Callum's Armoury | Other
Callum's Armoury
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25.01.2022 Greetings all! Things are always busy in the armoury, even when I don't post many updates! As always, I have forgotten to take pictures of most of my work.... ... Here are the ones I remembered. Two pairs of plain, ranger-style vambraces, quite attractive in their own right... A very striking set of tabbards for new clan leadership.... Looks more orange than it should due to weird light, it should be red! #toobusyforpictures, #scantoffering, #weirdlight, #red, #tabbards, #vambraces, #subtleeffect, #armour, #armoury, #leather, #leatherwork, #LARP, #costumes, #cosplay
23.01.2022 The most tedious part of leatherworking for me: Burnishing edges! So much burnishing to do..... #somuchworktodo, #burnishing, #suckitup, #getonwithit, #WIP, #helpinghand, #notboredatleast, #needanap, #armour, #leather, #larp, #IloveTokonole
23.01.2022 Hello all you beautiful people! I have been quite quiet on here recently, mostly due to a rather hectic month of events (fairyutopia, fantasy fest, etc) that I have been attending taking up a whole lot time, but most importantly, my SD card with nearly all of my pictures of various items I have been working on, corrupting. So unfortunately, not much to show off for all of my recent efforts.... With Comicon upon us and hot on it's heels, Heroes Odyssey games weekend, ther...e is more than the usual amount of frantic build-up work happening... #barelyscratchingthesurface, #mask, #fullheadcovering, #brigadine, #technologyfail, #HOLARP, #hardenedleather, #notimetorest, #repairs, #lacing, #leather, #leatherwork, #armour, #armoury, #larp, #costumes, #cosplay
21.01.2022 Always a nice feeling when not one, but two patterns that one has dreamed up works out nicely to fix a problem.... #WIP, #whatisit, #patterns, #rightfirsttime, #leatherwork, #smug, #armour, #armoury, #cosplay, #costumes, #larp, #HOlarp
21.01.2022 Hello people, It has been a while since my last post, and there is not so much to show since then.... The reason being, the SD card in my phone that held all my pictures suddenly corrupted and I was left with very little to show for all the work I have done. Not much to be done now, moving right along!! Here are my first attempts at leather mask construction! Created for a customer and his son (An avid Darth Maul fan) to be worn to a (sadly cancelled) Slipknot concert, t...hese are made from white and black kangaroo garment leather with Velcro fastening and plastimake horns. #lostdata, #damnandblast, #missingpictures, #movingon, #masks, #horror, #slipknot, #darthmaul, #removablewig, #fullheadedhood, #leather, #leatherwork, #armour, #armoury, #costumes, #cosplay
21.01.2022 More extremely accurate humour...
19.01.2022 Hello beautiful people, I hope you are all staying safe and well in these trying times. Many apologies to all of you waiting on tenterhooks for my latest post, the state of the world has far reaching consequences. Also, I am very forgetful, etc, etc. There have been collaborative efforts occurring as well as my personal grind, the very cool CoolCat Creations has been a welcome guest and crafter in the armoury. ... There are many WIP at the moment, sadly most of them are not pictured because..... reasons. Just take my word for it that there is some spectacular armour on its way. Masks are the flavour of the times, so here is a pretty nice one made with custom designs looking amazing on its happy owner, thank you TJ for the pictures. I shall try to be a bit more active in posting here, fingers crossed!! #apologies, #slacker, #collaboration, #sharingworkspace, #secretbuild, #sneakpeek, #WIP, #justgetonwithit, #masks, #notmedical, #caronaviruscansodoff, #leather, #leatherwork, #armour, #armoury, #larp, #HOlarp, #costumes, #cosplay
19.01.2022 The fun continues! Not too much to show currently as there are several very large projects underway... There are a few smaller pieces that have been finished though, a pair of bracers to match an earlier completed curiass and a belt bag, which was made as a sort of experiment and test. The bracers are a modified Prince Armory template with my own designs added and the belt bag is from a pattern by Creative Awl. ... Also, I had the pleasure to have Victor from Hall Photography come in and complete a rather classy strap (of his own design) for one of his highly valued cameras. A good result and an item to be proud of! I'll have pictures to post of the afore mentioned larger projects soon... Good times!! #ChaosLeatherworks, #PrinceArmory, #CreativeAwl, #HallPhotography, #busy, #moretocome, #armour, #armoury, #leather, #leatherwork, #larp, #accessories, #costumes, #cosplay
13.01.2022 As is tradition, the days before a weekend larp event is super-hectic!! A massive and somewhat secretive build is finally drawing to a close and will be fully revealed in all it's glory! In the meantime, here are a few WIP pictures of a few projects that are also in the works. #pressure, #stressful, #busyaf, #nearlythere, #FirstEventOfTheYear, #Holarp, #Dharmanreturns, #wip, #somuchtodo, #armour, #leatherwork, #costume, #cosplay, #armoury
13.01.2022 Greetings beautiful people! Always busy in the workshop, even if it is not crafting and creating. The past few days has been a flurry of activity with upgrading the workshop space with shelving and a lot of organising, resulting in a much more user friendly space.... These few pictures show everything at about 98% completely finished. Definitely looking forward to getting back into the space and carrying on with the work, of which, there is a LOT. #reorganised, #newspace, #damnthisfeelsgood, #workspace, #getbacktowork, #leather, #leatherwork, #armour, #larp, #HOlarp, #costumes, #cosplay, #ChaosLeatherworks
13.01.2022 Hello people, just a quick little bit of humour while I prepare my next posting showing some of the work finished recently
11.01.2022 Greetings again! Again, it has been far too long since my last update, also it was the build-up to a LARP weekend event and we all know how hectic that can become! So here is a bunch of pictures and updates with a little bit more of a glimpse into the madness and bustle of Chaos Leatherworks. First, a couple of fantasy skulls, destined for greatness on the LARP field as pauldrons adorning a berserker orc character who has an affinity for skulls and death.... Made using a surprisingly effective vacuum-forming method, they turned out rather well. More items are planned utilising this deceptively simple process. My usual knack for misplacing pictures means that there isn't one that I can find (just now) showing the finished item. Next, WIP and completed item pictures of a rather lovely piece of armour with minimal tooling and a striking Celtic Stag's Head design, finished with Saddle-Tan waterstain and nearly 20 metres of lacing. Looks rather fancy really! Next, I have been fortunate enough to have the dedicated and talented Bree working across the table from me! She has been constructing these adorable little keychains and the rather awesome wall-mounted dragon head trophy (complete with red LED for extra awesome effect). Finally, a special commission in time for the games weekend! A pair of Celtic and Dwarven inspired vambraces with subtle meaningful details hidden within the tooled patterns. Paired with the simple yet elegant belt-hanging tassets (crafted by Bree), both lined with faux fur, they made for quite the striking character on field. Pictures of the full ensemble incoming at a later date.... Enjoy! #photodump, #catchup, #updates, #hectic, #HOlarp, #ChaosLeatherworks, #morethanjustarmour, #trinkets, #damncooldragonheads, #plaguedoctormasks, #leather, #leatherworks, #armour, #costumes, #cosplay, #LARP
11.01.2022 A simple, stylish and cheap way to hide that less than flattering surgical mask and look fantastic for not much money!! Hurrah!!
10.01.2022 Hello again all you beautiful people!! I have been quiet on here for far too long and here is the reason why... Finishing this suit of armour off has been commanding my every waking moment for some time now (far too long) but now it is done! Have a mass of photos to gaze upon, finished item in action and WIP.... I took it out onto the larp field for the first time on Wednesday night at Heroes Odyssey: Larp Brisbane Queensland and it created quite a splash. Extra thanks to Rattle_Photography for the fantastic action pictures taken on the night. The suit is a modified set of the Prince Armory Fantasy Armour patterns, except for the helmet which is my own design, inspired by multiple demon helmets seen on Pinterest. This has been a massive undertaking and learning curve for me and the results are pretty awesome if I do say so myself There are many armours and items still to come, I will try and be a little more active on here in showing what I am up to. #dharmanreturns, #finallydone, #stressful, #WIP, #Holarp, #princearmory, #larpislife, #chaosleatherworks, #armoury, #leather, #costume, #cosplay, #details, #Rattle_Photography, #photodump, #Next
06.01.2022 Greetings again everybody! The previously alluded to Epic LARP event has been done and dusted!! Time for a few pictures of the kit I made for my new character, who was not an entirely nice being to come across... The helmet, shoulders and boots/sabatons were all either modified, inspiried by, or made directly using patterns sold by Prince Armory, They ended up looking pretty awesome and working great! A massive thank you as well to Heroes Odyssey: Larp Brisbane Queensland f...or the huge event and especially to Johan Becconsall for being Yuri, my hated enemy and still allowing the last picture shown here.. #newevilcharacter, #Adharma, #Yuristinks, #HOlarp, #PrinceArmorypatterns, #ninedaysoflarp, #Epicadventure, #larpislife, #tonnesoffun, #handmade, #armour, #armoury, #leather, #leatherwork, #notjustleather, #costumes, #custommade
04.01.2022 So very busy in the lead-up to a massive LARP event...sorry to Joe for not posting up his beautiful finished belt earlier.... Here are a few other things that I have been (foolishly) trying to get done all at once... #busy, #verybusy, #veryverybusy, #finisheditem, #looksgreat, #Chaos, #wolfpendant, #greaves, #devout, #armour, #armoury, #costumes, #leatherwork, #handmade
04.01.2022 So a new year... A piece I made a long time ago suddenly came too my attention and I thought it would make for a good reflection on how far I've come over the last 12 months.... Also shown is an alteration/addition to a plastic skeletal jaw mask to make it more comfortable and look better. Then, a dominatrix-style mempo and battle skirt made for quite an evil character. Finally, the hardened vambraces and elbow set, from two Dark Horse Workshop patterns, that were given aw...ay recently on the MirloksDen YouTube channel. Over the past month I have not been in or near the workshop, due to being in the NT with family, however, I shall be returning soon and the creating will recommence! There are many projects and commissions in the pipeline that are going to push my skills to new levels and (I am very confident) will be both beautiful and amazing. Thank you all for following with me on this journey!! #newyear, #reflections, #earlierwork, #improvements, #lookingfoward, #greatexpectations, #nopressure, #Darkhorseworkshop, #MirloksDen, #armour, #leatherarmour, #larp, #HOlarp, #cosplay, #costume
03.01.2022 Smoko time in the workshop at Chaos Leather works.... Yes, the axes make the cheeses 1000% better. #ChaosLeatherworks, #Imonsmoko, #RavensForge, #cheeseaxes, #WIP, #armour, #armoury
02.01.2022 Hello all! A big welcome to new followers!! First bit of news, I am rebranding/renaming Callum's Armoury to Chaos Leatherworks, following a defining moment in my armour crafting... ... A hectic week of work has come together nicely with a whole lot of work being completed... First is only a few pictures of a pair of (Dark Horse Workshop's pattern) elbow cups in the making. I sadly didn't get pictures of them finished and wax-hardened, however, head on over to the fantastic Mirlok's Den ( ) subscribe and comment (maybe tell him I sent you) and you may just get them for free! Next dose of awesome is a whole new style and class/level of armour being not only built, but put up on display at 2019 Brisbane Supanova!! This is a massive achievement for me and all my minions that helped keep me focused and lent a hand when needed. Created from a modified Prince Armory pattern, I am really quite proud of how this turned out. Paired with a well-proven battle skirt, I think it looks pretty nice. The second mannequin is draped in my hardened leather-plate brigadine with leather shoulders and helmet, the latter two also a modified Prince Armory pattern. A good week for production.... #WIP, #MirloksDen, #DarkHorseWorkshops, #PrinceArmory, #modifiedpatterns, #BrisNova2019 #rebranding, #satisfied, #tired, #femalearmour, #brigadine, #evilhelm, #pointybits #leather, #leatherwork, #armour, #armoury, #costumes, #cosplay, #awesome
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