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Calma Health in Spring Hill, Queensland, Australia | Medical and health

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Calma Health

Locality: Spring Hill, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 425 377 634

Address: 169 Leichhardt Street 4000 Spring Hill, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 LOVE THIS!! I have been journalling a lot again lately, especially over this little getaway with even more reduced screen time... And I always see feelings and thoughts surface... 2 that are really present of late... Easiest way to be happy - be grateful. ... Easiest way to make an impact - be kind. I love rolling out social experiments to observe myself and grow from it. Here is one for you - watch your words over the next month, in EVERYTHING you say and think! Are you spreading sparkle or shitting on yourself or someone else?! These words will create the quality of life you live. xSOC

25.01.2022 Last week I was asked by a client how I am coping with not being able to do much exercise at the moment... And my answer was "fine" in a very nonchalant manner... Because on one hand I am straight out missing getting my heart rate up and sweating my but off... That type of movement makes me feel alive and adds energy to my days that I have come to feel is my norm in life.... But on the other hand, I know my body is loving the slower days (physically) and I am finding ways to give my body some extra love in areas I may have neglected a little. I have been hitting my steps of 10000 most days just by increasing my incidental conscious movement. I have been meditating twice daily (1 x20mins, and 1x10mins). And I have been stretching gently or rolling for at least 10minutes most days. I have always been pretty good with a some rolling once or twice a week but to get a little bit in everyday has felt what this body needed!! This is a sped up version of what I have been doing most days. Put some music on and go and make friends with your roller. Your future self with thank you for it! Happy Friday peeps! xSOC

25.01.2022 "Is there a point when it all comes together or is it stages of progression where you get little moments of happiness with your choices?" A question from a client recently in regards to choices, obviously health related... but I took it as SOOOOOOOO much more than that!! You see - I dont think for anything in life there is a "final" moment where you think it has "all come together"... Because if there was - then that would be your final moment, wouldnt it?!?!... I believe we spend this life constantly growing and readjusting and learning and evolving. And all those little moments can be little moments of appreciation/happiness along the journey. Anyway, I know I certainly do stop and look back to reflect alot! And I am stopping more, to take time out, so that I dont look back and cant remember what happened. On that note, I am taking this little one (my absolute reason WHY in life) away for a mini mid-week/school holiday getaway/staycation... And I am promising not to do any work for 3 days straight! Happy Thursday (and early end of week) crew! Hug a loved one today. xSOC

25.01.2022 "STRESS" Did you know 35% of Australians report having a "significant" amount of stress in their life. As a health coach this is a massive part of my workings with clients and stress and perception of stress will impact the quality of everything in your life - training, food, sleep, thinking, emotions, hormones... Everything!... Here are my 5 tips to help reduce stress in your life: 1. Sleep more. Quality sleep 8-9hours a night can help rest and restore - and completely change the way you are viewing your stress! 2. Exercise - and I dont mean smash yourself. But move to sweat, breath faster and get fresh air! Get those endorphins up. 3. Avoid caffeine (stimulants) especially if have symptoms of anxiety -this will only add to your heightened feelings! 4. Find relaxation tools that work for you - breathwork, meditation, yoga, guided meditation soundtracks, especially before bedtime to allow the brain/subconscious to relax and switch off. 5. Organise your life - structure and time management are not controlling habits. They actually add space to your day and allow you white space to breath and not rush from one moment to the next in a highly strung stressed state. Happy Thursday peeps. xSOC

25.01.2022 BACK PAIN? TIGHT HIPS? My clients will know this exercise very well. I prescribe it for just about everything. WHY?... Because. It is great as a spinal mobility warm up on the floor. It is great for a glute/butt activator to wake up lazy ass muscles. It is great to open up the hips gently. And finally it is a great beginner exercise to hip thrusters when you want to get those ass muscles stronger. So how is this linked to back pain? It is likely if you have some form of lower back pain, that your hips will be tight, your glutes will be weak/asleep, and your spine is not moving in the free flowing pattern it should be. SO my tip. Add this one in to your wake up routine. Jump on the floor after you get out of bed, and stretch, then add this little one in to wake up that butt/spine/hips for the day! Happy Friday peeps! xSOC

24.01.2022 "Another persons opinion of you is not your reality." Read that twice. And let it sink in. I came across that quote and it made me think of something that triggers me often....... Let me explain. "BUSY" When people use the term "busy". I have talked about this before. Do you use the term busy as a badge of honour? Do you throw that in to the conversation as soon as you run in to someone? Do you just expect everyone else is busy because thats the way you paint your reality? Do you judge someone if they arent "busy"? I admit I spent many years using this term to feel like I was succeeding. But it wasnt until I started to peel back layers to my life, and figure out what I really wanted in my day to day life, and how I wanted to spend my time, I realised I didnt value "busy". So I started to shift. Structured my schedule differently. Shifted to a balance of online and face to face clients. Shifted my time to having white space in my calendar day for whatever I want. And stopped feeding the "busy" story. But, you see (bringing it back to the quote) - other people still comment and say how "busy" I am... I still run in to people who will start by saying "oh we havent caught up because I know how "busy" you are!" "Another persons opinion of you is not your reality." Wednesdays is now a day I have dreamed of for so long. Slow starts. Dog walks. Weekly zoom check-ins with all my online clients. A little study if I want. And a few clients in the evening at the studio. #createthelifeyouwant #yourrealityisnotanothersreality #dropthebusylable #calmaehealth

23.01.2022 || PROTEIN BALLS || ..... did someone say snackkkkkss?!? I have been asked a lot lately for good protein snack ideas again, so here is my old go-to protein ball recipe whipped up in a 5minutes.... 1 cup almond meal 1/4 cup peanut butter 1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt 1/2 tablespoon cinnamon 1/8 cup rice malt syrup 1/4 cup protein powder 1/8 cup cocoa powder 30gms choc drops Blend all ingredients together in a blender then roll in to small balls. Roll through some dedicated coconut on outside. Store in fridge or freezer. That made me 8 medium size balls. Double the ingredients for a bigger batch. Tip: add protein snacks to your day in order to stay satisfied and not go looking for an afternoon evening binge fest... #ineedtofinishmyebookcookbook #nutrition #yummyfood #healthycanbeyummy #proteinballs #calmahealth #exercisephyisology #shnacks

23.01.2022 Mid-week thoughts... #itsallabouthabits #smallchanges #rituals #thoughts #energy #actions

23.01.2022 *** CONSISTENCY *** The one habit that makes a difference to everything in your life - energy, weight, strength, fitness, mindframe, mobility... All of it! And a great way to find consistency with your eating and food choices is choosing your food to hit a macros/calorie target.... This allows much more freedom then a restricted meal plan and still can work towards your goals for health. This is one week of a new clients nutritional tracking! Hows that for consistency! PS - did you know I am actually a ISSN Sports Nutritionist, as well as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist... It still surprises me when I have people say "oh youre just a personal trainer." lol

23.01.2022 YOGA has taught me the true definition of practice. Fall down 7times, get up 8. There is no end to practice in life, as life IS progression.... Another thing I am reminded of daily in practice. The floor really isnt that far away... #yoga #practice #lifelessonsdaily #armbalances #itsprogression #illtakethat

21.01.2022 Do you want to eat out with the freedom of not "stressing" about every little bit of food that you are eating? You can! This is a tool I have adapted from my years of competing... My tip: Look ahead and know your choices when it comes to places and the foods to eat out at.... It sounds so simple but let me explain. By spending some time looking at a lot of "eat out" and restaurant options that you may eat at sometimes, you can look through the menus and know what choices have higher lean protein, what meals have great nourishment (fibre and micro nutrients), what meals will leave you feeling full but not stuffed (if you know what I mean!) For example, I know what I love (and and nutritionally happy with) at Nandos, MacDonals, Grilled, most Japanese restaurants, most Mexican restaurants, and a pub. This is through educating myself over time. Knowledge gives us choices. Its not to say I will always pick the grilled fish and veg over a burger and chips. BUT my choice when do make it is 100% my educated responsibility. I have to then own it. PS - if you havent tried Sashimi Nori Tacos from Cheeky Poke in Newstead you are missing out! Happy Weekend peeps! xSOC

20.01.2022 Focus on habits that will last a lifetime... There is a reason my business motto is ~ Changing Habits, Creating Happiness. Chatting to a new old client (returning client) yesterday I was reminded of how much I am no longer afraid to speak my absolute truth and what I preach. I honestly believe that if you only could practice ONE modality of movement for a period of time - I would hands down pick MOBILITY / STRETCHING... ... It is a habit that will have a massive long term impact more so if you dont do it!! Just think, if you drove your car for 10 years and did not get it serviced in that time... How well would it run?!? Our joints and spine and energy pathways are the same; they need movement/mobility to be oiled and flow freely (without pain)... Just a little bit each day can make a world of difference in the long run. Its only taken 9 years but I think Harry is starting to feel the positives of mobility work ~ he took himself off to stretch today while I was training!! #movement #stretch #mobility #longevity #fitness #wholeness #mindset #direction #itallmatters #calmahealth

19.01.2022 Tonight I felt like chicken and chips with gravy... Pretty specific and I have no idea why because its not something I crave often... But I got cooking and this is what we are having! ... Panko crumbed pan fried chicken breast, with home made potato chips, steamed veggies and a drizzle of gravy. Yummo. Hope by regularly sharing my dinners, it is helping you peeps realise how simple and yet still yummy healthy eating can me! xSOC

19.01.2022 You are exactly where you are meant to be, my angel. And your presence in my life for the last (almost 10years) has shown me exactly where I need to be, and why... If it wasn’t for you choosing me as your mum over 10 years ago, I would have taken off on another worldwide adventure searching for something more outside of me. All along it was you. The piece of my souls journey, my little soul mate, bestie and all the life lessons I was to learn ahead of me. I’ll never forget the day I learnt I was pregnant with you and I will never forget walking down Eagle Street Pier on the 13th November 2010 after eating a Grilled burger and chips, only to go in to labour 3 hours later. #memories #son #birthdayeve #doubledigits #imnotemotionalyouare

19.01.2022 For most of my teen and early adult life (until the last couple of years) I did not allow myself to truly be happy in any clothes I wore unless they were a size 8 (or a size 6 if I was lucky!) For some people this might be a size 1 or size 6 or size 12 or waist 32 etc. Whatever it is for you, I know you will know what I mean if you have ever been constrained by a number in your life! What do these Christmas pj’s have to do with this?!?! Well they are a size 12-14 Women’...s. You see. I had this moment a couple of years ago where my old favourite denim jeans were dying (as in literally falling apart at the bum) and I knew I had to replace them. Except, my body was different to when I bought them (in my fitness comp days). I knew I had to buy a size up but couldn’t bring myself too do it, as I would be accepting that I got fatter. It was in a therapy session and through lots of self-development, I came to realise no one was telling me I got fatter except me, and no one would know I got a bigger size except me. So, I set myself an experiment and a promise = To buy the bigger size, not put myself down in any way (no negative self-talk) and then see if the world ended because of this purchase a few months later The outcome = FREEDOM. Yes, it is a journey. A continuous reminder that the societal control of the narrative of what beauty or health is, is not the story I have to own. But with repetition over time, I have come to believe and feel that the number (all numbers) mean nothing it is only the meaning we attach to them that counts. Goals are important if they are intrinsic and attached to internal motivators. But attaching your worth to an external number and not allowing yourself joy or happiness until your reach that number or wear that number, is a way to punish yourself. To punish yourself for unmet self-imposed expectations. But the realisation that you can literally free yourself in any given moment is true happiness. This is my story. We are all different. But in sharing - i hope it helps shift even one persons expectations on themselves allows them to sit in joy daily rather than momentarily. xSharna See more

19.01.2022 FOAM ROLLING ~ the bomb when it comes to body maintenance perfect (as per my last post!!) I am finally doing another order for LONG ROLLERS - so I just thought I would shout out and see who would like me to order one? They are the 90cm long x 15cm wide (like our studio one)... I will be putting the order in on Friday 17th July, so please confirm by Thursday 16th July if you would like one. Its a great partner to my Stretch For Life Ebook which I know a lot of you already have! xSOC #stretch #roll #foamroller #flexible #mobilty #longevity #exercisephysiologist #calmahealth #ebook #stretchforlife @ Calma Health See more

19.01.2022 Taco Tuesday. Is a permanent in our house. So if you drop in on a Tuesday night, tacos of some kind is what you will get! Tonight it is ~ deconstructed taco bowls (also known as burrito bowls)!... I get so excited about all the colours. Does anyone else get excited when their meal is close to a rainbow? #nutrition #wholefoods #variety #freshfoods #calmahealth xSOC

18.01.2022 This afternoon I felt an energy I did not like... a funk/heaviness that I havent felt for a long time. A feeling I felt in past times when I felt lost. But I dont feel lost. Instead of getting in to my head over it, I used tools I now have to move through it. Literally that - MOVE.... 7000 steps While listening to some music on repeat that I know moves me... (energy through the body) Followed a quick 10min breath session on the grass (earthing fixes me every time!) And voila! Funk is gone... So grateful for the tools I have learnt in my 30s to realise I am not crazy, just a human who feels, just like every other human. #weallfeel #evenwhenwedontknowwhat #energy #move #emotions #energyinmotion #breathe #earth #musicforthesoul #life #calmahealth @ Brisbane, Queensland, Australia See more

18.01.2022 I have never understood people using children as an excuse not to exercise... I have seen clients over the last 9 years turn up with their babies/children and watch them mimic their parents until the age of wanting to exercise with them. Children should be your WHY, not your WHY NOT. You are leading by example and setting the way for their healthy and active future. I am lucky enough to be able to share my passion with children and schools over the years. First, through a col...lege program, then at my old high school, then at Harry's kindy and next week with the Year 4's at Harry's primary school. I am an absolute believer in health as a lifestyle and making it fun from the start. Wish me luck - 40 x 9 year olds! Cannot wait! xSOC See more

18.01.2022 FUN ~ noun ~ meaning : enjoyment, amusement or light-hearted pleasure. A value and quality in life that without it makes me question the entire meaning of life. Do you find it difficult to add movement in to your day?... Maybe have a real look at what you get joy and fun from... It will be the secret to getting you moving more often. If it means, playing a nerf war with your kids for an hour to get your steps of calories burn up, then so be it! If it means taking your dog for a walk because that makes your heart happy, then so be it. If it means employing a coach to get you to move, because you enjoy someone else pushing you, then so be it. But find the fun in your day today! xSOC

17.01.2022 Never change, my love. Never lose that kind heart of yours in this world that can harden us. Never lose that genuine care for all sentient beings, as small as a lady beetle. Never lose that lack of care for what others think when something is questioning your values. Never lose complete conviction for equality in life. ... I am forever grateful for this soul daily, but during this unique year of 2020, I have never been more grateful be doing life next to you. You have been here before and know yourself more than some adults do. Thank you. I love you. #harryoconnorwright #myson #myreason

16.01.2022 || ICE COLD WATER || It is something I find myself jumping into in Winter more than anytime of the year... And people ask why; what are the benefits. Well there have been shown to be health benefits, increased circulation and immune boosting properties. Increased recovery and soreness, and a few other things.... But I would honestly say, what I have just figured out for myself is the reward/feedback of self-discipline. Literally, saying to myself I am going to do something that is quite literally shocking to the body and what most people wouldnt do, then following through with the action of doing it. That is the type of thing/action/challenge that feeds me, and once I jump in a cold rock pool, the freezing cold ocean or finish off a warm shower with ice cold water - I then feel like I can handle anything else the day/ week throws at me! So really, its not about the ICE COLD WATER as such but rather the action and follow through with something that is not easy to follow through with. Food for thought. Happy Monday peeps! xSOC

15.01.2022 Quick, easy and super light dinner idea... Portobello Mushroom Stack: Cook up all the veggies you want on a pan in olive oil, rosemary and salt. (I used tomato, onion, spinach, capsicum). Fry an egg.... Stack it all together. Enjoy! Often I dont feel like a huge dinner after a late night at work. Eggs and veggies are always a great go-to rich with nutrition and very satisfying. xSOC

15.01.2022 hmmm... So so so true. Simple. Yet we complicate it. I am not saying medicine does not have a place, it does. But many conditions and symptoms can be reduced/eliminated with a shift in nutrition. ... xSOC

14.01.2022 Work In Progress Something I have come to see as a very valuable mindset! When a client comes to me with a deadline in place and a clear end goal, that is great... a great start! ... But can also be disastrous if that client doesnt reach that goal by the set date. I can then become a fail in there eyes just because they dont hit that deadline rather than seeing all the small health habit changes they made along the way, or the small progresses and positive changes their body has already made or the mindset shifts that have been happening behind the scenes. Dont let you end goal obsession block your ability to see the progress along the way... #progressnotperfection #changinghabits #creatinghappiness #dontcompare #calmahealth #babysteps #wholeness #fitness #health #movement #strength #brisbane

14.01.2022 When people have said (or still say) to me... ~ "Oh its easy for you because you just eat healthy and dont even think about it." OR ~ "You just love exercise, so its easy for you to just get up and do it."... UMMMM. NO! I have made choices over and over through the years, that they eventually become a habit. Which, yes, makes it easier in a sense but not because it came easily at first. Because of discipline making choices, and doing things that didnt come naturally... until they did. Happy Hump Day people. xSOC

13.01.2022 Want to know something I only learnt about 5 years ago and is being absolutely cemented in my Yoga studies... BREATH - is the immediate gateway to peace and joy - it can change your state from a negative state to a positive state within seconds.... And combined with flowing movement, we can reprogram patterns that have not been serving us for a very long time.... Feeling anxious/uptight/wound up in the body anywhere? Take just 5 minutes even (that is seriously nothing) to lying or sitting and just focusing on your breath (with your eyes closed). xSOC

13.01.2022 This book is a must. Resilience - both mental and physical - is the grounds that life stands on... @rossedgley - the first person to swim around Great Britain. The story is told brilliantly with so much reference to history and application of sport science mixed with his learnings long the way (Stoic Sport Science )... This book has refreshed something in me. Mental game/headspace is EVERYTHING. Add this one to your list.

13.01.2022 Tonight we are going Simple + Balanced! Here we have -> turkey mince cooked with black beans, taco seasoning, a grated carrot and onion with a side of home made sweet potato chips and steamed broccoli. Like I said, simple and balanced.... Whats on your plate tonight? xSOC

13.01.2022 Monday clients complete And just finished off own weight training with a 20 min treadmill sprint session. It feels so good to be ticking off my own movement goals again. Week 4 of 8 for my program I set myself and feeling a bit of strength and fitness coming back - slowly getting comfortable with uncomfortable again... ... Listened to @davidgoggins STAY HARD talk the whole way through the sprints. If you need a bit of an amp up or self reflection check, I highly recommend listening to some of his stuff. Real talk. Im all about callusing the mind. Do something that sucks daily. #fitness #health #movement #gaols #mindset #calmahealth #happiness #exercisephysiology #springisaroundthecorner #getuncomfortable #energy See more

13.01.2022 The face of someone who just finished 45minutes wrights and 20mins of sprints. With a tighter time schedule of late and needing all the spare time in my day time to do assignments, I have fallen in love with early morning lift sessions again. I have been only yoga or running in the morning for years but having no other option right now this is it. To keep your habits consistent, you have to be flexible with your action. Don’t use time as an excuse #sweat #exerciseismydrug #socornybutsotrue #motivated #weights #strong #run #cardio #yoga #stretch #exercisephysiology #coach #nutrition #calmahealth #brisbane

12.01.2022 Hump Day thoughts... This meme changed the quality of my life. Is there a conversation you need to have, something your heart needs to say?!? A lot of the heaviness we carry is from unexpressed thoughts, and emotions. Emotions are not bad.... E-motion = energy in motion. But when it stays in the body it becomes a stagnant energy which can add heaviness, cause physical pain, illness and so much more. Nothing expressed from a place of love is wrong. #express #word #health #mentalhealth #humpdaythoughts #happiness See more

11.01.2022 You shouldn’t really post messages that pressure women into feeling like they fail if they don’t make time for exercise. ~ this is a message I received this morning after posting a story of myself going to train at 4:45am to get my movement in before a busy day of clients and a full 3 days of birthday celebrations for my son. THIS message and the feeling behind it, IS one the reasons I pulled away from social media this year. JUDGEMENT. ... TRIGGERS. EXPECTATIONS. At no point is any of what I post directed at any ONE person individually. To friends, family and clients, and people I don’t even know -> If you happen to take offence or are triggered by any posts on social media, then I strongly suggest you sit with the feelings of what you are feeling and unpack what that is telling you. This platform for me is many things. It has helped me grow a nearly 10year old successful business. And I am FOREVER grateful for that. It has helped me reach many people who I can reach on a daily basis. It has allowed me to share my personal life, keep a record of the fun times and challenging time and is a space I can share with my son as he gets older and really show him the values that have driven my life as a mum and business owner. I have grown a lot in my life, and never more than over this last year. And I can honestly now say I don’t give a F*#k (in a good way) about how my social media is interpreted. I aim to offer content to help. I aim to share my life moment to moment. I am happily over here doing me and have fully let go of expectations of myself to maintain a certain image, to tell people what they want to hear, to give more than my cup will allow. I have clear habits and actions in my life and make certain choices that allow me to live a life in line with my values. If at any point now or in the future, anything I post does not resonate with you or triggers you personally, then I offer up you reach out to me to discuss it personally as I am an open book and willing to talk anything out (if you are!) or go unfollow me and put your energy elsewhere in social media land that fills you up! Life’s too short to feel anything other than joy, love and peace.

11.01.2022 Over the last few years I have been on an inward journey of self discovery, but the last 6 months have been the most intense. I have realised that complete freedom comes from letting go, and completely surrendering to what is. I never really understood this. And I feared "letting go" as I didn't really understand what that meant. I felt that anything attached to "letting go" was lazy and disconnected from life. I have finally realised that control is exactly that - fear. and disbelief in the flow of life and lack of trust in this universe. I no longer feel the need to be one way or another. There is no journey to that "perfect" state or image. Every NOW moment is as it should be. This journey that we call life, is making much more sense to me; in a year which has really made not much sense in the greater world. Over the next 3 months I am going deeper in to my Yoga Studies to finish off my Level 1 Teacher Training by November. I will be posting on social media much less, to allow my full attention to be in my learnings, with my clients and keep some space for my loved ones! I know you will all understand, I soon enough I will be back here more regularly and with much more movement, mindset and nutrition insight. Any questions or enquiries, please be sure to reach out to me via email at [email protected]. In Health & Happiness, Sharna. x

10.01.2022 What a beautiful (and a little nerve racking) experience this morning! Co-teaching with my mentor in her beautiful studio @my_drishti || Re-Post || Namaste Sharna @calma_health Sharna is one of the teachers I am mentoring in my Uplift Program and she co-taught with me this morning. You did a smashing job Well done beautiful soul And thank you yogis for holding space for her and giving a new teacher a supportive and safe environment to take her first leap! We really have such an amazing tribe. Sending you love on this Saturday morning! @myhealthyoga Teacher Training for 2021 dates are in preparation

09.01.2022 One of our happy hobbies. Board games and good music. What other hobbies do you have that fill up your cup?... Remember health, fitness and wellness are not only made up of exercise and nutrition. Happy heart = happy body = healthy body. xSOC

09.01.2022 We absolutely have the ability to control the thoughts and emotions that we feel and the way we process and perceive the world. The way that we individually process (perceive) the world impacts our reactions - yes it does - and how we react to those reactions (get your head around that) dictates the quality of our lives. Happy Monday peeps! Take those thoughts in to this week. <3 ... xSOC

08.01.2022 What motivates you? Are you intrinsically motivated or extrinsically motivated? Do you even know the difference and what sets you alight?... I just finished listening to Ross Edgley on a podcast and he was talking about resilience. He is an insane athlete and fascinating to listen to (he was the first person to swim around the main land of Great Britain) but he was talking about how a study done on US soldiers showed that those who were intrinsically motivated were found to be far more driven and able to complete tasks as apposed to those who were extrinsically motivated. That is not to say one type of motivation is better than the other. But when you know what you are you can then work with where you are at. He then went on to talk about the now known potential to train ourselves in the area of our known motivational weakness... Anyway, this area of behavioural studies has always fascinated me. I do believe the more we can observe and question about ourselves, the most potential we have to change/improve what we want to and accept responsibility for what we dont care to change. Food for thought on this hump day! Happy Wednesday peeps. xSOC

07.01.2022 We all learn in different ways... Some visual, some tactile, some through listening. Love it when clients play to their strengths to make their best effort to succeed with their goals.... This client is PLANNED and PREPARED for the next phase of their training!! xSOC

05.01.2022 Anything doing attention to how you feel and breathe IS doing yoga. Flowing and playing a little as I plan another class to teach Thursday night #yoga #play #flow #presence #peace #morethanmovement #mobility #calm #insideoutjoy

04.01.2022 I often get asked what it IS I actually do as an Exercise Physiologist, and what services Calma Health provides... So here is a little description to clear it up for new followers. As an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Sports Nutritionist and Exercise Rehabilitation Specialist, I offer FACE to FACE services, and ONLINE COACHING to suit your needs.... I will help you become the best version of yourself no matter the starting point! I promise to provide you with the tools, education and support you need to move freely, learn to eat for your goals and live a life with vitality! My coaching is for you if you are: * Wanting to increase your knowledge of movement and nutrition to reach your full potential. * Currently training and not seeing the results you are after. * Wanting to reduce pain safely in your body due to injuries or wear and tear over time. * Working towards a specific fitness or body composition goal but need further support. * Wanting to increase your overall daily energy. * Currently struggling with body image and need support on behaviour and self belief patterns. * Wanting a challenge in the area of your health, wellbeing and fitness! Drop me a message when you are ready to have a chat! x Sharna

04.01.2022 Confidence isnt the absence of self doubt. Its being willing to try even though you doubt yourself. How many things would you attempt or have a go at if you felt fully confident? How many things life has you hesitated at because of questioning yourself and lacking confidence?... One of the biggest barriers to living the fullest life of our dreams is overcoming our inner voice of self-doubt... Replace rather than remover. Overcome negative self talk and self doubt by observing and replacing with self belief affirmations and actions... Until it becomes your reality. #vulnerability #strength #confidence #selfdoubt #mindset #wellness #fitness #growth #healthyliving #calmahealth #happiness

04.01.2022 I’m back ! It’s been a little while between posts - over a month actually! And what a treat it has been to add more space to my life, my head, just remove myself from the world of social media. ... Now I’m not bagging on social media, as I will always be so grateful for how I built my business, but I can finally say I can completely detached from the compulsive habits attached to it, the fear that life will be missing something if I am not engaged in it, and the total realisation that it can be a void in our real present lives and why we can feel a little empty.... Anyway, enough of my thoughts for now... I am back to share my insights, education, health tips, fitness motivation, injury and mobility content, transformations of all kinds, and general wellness in life info! I will be sharing much less frequently, but when I do post, I intend to share much more content and value for you all. So please drop a word or two below on topics you would love to hear about... As for now - YOGA . I am very close to finishing my Yoga Teacher Training 300hrs Level 1. And as part of this journey to help me grow and offer my services, I am looking for 5 people (any level of experience, injuries are fine too) to join me for 4 x 60minute Yoga classes = FOR FREE! You must be able to commit to all 4 class times and be willing to provide feedback at the end of the classes. This will be at a park inner city Brisbane (location provided on application). Sorry I can only take 5 people for now. Males AND females welcome!! Once I am a qualified Yoga Teacher, I will be offering a weekly yoga class as part of @calma_health schedule! Class times for 4 sessions are: Saturday 10th Oct 6am Friday 16th Oct 5:30pm Saturday 31st Oct 6am Friday 6th Nov 5:30pm Please reply below or DM me. xSOC #yoga #brisbane #wellness #fitness #calmahealth #happiness #health #wholelife #holistic #strength #run #lift #nutrition #mindfulness #community #practice #progress #notperfection

04.01.2022 Just leaving these here - Vegan tacos !!! Unmmmm, not because they are vegan, or not because they are tacos but because of just how damn good they tasted (all gone now!) and I cooked them from scratch - guides by @gregorydunnsmith and @carrie_myhealthyoga as part of our @myhealthyoga retreat weekend. We were suppose to be on Straddie Island wrapping up my yoga teacher training but #covid... and so instead we are retreating in our own homes and connecting via video. But stil...l - amazing. Sitting here content after my tacos and a little reflection time, here a some things 2020 has taught me (the list is really endless but I’ll start here!!) - embrace change, that’s where the good things happen - if it scares you, go there - nothing is what it seems so let go of what you think it was - stillness is THE BOMB!!! - vegan tacos taste amazing Logging off now til Sunday to embrace this virtual retreat and all the yummy goodness (food, yoga, sounds, people).

03.01.2022 This photo popped up on my memories from 2013... This is how I would start every day at 4:30am - with 1 hr of cardio on the treadmill next to my bed. Without fail. ... When people now talk about my comp days, how how lean/small I was, and ask if I will ever compete again, or if I miss being that lean/fit?, I think about those early mornings... the grind, the obsession, the dedication. I never missed a session. I never missed a meal. There was no off. It was a choice. While running a business and raising a 2yr/3yr/4yr old... Is this what it takes for clients to get results?? Hell no!! I actually dont coach comp clients anymore because I dont feel its a healthy approach/mindset. BUT... All results take dedication. They take choices, and repetition of choices, not for a day, not for a week, for for weeks/months, until they become lifestyle habits. Rome wasnt built in a day, but they were laying bricks every hour. #repetition #choices #lifestyle #noallornone #consistency #adherence #habits #calmahealth #exercisephysiology #sportsnutrition #mindset #happinessisachoice

03.01.2022 This is huge!!! READ ALL OF THAT TWICE! We are we in a society that makes us feel bad if we compliment ourselves. Why is it funny to take the piss out of ourselves?... After working with people for over 15 years now, I see it so clearly. As soon as a client/patients starts to talk kindly about themselves, accepts themselves, unravels old trauma and lets it go without judgement - then everything starts to change for them - including fat loss, pain reductions, fitness improvements... Our words have the most powerful energy. Be sure to use that energy in the right way. Happy Monday peeps! xSOC

02.01.2022 Slowly, slowly... Feeling fresh! Up from 4km to 5km this week for my little jog. Aiming to get back to that 10km distance and feel comfortable at a simple 30min 5km. I could be frustrated that I feel heavy jogging, or that I am way slower than I was last year or that ... blah blah blah...... But I dont feed that "comparison" headspace anymore! It is SO toxic. Comparison to others, comparison to past self, comparison to ANYTHING - when it does not better you, is NO GOOD. So peeps - be aware of what you are comparing to - and ask yourself if it is uplifting your or holding you back. I will hit 10km in end of August. And be running a 5k 30min. There we go. Now one foot in front of the other.... No looking back. Happy Saturday peeps! xSOC

02.01.2022 No matter what your ability is; effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment. Let these words sink in... Everything in life takes EFFORT. It is the effort that differentiates us and leads you in the direction you wish, or not!... It is not that someone else has more skill or talent, only. It is actioned EFFORT. Happy Monday all! xSOC

01.01.2022 Its a homemade Pizza type of Friday night for the family! Whos feeling me??! Followed by an epsom salt bath and some lavender oil ~ to comfort this body... Week 2/8 back in to weight training 4x and I am feeling it! In the best way - but oh I can feel all the muscles again! It feels so good to be able to practice what I preach in all areas again! And before anyone asks for the pizza dough recipe - Im not making my own tonight! (Check out Picasso Pizza Douch Balls from Woo...lworths! So good, so easy, and has all the nutritional ingredients on there to track. ;) ) Happy Friday all! xSOC

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