Calmbirth in Randwick, New South Wales, Australia | Medical and health
Locality: Randwick, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 4871 1806
Address: Royal Hospital for Women, Barker St. 2031 Randwick, NSW, Australia
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23.01.2022 With the last 2 Calmbirth courses for the rest of this year NOW FULLY booked, make sure you don't miss your coveted spot for Calmbirth courses at the Mater for 2021. Calmbirth courses at the Mater in North Sydney for 2021 are NOW available to BOOK. To BOOK go to: You don't have to be birthing at the Mater to do the Calmbirth course there, you just have to be pregnant. The best time to attend a Calmbirth course is between 24... and 34 weeks gestation. Find out why there's no birth like a Calmbirth and BOOK your 2021 course NOW. The Next available Calmbirth courses at the Mater Hospital 2021 are: 24th & 31st January 21st & 28th February 21st & 28th March BOOK your Calmbirth course at the Mater hospital today by going to:
23.01.2022 As I sit here on New Years Eve, pondering the incredible and insane year that has just gone, I am so grateful for the lessons I have learnt and the resilience that I discovered not just in me but in the world as a whole. I am so blessed with wonderful parents who not only taught me the tools I needed to find my resilience and strength but also handed me a powerful legacy in @calmbirth to continue to help others to discover their strength too. So as this year of drawing on o...ur strength, our ability to adapt and innovate comes to a close, I am so grateful for all the lessons it has taught me. But most of all I am grateful for my beautiful family, friends and colleagues. Without you I would never have found my strength. Goodbye 2020. I can’t say we will miss you but as always our struggles can be our greatest teacher. And welcome 2021 I wonder what potential you will hold? Karen McClay
22.01.2022 Volunteer mums wanted...
21.01.2022 Such sad news...
21.01.2022 Crisis of confidence...
20.01.2022 LAST CHANCE TO BOOK! WITH ONLY DAYS LEFT TO BOOK THE CALMBIRTH PSYCHOLOGY OF BIRTH WORKSHOP VIA ZOOM ON 25th NOVEMBER BOOK NOW! If you're an obstetrician, doctor, midwife, student midwife or an allied health professional working anywhere in Australia or abroad, then this is the Workshop for you on the 25th November via ZOOM.... The Calmbirth Psychology of Birth Workshop for caregivers and allied health professionals aims to provide midwives, medical staff and allied health professionals with a holistic and scientifically proven approach to maternity care from Calmbirth, Australia's leading and highly recommended childbirth education providers. The Calmbirth program is already in 6 major maternity hospitals, both public and private in NSW, as part of the hospital's antenatal structure. Calmbirth has also conducted several successful Caregiver and Allied Health Workshops at both private and public maternity hospitals in Sydney, such as: Nepean, Westmead and the North Shore Private Hospital in Sydney. The principles and skills presented during the workshop focuses around the exploration and teaching of the mind body connection and its powerful influence on pregnancy, labour and birth. Topics Covered Include: The power of beliefs and the role they play in the experience of birth The mind-body connection and birth - how it can work for or against the physiology of birthing Language and birth The Breath - a powerful tool for labour and birth Tools for creating a Calmbirth environment , and Self Care The Calmbirth Workshop for Caregivers and Allied Health is facilitated by the Director of Calmbirth Karen McClay. Come and join us via ZOOM and tag anyone who may be interested in joining us and learning invaluable skills for assisting pregnant women and for helping to create a Calm workplace environment. The workshop is a CPD recognised activity of the Australian College of Midwives (ACM) and carries 6.5 CPD hours. To attend and BOOK go to: If you are a maternity hospital in NSW or any other state of Australia and you want Calmbirth to come to you and teach your staff go to:
20.01.2022 Calmbirth is Australia’s leading & most highly acclaimed, evidence based & trusted childbirth education program which is NOW being offered to pregnant couples for FREE as part of a Pilot Study in Auckland City Hospital in New Zealand. This pilot project is part of an initiative to support natural birth in Auckland City Hospital. To learn more and to register go to: Calmbirth has educated over 35,000 couples. Calmbirth provides pregnant couples with e...ffective tools to work with birth, physically and emotionally. Tools such as meditation, visualisation, active birth positioning, massage, acupressure points for pregnancy, labour and birth and breathing techniques. Calmbirth defines the role of the partner and what they can do to help support you on the day emotionally and physically, as well as how to work together as a team & gives partners their own birth toolbox to work with birth on the day. Calmbirth prepares you for all birth journeys working with intervention, C section or previous birth trauma. Calmbirth also plants the seed for conscious parenting birthing conscious parents, exploring the prenatal bonding, skin to skin contact and postnatal bonding, connection and attachment to your baby. Setting realistic expectations and ‘planting the seed’ beyond birth for the transition to parenting to understand what children need to develop and thrive. Calmbirth also teaches pregnant couples the importance of self care during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. SEE if you qualify for a FREE Auckland DHB CALMBIRTH Course. To Learn more and to Register go to:
18.01.2022 BIRTH TRAUMA.... The birthing of a baby, and the birthing of a mother and of a father, is a significant transitional event in our lives. . A mothers experience of birth, can go onto shape her experiences of motherhood in its entirety. Her experiences of self, her experiences of her relationships (particularly the relationship with her baby), and her experiences of the world and how she feels supported, or unsupported in her journey of motherhood. Just a few weeks ago, we ackn...owledged the presence of birth trauma within our society, through ‘Birth Trauma Awareness Week’. With the awareness that this week bought, questions and comments came flooding in. So we, Calmbirth and myself, together, felt it was important to offer some important information on Birth Trauma. In my role as a Psychologist supporting women and men throughout their parenting journey, I have heard so many stories of birth experiences where the mother and father both share stories of trauma, soon followed by feelings of guilt stemming from their unresolved feelings of how their birth experience has impacted them in a negative way, and how their experience still carries a heavy weight; days, weeks, months and sometimes years into their parenting journey. There are common assumptions around birth, that lead to many unhelpful comments from often well meaning others such as ‘you should be grateful, you have a beautiful healthy baby’, ‘birth is scary but you will get over it’ ‘all that matters is a healthy baby’. These reflections from others come from the belief that a traumatic birth is a birth that is high risk and complicated for both mother and baby, or a birth that results in loss. This assumption has led to many women, who have experienced trauma during and following their birthing experience, to hold back from seeking support.
18.01.2022 Calmbirth is STILL being offered to couples via ZOOM for Calmbirth courses at the SAN until their hospital restrictions have been lifted for antenatal courses. There are still some spaces left for the next Calmbirth ZOOM course for the SAN on the 11th & 18th October so make sure you book yourselves into one of these Calmbirth ZOOM courses to receive your 10% discount off ANY Calmbirth ZOOM course. Upcoming available Calmbirth ZOOM course dates at the The Sydney Adventist Hosp...ital (SAN), Wahroonga are on: 11th & 18th October 8th & 15th November Calmbirth courses at the SAN for 2021 are NOW available to BOOK. 10th and 17th January 14th and 21st February 14th and 21st March For those pregnant couples that are hesitant or feel uncomfortable to go to a face to face antenatal course, this is a great option and all from the comfort and safety of your own home. To BOOK your Calmbirth ZOOm course for the SAN go to: When the SAN resumes its FACE to FACE antennal classes you will also be notified if the class you are booked into changes to going FACE to FACE. The ideal time to participate in a Calmbirth course is between 24 & 34 weeks' gestation . Calmbirth is the most trusted and recommended Childbirth education program by midwives, obstetricians and GP's in Australia. Find out why the Calmbirth program is meeting the physical and emotional needs of pregnant couples, as well as improving birth outcomes for pregnant families all over Australia and abroad. Here is what a Calmbirth couple that attended a SAN Calmbirth course with Calmbirth Educator, Jenny Childs. "Calmbirth was one of the best things we did to prepare us for the birth of our daughter. I can’t speak highly enough of the Calmbirth course. This was so well done, I can hardly believe that this was the first zoom course for our Calmbirth Educator, Jenny Childs at the SAN." Calmbirth has educated over 35,000 couples since its inception in 2004 and has close to 100 Calmbirth Educators across Australia who are all trained midwives, doulas or birth professionals. Find out why there's no birth like a Calmbirth and now you can experience it for yourself from the comfort of your own homes. To BOOK a Calmbirth ZOOM course at the SAN Hospital go to:
18.01.2022 Calmbirth is STILL being offered via ZOOM at the The Royal Hospital for Women in Randwick until their hospital restrictions for antenatal classes are lifted. With ONLY a few spots left to BOOK for the Calmbirth course on the 10th & 11th October, make sure you don't miss out and BOOK this course and get your 10% discount NOW by going to: Upcoming Calmbirth ZOOM dates for the RHW are: 10th & 11th October 31st October & 1st 7th & 8th November 5th & 6th December 12th & 13th December Classes for 2021 will be posted shortly. To BOOK these courses go to: Here is a testimonial from a couple who did the Calmbirth course via ZOOM at the RHW last week wiht Natlie Short. "We feel so blessed to have met Natlie, she was so so confident, calm, full of love, knowledge and wisdom! I felt really connected with Natlie, as did my husband! I have already implemented many things and we only completed the course 24 hours ago! I did a lot of research before I signed up to the Calmbirth course and it all paid off! "I was super reluctant to do the Calmbirth course via zoom, I was worried I wouldn’t get value for money, I was worried I wouldn’t be comfortable sitting on the lounge at home 31 weeks pregnant for 16 hours! But it was awesome and it just works! We both loved it!" So, for those pregnant couples that are hesitant and don 't feel comfortable going back to doing antenatal classes face to face, this is a GREAT option for you all from the comfort and safety of your own home! The best time to attend is between 24 and 34 weeks' gestation. Make sure you get your 10% Discount code for the Calmbirth ZOOM courses for the RHW by going to:
16.01.2022 What a lovely way to kick start 2021 with an empowering and inspiring Calmbirth birth story ...
16.01.2022 Some great tips for laboring at home if you're planning a hospital birth. Did you know your labor is more likely to progress more smoothly if you labor at home... as long as possible? Your oxytocin levels will remain higher and you'll feel more safe and secure. And when you stay home as long as you can, hospitals are less likely to try to push interventions to speed up your labor due to it not fitting their timeline of progression. While you can do things to make the hospital environment more comforting, it really isn't the same as your own home. Here are some tips for laboring at home: Sleep and rest as much as you can, especially in early labor. Any time anyone is in early labor, the number 1 thing we recommend is to sleep or try to rest. Relax in the bath or shower. The warm water helps soothe muscles and keep you relaxed. Walking and keeping mobile helps your baby move through the pelvis. Try to stay in upright positions when not walking. This will also help your body work with gravity to move baby down. Leaning over the couch or other furniture is a favorite. Sit on the toilet. Doulas (and other birth workers) call this dilation station for a reason. It helps your pelvis to naturally relax and open. Watch something funny to pass time and keep oxytocin flowing Listen to music. Lots of cuddles and kisses means lots of oxytocin. Nipple or clitoral stimulation is good and if your water hasn't broken, feel free to take it a little further. Try to keep the environment calm and dark. If it's night time, keep the lights low. If it's day time, shut the blinds. : @paulinetakesphotos on IG
15.01.2022 LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS... because dads matter too!
13.01.2022 Love this unique birth support!!!!
13.01.2022 A DAD'S ADVICE...4 BIT TIPS FOR THE BOYS..... "Cuteness overload justifies the very hands on workload. - Katie was an absolute pro on Friday night and I'm so proud. 4 bit tips for the boys: Use a good massage oil/cream and just hit those pressure points & wherever she needs at every opportunity. Get a good playlist: I can link my Spotify massage playlist if you like. Use the robozozo for those major pushes! Keep that calm, safe (comfortable) & private environment and don't be... afraid to keep quiet of there's nothing to actually say. I loved the experience looking back and was in absolute awe! Catch the baby and bring her to mum also (remembering there's a chord!) Proudest moment of my life." Austin And here is the playlist: To all fellow new dads, we want to hear from you....what are your tips for the boys....
13.01.2022 Instinct.... so powerful....
13.01.2022 A Calmbirth baby is born....
12.01.2022 Calmbirth Pilot Study in Auckland City Hospital. Calmbirth is being offered for FREE to birthing couples at the Auckland City Hospital as part of a Pilot Study to normalise birth. To find out if you qualify and to Register go to:
10.01.2022 2020 Changes for us all, challenges & so much to be grateful for. Special blessings and aroha to all the beautiful calmbirth babies born this year. You bring to our world. Thanks to Peter Jackson (calmbirth founder) who came to NZ in March to teach what ended up being our last calmbirth class before the first COVID19 Lockdown. Thanks to ZOOM new 4 letter word of lockdown! It has opened up calmbirth to so many. In remote areas, with health concerns, and many who faced financial hardship due to COVID. Thanks to Auckland DHB, who in September started a 10 month calmbirth pilot study, thereby making calmbirth classes available FREE to those birthing at Auckland city hospital. Ng mihi to all our LMCs, midwives, doctors, & all our carers in Aotearoa you rock!! See more
09.01.2022 Being held by a parent with skin-to-skin contact reduces how strongly a newborn baby’s brain responds to a painful medical jab, finds a new study led by researchers at UCL and York University, Canada.
08.01.2022 We ONLY have 1 spot left for the Calmbirth October course at the JHH that starts on the 6th October, so make sure you don't miss out on the next available Calmbirth FACE to FACE course and BOOK now by going to: Calmbirth dates for the John Hunter Hospital are on: 6th October 2020 Nov & Dec FULL... Dates for Calmbirth at the JHH for 2021 January 2021 January - 12th , 14th, 19th & 21st February - 2nd,9th,16th & 23rd March - 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd To book into this much coveted and highly acclaimed course go to: Here is what a Calmbirth couple who did the Calmbirth Course with Maja Batista at the JHH had to say: "The techniques for facilitating positive birth hormone production were very useful. What I loved about Calmbirth was the inclusiveness of the partner, it was greatly appreciated!" Spaces will be limited due to social distancing requirements, so to avoid missing out on getting a spot, make sure you BOOK your Calmbirth course at the JHH NOW by going to the link: You don't have to be birthing at the JHH to do the Calmbirth program there, you just have to be pregnant and be living in the area or surrounding areas. So, Make sure you tag and tell ALL your pregnant friends living in Newcastle and its surrounding areas.
07.01.2022 We ONLY have 2 spots left to book for the 24th & 25th October Calmbirth course at the Sutherland Hospital. To BOOK this course go to: The next available Calmbirth FACE to FACE courses at the Sutherland Hospital are on the: 24th & 25th October 8th & 15th November... 19th & 20th December Calmbirth courses at the Sutherland Hospital for 2021 January 10th & 17th January February 7th & 14th February 20th & 21st March 28th February & 7th March 14th & 21st Spaces are limited due to social distancing requirements, so to get the best seat in the house, make sure you BOOK NOW as classes are filling very quickly.To BOOK go to: Here is what a Calmbirth couple who did the Calmbirth course with Calmbirth Educator Emmy Rega at the Sutherland hospital had to say. "Emmy was fantastic and an excellent educator, personable and passionate. We rate her 10/10. Thank YOU Calmbirth!" You don't have to be birthing at Sutherland Hospital to do the Calmbirth course there, you just have to be pregnant and be living in the area or surrounding areas. The best time to participate in a Calmbirth course is between 24 and 34 weeks' gestation. Calmbirth has educated over 35,000 couples since its inception in 2004 and we have close to 100 qualified Calmbirth Educators that are ALL trained birth professionals. Find out why there's no birth like a Calmbirth and why it's Australia's leading and most recommended childbirth education program by GP's , midwives and obstetricians.
07.01.2022 Milky facts....
04.01.2022 This is why Calmbirth Educator, Maja Batista does what she does... an amazing and heartfelt testimonial from one of her Calmbirth couples.
03.01.2022 Calmbirth Myths...
03.01.2022 CALMBIRTH 2021 Will you be birthing your baby in 2021?? I’d love to help guide and support you in making it a beautiful and positive experience! There will be... laughs and maybe some tears (probably from me when we watch a birth clip - yes I have seen it plenty of times but it still gets me. every. time.). Head to my website to read more about me, my offerings and see if I’m your cup of tea . And if you do decide to book, thank you, I look forward to seeing your faces and know that I’ll be doing some kind of embarrassing happy dance when I see your booking come through . Xx Lauretta
03.01.2022 Today is the 1st of October, a day which marks the beginning of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Let's always be STILL AWARE...
02.01.2022 Looking forward 2021 with lots of hope, faith and dreams...
02.01.2022 Such a powerful image showing her own strength as well as those who are supporting her on her journey....LOVE. LOVE.LOVE this image!
01.01.2022 The evidence is in. Dependence leads to independence. A new baby is adjusting to the biggest house move they are ever going to make. Our job... is to make them feel safe and secure. The more we do this the more secure they feel. Security leads to Independence. So when someone informs you that you are going to make "a rod for your own back" by holding your baby too much you can just let it flow over you knowing you are building a lifelong connection that is safe and secure and one day independent. . . . #socuddleaway #holdyourbaby #newbaby #babyfirstyear #6weekspregnant #12weekspregnant #20weekspregnant #40weekspregnant #pregnancystruggles #babyannouncement #genderreveal #babyloss #stillbirth #ultrasound #pregnancyphotraphy #newborn #maternitywear #colic #reflux #babysleep #IVF #infertility See more
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