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Callington Primary School

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25.01.2022 Not a bad place to be on a warm November day!

25.01.2022 Our Book Fair is happening next week. Here’s the timetable for book sales in the Library. We have our dress up day Friday. The theme is Curious Creatures, Wild Minds

25.01.2022 Good feedback is the key to improvement! Please provide your constructive feedback so we can further improve your child’s educational experience at Callington Primary School. Thanks. Here is our school’s unique survey link.

24.01.2022 G’day! Have you ordered your copy of our 2019 School Magazine/Year book? This is snapshot of the school year, featuring ALL students. Perhaps a unique Christmas gift? They are $10 and orders close this Thursday 28th. Also, a reminder this Friday is a Student Free Day. Have a great day!

24.01.2022 Have you given us your feedback yet? Here’s the link to help us further improve the educational experience at Callington Primary School for your child. Thanks

24.01.2022 Murray Bridge Council are holding a community engagement session at Callington Hall this Thursday at 6pm. Have your say about community development so far and in the future!

23.01.2022 We have altered our activities for Harmony Day/National Day of Action (NDA) against Bullying and Violence this Friday. However, children are still encouraged to wear orange on Friday. We will postpone the other activities we had planned for the NDA, to a later date.

23.01.2022 Good morning. Taking into consideration Health and Safety precautions related to COVID-19, we wish to advise the following: The year 5/6/7 visit to Mount Barker High School for today has been cancelled. As directed by the Department for Education, we will also be reviewing other events planned for the coming weeks. More information to come. All families can support good hygiene standards at our school by encouraging children to wash hands regularly, particularly after using the toilet and before eating. Students who are unwell should stay at home. Take care.

23.01.2022 We had a shed clean out this afternoon. There are some items up for grabs under the shelter. Help yourself. Thanks

23.01.2022 One more...Croatia towel

22.01.2022 Progress photos of our new mural! Amazing work by our talented local artist Suzanne! Resident crow (Frank) was spotted checking out the portrait of him!

22.01.2022 Our ThinkUKnow parent/carer session is quickly approaching. Come along at 5:30pm on the 7th August and hear how we can all keep our children safe online. Keep an eye out for your yiros order form (free tea thanks to Communities for Children) and crèche booking form next week.

21.01.2022 While our other students had a transition morning in their new classes for 2020, our Year 7s transformed the area outside the library/ STEM room! Thanks Bunnings for donating the materials! We all look forward to using this space next year!

21.01.2022 Our lunch heating has been popular this term. Please follow these rules so this is an efficient service for us to offer to our students. - Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays only. - All items wrapped in aluminium foil - Labelled with texta and put on the trays at the kitchen window in the morning. ... - No frozen items - No plastic - Remember- We only use the pie warmer. No microwaving will be offered. Thanks See more

21.01.2022 School photos (Tuesday 10/9) are quickly approaching! Please return all envelopes even if not purchasing photographs this year. Also, please request a family envelope from the front office if you would like a family photograph this year. Thanks.

21.01.2022 A reminder that hats are required at school. We have a number of students without a labelled school hat. Please check your child has one. If they don’t, we have bucket hats for sale for $6 and surf hats for $8. It is also a good idea to apply sunscreen before school. Thanks and stay cool during this warm week!

21.01.2022 What an amazing day at the annual Callington Show. Thanks so much to our efficient parents, carers and staff who worked together to serve over 350 bacon and egg sandwiches and about 400 sausages!! Well done also to our staff/students in the Sci-Tech tent with their STEM display and of course our dancers who performed their Bollywood Progressive Dance! All in all, a fantastic day for our school community!!!

21.01.2022 In HASS we have been learning about some old style games. I’m sure this brings back some memories for some!? England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales......

20.01.2022 As part of Reconciliation Week activities our students made a hand using dot style painting.

20.01.2022 At Callington Primary we form genuine relationships with our students. Positive touch and connections are building our community of learners, with some fun along the way. Have a look at how the year 5/6/7 class say goodbye to Mrs. Duggan!

19.01.2022 Thanks for supporting today’s Mother’s Day stall. We have a few nice gifts left for $5 and under. These will be for sale in the office after school today if you’re interested.

19.01.2022 A bit of Friday humour! This is what one of our new Receptions would do if they were Mr. Jude!

19.01.2022 Our new BeeBots in action! Great coding work by some of our middle primary girls to navigate the course.

19.01.2022 Hope you’re all keeping cool!! If anyone took any photos of our amazing barbecue team in action at the show can you please email them to us? We’d love some more for our newsletter/magazine. Thanks! [email protected]

19.01.2022 Reminder: We have a short assembly today at 1:50pm in the hall. Hope to see you there.

18.01.2022 As part of our Book Fair celebrations last week, author Brian Gillan visited our school. He talked about the Port River dolphins and the impact of plastic on marine life. The school has bought a copy of his book - Who can save the dolphins? We have some more copies for sale at the front office for $14.

18.01.2022 Hi Families. Attached is a letter from the Chief Public Health Officer regarding Term 2. This will be emailed to all families tomorrow, along with updated arrangements for Callington Primary School. Take care.

17.01.2022 Orders for our McCue’s Bakery Pie Drive fundraiser need to be in on Thursday 4th June. This weekend could be the perfect opportunity to ask friends, family and neighbours if they would like to order some delicious, ‘winter warming’ pies. Orders to be collected on Friday 12th June.

17.01.2022 Sharing time is a valuable opportunity for our children to work on their oral language skills and speaking in front of others. At times this can include sharing items (brought at own risk). Unfortunately we have had some items go missing recently. Please check your child’s bag for anything that isn’t theirs. Thanks

15.01.2022 Unfortunately we have made the difficult decision to postpone Sports Day / Colour Explosion Run. With wind and rain forecast, we feel we can't provide a safe experience for the children. A new date of Wednesday 14th October (Week 1) has been set. All lunch orders for students and families will be transferred to the new date. If you need to amend any lunch orders due to the change of date, please contact the office. Our CallyEats lunch heating service will be available this Thursday as usual. Regards, CPS staff.

15.01.2022 Hello Callington Primary School followers! We need your help! Our year 5/6/7 Milk Bottle Regatta boat engineers have come up with two designs for their boat entry in STEM. There are strict rules for the length of timber to be used for the frame. Which one do you think is best for two students?

15.01.2022 Dear Callington Primary School Families, A severe fire danger rating has been issued for the Murraylands region. Our school will be open, with limited staff, as some are actioning their own bushfire survival plans. Swimming lessons will be on as usual. A catastrophic rating has been issued for the Mount Lofty Ranges region, therefore our Kanmantoo school bus will not be operating as the route enters this region. Please stay safe through the extreme heat. Kind regards, Paul.

14.01.2022 A reminder about today’s Mother’s Day stall. Gifts $5 and under. Have an amazing day on Sunday CPS Mums.

14.01.2022 Our students completed their Footsteps Dance lessons today. Over the last month our children have moved and grooved with style as they have mastered the steps of many dances. Well done all!!!

13.01.2022 A Valentines Day flavour to literacy this morning in the Middle Primary Class. A 4 course serving of picture books and sharing at ‘Cafe de Cally’!

13.01.2022 We had some trees trimmed yesterday. This included our beautiful Moreton Bay Fig, which evidently is on the ‘fine dining’ menu at Monarto Zoo! We’re glad Sentwali, the Black Rhino enjoyed the branches for lunch today!

13.01.2022 Our younger students having a ball at Camp Aldinga too!

12.01.2022 We will be having a small Mother’s Day gift stall on Friday. All gifts will be $5 or less. Students are encouraged to support this fundraiser and buy something nice for Mum. Have a wonderful day on Sunday CPS Mums!

12.01.2022 In the upcoming holidays we are getting some new carpet in the admin block after our flood in the last school holidays. We need to empty a lot of shelves before the carpet goes in. Does anyone have any boxes they can lend us to make this as easy as possible? We will start emptying the shelves next week. Thanks!

12.01.2022 Our year 3/4 class visited Old Tailem Town today as part of their HASS studies. We visited the old school and had a lesson with Mr. Squire. As the class lined up they had their shoes and nails inspected and sang God Save the King before marching off to class. Fortunately all children avoided the cane, no ink wells were spilt and the class passed the visit from the inspector, Mr. Jude.

12.01.2022 In STEM our year 5/6/7 students have been designing ideas to revamp the outdoor area near the library. They used Maker’s Empire to design some elements for their models and printed on the 3D printer. We are all looking forward to improving and using this area!

11.01.2022 A reminder that CallyEats (our lunch heating service on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) is back! Also, please send any 2 or 3 litre milk bottles (rinsed) to school for our STEM entry in the Milang Milk Bottle boat regatta! Thanks!

10.01.2022 Reminder: Forum this afternoon at Murray Bridge Town Hall (13-17 Bridge St) from 4pm. All families are invited to attend. We are especially interested in hearing from you if your child is currently in year 2/3/4.

10.01.2022 Today our students planted approximately 250 trees along the banks of the Bremer. Thanks to the Mount Barker Council for their support with this. As the saying goes...’to plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow’!

09.01.2022 Some action pics from surfing yesterday! Resilient kids stayed in for ages!

09.01.2022 Having a great time on camp! Ready for some orienteering!

08.01.2022 We had a special night on Friday for our Year 7 Graduates! Congratulations on your graduation from Callington Primary School.

08.01.2022 Not a bad way to end the 2019 school year! To the Callington Primary School community, thanks for your support this year. Have a nice break, enjoy some quality family time and see most of you in 2020! School resumes on Tuesday 28th January.

07.01.2022 Our Father’s Day raffle will be drawn at our assembly this Friday. If you haven’t already, please return all books and money sold or unsold. Thanks and Good Luck!!!

07.01.2022 Thanks to the Choate family for supporting our annual Art Gallery trip. Here are our R-3s preparing for their Tarnanthi Studio print making session.

07.01.2022 Some more pics from our Art Gallery/Botanic Gardens trip. The students will sleep well tonight!!!

07.01.2022 For National Science Week our students worked in groups to design and construct the ultimate bottle rocket. Today was launch day! I’m not sure who had more fun, the kids or Mr.Ratcliff!

06.01.2022 Time for some good news!! Eden has worked on this Easter canvas for display at Mount Barker Bunnings’ Easter Community Art Show. All work will be displayed in the store and voted on up until the 2nd April. An impressive effort Eden. Well done and Good luck!

05.01.2022 Some wet lost property left over from today! Please claim today or early next week.

05.01.2022 The 2/3/4 class have been discovering the local history of Callington. In the last two weeks we have researched the iconic Erskine Bridge and Copper mining history of the area. Today’s mining task was to mine for valuable pieces in a choc chip biscuit! Not quite 1850s mining, but the kids got a sense of the challenge!

05.01.2022 We have our first assembly for 2020 this afternoon at 2:40pm in the hall, hosted by our 5/6/7 class. Hope to see you there.

04.01.2022 A proud Principal on yard duty today at lunch. I visited Sewing Club, saw happy kids playing 8 square, visited students on the new computers, all while enjoying delicious tomato soup made by our year 3/4 students!

04.01.2022 Reminder: Father’s Day Stall tomorrow! Here’s a sneak peek (Don’t tell the Dads!) of some of what is available tomorrow. Thanks Lauren and co for all your work preparing the gifts. They look amazing.

04.01.2022 Good morning! Our school phones are out of action this morning. Please contact us via the school mobile if required. Thanks

03.01.2022 Reminder: Callington Primary School will be open as usual on Monday 1st July. Our site is not impacted by the Industrial Action on this occasion.

03.01.2022 An egg-citing day today. The quails are hatching! Also, pleasant conditions for some lacrosse. (No one made the most of a free shot at the Principal while he took the photo!) Hope to see you at our assembly at 2:40pm.

03.01.2022 Welcome back! A special welcome to the 17 new students (and their families) who started today. We hope you enjoy your time at Callington Primary School. A reminder all students need a sun safe school hat at break times. Bucket hats are for sale at the school office for $6.00. No hat, no play. Thanks.

03.01.2022 What an awesome day at the Milang foreshore for our 5/6/7 class for the milk bottle regatta. The ‘CallyCrew’ boat came second in their race, powered by Ali and Lachlan. This well built vessel performed well in the epic battle. As for the ‘Sinking Dutchman’, it lived up to its name!! That didn’t stop Hannah and Ruby swimming to the finish line after the boat failed. Well done paddlers, builders and support crew. Thanks to the Milang Campus - Eastern Fleurieu School for hosting us. See you next year. Look out for ‘The Calligator’ in 2020!

02.01.2022 Good morning. We are collecting toys and non-perishable food items for the Murraylands Annual Christmas Appeal. If you can contribute to our collection, please send along your items before the 9th December. Thanks!

02.01.2022 Hi CPS families. Don’t forget Harmony Day tomorrow. Classes will be doing some activities to celebrate the day. Students can wear orange as creatively as they can! There is a lot of important information in today’s newsletter about changes to events/operations at our school in lieu of COVID-19. Please check your child’s bag, your inbox or check our Skoolbag App. Thanks.

02.01.2022 Our year 5/6/7 class have started work on transforming the outside learning space near the library and STEM room. While the outdoor team raised a sweat, the indoor team produced some amazing letters to Bunnings seeking donations. Stay tuned for more updates! Who needs to watch ‘The Block’ when you can follow progress at CPS!

01.01.2022 A special presentation after our Remembrance Day service today. Volunteer, Ken Duthie (School Military History Officer) shared some special memorabilia and stories with the children.

01.01.2022 Hi Families. Please check your child’s bag, your email or the Skoolbag App for important information regarding the end of this term. Please return your information regarding IT access/internet connection at home, to the school office as soon as possible. Thanks! Take care.

01.01.2022 A beautiful spring day today! Why not support our native plant fundraiser and do some gardening this weekend? Here is the link to the order form

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