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Seedlings & Co.

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24.01.2022 Encouraging concept development. #seedlings&co #calamvale #spacialawarness #finemotor #patterning #music #art

23.01.2022 Some of our parents have been asking about Curious Me...think sensory, exploration and the wonderful outdoors.

23.01.2022 Book week 2020, Curious Creatures, Wild Minds ! #bookweek2020 #seedlings&co #literacy #curiouscreatureswildminds

23.01.2022 Seedlings & Co Community Engagement. All the latest on how you can get involved and support local initiatives and charities. #getinvolved #community #seedlings&co #charity #covidkindness #communityengagement #fooddistribution #nonperishables #toiletries

22.01.2022 R u ok? We are so proud of our seedlings for their community engagement. Mental health has never been more important during such strange and testing times. The mind needs wellness just as the body. Check in on a friend, take time to mentally unload and unwind. #ruok #mentalhealth #wellness #weareallinthistogether

22.01.2022 Our toddlers enjoyed munching on apples and learnt about seeds. Curious pre prep seedlings experimented with marbles, height & speed while some of their friends enjoyed art and construction. #seedlings&co #learningisplay #playandlearn

21.01.2022 Caring for the planet and educating our seedlings, families and communities has never been more important. Small changes can make a huge impact #PhilipBunting #climatechange #environment #literacy #seedlings&co

21.01.2022 Social engagement through play, learning about colours and exploring textures. #natureplay #sensoryplay #exploration #seedlings&co #calamvale

20.01.2022 Our Schoolies were given the project of re-establishing our vege patch from design to planting. They added coffee grounds and sugar mulch on the veggies patch for fertilizer.#seedlings&co #schoolies #vegepatch #project #plant #harvest #heathykids

19.01.2022 Cold winter mornings. #catmeme #cats #winter #cute

19.01.2022 Another eventful week at Seedlings & Co #childcare #seedlings&co #calamvale #natureplay #curious #learning #outdoors #children #childhood #memories #chickens

18.01.2022 Harvesting corn with Mr Andrew as part of our lunch menu. #greenthumbs #seedlings&co #healthyeating #wellness

18.01.2022 Yes, its true that Kindergarten has transformed into First Grade. Yes, children will need to learn academics, listen and sit still. But that certainly doesnt ...mean that these lessons should be straight-jacketed onto them in the toddler and preschool years. In fact, the funneling down of structured learning is all the more reason to let children play while they can. We must fiercely protect this precious, ever shrinking window of time for our children. More in Dont Let Your Preschoolers Forget How to Play: Play is enough. Play is enough. Play is enough. This should be our educational mantra for the first 5 years.

17.01.2022 National Pyjama day, to raise awareness and funds for children in care. Our seedlings brought some of their favourite cuddly friends a long for the day. #pyjamaday #2020 #awareness #seedlings&co

17.01.2022 Many of you may recognise these smiley faces from Curious Me, a fabulous nature playgroup in Logan Village. We were fortunate enough catch up with Angie and Kaycee, who met with Miss Esther to talk about how we can work together to benefit the Logan Community. #seedlings&co #loganreserve #logan #curiousme #playgroup #natureplay #playground #logankids #weareallinthistogether #sensoryplay

17.01.2022 The amount of single-use plastic entering the Australian environment each year is heavier than TWO Titanic ships!! We gotta do better. How will you Step Up to Clean Up Australia?

17.01.2022 Movement in a digital age. Get out there, be active, nature is the best remedy. #seedlings&co #movement #active #outdoors #nature

17.01.2022 Almost that time of the year again where we say see you later but not farewell to our oldest seedlings, many of which will be right next door at CCC.

17.01.2022 A fabulous resource for parents and educators addressing anxiety.

16.01.2022 Our seedlings celebrated National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Childrens day this week. We played some traditional Aboriginal games and activities. #aboriginalandtsi #childrensday #culture #indigenousculture #traditionalowners

16.01.2022 Happy Monday! Dont forget to join our Oral health recycling efforts. Amazing art work in pre prep painting native wildlife. Our kindy seedlings created this impressive volcano while exploring volcanoes and the earth. Thank you Ethan for building our fruit shop! #painting #volcano #artwork #seedlings&co #calamvale #construction

15.01.2022 You know that feeling, when theres a storm brewing. Tempers feel fragile, like theyre wafer thin and ready to shatter with a wrong look from you or a word or ...when you take take a deep breath out instead of a deep breath in. When the shattering happens and the emotion is big, there is little you can do until theyre ready. Your gentle words might inflame. Your attempts to walk away might so the same thing. And all the while, your own anger, sadness or confusion might be lighting up. Theres a reason for this. Teens read emotion from the amygdala - and amygdalae have a way of recruiting other amygdalae to the battle. It happens this way for all of us. The amygdala is the fight or flight response part of the brain and when its on, it will tend to interpret neutral emotion more often as negative. When it reads a threat, it will organise to fight it (argue, yell) or flee it (ignore, be silent or sullen). Its why your gentle words might be read as something different - that youre angry, you dont care, you dont get it, or that youre not taking them seriously. In that space, there will be little to do but wait until theyre ready to step out of the ring. Geez this can be tough though. To do this, let them know youre there, without trying to change them in that moment, I know youre really angry at me/sad/scared. I want to understand whats happening for you but I cant do that while youre yelling at me. Im here for you when youre ready to talk. When we respond with empathy - when children feel felt - they get the sense that were there with them, which helps big emotions become more manageable and safer to let go of. When our empathy systems are on, we are open, engaged and often without realising it, we have one hand on the amygdala, soothing it gently to calm. Children experience us as a solid, safe and available presence - eventually. Neither joining in the fight nor waiting it out is easy. Both will take the strength of a warrior. Some days we might cycle through both by breakfast (hand goes up), but thats the thing about adolescence - its a time of learning and growth for all of us.

15.01.2022 On episode 2 of Parenting In Perspective I spoke with Professor Wendy Grolnick about her work in the psychology of parental control. We discussed the 3 things t...hat parents can do to make their families happier. Listen here - Also available on Apple Podcasts & Spotify #wendygrolnick #parentinginperspective #happyfamilies #podcast #parenting #drjustincoulson

15.01.2022 Enjoying morning tea with our friends. #seedlings&co #calamvale

14.01.2022 More of our National Aboriginal and TSI childrens day activities. Luka-pul pul is a game where one player hides an object in the sand and other players attempts to find it. Our youngest seedlings made the most of their sensory play. #seedlings&co #luka-pulpul #culturalgames #activities #sensoryplay

13.01.2022 This is so so cute!!! You guys are going to fall in love with Ks reading! --~> We love sharing helpful resources! We may also get a cut that keeps us in enough coffee to run this page 24 hours a day at no extra cost to you.

12.01.2022 Free play is one of the most powerful learning tools around, and possibly the only one which grows our kids sense of independence, bravery, social skills and p...hysical literacy all in one. Children are beginning formalised learning anywhere between 12 months and two years before the children of 25 years ago. Interestingly, the educational outcomes of Australian children has been declining as the schoolification process, especially the benchmark testing focus initiated by NAPLAN, continues to embed itself in the Australian educational landscape.

12.01.2022 Happy Monday. #seedlings&co #positiveoutlook

11.01.2022 Children feeling anger.

11.01.2022 The week that was... art, composting and experiments all around. #outdoorlearning #nature #natureplay #messyplay #composting

11.01.2022 Remembrance Day 2020. Remembering those who fought and passed in the line of duty. #remembraceday #seedlings&co #calamvale #history

10.01.2022 Our Journey at Seedlings & Co Calamvale. The changes we have made and the vision we have for the future. #natureplay #natureplayqld #educationprovider #childcare #calamvale #mentalhealth #wellbeing #outdoors #Childhood

10.01.2022 One of the reasons we choose to nurture through nature.

08.01.2022 We are all in this together #seedlings&co #mercifulservants #homeless #charity #givingback #community #romastreet

07.01.2022 Our seedlings spent the morning exploring the Bush area, looking for insects in tress and shaving down bark. Hemaya and Miss Wendy picked beans from the vege garden while our friends used recyclable and natural materials in art and craft for Remembrance Day. #bushkindy #outdoorlearning #natureplay #remembranceday #seedlings&co #vegegarden #greenthumbs

06.01.2022 Encouraging healthy eating

06.01.2022 Celebrating Educators day yesterday. Thanks to our amazing team for nurturing through nature.#seedlings&co #calamvale #educatorsday2020 #childcare #earlyyears

06.01.2022 Food Distribution at Seedlings & Co. #seedlingd&cocommunity #weareone #fooddistribution #getinvolved #weareallinthistogether

06.01.2022 Pre-prep seedlings enjoying the story of Warnayarra the rainbow snake and created their own snake with natural materials. #natureplay #rainbowsnake #art #bushkindy #nature #storytime #literacy

05.01.2022 Thanks Shawn for bringing in your lose part. #natureplay #nature #seedlings&co

05.01.2022 Seedlings & Co. - Calamvale is a Nature Play Education Provider in southern Brisbane. Educators at Seedlings & Co Calamvale are passionate about incorporating ...nature, cultural diversity and sustainable practices into their learning spaces to enhance and enrich the learning experiences of their seedlings and their families. The educators love to learn about any special interests of each of the children and incorporate them into the day, while allowing children to develop at their own pace using the learning styles that suit them best. Building a deeper connection to nature and the indigenous and international communities will be an important part of every childs journey at Seedlings & Co Calamvale. Find out more or discover Nature Play Education Providers near you here:

04.01.2022 Thank you to Merciful Servants & their community driven and energised volunteers who welcomed us evening. We are humbled to be able to be a part of this effort and a valuable reminder of the importance of looking after the community. Miss’ Esther, Jen and Alex represented the Seedlings &Co team. #mercifulservants #seedlings&co #romastreet #homeless #community #givingback #fooddistribution

03.01.2022 "So, the only way to teach children to prioritize empathy is to make this choice ourselves where it matters most, which is in our day-to-day interactions with t...hem. This isnt easy during the tumultuous toddler years or when our childs behavior is aggressive or defiant or otherwise irritating, but with consistent practice and an understanding of developmental expectations, empathy can become our default perspective and consistent message. See more

03.01.2022 Happy Educators day to all our amazing educators who make each day special and meaningful for our seedlings. #seedlings&co #educatorsday #earlychildhood

03.01.2022 Morning tea time has never looked so cute. #seedlings&co #nursery #healthybubs

02.01.2022 Hey Warrior a book by Karen Young explaining the feeling of anxiety to children and giving them valuable tools talk to their brain and understand why these feeling come about. #anxiety #children #mentalhealth #heywarrior #karenyoung #seedlings&co #loganreserve #calamvale #bellbirdpark #childrensbooks

01.01.2022 Professional development focussed around the benefits of outdoor learning, supporting children’s needs and making the most of natural resources. Some valuable and insightful conversations. #seedlings&co #natureplay #outdoorlearning #childhood #outdoorclassroom

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