know - John Keats The purpose of life is to be at peace, to love all beings, and to know who you are - Papaji [Sun sign Libra]

22.01.2022 Venus in Scorpio Quotes (By people who have this placement) Jim Morrison, lead singer of the Doors [Sun sign Sagittarius]... People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality; their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that’s bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they’re afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they’re wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It’s all in how you carry it. That’s what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you’re letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain. The future is uncertain but the end is always near. No one here gets out alive. Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light? Or just another lost angel... City of Night? People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend Love cannot save you from your own fate. Blake said that the body was the soul's prison unless the five senses are fully developed and open. He considered the senses the 'windows of the soul.' When sex involves all the senses intensely, it can be like a mystical experience. Ava Gardner [Sun sign Capricorn] "I think the main reason my marriages failed is that I always loved too well but never wisely "Sex isn't all that important, but it is when you love someone very much." Gordon Ramsay (Sun sign Scorpio) Potty mouthed British Chef "Make love to it, don't fuck it" "You can fucking bullshit a bullshitter, but you cannot fucking bullshit me" "Some can handle it, some can't. I'm not interested in the one's who can't" (Pics Jim Morrison and Ava Gardner)

21.01.2022 Earth Shine When you look at the crescent moon shortly after sunset you can spot a soft luminescence that lights up the unlit part of the Moon. This shows u...s in a subtle way the part of the moon that is in the dark. What is happening is that the sunlight reflects off the Earth's surface and illuminates the unlit portion of the Moon’s surface. Since the light that generates earthshine is reflected twice once off the Earth’s surface and then off the Moon’s surface, this light is much dimmer than the lit portion of the Moon. (we are just a planet reflecting sunlight- and the lit portion of the moon is receiving the light of a star! ) At this time of the lunar month, the earth looks almost fully illuminated as seen from the moon, so it’s light from the nearly full Earth is been reflected by the moon. it’s not other than the Sun’s light reflecting off the Earth's surface and back. Earthshine is best seen a few days before and after a New Moon, right after sunset or before sunrise. Scientists studying global warming found that earthshine is more intense in April and May.! Imagine how it looks the Earth as seen from the moon during the full moon phase? It will have that beautiful subtle glow that we call moonshine - Cosmic Watch Photo credits @stevenmadow @vangelis_exarchos

21.01.2022 Joseph Campbell is a great example of an evolved Aries To understand the sign Aries you could do no better than to study the life and work of influential mythol...ogist Joseph Campbell. He is in fact a super Aries being born with the ruler of Aries Mars angular in its own sign, as well as the Sun and the planet of mind Mercury joined with the planet of higher mind Jupiter also in the sign. A classic signature of an inspirational story teller. The following is excerpted from my book Signs of the Zodiac: Clothing of the Self Joseph Campbell is a great example of an evolved Aries. An inspirational teacher, scholar and writer, he was well versed in art, literature and the perennial philosophy, but was especially learned in the world’s myths, legends and fairy tales. Through prodigious research into these areas, [his yoga he once declared was underlining sentences], he purportedly discovered a mono-myth, the hero's journey, which he argued in his seminal work, The Hero With A Thousand Faces, forms the core of all mythology. Here, in outline, is that quintessentially Arien motif: A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. Immature Ariens forget the last bit. They fight for self-centred glory alone, whereas more evolved types dedicate the fruits of their victory to the greater whole, thereby covering themselves in even greater glory. For Campbell, the hero’s journey is intrinsically an individual one. Each enters the forest at a path that he himself has chosen, where it is darkest and there is no path. If there is a path it is someone else’s path, and you are not on the adventure. Of his own hero’s journey he writes: ‘How teach again .. what has been taught correctly and incorrectly a thousand times throughout the millenniums of mankind’s prudent folly? That is the hero’s ultimate difficult task. How [to] render back into light world language the speech defying pronouncements of the dark? Many failures attest to the difficulties of this life affirmative threshold.’ And further speaking of his own process: Working out of your own discovery, out of your own realization, who’s going to want it? Well, you may be surprised. It’s a very difficult decision to make, to do this thing that is an experiment, the creation, bringing forth of a form that was never brought forth before. Now I found it in writing sentences. You can write that sentence in a way that you would have written it last year. Or you can write it in the way of an exquisite nuance that is writing in your mind now. But that takes a lot of waiting for the right word to come. Impatient Ariens note the last sentence. To demonstrate what sentences of ‘exquisite nuance’ he is capable of, consider this passage: The modern hero, the modern individual who dares to heed the call and seek the mansion of that presence with whom is our whole destiny to be atoned, cannot, indeed must not, wait for his community to cast off its slough of pride, fear, rationalized avarice, and sanctified misunderstanding. Live, Nietzche says, as though the day were here. It is not society that is to guide and save the creative hero, but precisely the reverse. And so everyone of us shares the supreme ordeal carries the cross of the redeemer not in the bright moments of his tribe’s great victories, but in the silences of his personal despair. Campbell displayed his Arien nature too in his personality and teaching style. That style involved turning thinking into an adventure and enlivening his lectures by issuing challenges such as this favourite: "Are you going to live the myth or is the myth going to live you? His first editor described him as ‘energetic, sound and full of life’, while Michael Murphy, co-founder of the influential Californian personal growth center, Esalen, said of him: for more than twenty years Joseph breathed new life into Esalen. [We] came away from his seminars like people from revival meetings, inspired by Galahad, Kali or Hermes, rather than visions of hellfire. No one brought their audiences to their feet like he did. No one in Esalen’s history joined enthusiasm, scholarship, and wisdom so fully. He won the hearts and minds of students at the all women Sarah Lawrence College too, and later in his career those of film directors Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and George Miller, the Australian director of Mad Max. In the modern vernacular, you could say he turned people on! His patented response to the disenchantment of modern life was to find your life’s true passion and follow it, or as he famously put it, ‘follow your bliss’. By bliss I mean the deep sense of being in it, and doing what the push is out of your own existence it may not be fun, but it’s your bliss and there’s bliss behind pain too. You follow that and doors will open where there were no doors before, where you would not have thought there were going to be doors, and where there wouldn’t be a door for anybody else .. When you have the un-mistakable experience of the aha! then you know you’re riding on the mystery.

19.01.2022 Mars in Libra Mars, the god of war and passion, sex and aggression enters Libra on Wednesday September 15 at 10:13 am AEST where it will reside until Oct 31.'s my take on how Mars may express in this sign. The passion of Mars is refined and balanced with reason in Libra. Co-operative action directed to the pursuit of peace, harmony and justice is its raison d’etre. For evolved types with this placement, such as the Dalai Lama, it is axiomatic that the means cannot justify the end, so the use of naked aggression and violence to pursue even noble ends is out of the question. Discussion, debate, negotiation, moral persuasion, and, as a last resort, non-violent resistance, are the appropriate and acceptable means for this civilized Mars. For less evolved types, diplomacy degenerates into insincerity or resentful compromise, and legitimate anger is suppressed, rather than transmuted into the decisive action that would see justice accomplished. This Mars needs to cultivate the courage of conviction, and vanquish the attitude of avoiding conflict at all costs. Sexuality is activated by physical attraction and a sense of being complementary equals. Exemplars: Dalai Lama and Nelson Mandela

19.01.2022 VENUS enters ARIES at 1:16 am Monday Mar 22 AEDT where it will reside until April 15. Here’s my take on how it may express in those born with this placement Th...ese passionate romantics are natural born hunters in the wilds of desire. For them, the thrill of the quest and its end game, conquest, is what gets their heart fires burning. Their courting style is to get straight to the point. No games, no pussy footing around. If you like me, show me; if you want me, take me! Fools for love, brave hearts all, their courage and daring may initially be attractive and inspiring to potential partners, but in an established relationship, their ‘me-first’ tendency is liable to lead to arguments and blow-ups over issues of fairness and co-operation. Sparks and friction are inevitable, but in compensation, a relationship with them will never be boring. How long it lasts is another matter, for domesticity and routine are not their forte. To keep them with you it’s essential to live at least a little dangerously. The odd daring adventure is a must.

19.01.2022 Venus in Libra opposite Retrograde Mars in Aries at 15 + degrees. Peaking Tuesday Nov 10 AEDT Opposites attract / Opposites repel A potential dialogue ... Mars in Aries: You look hot! I want you! Venus in Libra: Why? Do you want my body or my mind? You can’t have one without the other. Tell me about yourself, talk to me .. Mars: I want you. I’ll give you the best time you’ve ever had. With me, what you see is what you’ll get. I don’t play games and I don’t mess around Venus: Not so fast. You don’t understand I’m not that kind of woman. I need to get to know you (Seductively pouting and flicking her hair). I do like you .. Let’s do dinner followed by an art opening where a good friend of mine is exhibiting .. Mars: I’m more of a direct action man. Let’s grab a quick bite to eat and then go back to my place ..

19.01.2022 Mars has entered Taurus After a 6 month plus stay in Aries Mars transited into Taurus this morning, Thursday Jan 7 AEDT, where it will reside until Mar 4. Here’...s my take on how it may express in people born with this placement Determined and persevering, Taurean Mars people can always be relied upon to finish what they begin. Given clear and concrete instructions and left to work at their own steady pace, they will deliver every time. Solid and dependable themselves, they value the same qualities in co-workers and partners, and their typical goals are to achieve material security, physical comfort, and a cruisy, hassle-free life style. They have an eye for beauty allied with the practical skills to bring it into form, and commonly an avid appreciation of music, as in If music be the food of life, play on, give me excess of it. The need for regular and reliable sex combined with a jealous, possessive streak makes monogamous relationship a natural fit. When you are on a good thing stick to it is their motto. Negatively, they can become addicted to fixed routines and get stuck in a rut, unwilling to venture beyond the known, the safe, and the familiar. Further Reflections on Mars in Taurus As I tune into Mars in Taurus it seems to me to be a very physical and musical placement, and a little research has validated that intuition. Noteworthy examples include Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Chuck Berry and Madonna, all great dancers as well as singers. Muhammed Ali also featured fancy footwork in his boxing tool kit, whilst ballet star Rudolph Nureyev and contortionist Harry Houdini, the great escape artist, also exhibited exceptional physical prowess. Smokey Robinson, Tony Bennett, Mariah Carey, Chaka Khan, Celine Dion, Kate Bush, Roy Orbison and rapper Kanye West are other famous musical exemplars that my research turned up. The animal associated with Taurus is the Bull, a symbol of primal masculine power if ever there was one. Place the god of war and passion, sex and aggression, the red planet Mars in the sign of the Bull, and I sense a relentless straight ahead musical groove or a competitive mating dance in which rival suitors lock horns, or a war dance / ritual such as the haka performed by powerfully built Maori warrior / sportsmen ..

15.01.2022 The Sun enters Aries at 8:37 pm Saturday Mar 20 AEDT "We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born." - Carl Jung

14.01.2022 VENUS in SCORPIO Venus entered Scorpio early morning Sunday Nov 22 AEDT where it will reside until Dec 16. Here’s my take on how it may express in those born this placement Love for Venus in Scorpio is deep, dark and intense. Deeply intimate and intensely sexual, and colored with darker tones of secrecy, jealousy and possession. So a relationship with these mysteriously alluring lovers, who invariably possess the indefinable ‘x factor’, is not for the faint of heart. They give and demand totality. If that is not forthcoming they will threaten to end the relationship, or foment some other crisis to up the stakes, leading to the classic ultimatum: It’s all or nothing. Expect to receive 100% emotional support to confront all your fears and weaknesses, and a searing level of honesty in a relationship with evolved types of the species, and a descent to the underworld of the psyche where lurk power games, lies and threats of betrayal with those still repaying karmic debts from past misdeeds. Ultimately, love for Scorpio Venus is a fate filled journey from darkness into the light, where it feels like the script has already been written. For those with the courage to live it consciously, it offers healing, transformation, and renewal.

14.01.2022 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. Peaking Friday Sep 17 AEST between 24 and 25 degrees

14.01.2022 For Scorpio, dark and light are two sides of the same coin .. Following is an excerpt from the Scorpio chapter of my book Signs of the Zodiac: Clothing of the S...elf Scorpio’s are the psychic detectives of the zodiac, adept at eliciting information from others, yet just watch them retreat behind their impenetrable gaze when you want to find out more about them. Must be from the need to protect all those deep dark secrets they keep locked up in the dungeons of their psyches. Let's listen in on a typical conversation to illustrate that in the world of Scorpio suspicion of others is apt to be based on knowledge of themselves. Pay close attention to the sub-text, as with Scorpio, what is not said, is often as significant as what is: [She] "Hi, how’s things? [Scorpio is immediately suspicious. He thinks to himself why is she being so friendly? I wonder what she wants, I wonder if she knows about .. How could she? I haven't told anybody .. at least I don't think I have .. Hold on .. I did, I told Jenny .. what a bitch! I told her not to tell a soul and now she's betrayed me .. Jesus, you can't trust anybody can you !] [He] "Good, how's things with you? [He says unconvincingly, giving the game away with an inappropriate intensity of eye contact] [Feeling decidedly uneasy now, she thinks to herself, ‘It really is true what they say about Scorpios isn't it? What an arse-hole.’] [She] "Bye This is fun. How can people say Scorpios are too serious? Just go into any video outlet and it's plain to see they are pulling the strings behind the scenes in the entertainment industry. What other sign could have created such classics as Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, Dangerous Liasons, and Indecent Proposal. As ‘proof’ consider this composite blurb, replete with Scorpionic themes and language: "She wanted his money, he had to have her body, even if it meant jeopardizing everything that he loved and held sacred. Featuring the hottest sex scenes since Sex, Lies and Videotape, this Faustian tale of intrigue and betrayal, builds to a suspense filled climax that will leave you both shocked and hungry for more. "Why is it that one runs to one's ruin? Why has destruction such a fascination " - Oscar Wilde (Mercury in Scorpio Fortunately Scorpio, as well as perpetrating that tosh, is equally likely to be found fighting for the armies of virtue in the eternal battle between good and evil, both in themselves and in the wider society. These more evolved types possess the requisite strength and courage to confront and integrate their own dark side, which task, when successfully accomplished, frees them to engage in the great Sisyphean work of healing and transforming dysfunction, disease, and corruption in the wider society. These types make wonderful therapists, counsellors, nurses, doctors, social workers, child protection workers, foster parents, search and rescue workers, asoldiers and police, and parents and friends too, especially in times of crisis. When the going gets tough and the weak get going, you can count on Scorpio to stand firm when the pressure is on. They know and understand from their own experience, that "truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow and distress, then this light is nearest of all to us - Meister Eckhardt. For Scorpio, it is evident that what is considered to be ‘dark’ and ‘light’ is a prime example of what in Buddhist doctrine is called the co-dependent origination of all polarities. How can you buy without selling, have a front without a back, good without evil, light without a shadow? And of course, the reverse applies also. Even the darkest, most evil characters, are not without some good in them.

13.01.2022 Disgraced former ALP power broker Eddie Obeid, born 25 Oct, 1943 is a classic example of a Scorpio gone wrong. As is Tony Abbott and Peter Dutton. This is not tar all Scorpio's with the same brush, as it may well be a Scorpio who prosecutes or judges him. The dark and the light, two sides of the same coin! Gillian Triggs former Human Rights Commissioner is on the light side of the Scorpio spectrum, shining light on the dark side of all manner of human rights abuses See more

12.01.2022 Scott Morrison is a paradigm example of a low vibrational Taurus We can learn a lot about astrology by observing public figures in action. And while it is true ...that there’s a lot more to astrology than the Sun sign, it remains true that it is the prime symbol of our central life force and energy. So, Australian PM Morrison is a Sun sign Taurus, a fixed earth sign, who displays a veritable litany of the negative character traits of the sign. To wit, he is stubborn, dogmatic, inflexible, in denial, ideologically blinkered, unable or unwilling to see beyond his nose or porky gut, bull headed, ‘thick as a brick’, ‘a brick short of a shed’ - despite being able to string words together (Mercury in Gemini) he is yet to utter a single original thought or policy response - When ideas fail words come in very handy - slow to act, materialistic, greedy, rigidly focused on the bottom line - pre-Covid the sacred surplus obsession, the alleged cost to the economy of taking meaningful action to address global heating, the bully control freak who is not for turning, lacking in genuine empathetic feeling which is covered up by inappropriate, unasked for hugging, and utterly pedestrian in speech and manner, who singularly fails to inspire. What do you think, true or false?

12.01.2022 How to Transcend Astrological Influences by Paramhansa Yogananda Astrology is a very deep subject, but most people consider it a kind of superstitious guide to ...material progress. If you use astrology only for guidance in material matters, you will be doing its teachings an injustice. Astrology is too vast, both mathematically and philosophically, to be rightly grasped except by people of profound understanding. In ancient times, astrology was seen primarily as a guide to spiritual development. To use astrology for material purposes was considered a lower application of what is essentially a divine science. Astrology is the study of man’s response to planetary stimuli. All parts of creation are linked together and interchange their influences. No matter what your environment, the surrounding rays of the earth and universe will have an impact upon you. Astrology was intended to assist you on your inner journey, by helping you become more aware of the interrelationships between the objective universe and the inner aspects of yourself. The relation of the stars to the human body and mind is very subtle. There is a correlation between the six centers (chakras) in the spine, which become twelve by polarity, and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Millions of volts of electrical current are lodged in these spinal centers. If your body and your mind are very strong, you will be impervious to the evil vibrations from the stars when they begin to shed their rays upon you. But if your body and mind are weak through transgressions of wrong eating, wrong thinking, bad character, and bad company, then the stellar rays will have the power to affect you. How the stars affect us The stars influence your life only in accordance with patterns that you yourself established in the past. A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma (past actions). The astrological configurations serve only as symbols of karmic influences, which you have set into motion in the past. The stars and planets themselves can no more choose how they will affect you than you can select your own karmic destiny. The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth was not meant to emphasize fate, the result of past good and evil, but to arouse your will to escape from this universal bondage. What you have done, you can undo. You can overcome whatever effects are now prevalent in your life because you created them by your own actions in the first place, and because you have inner spiritual resources which are not subject to planetary pressure. The best way, therefore, to improve your lot is deliberately to act in such a way as to counteract the evil effects of past deeds. Especially if this course of action springs from inner attunement with God, or is adopted under the wise guidance of one who knows God, it will serve as an antidote to all baneful actions of the past. Avoid passive dependence on astrology Superstition means to seek guidance from effects, in ignorance of their causes. Many people look to the heavens for signs instead of choosing the wiser path of seeking guidance in their souls, from God. Some people refuse to do anything for themselves until the planetary positions are favorable. While it is not unwise to initiate worthwhile undertakings at astrologically auspicious times, it merely affirms your passive dependence on fate to wait for a shift in the planets’ positions before making important changes in your life. Anything you do with deep faith in God will blossom under better influences than you could hope to find by consulting the heavens for favorable aspects. Do not wait for changes in astrological influences to change your destiny. Look, rather, to Him who made the heavens and the earth and who alone can grant you eternal freedom. The lawful effects of your karma may seem irrevocable, but the effects of past actions can be changed by seeking God. Unless you remember that, you can not spiritualize astrology. How to spiritualize astrology While studying astrology in a reasonable way, you must always remember that God’s influence is the supreme influence. All human ills arise from some transgression of universal law. The scriptures point out that man must satisfy the laws of nature, while not discrediting the divine omnipotence. You should always say, Lord, I trust in Thee, and know Thou canst help me, but I too will do my best to undo any wrong I have done. You have been given the free choice and intelligence, as a child of God, to surmount the difficulties of life. You are made in the image of God, not in the image of the stars. Strive unceasingly, from a center of inner calmness, to surmount every material, mental, and spiritual difficulty. Cooperate with His will by offering up to Him all the strength of your human will. If you can hold onto your happiness during all the difficulties in your life, then you will begin to rise above the influence of the stars. If you can retain your smile in spite of repeated challenges, that is a sign of the awakening of the consciousness of divinity within you. Through all such actions, you are changing your body and mind and how they are affecting the twelve centers in your spine. As a result of these changes, the stars will begin to smile upon you. By communing with God, you will reinforce the power of the twelve spinal centers, which will then act in cooperation with the twelve signs of the zodiac. The deeper your communion with God, the more you will automatically harmonize the influences of all planetary forces and transcend the evil effects of the powerful, but distant, planets. In these ways, you can spiritualize astrology. Seek help, therefore, not from the stars and planets, but from Almighty God. God is harmony; and if you attune yourself to Him, you will never perform any action amiss. Your activities will be correctly and naturally timed to accord with astrological law. After deep prayer and meditation you are in touch with His divine consciousness; there is no greater power than that inward protection. By plunging deeply into your own divine nature, you will discover those deeper levels within yourself that enable you to rise above all karmic realities. The masters go beyond astrology Some people study astrology to ascertain the influence of their karma through the medium of planets, thus trying to counteract evil influences by astrological foreknowledge. But the great masters go beyond astrology. The man of realization does not choose any auspicious hour to perform noble deeds or initiate new wholesome ventures. He acts, moves, and sleeps under the one influence of God. He consults God instead of the stars for guidance. Although there is a certain vibratory influence of stars upon all human lives, a man of infinite will power tuned in with God, uses his free will to change his circumstances. He marches on, influenced only by the Sun of all Suns, the Almighty Spirit. To him, from the depths of his determination and faith, all things are possible. He burns the seeds of difficulties in the fire of wisdom, consults only God for guidance, and performs all of his actions according to divine guidance. Superstitious awe of astrology makes one an automaton, slavishly dependent on mechanical guidance. The wise man defeats his planets which is to say, his past by transferring his allegiance from the creation to the Creator. The more he realizes his unity with Spirit, the less he can be dominated by matter. The soul is ever-free; it is deathless because birthless. It cannot be regimented by stars. If you live by astrology or anything else you will be bound by it. Depend wholly and solely on God. Live by God alone. Then nothing can hurt you. Follow the way to inner freedom In karma’s realm, karma rules supreme. Yet all human beings have the power to withdraw to another realm altogether. You cannot change the outer astrological influences, but you can do a great deal to change the way you receive them, inwardly. Instead of accepting fatalistically the decrees of karma, follow the inner way to freedom. Meditate daily. Commune deeply with God. Learn from Him, through the silent voice of intuition, the way out of soul-degrading serfdom to bad habits. Ultimately, by ever deeper meditation, you will reach a point where you receive your influences from God alone.

12.01.2022 Astrology: It's a Bunch of Stories by Dharmaruci aka Barry Goddard This is a stimulating, thought provoking article on the practice of Astrology by an original ...Aquarian thinker The US Sibly chart, which is the one used by most astrologers, is not based on the actual time of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Rather, it was generated by medieval methods using the preceding Aries and Cancer ingresses. Nick Campion, in his Book of World Horoscopes, describes this process, but only up to a point; it is not clear, for example, how the Asc ends up at 12 Sag. So the Sibly Chart signifies the Declaration of Independence, rather than being a literal chart for it. But it still seems to work quite well as a chart for the USA. The event that made the Sibly Chart the most accepted one was 9/11, when Pluto and Saturn were lined up along the Sibly Asc/Desc respectively. It was spookily literal: Saturn in Gemini was the twin (Gemini) towers (Saturn), a statement of American achievement and pre-eminence (Saturn). And Pluto in Sag was foreign (Sag) terror (Pluto). I’d rather have seen Saturn transiting the Asc and Pluto the Desc myself, rather than the other way round, because it describes more clearly the attack on the USA (Asc) coming from abroad (Desc). And this would be the Gemini Rising Chart, which at 8 Degrees does not have the closeness of Saturn-Pluto at 9/11 as the Sibly Chart, but it’s good enough for me. Be that as it may, charts work because they have a functional symbolic relationship with the person or entity concerned, not because they are based on an accurate time of birth. It’s like here are a set of stories that describe your nature and your past and your future. The job of the astrologer is to join with the ‘client’ to find and tell those stories. I think the reason a chart like the US Sibly works is because it was generated using a sensitivity to symbolism. But then, and this is a strange process, it’s like you become the chart and the chart becomes you over time. Through repeated readings and reflection, the set of stories in the chart and your life stories merge and illumine each other. That is why I think getting the time of birth ‘right’ isn’t necessarily such a big deal. I mean, if you have your chart ‘rectified’ because you are unsure of the birth time, all that the astrologer is doing is generating a chart that fits your life. I think it is nonsense to think that the astrologer has found your ‘actual’ birth time. That is just another story, one of the stories, a powerful one, that astrology tells us. This is how the heavens looked at the moment you were born. Wow! That is a powerful story. As above, so below. The cosmos reflects our deeper nature at the moment we were born. Well it does. I’m not trying to take that idea away for a moment, it is such a vital one. It’s true, it’s real, but it’s not literal. I mean, look at the chart itself, what a fiction it is! The signs divided neatly into 30 degrees each? And having slipped 23 degrees away since they were first generated? And the House systems, all those conflicting theories, you take your pick which one you want to use. The fictional nature of much of astrology points to its real nature. We need to allow the fiction in rather than ignore it. It’s about stories that work. It can’t be any set of stories. Mysteriously, the set of stories around the time of birth tend to work, but that is because astrology has been designed that way. Reality itself is a bunch of stories. 9/11 itself quickly became a set of different stories. Any attempt to pin anything down as literal actual truth can always be deconstructed. Scientific truth is no different. Look what happens when you really push science, it explodes into a counter-intuitive quantum reality, inhabited by a huge array of ephemeral particles that no-one will ever actually see. That is because the world 'out there' is a construction of our brains, both the 'out-there-ness' and the apparent material solidity. It's a hologram, a model, so if you push it too far, of course it breaks down. The best we can do is tell stories about it, stories that for some reason grip us, expand us, give meaning. There is a Reality, there really is, the universe really is meaningful, but we also have to deconstruct, dance lightly on, the dualistic, literal presentation that our minds construct. The stories come from somewhere else, Neptune's mythopoeic ocean. And like all other aspects of reality, astrology is essentially another bunch of meaningful stories. It’s right brain stuff, intuitive stuff. When you are doing astrology, if you feel that right brain connection, then it is working. The Sibly Chart works because a right brain connection, a felt connection to symbolism, was used in its creation. One method of generating charts is to put the planet that rules the event on the Ascendant. This is how the US Gemini rising Chart came about: Uranus, the planet of revolution, was put near the Ascendant. And you’ve immediately got the intuition involved here, you’ve got a planet rising that seems right, that tells a story. So of course the chart is going to work. There is no ‘scientific’ or rational reason why it should. It is the logic of intuition, which works completely differently. For a start, it is holistic, the part contains the whole. You get the right planet, the right story on the Asc, and the rest follows. It might be worth experimenting with your own chart. What planet ruled your birth? Did you or your Mum nearly die? Maybe put Pluto on the Asc in that case. Keep the actual day the same in the process. Or was your birth long and difficult? Put Saturn there. Did you arrive suddenly, or was the pregnancy unplanned? Try Uranus. Was it a Caesarian? Mars. Was it a New Age water birth? Put Neptune there! And so on. The crucial thing is that intuitive resonance, which is different to a good feeling. Intuition is a form of knowing rather than feeling. As Jung said, it’s a form of knowing that doesn’t come with evidence in the usual sense. It’s like when you see a bird of prey and you know it means something. Yesterday you might have seen it and it was just a bird of prey. But today you know it signifies something. You weren’t looking for omens, it just came at you. That’s intuition. As an astrologer you can end up thinking everything is meaningful in that sense, because everything has a planetary correlate. Like every event is telling you something. But they don’t. The art is being able to tell which events are meaningful, and that’s intuition. And don’t go along with other people’s intuitions because they say them authoritatively. We all want to feel connected to some hidden dimension, it gives a sense of meaning. That’s why the 2012 Mayan thing is so popular. I think it’s nonsense. The planets are a route into intuition, but they can become a hindrance if you don’t drop them once you get there and just home in on your experience and the other person’s. The charged heart of the story you’ve been circling around. Christina (The Oxford Astrologer) had one of those moments looking at my chart yesterday. She was noting how both Saturn and Neptune are transiting both my Neptune-Node and Desc, and said she tends to think there’s something monkish about Saturn-Neptune. I said yes, Neptune is the inner experience, Saturn is the container. Then she said but you have that side, all those years in Buddhist communities when you were younger. It’s not all of you, or you’d still be there. But that side is coming back. And I thought wow, that’s a brilliant bit of analysis and intuition. A lot of confusing pieces suddenly fell into place. No wonder I’m up in my yurt on my own every night, even in winter, luxuriating in the solitude and beauty of the place.

08.01.2022 Just watched Australian Story featuring champion swimmer Murray Rose. (A FB memory from 6 years ago) I always felt a special connection with him because, like m...e, he was a vegetarian. Very rare at that time! I would often use him as 'proof' that you didn't need to eat meat to excel physically. He is a Capricorn Sun with a very close Sextile aspect to Mars in Scorpio, indicating his incredible drive and will power and ability to sustain speed over long distances, and also his ability to out-psych his opponents. Chart is untimed so house positions do not apply

07.01.2022 First Day of Aries Solar Season! Here's the Degree Symbol for Aries 1 interpreted by Sabian Symbol Astrologer Lynda Hill A WOMAN HAS RISEN OUT OF THE OCEAN, A ...SEAL IS EMBRACING HER Commentary: ‘A Woman Has Risen Out of the Ocean’. She is consciously aware of leaving the past behind in order to emerge into a whole new arena of existence and activity. The ‘Seal Embracing Her’ symbolizes her being welcomed into this new arena. This degree is right on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, when the yearly astrological cycle begins again. It’s like the beginning of a new year. In the Northern hemisphere it marks the beginning of springthe Spring Equinox. Long ago there was a belief that the spirits of those who had drowned at sea had the ability to enjoy life in the ocean in the form of ‘Seals’. When they wished, the Selkies could, once per moon cycle, swim ashore, drop their sealskins and become mortals again. ORACLE: New understandings and awareness are coming to light. Whatever is emerging, either in you or around you needs to be accepted, welcomed and nurtured. It’s best to resist the old familiar ways of being or relating as they can pull you back to outgrown and possibly unsatisfactory conditions. Maybe you feel you are not being acknowledged, don’t have a voice or are not being heard. Take heart as comfort and salvation are likely to be found in the most unexpected places. Despite any setbacks, be aware that you possess the power to make the necessary changes in your life. It is time to claim your place or make a mark in this new world. So much potential lies ahead of you. Welcome this new beginning and be fearless in the face of the changes that are coming. Accept the ‘Embrace’ of those who welcome you into this new sphere. It is inevitable that you’ll leave something behind as you move into this new territory. Enjoy the journey and give birth to self-love, self-worth and divine creativity. Let go of the past and emerge into life and love. KEYWORD: Cycles starting. Beginnings. Emergence into concrete manifestation. Embracing and honoring the shadow. Recognizing our animal side. Tropical islands or lands. Rocky shores. Seals. Oceans and water. Shedding skins. Transmutation. The Selkie myth. Grounding one’s energy. Stepping between the sea and the shore. Androgyny. Love and its embrace. Finding your feet and your voice. Mermaids.

06.01.2022 "We are born at a given moment, in a given place, and like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season in which we are born" - Ca...rl Jung Bring me my Bow of burning gold: Bring me my arrows of desire: Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold! Bring me my Chariot of fire! - William Blake

05.01.2022 Astrology’s timeless backdrop in the Inner Sky of the Perennial Philosophy Astrology, which deals with a given moment in time and space, is given added depth an...d wisdom when situated within the timeless context of the inner sky of the Perennial Philosophy .. The Tao is infinite, eternal. Why is it eternal? It was never born, thus it can never die - Lao Tzu You are coming from nowhere and you are going to nowhere You are just now, here, neither coming nor going Everything passes by you Your consciousness reflects it but does not get identified Your consciousness is only a mirror The mirror does nothing, it simply reflects Neither do you come, nor do you go Things come and go You become young, you become old; you are alive, you are dead All these states are simply reflections in an eternal pool of consciousness - Osho A question which has long fascinated me then naturally arises: Do Spiritual Masters Transcend Their Birth Charts? Here is my take on that question from an article I originally had published in the Osho Times, and from another expanded version that was later published in Well Being Astrology Magazine. Do Spiritual Masters Transcend Their Birth Charts? The view is sometimes put that the more spiritually evolved we are the less influence astrology has over us. According to this view, spiritual masters transcend their charts, which implies that a birth chart, with its inherent structural patterns and implied schedule of unfolding, is a limitation in some way. In my view this is not so. A birth chart is not a limitation any more than the banks of a river are a limitation to the river. Certainly they define it - a river without banks is not a river. Similarly, a birth chart defines our individuality. It can be considered a limitation only if our individuality is considered a limitation. To be sure, for Enlightenment or Awakening to occur, many spiritual masters do say that this is in fact the case. For just as a river loses its individuality when it merges with the ocean, so must our individuality dissolve if we are to merge with the ocean of existence and awaken to that which was ‘never born and never dies’ - which it necessarily follows has no birth chart. No birth chart, no question of transcending it. But this ultimate experience of dissolving and awakening does not invalidate the relationship between an individual and his chart. The birth chart is a wonderfully revealing blueprint of our unique individuality. Used wisely it can assist us to flower into our fullest potential. This suggests another metaphor. The birth chart simply indicates what kind of ‘seed’ we are. Looking at our charts may be compared to looking at a picture on the front of a seed packet. You can see from the picture what kind of plant the seed is ‘meant to’ grow into when fully developed. Your birth chart also indicates the kind of nurturing that will assist your seed to flower, the challenges likely to be met on the way, and when these are likely to occur. So what would be the point of trying to transcend it? Nor, as far as I can discern, do spiritual masters transcend their charts either - at least in terms of their individual nature while they are functioning in space and time. Rather they seem to reflect their charts like everyone else. Thus the controversial Indian Guru Osho [formerly known as Bhagwan or Rajneesh] in character traits, life patterns and themes, certainly reflects his Sun sign, Sagittarius, for example. The birth chart then, is a given. There is no question of, or indeed point to transcending it. Anyone, [or anything for that matter] born in time and space will reflect their birth charts as long as they are functioning in time and space. Even such a derisive critic of astrology as Osho seems to confirm this, when in Glimpses Of A Golden Childhood he says of his birth chart "It described my whole past exactly and also my future. I was amazed because everything it said had either happened or was happening. Now things that were in the future then have also become the past. They have happened. When Osho dismisses astrology, it is primarily the traditional Indian predictive and fatalistic approach that he is attacking. Let's see how this approach was applied to his own life. The astrologer whom his father consulted made it clear that, according to his calculations, Osho was likely to meet death by the age of seven. This didn't happen, yet in a very real way he did have a profound experience of death at that age, through the death of his dearly beloved grandfather. Of this experience he reports: 1 was so attached to him that his death appeared to be my own... For me he was the only love object, and because of his death perhaps I have not been able to feel attached to anyone else much. Aloneness became my nature. His death freed me forever from all relationships .. " Each factor in a birth chart implies a range of possibilities. For example, perhaps you are having a Pluto transit, which implies you are going to meet death. But is it your death, or someone elses? And is that death going to be literal or metaphorical? Most commonly it is the death of a psychological pattern, some part of your past to which you are still clinging, which Pluto’s destructive force is now compelling you to drop. In other words, the planetary influence is real - the theme of death will enter your life - but the way it will manifest cannot be concretely predicted, and neither can your response. Obviously, the more conscious and aware you are, the more creatively you will deal with it. Nevertheless, whatever you do, you will operate within the parameters of the astrological aspect. It's not like ‘anything goes’. It's not a cosmic free-for-all as it were. If you are born a Sagittarian, that's going to be reflected in your nature. After all, a mango seed can grow only into a mango tree, not into an apple or oak tree. You can be a fully flowering Sagittarian like Osho, or a stunted, shriveled one, but the nature of your being and individuality is indicated by your chart. That's the raw material you've got to work with. Know thyself? Look into the mirror of the sky with eyes of intelligence and wisdom, and you will be richly rewarded. Astrology reveals our psychological and mythological patterning, and enables us to align with the tao of our individual unfolding. Astrology Of The Masters Here I would like to further illustrate that spiritual masters reflect their birth charts, just like all of us. To begin with Osho, it is evident that in character traits, life patterns and themes he is archetypically Sagittarian. For example, consider his insistence on freedom, both in terms of personal action and also as the highest value to be honored in any kind of love relationship. For him, love without freedom is not love at all. Consider too his quest for enlightenment; his relentless commitment to living in truth and honesty; his sense of humor and parallel attitude that seriousness is the worst sin; his bluntness and directness of expression - for example, not hesitating to call something ‘bullshit’ if that’s what he felt about it, and the sometimes outrageous language of his jokes. Note especially his hilarious discourse on the uses of the word ‘fuck’? Consider also his propensity to engage in argument in support of strongly held convictions and his mastery of debate. When, as a student, during the national debating championships his opponent failed to show up, Osho argued both sides himself and the result was declared a draw. Finally his penchant for telling stories, for exaggeration, for downplaying the importance of facts in favor of a higher truth; his love of higher learning; his insatiable appetite for books; and the fact that he is probably the most published person in history ... these are all examples of Sagittarian traits and themes manifesting at the highest level. I am struck by the prevalence of the sign Capricorn in the charts of Masters I have studied. Osho had five planets in Capricorn - Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn; Gurdijeff the Sun and Moon; while Ramana Maharshi and Yogananda had their Sun in the sign. Other evolved Sun sign Capricorns include Kahil Gibran, Mother Meera, Martin Luther King, Stanislav Grof, Carlos Castaneda, Timothy Leary, Alan Watts and John Lilly [- the latter two share the same birth date.] Not surprising perhaps when it is considered that spiritual life, as much, if not more than worldly life, requires dedication, discipline, commitment, focus, clarity and more often than not, plain hard work, qualities the sign Capricorn bestows in abundance. So Gurdijeff is archetypically Capricornian when he calls his spiritual work with his disciples ‘The Work’. Two representative aphorisms: I love him who loves work and There is only self-initiation, which is acquired by constant effort. It is impossible to give to a man anything that could become his own without effort on his part. Ramana Maharshi shared in the communal work of his ashram for many years and would regularly get up around 3:00 am every day to help prepare breakfast for his disciples. Osho’s Capricornian nature was reflected in his enormous commitment to giving discourses with clockwork regularity, day in day out, year after year; in the formal structures of ceremony and ritual he put in place to ensure the efficacy of his work, such as the wearing of maroon robes and the White Robe Brotherhood held at 7 pm each evening in Osho centres throughout the world. This ritual follows a set format designed to concentrate and deepen the experience of silence. And for all his love of freedom and spontaneity, Osho certainly insisted on what he considered to be appropriately respectful behaviour in his presence, so much so that he walked out on one occasion when confronted by what he felt to be inappropriate laughter. Capricorn is a sign noted for concern with status, standards and quality. Well, nothing but the best for Osho, from the Rolls Royce to the impeccably tailored robes, from the acres of marble in the ashram buildings, to the beautiful gardens, and more generally in the up market presentation of ‘Club Meditation’. As he said of himself: I’m a simple man. I simply like the best of everything. Finally, and perhaps most significantly Capricornian, is his insistence that each must walk the path for themselves. He is not going to do it for you. No shaktipat type short cuts from him. Individuals are solely responsible for their own growth and awakening. His role is simply that of inspiring exemplar. Osho then, is a distinctive blend of Sagittarius and Capricorn. For him, freedom and responsibility are inseparably linked together. They are two wings to fly high into the open sky. Interestingly, Gurdijeff, most definitely a genuine Zorba the Buddha, perhaps Osho’s most kindred spirit, is also a distinctive astrological blend of Capricorn and Sagittarius, for as well as Sun and Moon in Capricorn, he has Venus conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius. This is the astrological significator of Gurdijeff’s generous hospitality and well known love of a drop of vodka. The dinner table was often his temple of choice to transmit his higher teachings. Sagittarius bestows a gift for telling stories. In my mind’s eye I can see Gurdijeff now, vodka in hand, talking of ‘Meetings With Remarkable Men’, telling ‘Tales of Beelzebub’ .. Astrology Of The Masters - Part Two After enlightenment or awakening, the body/mind organism continues to function, more or less as it did earlier. The body/mind organism will function according to its characteristics. - Ramesh Balsekar Those characteristics are indicated by the birth chart. Osho, Gurdijeff, and J.Krishnamurti, all have a dynamic aspect pattern in their charts emphasizing the planet URANUS. Reflecting it’s eccentric astronomy, Uranus is associated with non-conformism, un-conventionality, radical individualism, independence, rebellion, revolution, brilliance, genius, the clear light of truth. Uranian individuals insist on living in freedom from all externally imposed expectations and constraints. They take inspiration from Buddha’s famous words, Be a light unto yourself. KRISHNAMURTI was born with the Sun in Taurus opposed to Uranus in Scorpio, with both planets squaring his Aquarius Ascendant. His Uranian nature is reflected in the brilliance of his insight and in his rebellious refusal to take on the role of World Teacher, for which he was intensively groomed by the Theosophical Society. His best known quote typifies his Uranian refusal to be part of any institutionalization of wisdom: Truth is a pathless land. Man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest, ritual, not through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. GURDIJEFF had Mars in Scorpio opposite Pluto in Taurus, both square Uranus in Leo. A ‘rascal guru’, many examples could be given of conventionally immoral escapades. However, like all evolved Uranians he answered only to the higher authority of his own inner law. Uranians too, are often outsiders, ‘strangers in a strange land’, so this description of Gurdijeff by his influential student J.G. Bennett struck me as most apt: He made upon me the impression of an exile from another world, who must always be a stranger in any company. OSHO has Moon conjunct Saturn in Capricorn opposite Pluto in Cancer, both square Uranus in Aries. Uranus also forms part of a Grand Fire Trine involving his Sagittarian Sun and Jupiter in Leo. This abundance of fire, combined with the dynamic tension channelled through the focal Uranus accounts for his larger than life, ‘in your face’ personality, a personality that made it inevitable that he would always be the centre of controversial attention. From his earliest years Osho was the quintessential rebel, dedicated to defying every accepted form of behaviour sanctioned by society. He simply refused to be told what to do. Brought up by his maternal grandparents till the age of seven, Osho says: they allowed me total freedom to be myself ... Somehow I remained out of the grip of civilization ... I became a really strong individualist, hard core ... Descriptions by contemporaries and later commentators emphasize fiery Uranian character traits, for example, ‘a gifted, spirited, independent-minded individual’; ‘a boy of exceptional intellect and charisma’; ‘willful, headstrong and naughty;’ ‘immodest, brazen, discourteous, disrespectful, seditious’ etc. Osho delighted in playing humiliating tricks on teachers and townspeople he considered pompous or hypocritical, and in disrupting religious meetings by asking simple but unanswerable questions. For example he asked one Jaina monk, who had been teaching not to believe in anything not based on personal experience, how he knew there was an eternal hell, since if it was eternal he could not have visited it and come back to tell. Nor did he spare his family. On one occasion his father saw a man coming to his house he did not like and told Osho to tell him he wasn’t home. Osho opened the door and said, my father said to tell you he wasn’t at home. On another occasion when family members tried to force him to dress more conventionally by hiding his unusual hippy type Punjabi clothes, he simply walked out of the house and into his father’s shop naked. His clothes were returned immediately. This penchant for rebellion, for always speaking and living the truth as he saw it, never left him. Throughout his life he made uncompromising attacks on all beliefs that he felt were not based on truth or logic, no matter how culturally sensitive, or politically unwise. For example, he condemned the revered Mahatma Gandhi for his anti-technology thinking and preoccupation with the poor, which Osho maintained hindered their liberation from poverty; accused Mother Theresa of manipulating the orphan problem in order to create more converts to Catholicism; denounced the Reagan Administration’s ‘prostitution of the constitution’for deporting him; and in general, never let up on his scathing attacks on ‘priests and politicians, the mafia of the soul’. And of course, his much misunderstood advocacy of sex as a path to enlightenment, was like waving a red flag at a bull to established religious views. So vast personal experience informs Osho’s late talks on The Rebel, in which he develops his mature vision of the authentic rebel as a spiritual phenomenon, quite distinct from it’s counterfeits, the social non-conformist and the political revolutionary. This work represents to me the highest and most inspiring expression of what the planet Uranus symbolizes in astrology. And with this, rather than transcending, I would say he actualized the full potential of the powerful Uranian placement in his chart. A representative quote: The new rebel is an enlightened being - he is fulfilled and deeply contented. He stands aloof and alone, with a clarity about everything. Truth is his religion, freedom is his path. And to be himself, utterly himself, is his goal

04.01.2022 Joan Baez Turns 80 She has the Jupiter Saturn in Taurus Conjunction that many ageing musical luminaries were born under. Her Sun Mercury conjunction in Capricor...n gave voice to many protest songs via the trine alignment to rebellious Uranus also in Taurus. Noteworthy is her Mars Pluto Asc grand fire trine which bestows abundant passion, courage and capacity to fight the good fight. Venus aligned to its higher octave planet Neptune gifts her inner and outer beauty, soulful depth, compassion and charismatic magnetism See more

02.01.2022 Aries: So what’s it going to be? The Grail Quest or The Waste Land? The soul’s quest or a life of security?Aries: So what’s it going to be? The Grail Quest or The Waste Land? The soul’s quest or a life of security?

02.01.2022 Insights for the Virgo / Pisces Full Moon which perfects at 9:54 am Tuesday September 21 AEST Mercurial practical Virgo vs intuitive other-worldly Pisces. Both... are signs of service, health and healing seeking to understand all that can be understood .. With the lamp of word and discrimination one must go beyond word and discrimination and enter upon the path of realization Lankavatara Sutra Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted - Einstein I am not a mechanism, an assembly of various sections. And it is not because the mechanism is working wrongly, that I am ill. I am ill because of wounds to the soul, to the deep emotional self, and wounds to the soul take a long, long time to heal. - D. H. Lawrence I have known good and evil, sin and virtue, right and wrong / I have judged and been judged / I have passed through birth and death, joy and sorrow, heaven and hell / And in the end I realized that I am in everything, and everything is in me - Hasrat Inayat Khan I cannot say what I am going to do with my life; I am wondering what life is going to do with me - Oscar Wilde

02.01.2022 Venus in Capricorn Venus entered Capricorn on Sat morning Jan 9 AEDT where it will stay until Feb 2. Here’s my take on how it may express in those with this pla...cement Love endures all things, says the Bible, and so does Venus in Capricorn. The planet of love in the sign of work produces committed and persevering lovers willing to put in the hard work necessary to create and maintain a loving relationship. Or, if the love bit proves too difficult, at least a relationship that works. Yes, that is not at all romantic, but in the view of these ambitious and pragmatic types, it’s eminently sensible to settle for a relationship, preferably a marriage, that provides security, status, practical support and family approval, particularly if it helps to achieve other important goals like having children, career advancement and a life style to die for. In their value system marriage is a serious business that is not to be entered into, or terminated for relatively superficial considerations of physical attraction or sexual fire-works. Vocationally, their classical tastes, organizational skills, and keen sense of the quality and value of things fit them for careers in arts management and marketing, film production, antiques, and up-market fashion and real estate.

02.01.2022 Mercury in Aquarius Mercury went into Aquarius on Friday Jan 8 AEDT where it will remain until Mar 16. A long stay owing to it’s retrograde passage from Jan 31 ...until Feb 22, from 26 to 11 degrees. Here’s my take on how it may express in those born with this placement Truth with a capital ‘T’ is all important to those with Mercury in Aquarius. They lack interest in small talk about purely personal concerns, preferring instead to research and debate the latest philosophical, scientific and technological developments that have the potential to impact on all humanity such as global warming, genetic engineering, and the exploration of inner and outer space. Their communication style is clear and objective, and apt to be peppered with sudden revelations and ‘aha’ moments. In their view, we must continually subject conventional social attitudes and scientific theories to impartial evaluation if humanity is to progress, keeping in mind that the earth was once considered to be flat, slavery acceptable, and yoga just plain weird to people in the West. Thus, Mercury in Aquarius will objectively investigate fringe subjects like entheogens, ufo’s, vibrational healing, and astrology that are regarded as dubious by the mainstream. Influential examples of people with this placement include transpersonal pundit Ken Wilber, Swami Vivekananda, Martin Luther King, Muhammed Ali, New Deal President Franklin D Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Mozart, Bob Marley, Steve Jobs, and authors Jules Verne, Anais Nin and Gertrude Stein.

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