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Cairns Coast Guard in Cairns, Queensland, Australia | Public service

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Cairns Coast Guard

Locality: Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 4051 2192

Address: Wharf 6, Trinity Wharf, P.O. Box 495, Cairns, QLD 4870. Cairns, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Huge weekend of assists for Coast Guard Cairns. Saturday especially, was a huge day for all of the C. G. crew and thank you to all the boating community who logged their trip sheets. The phone was red hot all day. On Saturday, Jim, Greg, Ken and Deb began with maintenance and cleaning of the vessels. After lunch, a callout for an assist for a broken down jetski, 6.5nm ENE of Yorkeys Knob was taken. Skipper Greg, Ken and Deb headed out in Tom Farrugia, while Jim stayed behind ...with Sir Bob in case any further assists were needed. Whilst Tom Farrugia was en-route to the jet-ski, base radio operator, Tony Knight, called with details of another vessel needing assistance - a 6m vessel en-route from Fitzroy Island to Bluewater. This vessel had propeller problems and were slowly making their way back.The jet-ski that Tom Farrugia was assisting wanted to be towed to Redank Creek, a fairly long tow, so it was decided that Tom Farrugia would tow the jet-ski initially to Yorkeys Knob and then go to assist the 6m vessel. Tom Farrugia dropped the jet-ski at Yorkeys Knob and about that time the 6m vessel reported that they were now disabled in the Cairns Leads. Tom Farrugia proceeded to take the vessel under tow and head towards Bluewater. At the same time Tony received a call from another vessel broken down between Sudbury Reef and Fitzroy Island and it was decided to call in additional crew to man Sir Bob for this assist. James and Pat came in and Sir Bob got underway picking up Ken from Tom Farrugia to increase crew numbers as it would be a late one. Sir Bob with Jim as skipper and the crew then started heading towards the vessel which was 4nm SE of Fitzroy Island. At about the same time Tony received another call that a tinny had broken down somewhere in the Yarrabah area so Tom Farrugia was dispatched to investigate. When Tom Farrugia arrived in the Yarrabah area a vessel could not be located but about the same time Sir Bob was flagged down by a runabout who advised that the vessel in the Yarrabah area had been assisted by them and that the vesssel was now ok and underway. Sir Bob continued South East of Fitzroy Island to the distressed vessel and towed it to the Fearnley St ramp, arriving back at 2100.

25.01.2022 Ready for the tow...

23.01.2022 Break down assist last night for a 5.6m vessel from just south of Batt Reef to Yorkeys Knob boat ramp with 3 people on board. Thank you to Jim, Terry, Jon and Joel who arrived at the Base at 1945 and finished at about 0100.

23.01.2022 QF9 Coast Guard Cairns resumed operations this morning, Saturday 30th May. A big hello to all our loyal friends who have continued to support us through this difficult period. We are monitoring VHF channels 16, 67 and 81 during our normal hours which are 9am to 5pm weekdays and 7am until 6pm weekends and public holidays. You can also contact us by phone on 4051 2192. When planning your next trip on the Reef consider lodging a trip with Coast Guard Cairns on channel 16 or by p...hone. A trip records your boat details, where you’re travelling to, when you left and when you’re expected back, as well as your emergency contacts. It’s free to do and it adds to boating safety. When you return, radio or call into the Coast Guard to sign off. If you come back after hours leave a message on our answer phone. If you are not logging on, please call and ask for a ‘radio check’. That way you know, if you do get into trouble, your radio works. If you are a regular boatie consider joining our rescue club (TripWatch) As a Rescue Club Member you will enjoy the following benefits: Easy trip sheet submission by phone or VHF radio of plans for your trip (because your details are already in our database). Expeditious assistance at sea including tow backs to Cairns Harbour or Yorkeys Knob. No request for donations in the event of assistance being required, including towbacks. Peace of mind for those on board and at home that Coast Guard Cairns is monitoring your safety at sea. Click here to download your Rescue Club Application Form and then Fax, Post or Email your completed application form as indicated. We are accepting expired flares at the base but encourage members of the public to contact us by phone, rather than in person, for other matters. See more

23.01.2022 Be safe on the water today if heading out and don't forget to do your vessel checks. You can log your trip sheet to Coast Guard Cairns on (07) 4051 2192. Have you considered a Marine Assist subscription for peace of mind if you do need a tow? Great gift for someone!!... Coast Guard Cairns call sign - VMR409 Thanks to Jim and Coz who took some crew out for valuable coxswain night training this week. Both the Admiral and Tom Farrugia were used for practice assists and towing between the channel and False Cape to Fearnley St boat ramp on Tuesday night and also from Redbank Creek to Tingira St boat ramp on Thursday night. Great training session for Jon, Ian, Roger and Joel.

21.01.2022 A bit of training fun last weekend waiting for an assist by Tom Farrugia and the crew. Thanks to Terry who had the perfect music on his mobile.

21.01.2022 This beautiful weather is calling boaties out daily so ensure you remember to do your safety checks prior to heading out... and don't forget to log your trip sheets on 40512192. Sunday saw more assists and these have continued daily this week. On Sunday morning, Jim, Terry and Joel headed out just before 0900 to assist a 23ft vessel 5nm north of Double Island that they then towed to Yorkeys Knob. Whilst heading out from Trinity Inlet the crew were treated to some great views.... On Monday, Skipper Jim and Ken took Tom Farrugia out to assist a 4.5 vessel about 8nm north east of Yorkeys Knob and towed it back to Yorkeys Knob. Tuesday saw another assist in Tom Farrugia late in the afternoon - a 5.9m vessel with 2 on board broken down just outside the Cairns channel near C17. It was safely towed to Fearnly St ramp and skippered by Jim with Joel as crew. Another callout, late this afternoon in Tom Farrugia with Skipper Jim (again) and Roger as crew. The distressed vessel was 5.5m with 2 adults and 3 children on board. They were towed from 6nm North East of C1 to the Tingira St ramp. Massive shout out to our volunteer Skipper Jim who has been out every day since Saturday and thank you also to our wonderful volunteer crew and radio operators who give up their time to help keep everyone safe on the water.

21.01.2022 No assists last weekend, but one of our new members, Reg, participated in a safety and vessel induction on Saturday. Jim the skipper and training officer Steve also took the crew members James, David and Reg, through some line work training, anchoring, launching the RHIB and berthing practice at the Tingira St pontoon. Also on Saturday, Coast Guard members across the North came together for valuable training to: provide work skill instruction. Skippers joined in on Sunday and also participated in training to: establish effective workplace relationships - a great weekend of networking and learning.

20.01.2022 With restrictions easing QF9 Coast Guard Cairns would like to advise that we are resuming operations on Saturday 30th May. We will be monitoring VHF channels 16, 67 and 81 during our normal hours which are 9am to 5pm weekdays and 7am until 6pm weekends and public holidays. You can also contact us by phone on 4051 2192. When planning your next trip on the Reef consider lodging a trip with Coast Guard Cairns on channel 16 or by phone. A trip records your boat details, where yo...u’re travelling to, when you left and when you’re expected back, as well as your emergency contacts. It’s free to do and it adds to boating safety. When you return, radio or call into the Coast Guard to sign off. If you come back after hours leave a message on our answer phone. If you are not logging on, please call and ask for a ‘radio check’. That way you know, if you do get into trouble, your radio works. We want to keep our crews healthy so they can continue to assist our Marine Assist (Rescue Club) members and other boaters in trouble on and around the reef. We have made every effort to ensure that our core activities of looking after the boating community will not be interrupted while taking into consideration the welfare of our volunteers, members and the community. We want to thank Marine Assist members who have continued to support us over the last difficult 6 weeks. We look forward to the continuing support of our Marine Assist members and public donors who make it possible for Coast Guard Cairns to operate. We support community efforts to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus and are working hard to maintain our operational status & help keep boaters safe. The safety and health of our crews is paramount. We are adopting the procedures recommended by health authorities to minimise the risk of spread of the virus and to help keep our crew members safe and healthy. For the time being we are restricting public access to crew areas on our base. We will accept expired flares at the base but encourage members of the public to contact us by phone, rather than in person, for other matters. Some activities such as public training courses in First Aid and LROCP (Long Range Radio Operator Certificate Of Proficiency) will not resume at this time. Similarly, volunteer recruitment is on hold. These activities will be reviewed with the introduction of stage 3 restrictions scheduled for 10th July. Stay safe & stay healthy. See more

19.01.2022 Long weekend coming up so remember to stay safe on the water and log your trip sheets to Coast Guard Cairns before heading out. Off to an assist last weekend out near Green Island when an EPIRB was activated from a distressed vessel with 4 people on board. A nearby vessel and the rescue chopper held station until Sir Bob and the crew could get out there to safely tow them home. For the safety of all on board, please check your boat and your equipment before heading out. Hav...e a safe long weekend, Coast Guard Cairns See more

19.01.2022 It has been pretty quiet in regards to assists for the last few weeks. Perfect to catch up with training and assessments for crew members as well as ongoing maintenance of our vessels. On the weekend we were invited to tour coralexpedition. A great 2 hour tour of a magnificent vessel and even treated to scones, jam and cream for morning tea

18.01.2022 Today we were invited to participate in a Search and Rescue (SAR) exercise with local Emergency Service Organisations, Edmonton Ses and the Cairns Water Police, in the Trinity Inlet. Three of our vessels were used, two SES floodboats, the SES drone and also the Water Police vessel, the Perry Irwin. The exercise was to locate 98 'targets' distributed on land around Coconut Wharf and 31 various sized 'targets' dropped into the water between Seelee Creek and Redbank Creek entr...ance. Sir Bob was used as the co-ordination vessel. Edmonton SES crew conducted the land search and four vessels were used for the water search - two SES Flood boats and two vessels from Cairns Coast Guard QF9. The exercise was a success with all 'targets' located and valuable partnerships established. We look forward to working together again and thank all involved. Footage from the exercise will be aired on Channel 9 News, Monday evening, 16th November @ 6pm.

17.01.2022 Another glorious day in Cairns and after volunteering yesterday and staying late for an assist last night, Jim was back again today taking the crew through their paces. Thanks again to the Coast Guard Cairns radio and boat crews for giving up their time to ensure all our boaties stay safe. Did you also know that you can help Coast Guard Cairns out by donating your empty bottles and cans at 'Containers for Change' and nominating Coast Guard Cairns Every bit helps to keep us... out on the water. Safety by all means, Coast Guard Cairns

17.01.2022 Coxswain training last night for Ian, Jon, Joel and Roger with Jim and Terry supervising. They did a practice assist from the mouth of the Barron River into Yorkeys Knob Marina and then up to Bluewater for night familiarisation. Tom Farrugia was the Rescue Vessel with Ian as Skipper in training and The Admiral the disabled vessel.

16.01.2022 Good weekend on the water coming up so make sure you do your boat checks and log your trip with Coast Guard Cairns this weekend. Quiet weekend last week but some excellent training with Skipper Jim - towing and rafting, man overboard, and touch and goes. One assist this morning in Sir Bob. A 25ft Bertram from near Cape Grafton to the mouth of the Barron River. ... Due to the lack of depth in the mouth of the Barron River both vessels anchored at the mouth and the RHIB was used to take one person ashore from the Bertram to get a tinny to tow the Bertram into the Barron River. Tom Farrugia was not available due to the signage being done on the vessel. Thanks to Jim, Ken and Joel who were able to do an assist today. Safety by all means. Coast Guard Cairns

16.01.2022 A big shout out to one of our tireless volunteers who gave Tom Farrugia a much needed makeover. Tom Farrugia was well overdue for a tidy up with peeling paint and corrosion after many hours of work out on the water. The process started with removing Decals and paint to expose the pockets of corrosion on the hull. Followed by 5 coats of Epoxy Undercoat and 4 coats of Polyurethane top coat - all generously supplied by International Paint at Portsmith, Cairns. Approximately... 60 hours went into stripping, painting and polishing up the hull. Next, the gunwales and console - challenging work navigating around the equipment and gauges. This was all hand brushed and rolled. Once all the fittings were replaced on the Transom, Tom was ready to go back in the water. Tom was out of action for around 4 weeks but is now back out keeping people safe on the water around Cairns. Thank you to Joel Percy and International Paint, Cairns. See more

16.01.2022 Saturday 30th May Cairns QF9 re-opened with full radio room services and limited vessel crew service until further Government advice. The first duty crew was made up of a mix of members from other crews who were all very motivated and keen to get back to duty. We started the day with some domestic chores, putting up signs , fixing rego plate for the boat trailer and cleaning the base. It was then off to the marina for pre - sail checks on our vessels, Tom Farrugia and Sir Bo...b - and conducting safety protocols as part of our AMSA Vessel Safety Management plan. With all the checks completed, both vessels set off out through the leads heading for Mission Bay to conduct our routine training exercises and crew task rotations. On completion of these task it was back into Trinity Inlet to conduct rafting, anchor drills, launch and recovery of our small RIB. During the exercises we were paid a visit by the Water Police in their 10.8M , 3x outboard NAIAD vessel (Similar configuration to our proposed new vessel). The Water Police welcomed us back on deck and in service and we also look forward to working with them again. Social distancing was practiced as best as we could on the vessels and it was pleasing to see all the crew members taking a serious approach to each other's space. A very successful day and looking forward to returning to full strength with all of our duty crews over the coming weeks. Sunday 31st May we had a call for assistance and within a short space of time a crew was mustered for Tom Farrugia and we were on the water to assist a recreational boatie heading out for a fish but ending up experiencing mechanical failure in the leads. A great feeling for Coast Guard , its members and Marine Assist members to be operational and serving the community again. Thank you all for your understanding over this time and we encourage you to keep safe on the water and do all your safety checks before heading out.

14.01.2022 Great photos last night on the water when attending an assist for a 6m Quintrex. This vessel had electrical problems with the batteries overheating. The vessel was picked up just west of Saxon Reef and towed to Yorkeys. Tom Farrugia with crew members Jim, Jon and Roger departed the marina at 1645 and got back to the marina at 2130.

14.01.2022 Thursday 22nd of October was a long 12.5 hour day for CG volunteers Jim, Barry, Ken and Kameli who were called out for an assist to Tongue Reef, 30+ nm from Cairns. The assist was for a 47ft Riviera with 3 men on board whose day of fishing turned into a frightening experience of fighting a fire in the engine room - three fire extinguishers were used. It took CG a few hours to reach them in Sir Bob and in that time some fishing was done and an esky filled. At a rate of 7kn to ...return undertow, it was a long trip. Thanks to Cos, one of our skippers who came and met us at the Big Boat Shed around 1940 hours to take the lines for the Riviera and also drop off a much enjoyed pizza. Lucky for these gentlemen they were well-equipped with safety equipment. This illustrates the importance of checking you have enough safety gear on board in case of an emergency.

13.01.2022 A few assists on the water this week. A timely reminder to consider 'boating safety vigilance' before heading out. Late Sunday evening and early into Monday morning last week, Skipper Jim with crew Ken and Jon responded to a callout for a disabled Jet boat near Turtle Bay. With no moonlight, visibility was low, but the stranded vessel and three occupants were located without too much difficulty and returned safely to Yorkeys Knob boat ramp. Thursday the 13th, we had an assis...t at the northern end of Fitzroy Island close to Little Fitzroy Island when a jetski broke down. Jim and Greg responded to the call in our newly 'branded' Tom Farrugia. The jetski rider thought it was a battery problem so the boys took jumper leads. However, it was not possible to start the jetski so it was towed to the Fearnly St ramp and some spectacular photos were taken by Jim. Have you thought about purchasing an annual Marine Assist service? What a great gift for someone! Check out the link below if you want to find out more. You can also send us a Facebook message through messenger or contact us on 40512192. Thank you always to our wonderful volunteer boat and radio crew. Stay safe. Coast Guard Cairns

12.01.2022 A busy day for the crew and radio officers on Sunday with four assists. Tom Farrugia was used - 7 engine hours and 145 litres burnt of unleaded fuel. 1st assist was approximately 0730 for a 5m runabout with 4 on board. It broke down near the Sugar Terminal. CG towed them to the Tingira Street ramp. 2nd assist was for a 4.2m runabout with 4 on board. Started the assist at 1055, picked up the vessel from 1/2 a nm south of Upolu Cay and towed it to Yorkeys. The crew arrived bac...k to Marlin Marina at 1340. CG boat was berthed at 1345 and the 3rd assist came in. 3rd assist was a 5.6m runabout with 4 on board. CG picked them up near channel marker C29 and towed them to the Tingira St ramp where they had to wait for a while to be dropped off due to all the traffic at the ramp. After dropping the vessel at Tingira St, Tom Farrugia was refuelled at 1500. At approximately 1630 the 4th assist came through - a 4.2m runabout about 4nm south west of Green Island with 4 on board. They were towed to the Tingira St ramp. Many thanks goes to crew Skipper Jim, Allen, Debbie, Roger and Steve for their tireless efforts for the day that finished at 1915. Thank you also to radio operators John and Ann.

12.01.2022 What a beautiful day to be out on the water. Remember your safety checks, safety gear and to log your trip sheets to Tony before or as you are heading out on 40 512192. Alternatively, call in on channel 16 to VMR 409. The Coast Guard team.

11.01.2022 Remembrance Day 2020 Thank you to Cairns Coastguard members James, Ian, Terry, Ken and Mark who were able to attend the Remembrance Day Commemoration Service yesterday. In memory of all those who have died or suffered as a result of war or armed conflicts.

11.01.2022 Sir Bob 25th July 2020

10.01.2022 An assist using Coast Guard vessel Tom Farrugia on Friday. A 5.3m fishing vessel lost all engine oil due to a loose cap and therefore wouldn't run. Vessel was towed 5nm north of Little Fitzroy Island to Bluewater boat ramp right on sunset. Skipper in training, Joel, did a great job with support from crewman Jon and Supervisor Jim. Two assists on Saturday, again in Tom Farrugia, with crew of Skipper Jim, Ken, Col, Barry and Farrah. First assist was for a 7.9m runabout from op...posite the navy base to Tingira St. Second assist was for a 4.5m tinny from 3nm east of Yorkeys to Bluewater. No rest for Coast Guard volunteers this week with 4 assists on Sunday that have yet to be posted.

10.01.2022 Busy weekend on the water. On Friday, Coast Guard Cairns, responded to an assist only 1.5 kms from the Marina. The two gents involved had been trying to correct engine issues for 5 hours in a 7.2m vessel. On Sunday, just as Sir Bob headed into the inlet for training, we were called out to Oyster Reef to assist two gents in a 7m fibreglass vessel that also had engine problems. CG9 towed them back to Yorkeys Knob - a 5 hour journey. When cleaning the boat and completing all c...hecks at the end of the day, another call came in for an assist for a 17 foot Haines with mechanical problems out at Maori Reef - a 3 hour one-way trip with a request to tow them to Deeral which would have ended at 1-2am. Thankfully after an hour of radio/phone contact they were underway themselves - a big shout out to the mechanic who assisted them on the phone to get their vessel going, allowing the Coast Guard volunteers to get home. See next post for Sunday's pics.

10.01.2022 Sunday 7th of June: Our second weekend back on the water and no rescues required, so instead, Skipper Merv did a great job keeping our small crew up to date with training - taking the helm for 'man overboard' drills, 'touch and go's' along the pier and fire fighting drills. Never a dull moment with Sir Bob and the team. Thank you all for keeping yourselves safe this weekend on the water and don't forget to log your trip sheet with Coast Guard Cairns before going out. Stay safe!

09.01.2022 It's not too late to get the gift of a Marine Assist membership for yourself or your loved ones. Christmas is not too far away and what better than a year's subscription to the Cairns Coast Guard Marine Assist program.... Did you know that it's only $88 to sign one vessel up to our Marine Assist service? If you have two vessels, it's $132.00 (a saving of $44) and for three vessels, $176. Our service provides Cairns' boaters with 24 hours per day marine rescue assistance. What a great gift for Christmas and peace of mind that Coast Guard is looking out for your loved ones. You can contact us via messenger on Facebook or call our dedicated radio volunteers on (07) 4051 2192 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you. Your support, helps us to keep you safe on the water. Have a blessed and safe Christmas 2020. From the volunteers at Coast Guard Cairns where your safety is our priority

08.01.2022 A quiet weekend for Coast Guard crews. One callout 0630 Thursday morning. An assist in Sir Bob for a 38ft yacht that had jammed steering. Coast Guard Cairns picked up the yacht off Turtle Bay and towed it to anchor at the northern end of Admiralty Island. Thanks to Skipper Jim, and crew Greg, James and Mark.

08.01.2022 Another beautiful weekend in the water. Don't forget to log your trip sheets with Nancy on 40 512192 or radio to VMR409 on Channel 16 or 81. Please be aware of extra activity in Trinity Inlet today as Coast Guard, SES and the water police are conducting a training exercise.

07.01.2022 Another assist today 40 nm sse of Cairns for a 7.2m vessel with a fuel problem. The vessel was towed to Fearnly St ramp with thanks to Jim, Ken and Joel... Are you stuck wondering what gift to get your boating friend or relation or even yourself? ... How about a Marine Assist Membership from Cairns Coast Guard? Did you know it's only $88 for one vessel, $132 for two vessels or $176 for three? Our service provides Cairns' boaters with 24 hours a day marine rescue assistance. What a great gift for Christmas that lasts all year!!! You can contact us via messenger on Facebook or call our dedicated radio volunteers on (07) 4051 2192 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you Thank you - your support helps us to keep you safe on the water.

07.01.2022 Quiet weekend for assists, busy weekend of training. Saturday's crew consisted of Jim (skipper), Mark, Greg, Joel, Ken and new member Farrah. Training started in our two smaller vessels - The Admiral and Tom Farrugia. A call out for a 6m vessel assist at Sudbury saw the crew change over to Sir Bob and head out. The vessel ended up getting their motor going so CG9 met up with them and followed them back. Sunday's crew consisted of Merv (skipper), Michael, Mark, James, Kameli, ...Don and new member Steve. Training of man overboard, helming, fire and collision and set and drift with navigation. Have you thought about volunteering in the community? Do you love the fresh air and the ocean? Do you enjoy boating or would you like to learn more about marine rescue? Do you think you have the voice for radio:-) Coast Guard Cairns welcomes you. Volunteering is great for the soul and your wellbeing and we're all a friendly bunch. So give us a call or send us a message. We'd love to hear from you

07.01.2022 Thank you John for hosting the Cairns Coast Guard Christmas party this year. The meal was delicious and the meat cooked to perfection. Thank you to all those who helped prepare the evening. A lovely night where members could relax and catch up.... and the girls could watch the boys in the kitchen...

07.01.2022 An assist from Kewarra Beach early evening yesterday. We towed our freshly painted Tom Farrugia to Yorkeys and launched from there to assist 2 people in a 10 ft tinny who we then towed safely back to Yorkeys Knob. Thanks to Skipper Greg and crew members Ken and Jim who responded at short notice.... Photos courtesy of Jim

07.01.2022 A weekend assist on Haycock Island (Scout's Hat). On Saturday, an assist for four people stranded due to engine trouble. Coast Guard Cairns were alerted late morning and then skippered by Jim Bramich, Sir Bob and the crew set out to help them. As the waters around the island are very shallow and surrounded by reef, Sir Bob was anchored in safe water and our smaller rib was launched to go and bring the tourists off the island. This was completed in two trips to get them on board safely. Sir Bob then returned them to Yorkey's Knob where they were reunited with their friends.

06.01.2022 Just after the final briefing at the end of the SAR exercise, we were called out to an assist at Arlington Reef at 11am to tow a 7.9 Chaparel back to Yorkey's with 4 people on board. The water was magic with perfect weather conditions. Another tow was required in the evening for a 6m vessel, 2nm South West of Lugger Pass. A friendly reminder folks to log your trip sheets and even better, how about giving the gift of a Marine Assist Membership to a family member or friend for... Christmas Only $88 for one vessel, $132 for two vessels (a saving of $44) or $176 for three vessels. You can contact us via Facebook messenger or call our dedicated radio volunteers on (07) 40512192 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you

05.01.2022 Thank you to Jim, Roger and Ken who attended an assist yesterday at 1130 for a 6.8m vessel with 3 people on board. The vessel had engine problems and was towed from inside Arlington Reef to Tingira St ramp. They finished up at 1600.

04.01.2022 Such a glorious day for training. No assists and 7 trip sheets logged - thank you. Two vessels were used for training today - Sir Bob and Tom Farrugia with Skippers, Jim and Greg and crew of Deb, Ken, Kameli and Steve, with Tony on radios back at the Base. Training consisted of drills, familiarisation of vessel, anchoring and rafting near Charlie 16 and the added bonus of seeing the majestic border force vessel heading out. Are YOU looking to join a volunteer organisation promotes boating safety and loves the fresh sea air? Do YOU have the time to commit to regular training and be part of an awesome and diverse team? Or would you prefer to sit in an office and man the radio? We would love to hear from you Send us a message on messenger or contact 40512192 to find out more.... See more

02.01.2022 A quiet weekend at work with the Coastguard cruising Trinity Inlet with Sir Bob and the Admiral for towing and rafting training. Also fitting in some small boat handling training with our RHIB - the Admiral. Lunch on the water and finishing up with our regular routine maintainence - crucial for ensuring all boats are shipshape when needed... Thanks Ian for the video. We will have some photos shortly of the transformation that Tom Farrugia has undertaken thanks to one of our ...dedicated members. We will keep you posted. Safety by all means, Coastguard Cairns

01.01.2022 Thank you to those who phoned/radioed in their trip sheets this weekend. You can either call 40512192 or radio through to establish connection between your vessel and the Base. Don't forget to let us know how many people on board, your estimated time of return and an emergency contact who is not on the boat.

01.01.2022 Thanks For the tow last night CCG You guys were amazing ! Certainly got me and the family out of a pickle :)

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