Calciprill | Businesses
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25.01.2022 The latest edition of GRDC's Groundcover has some great articles on liming. The link here is to trials being undertaken in NSW on subsoil acidity. One fit for Calciprill fit is strongly described under Economic Insights, Scenario 1 - once soils reach a stable pH level, the best way to avoid opportunity cost (the green section) is to apply 200 kg/ha of lime each year - the "maintenance rate" we promote has been further backed up by this research.
25.01.2022 Make sure you visit our stand (number 486-400’s Outdoor) at the Wagin Woolorama this Friday and Saturday 5th and 6th of March. Ken will have samples of Calciprill from our new Perth granulation plant and plenty of good information and field results to pass on.
22.01.2022 We have been informed that Mudgee Small Farm Field Days will not be held this year in response to COVID 19, so we will catch up with everyone there in July 2021.
22.01.2022 The following article appeared in Farm West magazine's October 2018 edition (a widely read dairy publication from Western Australia). At only 300 kg/ha Calciprill is having a positive impact on Jim's soil structure and nutrition.
20.01.2022 Enjoy these amazing photos of Calciprill being applied by Beck Helicopters at Reporoa in NZ's central North Island. The rate is 500 kg/ha onto steep hill faces where spreader trucks can't venture. Thanks to the landowners Kairuru Polled Herefords and Omya's Craig Farr for the great shots.
20.01.2022 Learn about Calciprill at the 50th NZ Fieldays at Mystery Creek. Our site is PD3 in the Mystery Creek Pavilion, look forward to catching up from today until Saturday!
20.01.2022 Some great shots of Calciprill application from Rotor Work at Te Kuiti on New Zealand's North Island. Product is from our brand new Calciprill plant, just up the road! Trent Dallow, Rotor work's CEO, tells us "By using Calciprill, we can give clients a high quality liming option at a cost effective price. The product can be transported in bulk and easily flows and spreads through our helicopter buckets, ensuring an even spread and accurate application with minimal drift". Tha...nks for your feedback Trent. New Zealand farmers can find out more by calling Ian Campbell at Omya NZ on 021 271 5963.
19.01.2022 Unfortunately our planned attendance at Tocal (NSW), Agfest (Tas) and Fieldays (NZ) will not be going ahead as the organisers of these events have followed the advice of both Governments in response to Covid19. As of today we are still attending Mudgee Small Farm Field Days (NSW) on 10,11 July and Primex (NSW) as per the attached notice. We will keep you updated should anything change, thank you.
18.01.2022 Calciprill in bulk is gaining popularity as great results mean producers are applying Calciprill over more and more hectares. Omya’s granules are now being applied regularly as part of a pasture maintenance program on many farms. On this property in central New South Wales, Calciprill is being spread at 700 kg per hectare over an excellent stand of cocksfoot, lucerne and phalaris. On unrenovated paddocks, the landowners are applying 1000 kg/ha prior to adding any further fertiliser or sowing down. The spreading truck was running a 22 metre swath and the windy day had no impact on coverage - it wouldn’t work with aglime!
18.01.2022 Many thanks to Alex Mudford from Heli A1 Heli A1 Ltd for sharing these great photos of their chopper spreading Calciprill in the Waikato. Alex told us he thinks Calciprill is a great product and his client was very impressed. Thanks again Alex, your feedback is appreciated!
17.01.2022 All ready for the Central Districts Field Days in Feilding NZ. Please visit us at site E17 from today until Saturday. After cancelled field days in 2020 we are very much looking forward to showing everyone the great granules being produced from our new Calciprill plant at Te Kuiti !!
17.01.2022 Only 9 days until Agfest Field Days, Tasmania. Look forward to seeing you at Site 928.
16.01.2022 Congratulations Chris Lord, Omya NZ Engineer and NZ Stihl Timbersports Rookie Champion at the NZ Fieldays!
16.01.2022 Ready to go at the Tocal Field Days, Hunter Valley, NSW. The weather is great and we look forward to seeing you at Site 298!
16.01.2022 In addition to our popular Magprill, we are pleased to offer another granular Magnesium option. OmyaFeed MgO 20 has been designed with both animal and crop nutrition in mind. Incorporating 20% high grade Australian magnesium oxide into the Calciprill granule, the new product provides 12% magnesium in a readily available, fast acting form suitable for both stockfeed nutrition and for crop application. This photo demonstrates the effect only 30 kg/ha had on a lupin crop in the West Australian wheatbelt last season in a low magnesium environment.
15.01.2022 Enjoy our Calciprill promotion from Europe! Like ANZ, our European customers appreciate flexibility and easy application - Knuth even enjoys spreading Calciprill on his day off !! If applying ultra-fine lime as a liquid interests you we can also help out in this expanding market.
15.01.2022 Good crowds and sunny weather for Day 2 of the Central Districts Fields Days at Feilding, New Zealand. Ian and Sam report plenty of visitors and interest in Calciprill - if you are attending on Saturday please call into Site E17 and say hello.
15.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who called in to see us over the three busy days of Henty. The winner of a bulk bag of Calciprill +B and 20 litres of Omnia's OmniPULSE was Hugh Hearn of Morven NSW - well done Hugh and thanks to everyone who entered.
14.01.2022 Omya is very pleased to welcome the newest member to our agricultural sales team! Craig Farr joins us in New Zealand to work with Ian Campbell in promoting Calciprill, Xtracal and our other important agricultural products throughout NZ. Based in the southern Waikato, Craig brings with him a wealth of agricultural know-how, most recently working with PGG Wrightson on the North Island. Craig can be contacted on 021 271 5916, or email [email protected]
14.01.2022 Enjoy watching our television commercial, about to be launched across Western Australia. WA now has the benefit of local Calciprill production and judging by the interest generated at Wagin Woolorama last week we are looking forward to a busy autumn!
13.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who called into our stand at Tocal Field Days - it was a great crowd and the weather was amazing. We were gratified at how many farmers called in to tell us they had already used Calciprill and were now ordering more!! It is gaining a great reputation through the Hunter and Mid-North Coast so thanks also to our Distributors for the hard work they are doing!! Look forward to catching up with everyone at Casino, Mystery Creek in NZ and Mudgee.
11.01.2022 Many thanks to Goulburn Produce CRT for hosting a great information night on Monday. Omya were kindly invited to speak on acid soils, liming and the benefits of Calciprill and Magprill. This led into Agricom's Lyndon Anderson from New Zealand's Canterbury region sharing his extensive knowledge on pasture species and where they might fit into the NSW Southern Tablelands. Thanks to all the attendees for their interest and great questions!
10.01.2022 We couldnt put it better ourselves!! Applying Calciprill to previously inaccessible hill country is producing great results on both sides of the Tasman!! Thanks for the support ROTOR WORK LIMITED, we look forward to keeping your helicopters busy!!
08.01.2022 Don't forgot to visit Omya at Site K16 at the Rotary FNQ Field Days starting on Wednesday - we look forward to introducing our new Calciprill + Boron blend which could prove very popular on the Tablelands and elsewhere in FNQ!
07.01.2022 COVID Update: Omya is an important supplier of calcium carbonate for the agriculture and stockfeed industries, both of which are clearly essential services for Australia and New Zealand. Although we could not describe the current situation as business as usual, unless instructed otherwise by our Governments Omya will continue to manufacture and supply granular, chip and powdered products to all of our customers in ANZ. Thank you.
07.01.2022 Many thanks to EE Muir in Batlow NSW for inviting us to introduce Calciprill +B to a great roll-up of their apple growers! On our orchard visit it was evident Calciprill had been applied to these young trees!!
06.01.2022 In the central North Island of NZ a swede/kale crop was established with and without 500 kg/ha of Calciprill. The crop was sown with two 100 kg/ha of DAP into pH 5.6 soil on 24th December 2018. Another 100 kg/ha of DAP was applied later. The first photo shows an obvious line, with nil treatment on the left. The second photo is of the treated bulb compared to untreated in the third. Our theory? Calciprill is improving phosphorus access and releasing calcium. A lot of hill country in NZ is sprayed for weeds then oversown with swede/kale, commonly known as "spray and pray". Perhaps Calciprill can improve the chances of producing a viable crop! We will provide an update once yields are measured.
06.01.2022 Enjoy the footage from our promotional video!
06.01.2022 What happened here?! Last winter a helicopter operator at New Plymouth (Taranaki, NZ) emptied a 400 gm sample jar of Calciprill onto the ryegrass and clover outside his hanger! We think that's about 250 kg/ha rate. A picture tells a thousand words.....
05.01.2022 Great news !! Calciprill and Magprill, both made in Bathurst NSW, have now been certified as Organic Inputs suitable for use in National Standard and AS 6000 organic systems. Please follow this link for more details.
04.01.2022 Primex in Casino NSW opens today with perfect weather! Drop in and visit us at site H9C, look forward to seeing you.
04.01.2022 On Monday Ken Sharpe organised an interesting field walk at Jim and Lyn Paces Harvey property (near Bunbury, WA) to inspect the results of Jims farming methods on the low fertility, water repellent soils of the Perth sand plain. Jim fertilises with typical rates of commercial NPK fertiliser and boosts the response by adding 300 kg/ha of Calciprill each year. Yields are increased with the extra supply of calcium and the benefits of maintaining the soil at pH 6. Importantly, ...Jim reports that plants are responsive to Calciprill in the month of application. Jim is also heavily focused on soil structure and has developed his own Pin Roller (pictured) to create pathways for water penetration and to encourage root growth. Aerating the soil while plants are growing and the soil is wet has proven to be the most responsive. The Pin Roller and Calciprill are doubling lucerne and pasture production on these often difficult soils. See more
01.01.2022 We are pleased to introduce CALCIPRILL +B (boron). Omya has worked closely with Omnia Specialities to create a product containing 6.5% OrganiBOR, a slow release, high quality calcium/magnesium borate which is already well known across many industries. Calciprill +B now means an application of only 1 to 2 kg/hectare of slow release boron can be applied accurately to your crop, and your liming will be taken care of in the same pass! Initial response has been extremely positive! For more information and recommended rates, please leave a message on Facebook and we can send you an Information Brochure.
01.01.2022 Don't forget to visit Site Q794a if you are at Henty Machinery Field Days next week. Put your name in the draw to win a bulk bag of Calciprill +B !
01.01.2022 NZ Young Farmer of the Year finalist Daniel Bradbury dropped in to our Fieldays stand and had a good look at Calciprill. Daniel runs a dairy near Whangarei and is keen to reduce dust emissions. Good luck in the Finals Daniel!
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