C3 Church Blacktown in Seven Hills, New South Wales | Religious organisation
C3 Church Blacktown
Locality: Seven Hills, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 Ladies of C3 Blacktown - note this date !! Picnic @ The Park Food, fun & fellowship Blacktown Showgrounds Saturday 24th October... 11.30am - 2.00pm Please bring a dish to share and a friend to feed For more details, contact Ann or Elena, or the Church office. See more
22.01.2022 Winning Thoughts For The Week - with Pastor Zahir. DON’T WORRY - BE HAPPY... Therefore I say to you , do not worry about your life , what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? (Matthew 6:25) Think of all the different kinds of things that can be here today and gone tomorrow: money, house, cars, possessions, jobs, health and more. In fact, every tangible thing in our life is something we have no ultimate control over. And those are the things Jesus said we should never spend time and energy worrying about which makes perfect sense. Why worry about those things over which we have no control? The one thing that cannot be taken away is the only thing we need going forward into the future: our faith and the intangible values; such as perseverance, hope, and the like that arise from our faith. Apostle Paul confirmed the necessity of faith: Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful(1 Corinthians 4:2). We are stewards of our God Who has given us the privilege to have possessions to serve Him as His own in Jesus Christ. Our provision is His worry, not ours. He has promised to meet the needs of those who love Him. Jesus said, Don’t worry about tomorrow. Trust your heavenly Father with the faith you can never lose. Worry over poverty is as fatal to spiritual fruitfulness as is gloating over wealth. A.W. Pink. Have an awesome week. Zahir Ahmed
22.01.2022 Taming Your Teenager - a free course sponsored by C3 Blacktown and Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre, and supported by Blacktown City Council. Running for 2 hours, once a week for 4 weeks, the course is designed to equip Parents and Caregivers with the skills and knowledge to manage angry and violent teens. Presented by Ken Nathan of Interventions Plus www.interventionsplus.com.au Limited places - bookings essential... Contact Joanne 0421 494 781 See more
22.01.2022 Thought for the Day ... Its okay to look back and learn, but if you always drive by looking in the rear view mirror youll end up in a ditch. Whether it was good or bad, dont get stuck in the past. "Then the Lord said to Moses, Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on."... Exodus 14:15 The Lord is with you .... just move on ! "Thought for the Day" Beena & Gopi
21.01.2022 Winning Thoughts for the Month - with Pastor Zahir Forgiveness Unleashes Awesome Power... Early on Thursday morning (25.5.2017) around 4 am, two friends were travelling to work at Silverwater from the Eastern Suburbs along the Princess Highway. Before leaving for work, as they have done every morning, they said goodbye to their loved ones with a hope to be reunited later in the day, not knowing that this would be their final goodbye to their families and that they would never meet again in this lifetime. While they were travelling along the Princess Highway, unknown to them the driver of an alleged stolen Hilux Ute ran a red traffic light and went onto the wrong side of the road and hit the car of the two friends. This resulted in both the friend being killed. A tragedy, a storm that no one saw coming. In the TV interview Mary, the wife of Mr. Saini (one of the victims) said something that grabbed my attention whole heartedly. She said, I forgive the man and I pray for him. The words were meaningful, but what touched me most was the manner in which she said it; calm, with a peaceful smile, content what an example to emanate such peace in the midst of such an awesome crisis. Martin Luther King Jnr said, We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us, and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this we are less prone to hate. Of course The MASTER Jesus said, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. What an example Mary has set for us. Indeed when we obey The MASTER Jesus, His power enables us to do things that surpass all understanding. To be a winner, just do it! Have an awesome month. Zahir Ahmed Pastor Mob: 041 928 1330
20.01.2022 Please feel free to share this post on your own Timeline :)
19.01.2022 MENS MEETING - ALL WELCOME Saturday 30th May - 6.30pm Vickys Bistro - Seven Hills Cost: $12.50 Must RSVP by 17th May... Details & RSVP : 0419 281 330 - Pastor Zahir GUEST SPEAKER - JAMES COOPER Church Development Manager - NSW CAP - Christians Against Poverty James has undertaken a variety of roles throughout his career, ranging from touring golf professional to CEO of Netball Australia (NQ) and Secretary General (QLD Division) Commonwealth Games Association Ltd. In addition to his work with Christians Against Poverty, James is the Managing Director of Jemcroft Pty Ltd t/a MaXem Innovation, Strategy and Execution. CAP exists to address the problem of poverty and social exclusion caused by over-indebtedness, and is the only charitable provider of free debt management in Australia. CAPs unique, hands on approach, empowers people to get themselves out of poverty. It releases them from the fear, oppression and worry that debt can cause. CAP provides sustainable poverty relief as the service teaches clients vital budgeting skills that will last a lifetime. We are honoured to welcome James to our meeting, and look forward to hearing his message.
18.01.2022 Winning Thoughts for September from Pastor Zahir .... feel free to share this post on your own Timeline !
17.01.2022 Winning Thoughts For The Week - with Pastor Zahir. DONT WORRY - BE HAPPY... Therefore I say to you , do not worry about your life , what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? (Matthew 6:25) Think of all the different kinds of things that can be here today and gone tomorrow: money, house, cars, possessions, jobs, health and more. In fact, every tangible thing in our life is something we have no ultimate control over. And those are the things Jesus said we should never spend time and energy worrying about which makes perfect sense. Why worry about those things over which we have no control? The one thing that cannot be taken away is the only thing we need going forward into the future: our faith and the intangible values; such as perseverance, hope, and the like that arise from our faith. Apostle Paul confirmed the necessity of faith: Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful(1 Corinthians 4:2). We are stewards of our God Who has given us the privilege to have possessions to serve Him as His own in Jesus Christ. Our provision is His worry, not ours. He has promised to meet the needs of those who love Him. Jesus said, Dont worry about tomorrow. Trust your heavenly Father with the faith you can never lose. Worry over poverty is as fatal to spiritual fruitfulness as is gloating over wealth. A.W. Pink. Have an awesome week. Zahir Ahmed
16.01.2022 Have you visited the C3 Blacktown website ? Information on all our regular activities as well as upcoming events can be found there .... www.cccblacktown.com.au
15.01.2022 We would love to have you join us for our Sunday Worship Service - 10am at Seven Hills West Public School, Lucas Road, Seven Hills
09.01.2022 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down ones life for ones friends. John 15:11-13 Today while we honour the 8,709 Australians who laid down their lives at Gallipoli, and all the Anzacs who have served in all conflicts over the past 100 years, we must also remember the supreme sacrifice that was made for all of us, by Christ Jesus.
09.01.2022 Hey Ladies !!! The men had their meeting 2 weeks ago - this one is for all the SIsters ..... Come and join us for an afternoon of fellowship, and meet our special Guest - Dominggus Kenjam. In 1999 a mob of radical muslims attacked the Doulos BIble College in Jakarta, Indonesia. Dominggus, a 20 year old student, was beaten with fists and clubs, almost decapitated, and left for dead. Come and hear this amazing testimony, and Dominggus message of forgiveness and faith. All women of all ages are welcome to attend. Please contact the Church for more information.
07.01.2022 For more information on us and our Ministries, please visit our website .... www.cccblacktown.com.au
07.01.2022 God determines the number of your days but you determine how they are spent. Take time to be happy, see every task as an opportunity to honour the Lord.
07.01.2022 SPECIAL EVENT Youth - Friday 29th May Church - Sunday 31st May... The Reverend John & Mala James will be visiting, and ministering to us. Dont miss this event ! Join us for morning tea after the service on Sunday. Rev. John James was born & raised in South Africa. He & Mala are the parents of young adults, and have been in full time ministry since 1988 as Missionaries & Ordained Ministers. As Itinerant Preachers they have travelled to 54 countries, and for 14 years served as Missionaries in 12 countries. John is the Founder & Senior Pastor of Cedar Community Centre, Phoenix an Apostolic Ministry with a focus on bringing believers to maturity so they can affect the Community positively with the Good News. Mala heads WOW Network Christian Womens Empowerment Program as a Lifecoach.
04.01.2022 Creator of the universe, who reigns in awesome majesty, how can it be you love and care for such a one as me? Thank you Jesus for loving me relentlessly ......
03.01.2022 Thought for Today ..... You can always count on God when you need comfort ! The Comforter lives in you. When were suffering, God seems distant and inaccessible - but He IS with you. Be of good cheer ! "....And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."... Matthew 28:20 "Thought for Today" Beena & Gopi
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