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25.01.2022 Earn $ for your creativity - take part in competition to chose the best slogan for the campaign for ending violence against women who use drugs.
24.01.2022 Cahma I would like to sincerely thank you for providing me with training and NALOXONE to save individuals lives. I have lost count on the number of occasions I ...have used these life saving drugs you have provided me with free of charge. I have been able to use NALOXONE numerous times to save many lives, including my family using NALOXONE to save my own life. I am so eternally grateful for your service to not only me but the wider Canberra community. Thank you both Dave n Marisa for the training, without your endless campaigning n dedication to our community many members would no longer be here. The service you provide including the support is so very much appreciated. Thank you so very much Im not sure if you understand how important your service is and how grateful many parents including my own are for saving the lives of their loved child or children. See more
24.01.2022 Telstra Tower lit purple for International Overdose Day. This health promotion is initiated by Penington Institute and looks great! Well done all involved!
23.01.2022 Few busy days at CAHMA are behind us... days 4-7. #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen
23.01.2022 #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen
22.01.2022 -CAHMA is participating in the 16 days of Activism to eliminate gender-based violence, an annual international campaign that runs from November 25th until December 10th. - We are delighted to have Glenda from the DVCS, Domestic Violence Crisis Service, as our special guest on today’s show to talk about issues facing women and the services offered by DVCS. -The inaugural CAHMA Annual General Meeting (AGM) is being held Monday 30th November from 1-3pm and we will report on ho...w this historic event went. - Pill testing has been a contentious topic among Australian politicians for years, but new research shows almost two-thirds of the population supports the method that evidence has shown to be an effective drug harm reduction strategy around the world. - NSW Health has issued a warning about fentanyl and acetylfentanyl having recently been identified as likely adulterants in heroin and cocaine. -In international news, we will read and discuss Richard Branson’s piece Rethinking drug laws in a new global moment. - Holland will ban the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products in supermarkets from 2024 in a drive to get more people to give up smoking, the Dutch government have recently announced. - The radio show is co-presented with Marion Watson. Music is played during the show, which is broadcast on 2XX, Canberra’s Community Radio, 98.3 FM. It can be streamed live through 2XX or heard as audio on demand via the 2XX website. Go to Programs and find News from the Drug War Front and listen when you wish to. The show, without music, can be podcast from the Podbean podcast app. Kindest Regards, Geoff (Producer News from the Drug War Front)
22.01.2022 Day 1 today is International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. It is the first day of a global campaign known as 16 days of action/activism focused on action to end violence against women and girls around the world. During this campaign, CAHMA is focusing on the need for the elimination of violence against women who use drugs. Join us today from 1-3 pm at CAHMA to officially open the campaign, check out our orange room, do some art, sign the petition, have som...e orange snacks and get an overview of all the activities that we are going to run within the next 16 days. Meet our friendly hosts Marion and Lanie, get the calendar of our activities for the next two weeks, and book for those you would like to participate in. #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen
21.01.2022 DON'T MISS - Free Domestic Awareness two hours session presented by Lifeline Monday 30 November 1pm-3pm at Belconnen Community Service... 26 Chandler St, Belconnen ACT 2617 More info on: (02) 6253 3643 or email [email protected] Register on the link below:
20.01.2022 On last weeks News From The Drug War Front it was World Hepatitis Day and we are thrilled to feature Sarah-Jane from Hepatitis ACT to explore why it is so important to raise awareness around Hepatitis particularly for injecting drug users. Sarah-Jane is a vital spokes person for Hepatitis ACT and works tirelessly (but with a smile) to shine a light on Hepatitis with a goal to move towards eradication in the ACT. Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic reso...urce run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Thanks for listening! Visit Hepatitis ACT at: Visit News From The Drug War Fronts Facebook page at: Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug us
20.01.2022 For anyone in financial hardship, including international students. Please share.
19.01.2022 We are proud to present a number of submissions for listening and download on SoundCloud from the: "Support Dont Punish" Writing Competition For Women Who Use Drugs. Please follow the link below to listen on SoundCloud "Ellana" and "Mary" stories aired on 19.5.2020.... "Emmas" and "Frans" stories aired on 26.5.2020. "Alices" and "Marges" stories aired on 2.6.2020. "Bellas" and "Jackys" stories aired on 9.6.2020. "Angelas" and "Joys" stories aired on 16.6.2020. "Faiths" and "Maries" story aired on 23.6.2020. All of the entrants have been fantastic and its a privilege to hear them. The stories are very personal and can be sad, maddening, happy or hopeful. But they all come out in support of an important message: "Support Dont Punish!" You can hear more great stories on News From The Drug War Front Radio Show live on 98.3 FM2XX Tuesdays-10:30am-Noon. To gain access to old episodes of NFTDW you may have missed or would like to download please follow the link below to the NFTDW podcast website:
19.01.2022 A number of backdated News From The Drug War Front episodes are now available to download! The intention going forward is maintaining a weekly upload schedule on the Wednesday evening following the show. Apologizes for the delays. Special thanks to 98.3 2xxfm for facilitating NFTDWF alongside innumerable important community voices and organizations.... Please follow the link below to gain access to old episodes that you missed or to download and listen offline. If you would like to listen to submissions for the "Support Down Punish" Women Who Use Drugs Writing Competition in isolation please follow the soundcloud link below where they have been compiled.
18.01.2022 Important! Thanks Damo for sharing!
17.01.2022 If you missed this weeks News From The Drug War Front which aired on the 18.08.2020 at 10:30am, it is now available to download or stream at our host site, Podbean as well as most of the major podcast apps including Spotify and Google Podcast. Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use.
17.01.2022 Big preparations for 16 Days of Action, Campaign for Elimination of Violence Against Women. CAHMA is campaigning for elimination of violence against women who use drugs. Cahma volunteers and workers diving into orange...
16.01.2022 Important info! Thanks Damien Tarrant for sharing.
15.01.2022 This Tuesday on News From The Drug War Front had the privilege to interview Kerrie Mckenzie from Hepatitis ACT. Kerrie has been at Hepatitis ACT for the past 10 years and she still loves it! She works throughout the community as a peer educator, teaching the ins and outs of testing, treatment and vaccination. She is also a vital advocate for stopping the stigmatization that comes with a Hep positive result. In celebration of CAHMA and Hepatitis ACT working closer together in the future we thought that posting her interview (with her permission) would be a great way to introduce her to the family.
14.01.2022 Day 3 ... #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen
14.01.2022 Everyone has families/friends who will miss them if they go, no matter what drugs they chose to ingest.
14.01.2022 Everybody loves playing with balloons ... Decorating CAHMA for the tomorrow’s official campaign opening with afternoon tea . Please join us tomorrow, on 25 November, International Day for Elimination if Violence against Women, at CAHMA from 1-3 pm for afternoon tea with Marion and Lanie 16 Days of Action, Campaign for Elimination of Violence Against Women who Use Drugs ... #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen
13.01.2022 This week on News From The Drug War Front we are privileged to be interviewing Kerrie Mckenzie from Hepatitis ACT. Kerrie Mckenzie has worked at Hepatitis ACT for the past 10 years and she still loves it. She works throughout the community as a peer educator, teaching the ins and outs of testing, treatment and vaccination. She is also a vital advocate for stopping the stigmatization that comes with a Hep positive result. Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantas...tic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Listen to this weeks episode at: Thanks for listening! Visit News From The Drug War Front on Facebook at: Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: Visit Hepatitis ACT at:
12.01.2022 Can Harm Reduction and Cops coexist? CAHMA says: a resounding YES! But it can be a complicated business for a number of harm reduction organisations. This fantastic episode of Narcotica explores this concept and attempts to shine a light on the difficult relationship which has been historically strained but has progressed immensely....
12.01.2022 Sign the petition, legalise vaping...
12.01.2022 Follow the link below to download or stream this weeks News From The Drug War Front Podcast with Geoff Ward and Marion Watson aired on the 11.8.2020 and weekly on Tuesdays 10:30a. Supported by: Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection. Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and... voices. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use.
11.01.2022 Painting with Uncle Dale at Gugan Gulwan - amazing service doing such important work with Aboriginal youth!!!
11.01.2022 If life is too busy to catch it live on the radio, never fear!!!! News From The Drug War Front which aired on the 10.11.2020 at 10:30am, is now available to download or stream at our host site, Podbean as well as most of the major podcast apps including Spotify and Google Podcast! Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, or...ganisations and voices. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use. Thanks for listening!
08.01.2022 Thanks to Alyshia for last weeks entry into the "Support Dont Punish" Womens Writing Competition aired on 27.07.2020 on the News From The Drug War Front radio show. You can listen to her entry on SoundCloud by following the link below:
08.01.2022 This week we hear from a voice often missing, yet very much needed in our society. "Beverly" is a trans women who has provided an honest, brave and sharp-witted perspective of her journey using drugs. As an underrepresented group in the community we welcome her illuminating perspective and hope to hear more from trans women in the future. Please follow the link below to listen to "Beverlys" story:
07.01.2022 Overdose Awareness Day at CAHMA and The Connection. Remembrance and prevention...
07.01.2022 Listen to Gem who has shared another fantasticly moving story on News From The Drug War Front! Thanks for being vulnerable and brave for such a great project.
06.01.2022 Inspiring day. Afternoon tea with Marion and Lanie. Marion’s passionate speech about issues that women who use drugs face. Experience and wisdom of veteran activists and fresh energy and enthusiasm of young generations. We all felt connected, inspired, supported... shared some stories, shed some tears, had some laugh... a day to remember. #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen
06.01.2022 Little CAHMA celebration after reopening our drop-in centre... A Huge Thank You from CAHMA Board and Executive Director to all CAHMA workers and volunteers for continuing to build and develop our vibrant community and support each other through this hard period of Covid-19 pandemic.
05.01.2022 News From The Drug War Front aired on 14.7.2020 is now available for download as a podcast. The episode is the first to go to pod without a featured guest however Geoff and Marion keep listeners updated on the latest news and harm reduction info.
05.01.2022 Last weeks guest was Rebecca Davey, the CEO of Arthritis and Pain Support ACT. Having worked for Arthritis ACT for over 5 years as the CEO, she has been described on the organisations website as the teams Go to person in terms of designing and initiating programs along with doing all of the background nitty gritty stuff. Rebecca has a background in nursing, as well as having worked with various other foundations.... Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Due to difficulties in changing schedules going forward, all future podcasts will be posted on Fridays. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: Visit Arthritis and Pain Support ACT at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use.
04.01.2022 News From The Drug War Front aired on 7.7.2020 is available in podcast. The episode features Dale Huddlestone from Googong Goulbourn Youth Aboriginal Corporation. Dale does valuable work supporting Aboriginal youth with a focus on mentor-ship. This can take the form of indigenous art which strengthens peer community cohesion as well as referral to treatment such as residential rehab. Also on the episode we are privileged to present Roland Brown AKA Dark Rose, an extremely ta...lented young didgeridoo player who helped open the new CAHMA location by performing for attendees. This song is called "Freestyle" from the CD "Talk Blak Radio Take Two". If you want to learn more of Roland there is a link to him performing/presenting in TedxCanberra -"Tramodinal - Music Innovation, Dark Rose, Tedx Canberra 2017". Please follow the link below to listen, it is also available by searching News From The Drug War Front on Itunes, Stitcher, Google Music and Castbox. Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Listen to Dark Rose at TedxCanberra: Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: Listen to other episodes at:
04.01.2022 WAR ON drUgS - Excellent short 4 minutes video produced by Metzineres from Barcelona, Spain as part of Support Dont Punish 2020 activity. Metzineres, Environments of Shelter for Women who Use Drugs Surviving Violence is the first integrated harm reduction program in Catalonia only for women and non-binary people.
04.01.2022 A fantastic episode of News From The Drug War Front and as always a special round of applause for our hosts Geoff Ward and Marian Watson. If life is too busy to catch it live on the radio, never fear!!!! News From The Drug War Front which aired on the 1.9.2020 at 10:30am, is now available to download or stream at our host site, Podbean as well as most of the major podcast apps including Spotify and Google Podcast! Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic reso...urce run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use.
03.01.2022 An interesting comparison of the disastrous incarceration rates in USA and Germany.
03.01.2022 Preparation for the worldwide Orange the World campaign for elimination of violence against women who use drugs - 16 Days of Action at CAHMA from 25th November to 10th of December! Stay tuned, we have so many cool things coming up! CAHMA staff and volunteers working hard to make this campaign happen! Special thanks to Lanie, our bright and talented student who initiated it and inspired us to put the project proposal together! #womenusedrugs #16days #stopviolenceagainstwomen #whrinetwork #EuroNPUDwomen #whrin #cahma
03.01.2022 Interesting piece on yet another example of problematic drug laws predictably leading to more dangerous outcomes for people who use drugs in Georgia. Namely PWUD switching from conventional drugs such as MDMA and cocaine to untested (and potentially more dangerous) synthetics such as Alpha-PVP or "Flakka"in order to avoid the harms of criminalising substanes.
03.01.2022 If you missed this weeks News From The Drug War Front which aired on the 25.08.2020 at 10:30am, it is now available to download or stream at our host site, Podbean as well as most of the major podcast apps including Spotify and Google Podcast. Special thanks to 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio, a fantastic resource run entirely by volunteers which fosters support for the wider community, providing a platform to innumerable worthwhile causes, organisations and voices. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use. Thanks for listening! Visit The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy and The Connection at: And at Facebook: Visit 2xx FM98.3 Community Radio at: The contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use. See more
02.01.2022 This week on News From The Drug War Front we discuss the progressive state of Oregon new legislation, proposition 110! This new law came to the fore with a referendum and decriminalizes possession of small amounts of all drugs for personal consumption. , a real step forward in ramping down on "The War on Drug Users". Follow the link below or search on all major podcast applications to download at your leisure. The ...contents of News From the Drug War Front Podcast does not necessarily reflect the views and or policies of The Canberra Alliance for Harm Minimisation and Advocacy (CAHMA). CAHMA does not condone nor condemn drug use and does not promote illegal activity. CAHMA recognises that drug use happens and as such CAHMA seeks to reduce the harms associated with drug use, as well as the harms associated with the criminalisation of drug use. See more
02.01.2022 Very productive session and peer discussion today at Covid-19 and People Who Use Drugs training. Special thanks to Dr. Michael Levy, CAHMA staff, all volunteers, and peers for attending. Peers, please consider what you learnt, apply it to your own situation and continue to spread the message of harm reduction to people in the community
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