Coalition Against Duck Shooting | Businesses
Coalition Against Duck Shooting
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25.01.2022 CADS RESCUE AND ENFORCEMENT TEAM BACK ON VICTORIAS WETLANDS, SATURDAY 16 MAY 2020 Despite Victorias catastrophic bushfires, the COVID-19 Pandemic and native waterbird numbers down by 90 per cent, the Victorian Government is still allowing a duck shooting season to go ahead. Unbelievably, the CEO of FGA Dean OHara has stated in interviews that a duck shooting season is good for the mental health of duck shooters. If inflicting violence and cruelty on native waterbirds is good for the mental health of duck shooters, Victoria Police should immediately move to confiscate their weapons and order duck shooters to seek urgent mental health assessments. Cruelty to animals must not be tolerated. Laurie Levy
24.01.2022 YOU BE THE JUDGE? Are these camo wearing gun-toting cowards sportsmen, or just animal abusers? (Footage compiled in 2018)
23.01.2022 Andy Meddick says: Daniel Andrews has no other choice... he must cancel the 2020 duck shooting season.
22.01.2022 Today was the opening weekend of duck shooting. With drought, catastrophic bushfires, and historically low native waterbird numbers it should never have been allowed. The CADS enforcement and rescue teams targeted Geelong Field and Game headquarters in Hospital Swamp in Lake Connewarre. ... Our teams, operating under social distancing rules, overwhelmingly outnumbered the small number of shooters who turned up. Game Management Authority Victoria have estimated that fewer than 100 shooters were active across the whole of Victoria. We have certainly broken the back of duck shooting. We hope this will be the last season of duck shooting. #BanDuckShooting
22.01.2022 *From the archives* Two years ago, we released beautiful Monty, a mountain duck who was rescued after being shot in wing. Fortunately, he was able to be rehabilitated and later released. This video still warms the heart, so we thought wed share it with you again <3
22.01.2022 A POWERFUL PROJECTED IMAGE of an illegally shot threatened native waterbird was beamed onto the front of Victorias Parliament House with a message calling for duck shooting to be banned. This creative image was to again highlight to the Andrews Government the shocking cruelty Australias native waterbirds are forced to needlessly endure during a duck shooting season. Last weekend duck shooters were again captured on camera failing to kill and retrieve wounded birds, which has been a consistent breach of the duck shooting regulations for years. Duck shooters also broke Victorias tough coronavirus laws with impunity, proving that its impossible for the Game Management Authority to be able to effectively police duck shooters.
21.01.2022 ABC TV news (12 Feb 2020)
20.01.2022 Today the Victorian Government made a major $17.5 million funding announcement to assist our native wildlife. Its so vital - and I truly thank them for it. I the majority Victorians who love and care for our wildlife will too. But at the same time, they are waiting anxiously to see whether Daniel Andrews will take a consistent view in respect to our native waterbirds. With native waterbird numbers in crisis, facing unprecedented bushfire activity, habitat destruction and ongoing drought I am also calling on him to make the responsible decision and ensure there is no duck shooting season in 2020.
20.01.2022 The 2020 duck shooting season is over. Australias native waterbirds are finally safe. With severe drought and catastrophic bushfires, the season should never have been allowed. During a global pandemic the season should have been cancelled. While there were hardly any shooters, rescue and enforcement teams were out in force. ... A huge thank you to our courageous and compassionate volunteers for protecting native waterbirds
19.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS: PUSH TO GET HELP TO WILDLIFE SOONER (Sunday Age, 9 Feb 2020 Wildlife volunteers would be allowed to enter bushfire zones with other emergency services as part of a push to hasten response times to injured animals after environmental disasters, under a plan presented to the state government....Continue reading
19.01.2022 BREAKING NEWS: Our previous post was to get duck shooters to stay away from regional Victoria to stop the spread of coronavirus to local communities, if a duck shooting season were to go ahead on 2 May. Today, Victorias Chief Health Officer Prof Brett Sutton has called for Victorians to stay at home. "This means no fishing, no hunting, no boating, no camping, and no golf." It now looks like the 2020 duck shooting season may now be cancelled. Our rescue and enforcement teams will remain on alert. Laurie Levy.
19.01.2022 Many thanks Steve McGhie for being one of the many Victorian Labor Members of Parliament who support a ban on the recreational shooting of native waterbirds. Laurie Levy.
18.01.2022 EDITORIAL: Following the catastrophic bushfires that saw billions of native wildlife incinerated, does the CEO of Field & Game Australia really believe that it is good for the mental health of his members to be running around regional Victoria shooting up our native waterbirds? If this is the case, it really is time for the police to take action to remove the guns from these very sad people, who it seems would be better receiving care for their serious health problems. Laurie Levy
18.01.2022 A DYING ACTIVITY: Duck shooting is a violent, antisocial activity. It allows a dwindling number of duck shooters to get their kicks from the pain and suffering they choose to inflict on Australia's defenceless native waterbirds. Some shooters even enhance their experience by plying themselves with alcohol or snorting coke and ice before entering a wetland. They dress in camouflage gear and carry powerful shotguns. They hide in bushes and use decoys to attract and ambush their victims. Are duck shooters brave individuals or just ugly, pathetic cowards who belong in a bygone era? You be the judge? Footnote: Today a dwindling number of duck shooters make up only 0.2 per cent of Victoria's population. Laurie Levy.
17.01.2022 SHAME FILE! The West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA) is a partner with Field & Game Australia (FGA) to restore the clubs private shooting wetland Heart Morass. The question is - did that partnership exist during the long drought in 2009 when the duck shooting club was prosecuted by Southern Rural Water for illegally siphoning water from the LaTrobe River in the lead-up to that years duck shooting season? If they were partners in 2009, why wasnt the WGCMA prosecuted for water theft at the same time? Maybe the WGCMA should be a little more careful with who it jumps into bed with? Laurie Levy
17.01.2022 Congratulations to the Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service and its dedicated rescuers who battled atrocious whether conditions to rescue over 100 of the 470 Pilot whales that had stranded at Strahan, on the westcoast of Tasmania. Laurie Levy (Ch9 news story)
16.01.2022 ***Coalition Against Duck Shooting Facebook Rules*** We reserve the right to moderate our Facebook Page. Comments we deem to be trolling, inappropriate or offensive will be removed and those responsible will be banned. Please ignore any messages from trolls until our volunteers are able to delete them.
15.01.2022 THE HARVESTING OF VICTORIAS DUCK SHOOTERS: In 1986, 100,000 duck shooters roamed Victorias wetlands, getting their kicks by brutalising Australias beautiful native waterbirds. Today, according to the Game Management Authority, the numbers of active duck shooters have dropped to around only 13,000. Thank you to the Coalition Against Duck Shootings courageous rescuers for having harvested 87,000 duck shooters from the wetlands. Australias native waterbirds thank you. Laurie Levy
15.01.2022 Devastating news - duck shooting season announced Please contact Dan Andrews office on (03) 9651 5000 and tell him how disgusted you are. COALITION AGAINST DUCK SHOOTING ... Media release Wednesday, 26 February 2020 After catastrophic bushfires destroyed over one billion native animals, birds and reptiles, the Andrews government shows no compassion for our native waterbirds Extinction may be a kinder option compared to the unnecessary cruelty and suffering native waterbirds will again be forced to endure just to satisfy the urges of a declining number of duck shooters How can a progressive Andrews State Labor Government continue to have the same cruelty policy on duck shooting in 2020 as the Bolte Liberal Government had some 60 years ago? Campaign Director Laurie Levy today said: It was blatantly obvious that a moratorium on duck shooting should have been called this year. During the catastrophic bushfires that destroyed billions of native animals, birds and reptiles, we applauded the Andrews Governments investment of $17. 5 million for the rescue and medical treatment of injured wildlife as well as the back-up helicopter food drops. However, now that the fires are finally out, we are dismayed that the Andrews Government can so callously turn its back on our native waterbirds by supporting the violent fetishes of a dwindling number of duck shooters. This decision is even more disturbing since the Andrews Government recognises that animals are sentient beings capable of suffering and feeling fear, happiness, stress and pain. The situation is so bad for native waterbirds that even extinction may be a much kinder option, rather than having to suffer the unnecessary violence inflicted by a dying breed of recreational duck shooters. "Politicians may support this inherent cruelty, but not the public. Public support for our native waterbirds has been responsible for the number of active duck shooters dwindling to less than 0.2 per cent of Victorias population. That means 99.98 per cent of Victorians do not shoot native waterbirds "Professor Richard Kingsfords October 2019 aerial survey of waterbirds across eastern Australia, highlighted that waterbird numbers have decreased by a staggering 90 per cent since 1983. This is just another of the many reasons why recreational duck shooting must be banned for all time. How can a progressive Andrews State Labor Government continue to have the same cruelty policy on duck shooting in 2020 as the Bolte Liberal Government had some 60 years ago? Levy concluded. The Coalition Against Duck Shootings volunteer rescue and enforcement team will again need to return to the wetlands to help our native waterbirds. For further information contact: Laurie Levy, Campaign Director, Mobile 0418 392 826Text goes here
14.01.2022 MELBOURNE ARTIST PETER GILLILAND will hold an exhibition of his wildlife, animals and climate change artworks, beginning Friday 14 February. Pete is donating the sale of three unique Koala paintings to financially assist three specific veterinary wildlife care and rehabilitation units involved in helping bushfire native wildlife victims. The exhibition will be held at the Brunswick Street Gallery, Level 1, 322 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy from Friday 14th February at 6pm and wi...ll continue to 1st March. 100% of profits from sale of the three koala paintings will be donated to Adelaide Koala Rescue, Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and Fly by Night Bat Clinic. Each painting is on linen stretched over a recycled timber frame 490mm x 840mm. THE SPENT SERIES The exhibition shows a series of unique paintings, which include dark and dramatic scenes based on the connection between humans and mainly hunted animals. Spent shotgun cartridges are emphasized, creating emotionally fuelled scenes, aimed at enlisting the viewers compassion and sympathy for the animals affected. The series also touches on climate change/destruction. Pete strongly believes change is needed for the good of the planet and its continuous decline in species and their habitats. Coming from country living, Pete is a self-taught artist from the Victorian town of Won Wron. He paints from his emotions and collages scenes from his imagination. These paintings were all created in his small Elsternwick Studio. The artworks are hand sketched in thick messy grey lead pencil. The inaccurate drawings are then shaped into better form using a two to three layering approach with oil paint and turpentine as a medium.
14.01.2022 PFAS HEALTH WARNING TO ALL DUCK SHOOTERS! Field & Game Australias CEO Dean OHara must be privately grappling with a serious PFAS threat to the health of FGA members, their families and other shooters. The problem duck shooters have to face is that waterbirds may become PFAS contaminated on just one or two wetlands in and around Sale, and then fly across to the Geelong or Kerang wetlands, or any other wetland in the state. UNSUSPECTING duck shooters could be taking PFAS con...taminated birds they have shot, home to the family. We ARE STILL WAITING FOR A SENSIBLE WARNING TO BE ISSUED FROM FGA TO ITS MEMBERS AND OTHER SHOOTERS REGARDING THE PFAS DANGERS. By raising this problem, it seems that CADS is more concerned about the future health of duck shooters than FGA (maybe its not in the shooting clubs interest as the PFAS contamination problem may reduce the numbers of duck shooters even further, possibly to zero). Laurie Levy
14.01.2022 Andy Meddick MP calls for greater protection for Lake Wendouree swans. "The Lake Wendouree swans are dear to my heart, and many of the locals and visitors of the lake. I recently tabled this constituency question in parliament." ------ "My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads in the other place, and comes from the wildlife rescue community in Ballarat.... Since January, Ballarat wildlife rescuers have been called out to 68 rescues at Lake Wendouree. The majority of call-outs have been for Black Swans, 33 of which have been hit by cars, either killed on impact or left with severe injuries that resulted in death. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, traffic has increased around the lake as people seek leisure activities outside the home. Drivers often speed without concern for the wildlife or road regulations. The only way to stop these senseless deaths is to implement road rule reform around the lake including a 40km per hour speed limit around the whole lake, speed bumps and speed cameras. Will the Minister commit to these vital changes to protect the iconic Lake Wendouree swans?"
14.01.2022 Duck shooting opening is cancelled!
13.01.2022 LANDMARK PFAS COURT WIN AND SETTLEMENT: Urgent call for FGAs PFAS contaminated private shooting wetland, Heart Morass, to be closed to shooting as towns win $212 million landmark class action court settlement over PFAS toxic foam. Laurie Levy The Age (12 March) by Carrie Fellner: Towns win landmark fight over toxic foam COMPENSATION $212 million settlement
13.01.2022 Esperance wildlife officer demoted over African hunting photos but Premier wants him sacked
08.01.2022 On the Wild Side is a powerful documentary which we strongly recommend you download and watch. It was created, produced and edited by Giacomo Giorgi and a highly talented team including a number of former Sea Shepherd crew. It includes a segment on our campaign to end duck shooting in Victoria. It is available in Australia for a short time only for just $1.65.... The goal of this documentary is to educate people about the realities of hunting and to act as a catalyst towards the eventual end of hunting. This is a MUST WATCH opportunity.
08.01.2022 VICTORIAN PREMIER DANIEL ANDREWS AND ENVIRONMENT MINISTER LILY DAMBROSIO ALLOCATE $17.5 MILLION TOWARDS THE RESCUE AND REHABILITATION OF BUSHFIRE BURNT NATIVE WILDLIFE VICTIMS The Andrews Labor Government is taking immediate action to support Victorias bushfire impacted wildlife and biodiversity with a $17.5 million initial rescue package to assist in recovery efforts. The recent bushfires have had an unprecedented impact on Victorias flora and fauna. The funding announced today will support a range of urgent actions necessary to give our treasured plants and animals the best chance of survival including critical habitat restoration, predator and pest control, and immediate salvage operations. (Ch10 news 23 January 2020)
07.01.2022 Wildlife rescuers and car drivers help native waterbird family across busy freeway. Compassion and kindness will always beat the shocking acts of violence and cruelty that duck shooters inflict on our native waterbirds. Laurie Levy
06.01.2022 Australasian Darter with life-threatening fabric wrapped around its bill rescued by Melbourne Zoo's wildlife rescue unit. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Zoo's talented veterinary team for its incredible medical work done to save the lives of countless wounded native waterbirds, especially with Australia's threatened Freckled Ducks, over the last 34 years. (View Ch9 news story) Laurie Levy
04.01.2022 THE 'HARVESTING' OF VICTORIA'S DUCK SHOOTERS: In 1986, 100,000 duck shooters roamed Victoria's wetlands, getting their kicks by brutalising Australia's beautiful native waterbirds. Today, according to the Game Management Authority, the numbers of active duck shooters have dropped to around only 13,000. Thank you to the Coalition Against Duck Shooting's courageous rescuers for having 'harvested' 87,000 duck shooters from the wetlands. Australia's native waterbirds thank you. Laurie Levy
04.01.2022 Duck shooters to flout Victorias coronavirus lockdown laws ignoring Premier Daniel Andrews very important message for all Victorians to stay at home to stop the virus from spreading. Why would duck shooters risk contaminating Regional Victorians? Are they that selfish?
04.01.2022 DRUGS, GUNS, AND DUCK SHOOTING. Its time for Dan Andrews to ban this anti-social, violent activitiy once and for all. Watch ABC News video 20 May 2020.
04.01.2022 Today is the beginning of National Volunteer Week. We want to acknowledge the generous contribution of rescuers, all of whom are volunteers. Each rescuer has their own commitments, whether that be family, work, or care duties. ... Yet, rescuers dedicate their free time to save and protect Australias waterbirds from duck shooters. It is truly an honour and a privilege to work with such compassionate and courageous volunteers
03.01.2022 BREAKING PFAS NEWS: Court links toxic foam to cancer in legal blow to Government. (The Age, 4 March 2020)
03.01.2022 KOALA MASSACRE FARMER TELLS OF DEATH THREATS THE AGE newspaper by Noel Towell February 7, 2020 Warning: Distressing content... The man accused of Victorias alleged koala massacre says he has been subject to a campaign of death threats after the incident that sparked a global online outcry. But Keith Troeth whose mother Judith Troeth was a senator for Victoria and parliamentary secretary for forestry in the Howard government says he has done nothing wrong and will return to Victoria to face wildlife authorities, who he labelled "fascists". A koala injured in the logged blue gum plantation at Cape Bridgewater. The animal was later euthanised after being found to have a broken arm. CREDIT:HELEN OAKLEY Investigators from Victorias Conservation Regulator were still in the Cape Bridgewater area on Thursday, interviewing witnesses after at least 40 koalas were found dead and more than 140 were rescued from the former blue gum plantation after it had been logged and then bulldozed. A koala pictured at the plantation. An angry Victorian government has threatened a tough legal response, but Mr Troeth, who is working in NSW and remains adamant that most of the koalas found dead on the land died of starvation, says he is confident he is not guilty of animal cruelty. Ms Troeth retired from politics nine years ago, has had no involvement in the family farming business for the past 30 years, has no financial interest in the land at Cape Bridgewater and no involvement in the logging or clearing operation. She could not be contacted on Thursday for comment. Mr Troeth told The Age he had been targeted online since the news broke by whackos making threats against himself and his elderly father, Russell, who owns the property at Cape Bridgewater. Ive got a massive hate campaign against me and Im copping death threats right, left and centre, Mr Troeth said on Thursday. Theyre gonna burn down our house, with us in it, thats their other threat. Mr Troeth said the former plantation remained locked down by investigators but that he was not concerned by the prospect of returning to Victoria to face wildlife authorities. Im not concerned because Ive done nothing wrong, he said. Ill come back, Ive got nothing to hide. RELATED ARTICLE EXCLUSIVE WILDLIFE Koalas starved, says farmer accused of Portland massacre The fascists have yet to complete their investigations so until that happens, I wont be making any more comment. A spokeswoman from the Department of Environment, Land Water and Planning said the full extent of koala deaths at the property was unknown. "We are still working through exact numbers while teams carry out searches of the site," she said. "To date 143 koalas have been assessed with 84 released back into the wild. "The Conservation Regulators Major Investigations Unit remains on site collecting evidence and taking witness statements."
01.01.2022 Dr HOWARD RALPH NSW Wildlife Veterinarian In the early 1990s, NSW veterinarian Dr Howard Ralph travelled to Victorias wetlands with the NSW duck rescue team, led by Rick Gould and Scott Cardimadis. Howard had a very high success rate at rehabilitating wounded birds brought into his care, including delicate Pink-eared Ducks (a species extremely difficult to rehabilitate). The NSW team was also a highly successful frontline native wildlife rescue unit during bushfires. Tod...ay, Dr Howard Ralph is still applying his veterinary skills in NSW caring for bushfire burnt native wildlife. The following is a very moving article by Canberra Times journalist Kimberley Le Lievre. See more
01.01.2022 EDITORIAL: PFAS HEALTH WARNING! It could take another 20 years, but there is every chance that PFAS poisoned duck shooters will commission a billion-dollar class action on behalf of themselves and their families for compensation against the Victorian Government and Field & Game Australia. The only way for the government to slow the PFAS contamination problem from spreading to all Victorian wetlands, is to immediately and permanently close FGAs private shooting wetland, Heart Morass, in Gippsland. Better to be safe than sorry. Laurie Levy. Important scientific report to read: PFAS in Victorian waterfowl (EPA) Investigation of the presence of PFAS in 19 wetlands in Victoria Publication 1734 March 2019 Technical report
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