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Calmbirth with Kat Aquilina

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25.01.2022 Can anyone relate?

25.01.2022 Birth Can Never Be Stronger Than You. Birth is you. : @perthbirthphotography Repost by @doulaviewllc #BirthBecomesHer... #normalizebirth #AtlantaDoula #Birth #doulaviewllc #TheLamazeDoula #naturalchildbirth #bathroombirth #hypnobirth #doulaviewllc #birthmatters #thisisbirth #birthphotographer #birthbravely #motherhood #childbirth #beautifulbirth See more

24.01.2022 The Purple Line Have you heard about the Purple Line? The purple line can be found on the ‘natal cleft’ (bum crack ) of some labouring woman. ... As the labour progresses the line may lengthen. It beings at the anus and continues to creep upwards - the higher the line (just above the bum crack), the closer the woman is to giving birth! The line is known as the purple line but can also be red and is likely to be caused by the pressure baby’s head applies in the pelvic space as it descends. The line is not always easily observed, varying with skin colour, and often it is seen more clearly when a woman is leaning forward or in an all fours position. The purple line may be a useful way to assess the progress of cervical dilation and how low the baby’s head is in labour. The evidence suggests that the purplish/redish line is more likely to appear for women in spontaneous active labour. Some of the evidence suggests it a very effective way to assess dilation without vaginal examination, whilst other evidence suggests that it may be more useful when using it along with other measures. Indeed, it is very interesting thing, and just another way to show us all how perfectly our bodies were designed for birth! I’d love to hear about people’s experiences of the purple line! Photo credit: @douladianne *Studies available on request.

24.01.2022 The way in which a birth unfolds can have such an impact on a womans experience, for such a long time. #writersofinstagram #midwife #midwifery #doula #childbirth #childbirtheducation #whatsrightforme #placenta #placentalbirth #drsarawickham

24.01.2022 Recommendations on Safe Sleeping in pregnancy

23.01.2022 Is it safe to colour your hair whilst pregnant? The article attached provides the relevant information you need to know

23.01.2022 The colours of breastmilk Your breastmilk is so incredible for so many reasons, but this great post by @breastfeeding.dietitian shows how your breastmilk will even change colour depending on its composition-which in itself is changing constantly! THE COLOURS OF YOUR BREASTMILK! Thank you to the mamas in my stories for all the amazing photos of the REAL colours of your pumped milk! #nofilter... . . So why does it change colour? Well colours are just specific wavelengths of light that are reflecting off the things in your milk. So EVERYTHING in your milk contributes to the colour, not just one thing... Phytonutrients (things that give colour and flavour to foods usually) Fats Proteins Carbs Immune factors Vitamins Even things that arent usually there, like blood (pink for fresh, brown for old) And so. Much. More! . . Its the specific COMBINATION of what is reflecting off ALL things in your milk that makes the colour you see. Your milk is changing within a feed, from feed to feed, from day to day, and even as your milk sits in storage. So you can expect the colour to change too! . . So yeah, there are foods that can change the colour of your milk (or if your baby is sick!), but sometimes they wont. This doesnt mean those things did not make it into your milk. They are there, but with the specific combination of all the other things in your milk that is tailored to YOUR baby, you just see white. White light is actually just a combination of all colours (Pink Floyd logo anyone?). . . So whatever colour your breastmilk, it is perfectly made for your baby! . . On that note - the colours not pictured that are a red flag to see your healthcare provider are pepto bismol hot pink and black. In addition, if you notice blood in your milk consistently, it may also be worth getting in touch with your healthcare provider . . Have you ever changed the colour of your breastmilk by eating certain foods? Share in the comments! . . #breastmilk #colostrum #breastfeedingmom #breastfeedingtips #thebreastfeedingdietitian #liquidgold #38weekspregnant #39weekspregnant #supportisbest #breastfeedingsupport #breastf See more

23.01.2022 Merry Christmas I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the last 12 months! In particular I want to that the couples who have joined me in the wonderful Calmbirth course, wether it was via zoom or face to face! It has been truly wonderful to be a part of your pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey’s and I am so thankful to be able to see you and your precious babies on social media! ... For those who are joining me in the new year, I absolutely can not wait to share Calmbirth with you and the wide Hawkesbury, Western Sydney community! Oh and another special thanks to all the beautiful people who recommended and referred couples to my course! For your support, I am so so very grateful! Merry Christmas and all the best for 2021 Kat credit @willowandwomb

22.01.2022 Normalising Postpartum Bodies! I love this clip, showing real women, showing the real postpartum

22.01.2022 It takes a village! This beautiful postpartum pledge was put together by @claireheenandoula and a village of support people for one very lucky new mum @thisiswhatidoula! What a special gift to be given that continues to give. This is postpartum support at its finest. There are many beautiful ideas listed here of how support can be given and appreciation can be shown for this new mother ... The importance of a village is often lost in today’s society or perhaps seen as unnecessary, but having a group of people around you to bring you meals, help with cleaning and care for you and your family is essential! Lightening the load for a mother so that she can focus on herself and her baby. And so many wonderful pampering pledges! Healthy mothers mean healthy babies! I’d love to hear if you have had a pamper pledge created for you? Or about the postpartum support you received that really made a difference to your transition into parenthood

22.01.2022 Another beautiful post from the wonderful Vicky @organically_you about her recent labour and birth. Both Vicky and Mitch were so open to all the learnings we went through during our Calmbirth course together. I really love Vickys honest recount of her labour and birth I am so grateful to work with so many wonderful couples and share in a small part of their journey ... #Repost @organically_you My birth journey was everything to me Not because it was easy, not because it was quick and not because it was exactly how I visualised it to be, it wasnt any of those things but it was the rebirth of me into motherhood and I wouldnt change a thing. With any rebirth it is never easy, nor fast, nor painfree. It tested me on all my levels & that is why I knew it would be one of my biggest rebirths / growths of all. My main affirmation I sung for my birth of Byron James was I Surrender although my OB thought when I said that in my transitional phase into pushing I meant I give up and told me we were in battle and I needed to win this war. the idea was there . My bad for not including that in my birth plan. These are a few snaps Mitch took without me knowing or knowing but to in the zone to care. I am glad he did take them, looking back at them now. What a journey! It was on from 3:30am that morning, with regular surges (contractions). Laboured at home for 9 hours and arrived at the hospital 8 cm dilated. To then another 8.5 hours of more breathing, clenching, roaring, clapping until our little man arrived . I am now even more in awe of the power of the mind and body. I learnt so much about myself in that one day then I have over years. Not knowing if it was a girl or boy, Mitch called out Vick, it has a willy, its a boy! I cant thank @rft_mitch_ and my beautiful doula @empoweringbirths enough for supporting me unconditionally through my pregnancy and birth journey. Helping me break through my fears and guiding me through the journey. I was disheartened my doula couldnt be there in the hospital but so grateful for the support and love from nurse Lyn and Mitch Once again... I just wouldnt change a thing

22.01.2022 Siblings This beautiful image tells the story of a daughter supporting her mother as she laboured throughout the night at home. The series goes on to show the new sister cuddling her baby close. She was a part of it all.... The role of a sibling starts long before a baby is born and there are so many wonderful ways you can involve your children in your pregnancy. Siblings can read to mums growing bump, touch her belly and feel their baby move, sing and dance with mum and watch as her belly grows and changes. This involvement may also help siblings adjust to the changes a new baby can bring to the family home. How did you include your children in your pregnancy? credit: @elliana_allon

21.01.2022 Reward yourself On Tuesdays I like to run. Its one of my two kiddie free days and I over the last few years I have grown an appreciation for running and the challenge it brings with it. So usually I turn left out of my driveway to run around my block which is approx 5km with a couple of decent hills thrown in. And it challenges me, but I do become comfortable and dont push pass the 5km because of the loop.... But today I turned right! And I am so glad I did! I was headed for a new experience and one which I wasnt sure I was up to completing, but I did it! 8km! And it felt good, I kept up pace, I kept moving and achieved a new goal! My reward for my achievement ......ENDORPHINS I was buzzing, feeling good, I kept on pushing, past my usual goal, but I was not only feeling good I was thinking good! Positive thoughts flooded my mind! The Forrest Gump soundtrack I was thinking to probably helped too! But when we work hard our body rewards us with endorphins, our natural opiates that reduce pain and increase pleasure with increasing physical activity like exercise, eating, sex and during labour and birth! So Prepare and enjoy the challenge of labour and birth, as you will be rewarded in so many ways! Think and feel positively and know that your body has your back and knows how to support you!

20.01.2022 The Birth Roar #Repost @doulaheathertaylor ... . , . Moaning and making lower toned noises is very effective in reliving pain in labor, this keeps the jaw loose and relaxed, which is direct relation to a loose and relaxed perineum. Making noises in labor is no different than making sounds while participating in sports or sex (the same noises that often gets baby in gets baby out), so surround yourself with people that allow you to be primal and make you feel safe and comfortable. @lela_partohumanizado

20.01.2022 This week is World Breastfeeding Week. For some mums, breastfeeding comes easily and is an enjoyable and rewarding part of motherhood. For others, however, it be a frustrating, difficult and sometimes painful journey and can take its toll on a mamas mental health. This can be compounded by the prevailing message that "breast is best", which can leave mums feeling as though theyve "failed" when its simply not working. Here at COPE, we recognise the importance of ensuring parents are supported to make the right choice for them and their families whether its breastfeeding, expressing, bottle-feeding, or a combination of methods. For more information on the supports available for breastfeeding and bottle-feeding mums, please visit our website: Beautiful art by Wyld Magick #WorldBreastfeedingWeek

20.01.2022 Second Stage: Passive and Active phase The second stage of labour starts when the cervix is fully dilated. For some women this may be the start of active pushing, for other women this stage may start off passive which is known as the rest and recovery phase. Listen to your body! If you do not have the innate urge to push, then take the time to rest, reposition and restore your energy, readying your body for the active pushing phase.... As your baby moves further down into the birth canal, your babys presenting part (its head or bottom) will apply pressure to the pelvic floor and rectum, reaching the active phase, creating an incredible sensation and making the urge to push irresistible! And in a short time (which can feel like a long time) you will birth your baby and be absolutely amazed at how awesome you are @livingbodyworks @pottymouthdoulacoach

20.01.2022 Age is just a number I often get asked about the age gap between my kids. Sebastian is 12, Patricia is 6 and Iggy is almost 4. I have many reasons for the large gap between Sebastian and Patricia and for our family it worked/ works well! ... Sometimes the age gaps means My eldest has to do extra chores or help out more, or get a little less time because the little kids need me more, but I can honestly say I would be lost without his help most days. Since his sibilants were just babies I can be thankful that I he was that little bit older as it helped me juggle life! Today on the eve of Sebastian starting high school I stopped and reflected how great it was that the little ones had a big brother to play with and how attentive he is to them, and seeing them play, interact, fight, create, whatever it is they are doing I know that age is just a number and that no matter their ages they will always be there for each other and have each other’s back It’s important to do what works for you and your family, whatever gap that is

20.01.2022 upcoming classes To book please email [email protected] , simply send me a DM, or follow the link in my bio

19.01.2022 Feel prepared, empowered and excited for your labour, birth and journey into parenthood! final class class for 2020 is almost sold out! To book, see link in bio or contact me directly

17.01.2022 Ive got nothing done! What a waste of a day says my husband woefully, the grand list of jobs he wanted to do, undone. His identity, like all of us in our ma...sculine energy, is measured by production, output, and achievement. He didnt see or measure all the ways he provided beautiful care for our children, but I did; I do it every day. Respond to the (seemingly endless) requests for food. Start writing an email. Stop to be with our toddler on the floor, shielding her from bumping her head, mid-tears and big feelings. Back to the email. Nope, four-year-old is climbing the pantry. Intervene. Seven-year-old needs help with a writing task. Onto that. Back to email. Toddler needs a nap. And on it goes. Nothing actually is EVERYTHING. Its a matter of changing your lens of perception & the value you place on it. Who needs a perspective shift in your world? Bridget

17.01.2022 Yes! Absolutely 100% agree. I always recommend couples read lots of evidenced based information and get informed about decisions that will impact their birth journey! Dr Sara Wickham is one of those great places that you can get lots of free evidence based info from!

16.01.2022 Yes to all of this #Repost @2lifedoula The energy that gets the baby in, gets the baby out. ... . Ina May Gaskin. . . #Repost @bodywise_birthwise @lela_partohumanizado

16.01.2022 Birth Affirmations Birth affirmations are a wonderful tool to use when preparing for, and during labour and birth, as they can help to update old fears and anxieties that you may be holding onto around birth. Affirmations may instead help you to move towards thoughts and feelings of positivity to achieve the birth you want. Birth affirmations help to remind us of our courage, strength, intuition and our natural ability to create subconsciously what we want in reality! ... You may want to create your own affirmations, of words, sayings, memories, anything really that you can draw strength from. The affirmations can also be a point of focus during the challenges of labour, or are words your birth support people can help encourage you with! Working on creating the affirmations with your partner is a beautiful way to connect with your them, your baby and the whole perinatal experience. There are also so many beautiful cars to print off or buy like the ones displayed here! Be sure to hang them around the home during pregnancy so that they become a little subconscious reminder, for when labour does come. This will make it easier to move you towards those words, helping you feel calm, relaxed and ready to work with your journey, because we amplify what we focus upon Image credit @mybirthplace #calmbirth #hawkesbury #hawkesburynsw #birthaffirmations #birthspace #birthenvironment #homebirth #hospitalbirth #birthtips #normalisebirth #calmbirthaustralia

14.01.2022 Upright positions in labour and birth It is so awesome that we are able to admire so many beautiful women labouring and birthing in upright positions thanks to the hard work of all the wonderful birth photographers out there! Each of these images helps to change the culture of birth and hopefully empower more women to labour and birth in the position that feels right and comfortable for them.... There are so many benefits for mum and baby when mum is able to labour and birth in an upright position: Gravity is helping baby descend further down the pelvis, then into the birth canal and out to be born Mum receives a greater supply of oxygen which helps to improve blood flow to the uterus to help it work efficiently and effectively (strong contractions), and provide oxygen and nutrients to baby as they work through labour Upright positions help to open the pelvic diameter by up to 30%, giving baby plenty of room to make their way further downwards Labouring and birthing in upright positions are associated with shorter labours and births. Upright positions are also associated with a reduced need for interventions such as epidurals and assisted births. When a woman is able to labour and birth in a position that feels right for her, there is increased satisfaction with the birth experience. If you would like to know more about labour and birth and feel empowered through your journey why not join my upcoming Calmbirth classes! 15th & 16th August 19th & 20th September 7th & 8th November 21st & 22nd November credit: @tribe_birth_photography

14.01.2022 Upcoming classes This weekends Calmbirth class is sold out! So be sure to book early for my next class on the 19th & 20th of September. Classes are running face to face at McGraths Hill Community Hall.... To book my next class or to view other upcoming class dates simply click the link

14.01.2022 Focus on your breath Breath awareness is such a powerful tool, not only for labour and birth but for anytime in our lives when we feel stressed or out of control. Practicing simple breathing techniques helps us to get hold of ourselves again as it triggers the parasympathetic nervous system, making us feel calm again! ... Have a read of this awesome post #Repost @thecalmspaceyoga Breath awareness is a superpower. Humans have an exceptionally subtle ability to control and think about our own breathing. This goes alongside our highly developed speech skills[i]. By focusing on our breath, we can directly control our nervous system, body and mind. When I have trouble getting off to sleep, I count my own breaths. Nine times out of ten (the tenth is usually when I have massively overdosed on caffeine) this sends me off to the land of dreams long before I reach one hundred. It is simple and effective. Breath awareness works. One of the Most Ancient Forms of Meditation Breath awareness is one of the most ancient forms of meditation. People have been practising meditation for much longer than they have been writing about it, but using the breath as a focus for focusing and settling the mind is referred to in scriptures from Buddhist, Vedic, Sufi, Jainist and other ancient traditions[ii]. Nowadays many people use breath awareness as part of Mindfulness practice. It is widely prescribed as therapy for anxiety, chronic pain and many other health conditions[iii]. The Breath is Always With Us One of the great things about breath is that is is always here. You dont have to go looking for your meditation beads or find a book. You are always breathing, so you can choose to focus on it at any time and in any place. When I used to commute to work, I often closed my eyes on the train and rested my mind on my breath for a few minutes. It is a reliable way to feel better. ... Follow link in bio to read more and download a free breath meditation video #billericayessex#relaxingyoga#thecalmspaceyoga#thecalmspace#yogabillericay#stockyoga#gentleyoga#restorativeyoga#ninjabyob#essex#essexyoga#yinyoga#yogaeverywhere#yogainspiration#gentleyogastock#pregnancy yoga#

13.01.2022 What a great initiative! If you are pregnant and wanting to breastfeed but sure to check this out!

13.01.2022 Womens Health Physiotherapist Today I had the pleasure of spending the day with Brooke from HerHealth Physiotherapy in Richmonds. It was absolutely awesome watching Brooke in action! Her passion for her work and the women she provides care for is admirable! Her clients today were either pregnant or postpartum and I was able to expand my knowledge about womens health care during both these periods of time where the female body undergoes so many major physiological changes!... I am so excited to be able to apply my new learnings to both my midwifery practice and to the education I provide to women both in the hospital and during my Calmbirth classes. Be sure to check out Brookes page for lots of Great information @thingsdownthere thanks again for having me and to the women who so graciously allowed me to be apart of their appointments today!

13.01.2022 Vicky has been so kind to share so much of her birth journey with us I love how she recounts what the Calmbirth experience meant to her and how it helped her to fell prepared and confident to birth. I also love how she was able to work with the process of labour in a way that felt exactly right for her Always @organically_you and @rft_mitch_ it was an absolute pleasure being apart of your special journey to welcome your beautiful baby boy ... #Repost @organically_you I had a lot fear around my first experience giving birth and I knew I had to change my headspace before the day but I had a lot of work to do. I had to shift my headspace so I smothered myself with positive birth stories, daily affirmations, daily mediations, daily visualisation and daily journaling. Even though I was doing all this work I knew that all birth stories were unique and whatever happened on the day the main focus was a healthy baby and healthy me. It was a fine line of surrendering to the day but also getting my headspace right enough to have a positive birth experience no matter how the day went. That is why I fell inlove with @calmbirth with @calmbirthwithkataquilina I was so drawn to this course and I knew I had to do it. It taught me how to focus on my breath, the right birth positions and gave me real insight of the labouring process. It helped me understand my options, and feel truly empowered for my first labour experience. The focus of breath and meditation has been a big part of my life and has helped me immensely throughout the past 7 years so when I heard about Calm Birth I knew it was meant for us @rft_mitch_ ! Focusing on my breath and putting myself in the positions that felt the best for me using the work with gravity was such blessing during my labour. I dont think I could have been able to labour at home for 9 hours nor arrive at the hospital 8cm dilated without it and without my beautiful husband @rft_mitch_ and doula @empoweringbirths The breath work and what I had learnt about labour through calm birth really helped me feel in control during my whole experience. This day bringing Byron James Earthside was truly was a rebirth of me

12.01.2022 Mucus Plug A great post detailing the purpose of the mucus plug and it’s release. #Repost @alisonhdoula... THE BIRTH SEAL The mucus plug is a thick mucus, secreted by the cervix, to protect the mothers womb and baby during pregnancy. The mucus plug carries antibodies that are able to neutralize bacteria, viruses, and other disease-causing agents. The mucus plug starts to build immediately upon pregnancy but does not reach its full size until you’re about 12 weeks along. It acts as a barrier at the opening of the cervix and it stays there until your cervix starts to make changes, like dilating and/or softening. This usually happens in late pregnancy but can happen sooner than that. The mucus plug can regenerate itself if it’s dislodged too soon before birth. Which is important to keep in mind if you lose your mucus plug early. And you should mention it to your provider if this happens before late pregnancy as it can be an indicator of preterm labor. The mucus plug can be about 4 centimeters long. You can lose it in pieces or all at once. The mucus plug looks different for every woman but it can vary from white, yellowish, beige/brown, clear and be tinged or streaked with pink or red which is associated with blood. The consistency is similar to a thick snot or egg whites. Losing your mucus plus is not a sure sign that labor is coming soon. Although some women report going into labor fairly soon after losing their plug in late pregnancy. It’s more of a sign that the cervix is making some changes. You may not lose your plug at all until well into active labor and that’s perfectly normal. You can also lose this protective barrier sooner than your body intended to when you consent to routine cervical exams during pregnancy when checking for dilation/effacement/station. Losing your mucus plug is usually painless and odorless and there’s no need to avoid baths or sex. Heavy bleeding before or after losing your plug is not normal and you should contact your provider immediately. PhotoCred: @nurturingbeginnings #mucusplug #repost #doulaviewllc #education #knowledge #nature #childbirtheducation #pregnancy #birth #doul

12.01.2022 Ruptured Membranes What happens when your water bag (membrane sack) breaks? Check out this cool clip that shows exactly that! Did you know that approx 8-10% of people will have their water break before labour starts? ... After this happens approx 45% of people will spontaneously start labouring within 12 hours and between 77%-95% will go into labour with 24 hours after their waters break! So if your water bag breaks before labour its important to keep calm, note the time, put a pad on and give your care provider a call Statistical information gathered from @ebbirth website. Video credit @bundlebirth

12.01.2022 Womens Health Week! A great post on Vaginas and Vulvas to kick start the week!

11.01.2022 This is an awesome initiative for mothers who need mental health assistance as this centre allows mums to stay with their babies whilst working on feeling well again!

10.01.2022 Self Love A beautifully written piece by one of my Calmbirth mummas to be @organically_you Our bodies are amazing and pregnancy is the perfect example of it! The journey is not always an easy one, for so many reasons, but boy it is worth it ... #Repost @organically_you A photo like this before pregnancy would scare me, its too much, and I would NEVER post it but since being pregnant I have really started to surrender how sacred this precious body is and I will be forever grateful. I learnt quickly this body was so much more than how it aesthetically looks and my gosh did I have to surrender to this even more when I started growing this beautiful little life in my womb. I have always been in so much awe on how beautiful our bodies are and what they give us. Thats why I have so passionately fallen in love with the health and fitness industry and every year of my Life teaches me more why I do love it so much. This year I have learnt to surrender to this new life growing inside of me. My body has changed drastically as all of ours do, I have cellulite more than I ever could imagine, my feet are swollen, my arms and hands swell daily, and the extra 16 kgs so far makes most of my joints feel aching and sore and my legs feel like lead whenever the gradient slightly increases. Of course sometimes I worry, thinking will my body ever feel the same as it use too, but then I am slapped with the truth that right now its not the time to worry about that because this body is giving life to our little bubs and for that I will forever be grateful. I have always been in awe of the human body and what it does, and I am in so much awe of the female body and what it is capable of. Whether my body is the same or not after bubs I know the power of it and everyday I am surrending more and more. All I can do now is keep moving forward, keep moving and nourishing it no matter how it looks on the outside and give it the love it deserves not just with nutrition and exercise but with positive self talk, because these bodies are so precious Thank you for capturing these moments, because they feel so sacred

08.01.2022 Postnatal Support A beautiful collection of ideas and ways to support the postnatal families in your life by Katie Parker - Pregnancy, Postnatal & Parenting Support It just take a few simple gestures to make the life of new parents that little bit easier.... I also love how Katie has provided a list of perinatal mental health organisations because the emotional well-being of new parents is absolutely essential and needs extra love and attention

07.01.2022 Great tips to prepare for breastfeeding

07.01.2022 The Placenta P L A C E N T A the only temporary organ, a multifunctional organ, acting as babys lungs to supply oxygen, kidneys to filter out waste, and as gastrointestinal and immune systems by delivering nutrients and antibodies.... MATERNAL SIDE: attached to uterine wall FETAL SIDE: connected to baby via umbilical cord The placenta detaches from the inside of the uterus after the baby is born, this leaves behind a wound 6-8 inches in diameter that needs time for healing to ward off infection and hemorrhagingat least 4-6 weeks for the wound to completely heal. One of the many reasons birth givers need lots of rest and community care to recover & heal . **that is an internal wound the size of a dinner plate but does reduce with the contraction of the uterus (involution)** . Be gentle with yourself! #Repost @midwifemarley . @viviandoula #placenta #placentalove #placentafacts #pregnancy #pregnant #birth #postpartum #doula #birthkeeper #birthdoula #iedoula #postpartumdoula #naturalbirth #wombwisdom #uterinehealth #selfcare #communitycare #humanplacenta #placentaencapsulation #postpartumbody #afterbirth #firstfortydays #4thtrimester

07.01.2022 Preparing for the postpartum I always try to spend some time at the end of each Calmbirth class talking about the postpartum and how couples can prepare for this wonderfully joyous, but sometimes challenging time! The early postpartum should be about rest and recovery for mum as she navigates her way around her new role as a mother, spending lots of time in an oxytocin bubble with her babe and partner, and for her partner to be able to provide love and support as they tran...sition into parenthood. Having a plan in place that supports this will ultimately make this time a little easier to manage. Working on this plan during pregnancy will get couples thinking about how they can work together to support each other and what external supports may be important to consider during this time. So what may be included in your plan: - support: family and friends as well as local community supports (breastfeeding, child and family health), can we hire a doula? - self care: how can we plan to take time out for ourselves? Don’t be afraid to ask for help so that you can have some time out. -meals: what can we prepare ahead of time, what services are available to deliver meals, can our family start a meal train? - house work: can our family/friends start a cleaning train, can we hire a cleaner? - team work: being on the same page about what values and parenting styles you want to bring into your family unit. How will our relationship change and what things can we do to support each other? - sleeeeeppp: understanding newborn sleep and night waking really@does help to work with it! Where will our baby sleep? Will day time naps be possible? -visitors: how will we navigate this? How can come and when? Can we ask visitors to help out? - emotional well-being: what services are accessible that support parents emotional well-being? I’d love to hear from those who have done this? Did it help? Would you add anything else? Would you have changed anything? #calmbirth #hawkesburynsw #postpartumjourney #parentingtips #childbirtheducation

07.01.2022 Health Insurance Rebate Did you know that you may be eligible for a rebate on childbirth education classes through your Health Insurance Provider? I am a registered provider with a number of different insurers and am in the process of becoming registered with a few more.... So be sure to find out if your insurance covers Calmbirth classes

05.01.2022 A wonderful post about the MGP program where woman have continuity of care with a known care provider. Some of the benefits the model of care is associated with: spontaneous vaginal birth less epidurals, episiotomies and instrumental births... more positive labour and birth experiences See more

05.01.2022 5th and 6th of December This will be my final Calmbirth class for 2020! Calmbirth is recommended for pregnant couples between 24-34 weeks gestation but it’s really never too late!... If this is your first or subsequent birth, Calmbirth will help you and your partner feel confident and prepared for labour and birth! Did you know that Calmbirth has been clinically and scientifically proven to: -reduce the rates of medical intervention -reduce the use of pain relief including epidurals during labour -reduce the impact of perinatal anxiety - enrich couples birth experience as one that is positive, irrespective of how they birth. I would love to share my next class with you! Spaces are limited. Link in the bio to book or feel free to send me a PM if you have some questions #hawkesbury #calmbirth #childbirtheducation #empoweredbirth #pregnancy #labourandbirth

04.01.2022 Hold them close Have you ever been told that if you hold your baby too much you will spoil him/her? Well, guess what? It has been scientifically proven that you CAN NOT spoil a newborn baby! Your baby feels secure, safe, comfortable and loved on your chest or in your arms. ... You are simply meeting your babys needs, not creating bad habits, when you respond to their cries soothingly, feed them on demand, or engage with them. Responding to your babys needs with love and affection assists with growth and development; helps your baby build trust; and creates secure and confident children. It also reduces stress in parents. So hold your baby, hold them close and often. It good for your baby and it is good for you. Thank you to my beautiful Calmbirth mumma @lareinetan and her gorgeous daughter Addison for allowing me to use their image. credit: @amysheppardpie

04.01.2022 BRAIN to help you make informed decisions. Good communication between couples and their care provider is essential in ensuring women and their families feel confident and comfortable with the options they are being given during their pregnancy, birth and the postpartum. Using this acronym can help you to understand everything you need to know to make an informed decision. #calmbirth #informedchoices #hawkesbury #childbirtheducation

04.01.2022 R U Ok? Today we check in with those close to home and those far from us, those we know and those we may not know to ask the question R U Ok? It is important to know that its okay not to be okay and that support is available.... The wonderful Babies Ballarat has put together this important post about how widely affected the community can be by postpartum depression and where to seek support if you need it. This may not be something you are personally experiencing, but it may be something someone you loved is, and its okay to ask for help, NOT just today, but any day that things are not okay

04.01.2022 Needing postnatal breastfeeding support? Add our virtual postnatal breastfeeding sessions to your diary.

02.01.2022 Do you want to be Calmbirth ready? If so, Id love to help you prepare for your upcoming birthing journey! My August class is almost full so be quick to book your spot, classes running face to face in McGraths Hill, Sydney... You can book directly at

02.01.2022 Meconium Meconium is the thick, greenish-black substance that is made up of secretions, and waste products from the amniotic fluid that have been swallowed by baby throughout pregnancy. The collection of meconium begins to line the baby’s intestines around the beginning of the second trimester and continues to accumulate until the baby is born.... In most cases the first poo tends to be passed within the first 24 hours after birth, and midwives are keen to see it as this indicates that the baby’s body is functionally normally and that he/she is receiving breastmilk. A hot tip: once you notice that your baby has passed meconium after birth, it’s best to clean it quickly, with a cloth and warm water and the tar-like substance tends to stick to baby’s skin and can be difficult to clean off if left too long. Sometimes meconium can be passed into the amniotic fluid before baby is born, and is revealed before or during the labour process as the greenish-black colouring stains the amniotic fluid being released. This may be for various reasons such as a mature digestive system that is moving the substance out, cord compression during labour that initiates a reflex in the gastrointestinal system causing meconium to be released, or it may be a sign of fetal distress. It is important to ensure that you NOTIFY your care providers if your water bag breaks before or during labour, noting the colour of the water to help identify meconium stained liquor as fetal monitoring is recommended. credit: @jessica_vi_photography

02.01.2022 A wonderful virtual tour of Blacktown Hospitals maternity services.

02.01.2022 Thank you Just a quick thank you to the lovely couples that joined me this weekend for my first face to face Calmbirth Childbirth Education Class in the Hawkesbury. And thank you to my one couple who couldnt join face to face but joined us via Zoom! I had a wonderful weekend sharing the program with you all ... For anyone who wants to learn more about Calmbirth and how the program can build confidence and help prepare you and your partner for your labour and birth journey feel free to send me a message, give me a call or book directly at My next class is on the 19/20 September. I hope you can join me and I promise, Im not as awkward as I look

01.01.2022 An incredible image of a babys fontanelle and suture lines. These allow movement of the skull plates to assist babys descent down into the pelvis and birth canal for birth. #Repost @2lifedoula Built to birth ... At birth, the newborns skull consists of five major bones: 2 frontal 2 parietal 1 occipital These are separated by connective tissue junctions known as cranial sutures. These cranial sutures function as seams and they are highly necessary to facilitate the movement and molding of the cranium through the birth canal during labour. They also allow for rapid postnatal growth and development of the brain. However, the bones that shape the cranium begin unfused, leaving several gaps between the individual bones of the infants skull. These gaps are composed of membranous connective tissue and are known as fontanelles. (Lipsett et al, 2020) Babys fontanelles, also known as soft spots should be relatively firm to touch and when you keep your fingers there you may feel a pulse It should also curve ever so slightly inward. If the soft spot has a very noticeable inward curve its known as a sunken fontanelle. This often indicates dehydration. . Image by @wildheartphotoandfilm Repost @student_midwife_studygram #Repost @bodywise_birthwise #builttobirth #fetalbones #cranialbones #suturelines #fontanelles #paediatrics #occiput #occipital #cranialsutures #newborn #newbornphotography #birthwise #childbirth #midwifery #childbirtheducator #midwife #studentmidwife #baby #doula #birthdoula #bodywisebirthwise

01.01.2022 Surpise The face of a mother who has just been told the baby boy she could have sworn she was having was actually a girl! Have you had a similar experience? ... credit:@gatherbirth

01.01.2022 I thought I’d post some of my Instagram stories from yesterday’s take over of @alisonm_naturopath Instagram page for my followers here! (Resized from Instagram stories to post)

01.01.2022 Thank you Core and Floor Restore for this post regarding Fetal Movements and heart sounds.

01.01.2022 Oxytocin Bubble Look at these two gorgeous humans who have just welcomed their beautiful baby boy earth side! Mum, Dad and bubs are truly in an oxytocin bubble after a marathon 17 hour labour! And their triumphant smiles say it all! ... After woman give birth they have a huge burst of oxytocin which helps to bond mum and baby, initiate breastfeeding and helps to reduce postnatal bleeding. Oxytocin fills the whole room when a baby is born! These lovely parents attended a private Calmbirth class with me earlier in their pregnancy! And I was so happy to hear of their babys birth. Some words from mum birth announcement post on the 21 August, 2020 we met our bundle of joy Earth-side after a lot of breathing, vocalising, clapping stress balls and holding on to M so darn tightly I dont think he could breathe All I can say is our bodies are AMAZING. . Congratulations @organically_you shared with permission

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