Покровский Храм in Cabramatta, New South Wales | Eastern Orthodox church
Покровский Храм
Locality: Cabramatta, New South Wales
Phone: +61 409 178 536
Address: 136 John Street 2166 Cabramatta, NSW, Australia
Website: http://cabrapokrov.org
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25.01.2022 Матерь Божия наша самая крепкая заступница и утешительница! Если мы привыкнем Е призывать и прославлять, Она нас никогда не оставит без помощи и в этой жизни и в будущей! Божия Матерь имеет огромное дерзновение перед своим Божественным Сыном - Он е любит и прислушивается к Е просьбам! У всех есть различные скорби и нужды, будь это духовные или телесные! ... Если даже у нас самих, Слава Богу все сейчас хорошо, то найдутся в кругу близких и знакомых, те кто нуждается в поддержке и за которых мы можем помолиться! В нашем храме в Кабраматта мы имеем настоящее сокровище- чудотворную икону Божией Матери, перед которой со слезами молились тысячи людей за несколько столетий! В течении Успенского поста в нашем храме перед чудотворной иконой будут по вечерам в 6рм служить Параклисис- это греческое слово, по нашему это молебен Божией Матери- особая молитва о помощи. Он длится около 30-40 минут. Приходите сами, приводите детишек, учите их почитать и молиться Божией Матери. Just a quick note to remind you that during the Dormition Lent we can attend special prayer services before the miracle working icon of the Mother of God in Cabramatta church at 6pm on most weeknights. The services are only about 30-40 minutes but they are very prayerful and we encourage everyone to come including those who have small children.
22.01.2022 Today’s Scripture lessons: with Valya Morozoff about confession (children up to 11 years) and our choir conductor Eustratius Papageorgiou about St John of Shanghai and San Francisco (teenagers) in English.
22.01.2022 В среду 14го октября, наш престольный праздник- Покров Пресвятой Богородицы! Во вторник вечером праздничная всенощная начнтся в 6 часов. Утром в среду в восемь утра малое освящение воды. В 9 начнтся литургия архиерейским чином с молебном и крестным ходом. ... К сожалению в связи с Covid-ограничениями все места на вечерней и утреней службе уже заняты, но вы сможете молитвенно учавствовать в нашем празднике подключившись к нашему YouTube каналу: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnaLUki2i81f8banTcHVGw Величание Покрову Пресвятой Богородицы Величаем Тя, / Пресвятая Дево, /и чтим Покров Твой честный, /Тя бо виде святый Андрей на воздусе, /за ны Христу молящуюся. Тропарь Покрову Пресвятой Богородицы Днесь благовернии людие / светло празднуем, /осеняеми Твоим, Богомати, пришествием, /и к Твоему взирающе пречистому образу, умильно глаголем: /покрый нас честным Твоим Покровом/ и избави нас от всякаго зла, /молящи Сына Твоего, Христа Бога нашего, /спасти души наша. Кондак, глас 3 Дева днесь предстоит в церкви / и с лики святых невидимо за ны молится Богу, / Ангели со архиереи покланяются, / апостоли же со пророки ликовствуют: / нас бо ради молит Богородица Превечнаго Бога. Пресвятая Богородице спаси нас! https://www.pravmir.ru/pokrov/ https://pravoslavie.ru/49226.html http://pravoslavie.ru/49246.html https://pravoslavie.ru/74301.html This coming Wednesday the 14th of October our parish will celebrate our church patronal feast day - The Protection of the Mother of God. On Tuesday evening the festive all night vigil service will start at 6pm. In the morning on Wednesday , the lesser blessing of water will commence at 8am followed by the festive liturgy at 9am. Due to current Covid restrictions both the evening and morning services have now been booked out but we welcome everyone to join our prayers and celebrations through viewing our parish YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClnaLUki2i81f8banTcHVGw Troparion Tone 4 Today the faithful celebrate the feast with joy / illumined by your coming, O Mother of God. / Beholding your pure image we fervently cry to you: / Encompass us beneath the precious veil of your protection; / deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, / your Son and our God that He may save our souls. Kontakion Tone 3 Today the Virgin stands in the midst of the Church / and with choirs of saints she invisibly prays to God for us. / Angels and bishops worship, / apostles and prophets rejoice together, / since for our sake she prays to the pre-eternal God. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/86761.html http://www.pravoslavie.ru/74338.html http://www.pravmir.com/sermon-on-the-feast-of-the-protecti/
21.01.2022 Today after liturgy we had scripture lessons for children and teens. The topic for the older group was - church services with a focus on the evening services. The topic for the younger children was - the relationship between man and animals. Here is some photos. P.S. We have all lessons in English.
21.01.2022 The BIG Raffle has SOLD OUT and is a GO for tomorrow. This will be done in the Cabramatta Church Hall after Liturgy and will be live streamed.
21.01.2022 Dear parents! A reminder that this month's Scripture classes will be held this Sunday after Liturgy. Topic for Group A (young children): Jesus and His Disciples Topic for Group B (Teenagers): Sunday of Orthodoxy
21.01.2022 As another fundraising initiative for the Presentation Sisterhood, the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia will be putting on a live stream of a concert of traditional and folkloric Russian songs. This will be via a private YouTube channel where the link will be emailed to those who make a suitable donation (eg $20) to the Presentation Sisterhood. The concert will be on Sunday 15 November and the choir will sing from about 6.45 pm (AEDST) till about 7.30 pm. The link to the YouTube channel will be emailed at about 6.20 pm. Make a donation to BSB: 082080 ; Account: 771007040 ; Name: Mark Ganin ; Reference: Surname and initials. Register your email address by sending an SMS to 0409 178 536 or an email to [email protected] . This is the first time that such a pay-per-view event is being trialed as fundraising activity.
20.01.2022 I can now declare a final amount of $12,000. When I realised that a function is viable (with 40 or so people), I figured that another $5,000 is possible. The idea of a pay-per-view concert then appeared and this brought in $3,000. We came together, sold some paintings and some raffle tickets and brought the total to $12,000. Add $11,000 from the big raffle and, in 2020, $23,000 was raised to help the Nuns build their trapeza. Let’s do it all again next year.
20.01.2022 Начинаем набор на 2021 год! Enrolment is now open for 2021 Please contact the school administration
20.01.2022 В пятницу 28 го августа праздник Успения Божьей Матери. https://www.pravmir.ru/uspenie-presvyatoj-bogorodicy-ystor/ http://www.pravoslavie.ru/31719.html http://www.patriarchia.ru/db/text/37507.html... This coming Friday the 28th of August is the feastday of the Dormition of the Mother of God. http://pravoslavie.ru/81669.html http://www.pravmir.com/sermon-on-the-feast-of-the-dormition/ http://www.russianorthodoxchurch.ws//sermons/dormition.html Troparion - In giving birth you preserved your virginity, / In falling asleep you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos. / You were translated to life, O Mother of Life, / And by your prayers, you deliver our souls from death. Тропарь праздника-(церковнославянский) В Рождестве девство сохранила еси, во успении мира не оставила еси, Богородице, преставилася еси к животу, Мати сущи Живота: и молитвами Твоими избавляеши от смерти душы наша. (Русский) При родах Ты сохранила девство, при успении Ты не оставила мира, Богородица; Ты преставилась к жизни, будучи Матерью Жизни, и молитвами Твоими избавляешь от смерти души наши
20.01.2022 Dear parents! The next scripture classes will be held this Sunday after liturgy at 12 noon! We ask that Group "A" RSVP with Valya on 0401584807. Group "B" will be aimed towards older teenagers as well as adolescents, so they most welcome to come and join!
18.01.2022 Happy feast day! С праздником! https://youtu.be/7nZl0rGRwe0
18.01.2022 The Liturgy for this Sunday 27 Sept, Elevation of the Life Giving Cross, is BOOKED OUT.
17.01.2022 65 tickets have been sold and I have 5 weeks to sell the last 85. Buy a ticket to help the Nuns build their trapeza and get a guaranteed probability of winning a MILLION. All other details are in the poster.
16.01.2022 Dear friends We are very pleased to announce our new shipment of English language, Orthodox, children’s books for sale in our church kiosk. Quality, beautiful books on various themes including feast days, sacraments and Lives of Saints. We hope you will love them as much as we do.
15.01.2022 https://youtu.be/7nZl0rGRwe0
15.01.2022 Dear parents! Reminder that the face to face scripture classes will recommence this Sunday after Liturgy at around 11.30AM in the church hall. There will be two groups:... Group A for children under 11/12 Group B for children over 11/12 In order for there to be enough craft materials for Group A, please RSVP to Valya Morozoff on 0401584807 For any questions regarding Group B, please message Strats on 0479093972
15.01.2022 Holy Liturgy - Optina Elders
15.01.2022 В воскресенье 25/10 после литургии будет урок Закона Божьего для детей. В старшей группе о церковных службах в особенности о вечерней службе В младшей группе -Животный мир и Человек. On Sunday the 25/10 after liturgy we will be having our parish scripture lesson for children and teens.... The topic for the older group will be- church services with a focus on the evening services. The topic for the younger children will be - the relationship between man and animals. See more
14.01.2022 The Liturgy service for our Pokrov feastday on Wed 14 Oct 2020 is now BOOKED OUT. There are still vacancies for the all night vigil service on the eve of Pokrov.
14.01.2022 В пятницу вечером / субботу утром первой недели великого поста, церковь чтит память Св Великомученика Феодора Тирона и вечером в пятницу освящается коливо в память о чудесной помощи этого святого верующим в великом посту-приходите на вечернюю службу- начало в 6рм. С маленькими детьми можно приходить к 7ми. http://days.pravoslavie.ru/Life/life456.htm On Friday night/Saturday of the first week of great lent we remember The Great Martyr Theodore of Tyro and bless Koliva in memo...ry of his miraculous intervention to support the faithful during great lent. There will be a service at 6pm. If you wish to bring small children you may wish to come at 7pm. http://www.pravoslavie.ru/english/45261.htm See more
14.01.2022 HANDMADE CHOCOLATES are now available to be ordered, ready for collection at Cabramatta Church this Sunday 15 Nov. These chocolates are made by the Nuns at the Presentation Sisterhood and are available in a small bag for $10 or a large bag for $20. Place your order by SMS to 0409 178 536 and payment can be made to BSB 082080 ; Account: 771007040 ; Name: Mark Ganin. Purchase a bag of chocolates and then provide an email address and I will send you the link to a private YouTube channel to watch the live feed of concert of the Russian Orthodox Male Choir of Australia. Concert will be on Sunday 15 Nov from 6.45pm through to about 7.30pm. Make a donation into the above account, provide an email address to receive a link at about 6.15pm.
13.01.2022 Holy Liturgy - Saint Alexander Nevsky
13.01.2022 The raffle was drawn today and the results are: 1. Fr Boris won the MILLION c 2. Bishop George won $1,000 3. Fr Alexandre Korjenevski won $500 (being donated to Nuns)... 4. Matushka Anna Lapardin won $500 (being donated to Nuns) 5. Dimitri Souprounovich won $500 The event was live streamed on YouTube and the clip is available for viewing. Thank you and lets do it all again next year.
11.01.2022 С Праздником!!
11.01.2022 Liturgy for today just BOOKED OUT. Cafe will be open when the service ends.Liturgy for today just BOOKED OUT. Cafe will be open when the service ends.
10.01.2022 С праздником! https://youtu.be/8Kb3x_E-G7A
10.01.2022 Matins - Vladimir icon of the Mither of God. Sts. Adrian and Natalia
09.01.2022 Timetable of Church services for the remainder of Great Lent 2021.
09.01.2022 Наш следующий урок Закона Божьего 15/11 после литургии. Темы: У старших - Жизнь после смерти У младших: О Божьей Матери... Our next parish scripture lesson is on the 15/11 after liturgy. The topics are: Older group- Life after Death Younger group- Mother of God.
09.01.2022 Time table of Church Services for Spring 2020.
08.01.2022 Photos of the burial of Mother Moisseia of Mt of Olives Jerusalem 9/3/2021 I will try to upload videos into comments. AD.
08.01.2022 https://youtu.be/zD_Ye4M5JSA
08.01.2022 Liturgy - Vladimir icon of the Mither of God Sts. Adrian and Natalia
07.01.2022 Matins Image of Our Lord not created by hand
07.01.2022 There are 15 vacancies for the Liturgy service tomorrow (1 Nov). Make a booking by sending an SMS to 0409 178 536
05.01.2022 Today’s Scripture lessons and cafe.
04.01.2022 New balustrades have been fitted to the stairwell in our Church. These are to code and are extraordinarily kiddie safe. The contractor who installed them is doing a measure and quote to replace the balustrades on the spiral stairway.
03.01.2022 Works have commenced to install air conditioning to the choir balcony. The first part involves upgrading the electricity supply to the Church and this involves digging up the pavers and concrete from the near the kiosk through to where the remaining palms are. There will be safety barricades which will interrupt access to the front steps to the Church. Entry to the Church will still be possible up the ramp. Electrical upgrade works will be finished next week and access should only be interrupted tomorrow and this weekend.
03.01.2022 There are 30 vacancies for the Liturgy tomorrow (Sunday 11 Oct). Cafe will be open serving coffees. The All Night Vigil on the eve of Pokrov, Tue 13 Oct, is now BOOKED OUT.
03.01.2022 Burial service for the Mother of God
02.01.2022 Tomorrow marks the 100 years since the repose of St. Nektarios of Aegina. St Nektarios is a very revered saint in the Orthodox Church and the faithful pray to him especially for the healing of cancer. You can read more about his life by clicking the link below! Святителю отче Нектарие моли Бога о нас! http://www.stnectarioschurch.org/the-life-of-st-nectarios.h
02.01.2022 С праздником Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы! Happy feast day of the Protection of the Mother of God!
02.01.2022 https://youtu.be/zPF0_FQzkyc
01.01.2022 Holy Liturgy - SaintbJohn the Baptist
01.01.2022 С праздником! Happy feast day! https://youtu.be/56tEHMxCoZA
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