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22.01.2022 So, I spent the whole morning researching family friendly Australia Day / Survival Day Events and activities that are happening this coming Tuesday and - due to COVID - the results are quite disappointing with a number of popular events either being cancelled or postponed this year and others are pretty restricted and reduced in format. I am still waiting for feedback from a couple of other places before I publish a social media post detailing what is happening, but for thos...e wanting to know what is on so far - info is on Byron4Kids website. In other more positive news, Byron4Kids has had just under 40,000 page views over this past month - which shows a real bounce back in popularity after the deafening silence of countless cancelled activities, events and holidays for people and businesses last year. As always, at this time, there's never a better opportunity to list your family friendly business - even more so if you are offering activities / workshops / sessions for the upcoming Term 1 of the new school year. There are already some wonderful activities listed in our Classes & Workshops Category for Term 1 2021; from Skateboarding to Circus, French Skills to Farming Skills, Immersion in Art to deep connection with Nature all of which have benefitted from being found through Byron4Kids. If you're interested in listing your program/workshop/class check out our page: TERM TIME listings are in GREEN and offer 4 choices to suit your needs. Join us, and let's share all the awesome, creative, active and inspiring options this wonderful area offers and spoil them for choice! . . . . . #byron4kids #byronbay #goodvibesonly #happykids #connection #letthemplay #circusarts #natureplay #brokenhead #artclass #lloveskateboarding #skateboardingisfun #kidsart #artclassesforkids #ballina #suffolkpark #frenchclasses #speakfrench #stayathomemum #preschooleractivities #communitylove #byronbaykids #afterschoolprogram #afterschoolfun #afterschoolactivity


12.01.2022 DRUM ROLL! Newrybar Merchants are soooo excited to announce that our beloved STORY TIME is BACK!!!! Yes, the wait is over as we welcome our ever-popular storyteller Renee back to the front garden every Wednesday morning (weather prevailing) from 10am for stories and lots of FUN! ... Free for all the kiddies and the perfect morning activity for parents and little ones - plus you can grab your caffeine and bakery treats across the road from Harvest Deli. Begins this Wednesday 11th November. We can't wait to see you there. . . . . . #byron4kids #newrybarmerchants #newrybar #toddlerfun #storytime #byronbay #goodvibesonly #happykids #mommyandme #connection #letthemplay #byron #kidstuff #toddlermom #kidsfun #kidsactivities #mombloggers #familyfriendly #visitbyron #stayathomemom #playmatters #funwithkids #communitylove #byronbaykids #byronhinterland #kidsentertainment

12.01.2022 Looking for ideas of how to spend Australia Day with your family? After significant searching and double-checking, due to COVID restrictions - a number of popular events have either being cancelled or postponed this year and others are pretty restricted and reduced in format. A big disappointment is the cancellation of the Celebration of the Survival of Indigenous Culture however, I have been made aware of an online event YABUN 2021 which has a great program and more details ...can be found at: Byron4Kids has listed all that we know of on our What's On Guide where you'll be able to see times, exact locations and much more of what's on offer at each event. If anybody knows of any more family friendly options, please feel free to share and comment below. Whatever you decide to do - we hope you end up having a wonderful day. #byron4kids #byronbay #goodvibesonly #happykids #byron #jingiwalla #byronbayholiday #familyholiday #ourculture #indigenousculture #kidsfun #kidsactivities #familyfriendly #visitbyron #familytravel #byronbaykids #holidaywithkids #funwithkids #getoffthecouch #burringbar #australiadaycelebrations #summerholidays2021 #brunswickheads #lennoxhead #ballina #australiaday2021 The Macadamia Castle | Cherry Street Sports Ballina | Ballina RSL Club Ltd | Ocean Shores Tavern | The Sun Bistro | Burringbar Sports Club | Mullumbimby Petria Thomas Swimming Pool

11.01.2022 Do you remember this time last year... when we were packing our kids off to school for Term 1 of a new school year - completely oblivious that less than half way through that term, we would be having to pull them out of school and spend the rest of that term & part of term 2 home-schooling. How much seemed to radically change for many of us overnight - the highs, the lows and what we all learned individually and collectively from that experience. Even though it's back to sc...hool for Term 1, there are a number of restrictions still in place that this time last year were inconceivable... Still, this post is not to debate those restrictions, this post is to let you know of some wonderful pre and afterschool and home-school classes / workshops and programs on offer Wildsong Wild Kids Bush Program has been thoughtfully created to inspire and empower children while restoring a deep connection to nature For ages 3-5, 6-9 & 9-13 years. Staying with home-schooling Farm Kids are offering school term Mini Farmers program suitable for ages 5-12. ART & WINE CO Byron Bay offer an after-school sensory art experience with both primary & high school options. These classes combine new age, digital art technology and traditional creative arts. Byron Bay Skateboard School is almost fully-booked for Term 1 however they've introduced 2 hour weekend OPEN SESSIONS for just $20, open to all levels there will be no coaching Both Circus Arts Australia and Spaghetti Circus Inc have their Term 1 programs ready online to book. Heaps of choices for tots to teens. Remember you can use both ACTIVE and CREATIVE KIDS vouchers for these programs. Easy French for Kids with native-speaking French teacher Helene, offers creative, play-based classes for kids from age 4+, French tutoring & private classes for high schoolers & adults with online private classes for students from 6 years onward if preferred. Currently the Libraries are unable to recommence their in-house programs of Story Time and Baby Bounce but will still be doing their very best producing online fun! Richmond Tweed Regional Library More news to come about Playgroups starting back up! To read more about these fantastic classes & workshops - check days, ages, availability etc, simply visit: Here's to a fantastic Term 1

11.01.2022 How absolutely gorgeous is it today. After yesterday afternoon's rain and hail, it was simply glorious today down Broken Head beach. Pods of dolphins were surfing the fun waves alongside the boardriders and hundreds and hundreds of butterflies emerged, fluttering down from the glistening headland. 360 degrees of spectacular! Feeling very blessed to live here. #byron4kids #byronbeaches #brokenhead #butterflies #brokenheadbeach #surfingfun #boogieboardfun #familyfun #weekendfamilyfun #beachtime #1nov2020 #sundayfamilyfunday


08.01.2022 So I've been scrolling social media, making phone calls and searching the net to find out what kids activities are starting up again and if there's anything new happening. Unfortunately, the libraries still unable to open for baby bounce and story time but they do share weekly uploads of these events on You Tube - making their best effort to stay connected with you I can tell you some good news - that SUFFOLK PARK COMMUNITY PLAYGROUP have been in touch and they will reop...en their doors this coming Monday 9 November from 9.30am to 11.30am with a gold coin donation. As part of their COVID-SAFE plan, they will require all adults to socially distance, sign in on arrival and departure and to sanitise hands. Also, @FarmkidsbyronBay have a new Mini Farmers term time option now that runs on Thursdays and Fridays from 9am - 3pm. With a focus on the importance of ethical and sustainable farming practices and making healthy life choices, this program is suitable for ages 5 -12 years old and covers a variety of curriculum concepts catering to many children who are home schooled. For more information on these programs, visit and look under our classes & workshops category or for playgroups - look under our kids services category Have a lovely weekend! . . . . . #byron4kids #byronbay #byron #lovemylibrary #toddlerfun #toddlermom #frenchforkids #kidsactivities #stayathomemom #afterschoolprogram #afterschoolactivities #activekids #creativekids #preschoolactivities #farmkids #homeschoolmom #homeschoolers #farmkids #minifarmers #playgroup #thefarmbyronbay #playgroup #suffolkpark

04.01.2022 Do you have great parenting tips and advice to share or, do you need some advice on parenting? Apply to this new parenting show - details below!

04.01.2022 Friday at 5pm - Bangalow Bowlo! Byron Bay Kids Parties

03.01.2022 Fantastic program for pre-schoolers and home schoolers... and an awesome school holiday program for those with kids who attend school.

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