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Cally Sinclair Garden Design

Phone: +61 407 740 259


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22.01.2022 Anzac Day 2020. Forever grateful

20.01.2022 To be a garden designer, I believe you firstly need to be a gardener. Some of the best advise I can bring to a client is what I have tried, what works, and (more importantly) what failed.....I I have a library of these!!! #gardener #gardendesigner #dirtundermynails #lovewhatido

18.01.2022 Don’t laugh.. but this is one of the best ways of laying out your new garden. I’m inside with a walkie-talkie while my (very) patient hubby is in the distance placing markers - under my instruction. This way I can be sure our new trees won’t block distant views from the house, but will blank out areas for our privacy. #thankyouhubby #countrygarden #countrystyle #largegardens #newgardentrees #landscaping #landscapingwithtrees #lovemyjob

18.01.2022 Cally Sinclair Garden Design is still open for business. To keep each other safe we will be discussing details via phone, emailing plans and visiting sites without others around. #stillopenforbusiness #gardendesign #clientsfirst #callysinclairgardens #callysinclairgardendesign

18.01.2022 I have a new love - these two ducks. These two are my constant companions in the garden. If I dig up soil they come running to check for worms and if I weed they check for bugs and slugs. They are unbeatable as snail assassins. I literally don’t have any snails left. Yes, I do occasionally get duck poo on the door step but I forgive them. The cherry on top of my new love/friendship is they lay the prettiest white eggs that eat just like a chook egg. Get two today! #lovemyducks #poultrylove #infatuated #friendsinthegarden

17.01.2022 Enjoying 1 quick coffee with 1 faithful dog at my feet, 2 bossy ducks, 3 over-friendly chooks, and 3 hungry King Parrots. No such thing as being alone in my garden #countrylife #countrygarden #coffeeinthegarden #kingparrots #murrindindi #gardendesigner #callysinclairgardens #springgarden #petducks

16.01.2022 Planting paddock trees with our chook...of course! I have extended my garden (again ) and this time I’m using the surrounding paddocks to plant the larger trees to create the sense of enclosure. One of the many luxuries of landscaping in a country setting. #countrygardens #paddocktrees #largegardens #gardentrees #yellowboxtrees #gardenwithaview #murrindindishire #perfectwinterday #chooksofinstagram

14.01.2022 My work space today. I’m at Boorolite near Mansfield on a new and exciting project. The views are stunning!! #gardendesign #gardendesigner #callysinclairgardens #countrygarden #wineregion #countryviews #mansfield @ Booroolite, Victoria, Australia

14.01.2022 When we do tractor work in the garden (one of the bonuses of being married to a farmer!), my job is to prevent the chooks from stepping under the wheel or get crunched by the bucket. Does anyone else have this problem? #farmerinthegarden #chooksinthegarden #tractorinthegarden #gardendesign #countrygarden #gardendesign #callysinclairgardens @ Cathkin, Victoria, Australia

14.01.2022 Trying something new...dehydrating herbs! This is batch one. Next I’ll attempt onion powder, garlic powder and then...who knows . I this could become addictive!!! #dehydratedfood #dehydrator #vegetablegarden #driedherbs #summerproduce #growyourownfood #fullyenclosedvegetablegarden #walkinvegetablegarden #gardendesign #gardens #gardendesignersgarden

12.01.2022 My way of keeping my three lovely ladies safe and secure

10.01.2022 Today’s new client site-visit. Even though it is 3.5hrs away, distance is no barrier to garden designing. All I need is a good understanding of the local climate, the local soil, and a good navigational guide!! Where to next? #distanceisnobarrier #gardendesigner #lovemyjob #newclient #buildinganewgarden #gardendream

10.01.2022 Seed raising in a glasshouse is such a rewarding hobby .... and it is such a warm place to be on these final wintery days #glasshouse #seedraising #vegetablegarden #climbingpeas #murrindindi #gardendesigner #sundayinthegarden

10.01.2022 Thank you my wonderful clients for allowing me travel with you on you new-garden journey. I look forward to 2020 xx

08.01.2022 I’m trying something new in my orchard - Stepover Apples. Thank you #yalcafruittrees for delivering these to me #stepoverapple #orchard #dwarfapples #espalierfruittrees #yalcafruittrees

08.01.2022 Tree planting at a client’s farm. I can’t wait for the ‘after’ photo in a years time. Isn’t that the prettiest driveway footprint you’ve ever seen? Thank you Clifford Brady and ITEC for great works #murrindindi #countrydriveway #landscapingwithtrees #designingwithtrees #gardendesigner #treelineddriveway #acercelebration

06.01.2022 Things have gone crazy here! While everyone is home-isolating our minds have turned to our gardens...and that dream garden you have always wanted. I am currently booked up but I am now taking new bookings for June. All garden visits and client meetings are done with all required safe social distancing. Thank you for all your bookings, interest and understanding during these crazy times!

06.01.2022 Today’s project was at my home!! Thank you @highcountrytreeservices for keeping our trees in shape. A lovely crew to work with! . #countrygarden #mansfieldvictoria #cathkin #shadetrees #arborist #alexandravictoria #treeshaping #treesurgery #gardendesign #countrygardenstyle #countrygardens #callysinclairgardens

05.01.2022 My veggie garden says spring even though the thermometer is saying winter #springvegetables #veggies #veggiegarden #murrindindi #endofwinter #growyourownfood

04.01.2022 Wollerton Old Hall Rose. Not the best rose for the vase but an outstanding climber #englishmuskhybrid #davidaustinroses #climbingroses #climbingrose #fragrantroses #gardendesigner #countrygardens #springgardens #countrygardens

03.01.2022 Iceberg Roses! Happy Monday everyone! #icebergroses #springinthegarden #flowersinthehouse #gardendesign #gardendesigner

03.01.2022 We are so proud to have donated $2000 from our weekend event takings towards a much needed shade-sail for the Alexandra and District Kindergarten. Misfortune m...eant the kinder’s shady trees had to be cut down which left the kids play area bare and hot! The new giant shade sail will protect our local kids whilst the replacement trees grow. Pictured is Open Gardens President Cally Sinclair, Director and Head Teacher Tanya Jones, and Open Gardens Treasurer Janene Simpson. In our hands is a beautiful thank you card from the kinder kids. See more

03.01.2022 Have you planned your weekend? The weather forecast is perfect for visiting 10 glorious district open gardens. Here’s the list of gardens on offer and the of where to find them. This guide is free and you can pick one up at any of the gardens, Alexandra Garden Centre or Alexandra Visitor Information Centre. Entry $5/garden or grab a $35 all-gardens pass For more info See more

02.01.2022 Looking out my back door. I’m loving spring. I’m loving being in my home and garden. #isogardening #weekendinthegarden #chookinthegarden #springinthegarden #pottedbuxus #buxusballs

01.01.2022 Our calving cows this afternoon. The fog only lifted partially today giving us this sensational sunset #cathkin #farmlife #calvingseason #calving #anguscattle #lovewhereyoulive @ Cathkin, Victoria, Australia

01.01.2022 My office today. Lake Eildon in North Eastern Victoria. Spectacular views. Beautiful area #Murrindindi #lovemyjob #landscapedesigner #eildon #discoverdindi #myofficetoday

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