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Cake Trends by Diana Tindal in Adelaide, South Australia | Food service distributor

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Cake Trends by Diana Tindal

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 400 265 244


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24.01.2022 Something to pass my time during lockdown in SA. Inspired by a Michael Kors handbag . . .... #michaelkorsbag #designerbags #3dcake #giftideas #chocolatecake #michaelkors #handbag #minicake #adelaidecakes #cakevideo #plymptonpark #passtime #girlspartyideas #mchaelkors See more

23.01.2022 Very exciting!! Had an awesome day today with Charlotte from @ovationphotography , taking shots of my creations for my website. Can’t wait to see the pics. #ovationphotography #photoshoot #allthingscake #adelaidephotography #websitephotos #cupcakes #customcookiesadelaide #cakes

21.01.2022 Time to cut the cake! . . . .... #cuttingthecake #handbagcake #timetoeat #youcanhaveyourcakeandeatittoo #adelaidecakes #mustseeinadelaide #partyideas #reverseworld #backwards #havingfun #designerbags #hungrycaterpillar #happykids #ladiescake See more

20.01.2022 Coffee Marsala Cake! A request from my 10 year old son for his birthday cake. A traditional birthday cake my mum would make for all our birthdays since we were toddlers. Best made two days in advance, the longer the more tastier.... Decorations coming soon... . . . . #marsalacake #coffeecake #coffeelovers #traditionalcakes #mumsfavourite #spongefingers #adelaidecakes #cakevideo #howto #turkishcoffee

19.01.2022 Can’t have a farm themed cake without a tractor . . . .... #farmthemedcake #tractor #edibletractortopper #fondant #kidsbirthdayideas #boyscake #plymptonparkcakes #partydecorations #boystoys #farmthemeparty See more

18.01.2022 Christiano’s Christening . . . .... #christeningcake #macarons #buttercreamcake #buttercreamswirls #cross #goldcross #faith #dedication #boyscakes #plymptonparkcakes #edibleflowers #adelaideevents #redvelvetcake See more

17.01.2022 Quirky cake request. A gift for someone who has a pistachio and cashew nut intolerance. . . .... #pistachio #cashew #carvedcake #nutintolerance #nutfree #nutfreebakery #cashewnuts #giftideas #birthdaycake #minicakes #adelaidecakes #quirkygifts #chocolatecake See more

17.01.2022 Perfect weather for making hilopites with my mum (11.5kgs!) . . . .... #hilopites #pasta #greekmums #learningfromthebest #mum #preppingforwinter See more

17.01.2022 My sons 14th birthday cake. Designed and partly decorated by my 17 year old son who loves decorating. #nintendogames #pacman #minecraft #mariobros #gamingcake #nintendoswitch #chocolatecake #amongus #nintendopartyideas #adelaidecakes #kidscakes #kidsbirthdayparty

17.01.2022 Cookies for our local soccer club Plympton Bulldogs Junior Soccer Club . . . .... #plymtonbulldogs #soccer #soccerballcookies #vanillacookies #customcookies #footballfans #soccerthemedparty See more

16.01.2022 Finally have my website up and running !! A huge thanks to Chalki Web Design who did an amazing job. If you want a webpage done fast and with ease, trust me, these guys are perfect for the job. Slider images and portrait by Ovation Photography .... . . #plymptonparkcakes #webdesigner #websitedesigningservices #cakewebsite #bestjob #adelaidecakes See more

15.01.2022 Sneak peek of how I make my Hot Air Balloon Cookies . . .... , . #hotairballooncookies #banillacookies #decoratingvideo #cookietutorial #clouds #adelaidecakes #plymptonparkcakeshop #ediblepaper See more

15.01.2022 The trick to a perfectly smooth fondant finish is the ganache finish. The foundation is always worth the extra time and care. speaks for so many areas of our life . . . #ganache #finishingtouches #smoothfondantfinish #spatula #chocolateganachefrosting #prep #layingthefoundation #godspeakstousinthestrangestways #plymptonparkcakes #goodfoundations

14.01.2022 Eggless Chocolate cupcakes! Mmm, one of my favourites! . . . .... #chocolatecupcakes #egglesscupcakes #batter #progressshots #cupcakemakingvideo #adelaidecakes #plymptonparkcakeshop See more

14.01.2022 The perks of being a cake decorators son eating the left overs from the photo shoot . . . #photoshoot #leftovers #perks #sweettreats #happyboys #adelaidecakes #cakedecoratorlife #sliceofcake #ladybug #chocokatecupcake

14.01.2022 Animal Crossing themed cake #animalcrossingcake #animalcrossing #pinktrees #pinkroses #nook #ediblenook #redveltetcake #13thbirthday #partyideas #nintendogames

14.01.2022 Perfection! Picked up these beauties today for some cakes I’m making. Thanks to The Macaron Bar #birthdaycakesadelaide #caketrends #sweettreats #birthdayideas #saltedcaramelsweets #macarons

14.01.2022 Trying to perfect Swiss Meringue Buttercream. Had a few disasters but I’m not going to give up . . . #seissmeringuebuttercream #buttercream #cakemakingskills #adelaidecakes #adelaidefoodie #plymptonparkcakes #kitchenaidmixer #sweettreats #wiskingup #practisemakesperfect #kitchenfun

13.01.2022 Had the privilege of making this cake for the ActInSpace event, an international innovation contest held at the Innovation & Collaboration Centre, Adelaide. . . #actinspace #icc #innovationandcollaborationcentre #uniSA #spacecake #europeanspaceagency #frenchspaceagency #spaceindustryofaustralia #spacethemedcake #mooncake #astronaut #astronautcaketopper #AIS2020 #creativeminds #spaceinovators

11.01.2022 Last week we celebrated our grandmother’s 95th birthday! Here is a clip of the making of her cake. . . .... . #95thbirthdaycake #chocolatemudcake #buttercream #cakeclip #stepbystepcakevideo #layeredbuttercream #birthdaycake #girlscakeideas #plymptonparkcakes See more

08.01.2022 Baking day., Mouthwatering chocolate mudcake! . . .... #chocolatemudcake #birthdaycake #plymptonparkcakes #kitchenaidmixer #bakingday #mouthwatering #bestcakeever #adelaidecakes #custombirthdaycake #farmthemeparty See more

07.01.2022 Ever wondered how I make my cake 2D and 3D toppers. Watch this video to see how. . . . .... #cakevideo #animalcaketoppers #1stbirthdaycake #plymptonparkcakeshop #liontopper #giraffe #zebra #elephant #junglethemedparty #partyideas See more

07.01.2022 Geometric Heart cakes Been wanting to make these for a while now. So pretty .... . . #geometricheartcake #minicakes #cakepops #cakesicles #heart #valentinegift #chocolatehearts #gift ox #adelaidecakes #pearls #brokenhearts See more

07.01.2022 Drip cake with chocolate sails #dripcake #peachandgold #macarons #buttercreamswirls #chocolatesails #birthdaygirl #adelaidecakes #plymptonparkcakeshop

06.01.2022 my new custom cookie cutter! . . . #customcookies #caketrends2020 #vanillacookies #allthingscookie #businesslogos #marketyourbusinessblog #adelaidecakes #plymptonparkcakeshop #designyourowncookies #giftideas #freebies

05.01.2022 Calling all Trolls #trolls #trollcupcakes #trollpartideas #rainbows #kidsparty #adelaidecakes #plymptonparkcakeshop

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