Calm Heart Yoga | Fitness venue
Calm Heart Yoga
Phone: +61 413 531 486
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25.01.2022 FREE YOGA IN THE PARK FREE yoga is on again this weekend in four locations! Sat 9am Keast Park Seaford... Sat 5pm Sandfield Reserve, Carrum Downs Sun 9am Southgateway Reserve, Langwarrin Sun 5pm George Pentland Botanical gardens (Yuille St end) Start your weekend off with some peaceful yoga & meditation practice outside amongst the trees Organised by @frankstoncity as part of their ‘Do It Outdoors initiative’. . . . . #seafordyoga #langwarrinyoga #frankstonyoga #doitoutdoorsfitness #yogainthepark #freeyogaclasses #seafordbeach #keastpark #seafordmoms #langwarrinlocals #langwarrinlocal #frankstonsouth #frankstoncity #visitfrankston #frankstonmums #frankstonsmallbusiness #carrumdownsyoga #carrumdowns #sandfieldreserve #southgateway #keastparkcarrum #georgepentlandbotanicgardens #georgepentlandgardens #ahealthyfrankston #visitfrankston
24.01.2022 Yippee!! We now have beautiful new flooring & lights What do you think? I’ll be freshly painting it this week & setting up the props & plants & sewing more bolster covers & curtains to welcome you back to classes next week. I’ve missed you all & can’t wait to share this bigger & brighter space with you
24.01.2022 As the sun sets for the last time in 2020, I am sending you all wishes for a very happy & peaceful new year. Welcome 2021. 365 days to:... Spread love Farewell fear Say I love you Be proud Choose forgiveness Take responsibility Love our planet Say I'm sorry Smile at a stranger Practice kindness Nurture body & mind Acknowledge past hurts Make time for me Be grateful Laugh, sing & dance Roll out the yoga mat Be in the heart more than the head To grow Wishing you a happy start to 2021. I look forward to seeing you on the yoga mat soon. Om shanti peace. Much love & light. Sally . . . . . @calmheartyoga #newyear #2021 #2021goals #iloveyoga #yogapractice #yogaeverydamnday #yogadailypractice #calmyourmind #calmheartyoga #meditation #meditationpractice #gratefulheart #mindfulness #yogalove #yogamelbourne #yogafrankston #yogafrankstonsouth #tryyoga #yogateachings #yogalife #livingyoga #yogaeveryday #iloveyoga #happiness #kindness #makemyheartsing #newyearsgoals #beproud #pride #melbournepride #begrateful
23.01.2022 Kindness is a movement Has anyone done something really kind for you before.. and all you want to do is pass that kindness on to someone else? Pay it forward! Yes? That’s because kindness is a chain reaction. It’s a wave that keeps rolling, and all it needs is one person to start it. One small kind act can cause a ripple effect that impacts an entire community When we focus on being kind, we are creating a movement of change which reminds me of Gandhi’s quote "be the ch...ange you wish the see in the world" It isn't just about change, and it isn't only about one person being able to change their world. It's bigger! Its about a movement that can be started from one person acting with intention. With kindness. With love in their hearts . . . . #kindness #bethechange #bethechangeyouwanttoseeintheworld #gandhiquotes #yogaquotes #yogaquotesoftheday #yogateaching #yogaclasses #yogastudio #yogaandmeditation #meditationstudio #yogapractice #mahatmagandhi #payitforward #passiton #bekind #calmheartyoga #openhearted See more
20.01.2022 Are you tired after a busy week of festivities? Join me live on zoom this morning from your home at 10am for a calming yoga practice & yoga nidra deep rest, to restore energy, movement & balance body & mind. Accepting bookings until 9.45am.... With love & light, Sally . . . . . #yogafrankstonsouth #yogafrankston #zoomyoga #liveyoga #relaxingyoga #gentleyogalivestream #gentleyoga #yogabalance #meditationfrankston #yoganidrapractice
20.01.2022 Yoni Mudra - attitude of the womb or source . This mudra is my anchor when life feels chaotic & I'm being swept away by the turbulence of daily life. It helps me feel secure & safe like a fetus in a womb. It draws me back in away from distractions & the endless to do list, calms my busy mind & brings me home to a place of peace, love & security. It alleviates stress, restores energy, strengthens the nervous system & promotes mental clarity. . Yoni mudra is helpful for fertili...ty issues & to alleviate menopausal symptoms. . So on days you need a big hug try Yoni mudra for 5 minutes to ground & rejuvenate you. It is perfect after asana and before meditation practice or just as a stand alone practice. . Sit comfortably. Lift your palms to face you & turn your middle, ring & little fingers inward so the backs of the fingers are touching & then interlock them. This creates a complete cross connection of energy from the right hand into the left & vice versa balancing energy in the body & balancing the activities of the right & left hemisphere of the brain. Then connect the tips of the index fingers pointing them away & connect the thumbs together pointing them toward you. This connection further intensifies the flow of prana energy. . Feel connected to the earth & where you began this life & to your innate powerful primal energy. . Big love . . . . #yonimudra #mudra #mudras #subtleyoga #beyondasana #yogatherapy #hasthamudra #yogafrankston #yogafrankstonsouth #feelgood #yogaforfertility #yogaformenstruation #womenshealth #wellbeingjourney #yogaworkshops #yogateachers #yogateachings #loveyoga #yogamorningtonpeninsula #yogamelbourne See more
20.01.2022 What a beautiful morning Today is our last day of FREE Yoga in the Park sessions as part of the @frankstoncity Do it Outdoors program It’s not too late to join us for yoga. You will find:... Cara Leah this morning at 9am at Southgateway Reserve in Langwarrin Sally this evening at 5pm for a twilight yoga session at George Pentland Botanical Gardens, Frankston South (Yuille St end). Come and join us for a beautiful yoga class surrounded by nature. Have a beautiful day
19.01.2022 New Thursday 6.30pm class starting tonight! If you are feeling stressed, anxious or busy & need some grounding, nourishment, rest & relaxation, then join me tonight for a nurturing yoga & breath practice with a long guided relaxation & meditation. There are two places left. Everyone is welcome. Beginners to advanced. Non-competitor safe nurturing space for all. Sending love & light,... Sally . . . . . . . . #yogaclasses #restorativeyoga #hathayoga #yogafrankston #yogafrankstonsouth #frankstonsouth #frankstonbusiness #frankstonhealthandwellness #frankstonbusinesswomen #frankstonmums #frankstoncity #vistfrankston #frankstonyoga #frankstonsouthyogastudio #frankstonmeditation #timetomeditate See more
17.01.2022 Beautiful weather for yoga in the George Pentland Botanical Gardens, Frankston South #yogainthepark
15.01.2022 Sunday Zoom Yoga & Nidra is back!! Join Sally tomorrow at 10am live on Zoom for a 75 min gentle restorative and yoga nidra practice. Bookings are essential. $15 per class ... . . . . . #zoomyoga #yogasunday #yogaonline #yogafrankston #yogafrankstonsouth #yogamelbourne #yoganidra #yoganidrameditation #liveyogaclasses #yogaathome See more
15.01.2022 Thank you to those of you who joined me on zoom for yoga & meditation this morning from the beautiful @bellbraecountryclub Zoom classes are every Sunday at 10am I hope you have a beautiful day.... Infinite blessings, Sally . . . . #zoomyoga #onlineyoga #yogaathome #meditationonline #zoommeditation #meditatedaily #pranayamapractice #subtleyoga #hathayoga #warrior2 #virabhadrasana #frankstonyoga #yogafrankstonsouth #calmheartyoga #gentleyoga #startyourdayright #peaceofmind
13.01.2022 Happy full moon yogis When the moon is full, energy is high & the darkness is lit up around us & within us.. it the perfect time to release negative thoughts, feelings & emotions & to let go of anything that doesn’t serve your highest good and anything that is stopping you from being your incredible brilliant self.. your beautiful unique YOU!! And in letting go of the old, we create space for the new.. for new positivity.. new endeavours.. new growth.. new happiness & joy!...! If you get a moment take a peek at the full moon this evening imagine the moonlight cleansing your chakras & the moon beans flooding you with white light.. illuminating all of you.. the light & the dark.. the parts of ourselves we like & dislike.. the shadow parts - our whole self.. & acknowledge all parts.. and why the shadow parts are in darkness & where they stem from.. fear, hurt, pain.. and give those parts a huge hug & send them loving kindness & embrace your whole being.. and ask yourself what you need to release to grow.. to let more positivity in.. to change old negative habits.. and to open our hearts to more love & joy! Imagine the light of the moon flowing through you & say to yourself.. I release all negative habits I release all fear I release all doubt in my abilities I release everything that doesn’t serve my highest level of brilliance I welcome love I welcome positive change I am free My heart is open
13.01.2022 We are back beautiful yogis!! I am very excited to say we are reopening on Mon 16th Nov, in just over one week, with classes in our Frankston South studio and also with a new class in bayside Hampton, so we can practice in person and share in the beautiful energy of a group practice, very soon. I am currently finalising a new timetable which will be released early next week. Zoom classes will still continue and we will be following covid safe practices in all classes.... Due to the space restrictions in place, class sizes will be very small, so please get in quick to book and I’ll try to accommodate everyone as best I can. I am also available for private sessions and small group bookings. Thank you to everyone who has attended my weekly zoom classes since lock down in July - I am very grateful and thank for sharing the zoom journey with me and supporting me while I navigated the online teaching space and for all sharing in our yoga practice through the highs and lows of iso - what would we do without yoga I can’t wait to see you soon calm hearted yogis & thank you in person for all of your support. Love and light, Sally
11.01.2022 Start your Cup Day with Yoga Our live Zoom class at 10am on Tuesdays is running on cup day! We hope to see you there for a gentle mindful start to your day. For those who can’t make it or if you are on a weekly or monthly zoom pass, you won’t miss out, as we’ll send you the zoom recording to practice at home another time.... Infinite blessings, Sally xx . . . . . . . #zoomyoga #liveyogaclass #onlineyogaclasses #onlineyoga #calmheartyoga #zoomyogaclasses #cupdayyoga #zoommeditation #newday #startwithgratitude #gratitudeattitude #yogaview #hathayoga #yogaeverydaydamnday #zoomclasses
11.01.2022 The Bow The Arrow The Target Use the body to discipline the mind and to reach the soul. Asanas, when done with the right intention, will help to transform an individual by taking the person away from an awareness of just the body toward the consciousness of the soul. Body is the bow, asana the arrow, and soul is the target. BKS Iyengar, Light on Life, p. 62-3.... . . . . . . . #bksiyengar #yogaquotes #yogafrankston #yogafrankstonsouth #yogastudio #yogaseaford #subtleyoga #asanapractice #yogaquotesoftheday #loveyoga
10.01.2022 Day dreaming about & missing our beautiful Melbourne city & laneways.. it has been a while since I’ve seen you & hopefully I’ll see you again soon when the restrictions ease.. photo credit to the incredible Charli at @yotography_ Yoga studios still can’t open just yet, so I will continue to offer zoom classes & may keep a couple going even once studio classes resume. Stay happy, healthy & keep shining your radiant light!... Namaste Sally . . . . . . #forearmstand #yogapractice #melbourneyoga #cityyoga #melbournelaneways #onlineyogaclasses #zoomyoga #yogaeverydamnday #zoomyogaclasses #yogadoorway #yogaintightspaces #cbdyoga #cityofmelbourne #graffitiyoga #yogaeverydayandeverywhere #yogaeverywhere #over40andfabulous #yogaover40
10.01.2022 We are very excited to share with you that Calm Heart Yoga is now taking bookings for studio classes starting this week in Frankston South & Hampton! Our doors have been closed since March due to COVID & they are finally reopening. We can’t wait to welcome you back inside our turquoise studio doors - to practice yoga, rejuvenate your energy, calm your mind & balance your whole being. We have a new timetable for you to explore on our website with options for face to face & live Zoom. Take a peek at our timetable and fees here: As numbers are limited with the current restrictions, bookings are essential by phone or email [email protected] Classes are gentle & therapeutic with breath work, postures and relaxation/meditation to suit all levels, ages & stages. Everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you on the mat soon dear yogis. Love & light
10.01.2022 Our apologies but it’s too wet and wild for twilight yoga in the park at George Pentland Botanical gardens this evening so we have had to cancel. We hope you have a beautiful evening and we look forward to practicing yoga and meditation in the park with you next week as the weather hopefully fines up. Take the time to enjoy this beautiful rain. Stay safe and warm.... Blessings, Sally . . . #toowet #classcancelled #itsrainingtoday #yogainthepark #calmheartyoga
09.01.2022 Preparing the smudge stick before class this evening to cleanse unwanted energy and negativity.. leading up to the Uluru transformational ceremony tonight in which we will meditate at 9.02pm and send love & healing to Mother Earth Listen to that rain . .... . . . . #ulurumeditation #yogameditation #meditateforchange #healmotherearth #sagesmudge #yogacleanse #smudgestick #bringchange #sharelove #openhearted See more
08.01.2022 Join me on Zoom at 10am every Sunday for gentle yoga practice & yoga nidra (deep yogic rest) to restore your energy, relieve stress & balance your body & mind
08.01.2022 Happy New Year beautiful yogis Join me live on Zoom on Sunday morning at 10am for a gentle calming Sunday yoga & meditation class to begin this new year with mindfulness, clarity, balance & peace Bookings can be made up to 30 mins before class start time.... Om shanti peace Sally #frankstonyoga #frankstonsouthyogastudio #gentleyoga #subtleyoga #relax #meditationpractice
08.01.2022 Today, First Nations people are gathering at Uluru for a very important ceremony that has been a long time in the making, and a long time coming. They’re working to fulfil a prophecy that has been said will change everything. To support them, Australians and people everywhere are being encouraged to pause in the lead-up to tonight’s solstice, to find a space in nature, turn towards Uluru and spend time building up a positive intent in your heart for Earth. Spend as long as... you can before the solstice time building up the intention. Now more than ever our precious Elders and Lore Keepers need our support. Here are their instructions from Julia Williams in consultation with Lore Keepers: "Send the clear intention of re-energising pure love and energy to the heart of Mother Earth at the exact time of the Solstice. When sending the pure love and revitalising energy to the heart of Mother, this energy can be sent through the root of your body and into the songlines, or through the third eye to Uluru, to join the ceremony energies. Whatever way individuals find that suits them is the right way to send the energy. As long as the energy and intent is there, it shouldn’t matter how it gets there. The intention is pure love to reinvigorate and re-energise the heart of Mother. It’s simple, beautiful, powerful. Your help is important. Your help is necessary. Necessary for this ceremony to work. This is why you’re here now, to help ensure this ceremony is successful. It’s for her. Not us. Though we positively benefit in the process. Keep a laser like one-pointed focus on the intention. Solstice - world times: 19:32 Darwin 20:02 Brisbane 21:02 Sydney 20:32 Adelaide 18:02 Perth 23:02 Auckland 00:02 Honolulu 02:02 Los Angeles 04:02 Chicago 05:02 New York 05:02 Toronto 10:02 London 11:02 Paris 11:02 Berlin 11:02 Rome 12:02 Athens 13:02 Moscow 11:02 Oslo 11:02 Amsterdam 17:02 Bangkok 18:02 Singapore 18:02 Hong Kong 18:02 Shanghai Please take a moment to meditate for Mother Earth this evening at 9.02pm Melbourne time Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu . . . . . #ulurumeditation #summersolstice
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