Rotary Club of Caloundra in Caloundra, Queensland | Charitable organisation
Rotary Club of Caloundra
Locality: Caloundra, Queensland
Address: 2 North Street 4551 Caloundra, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Read the latest from DG Darryl
25.01.2022 Good to see the result of our Golf day fundraising In action .. Dicky Beach Slsc #rotaryclubofcaloundra
25.01.2022 Get the link at
24.01.2022 We are pleased to welcome our new President James Condon for 2020-2021 and we are looking forward to celebrating 100 years of Rotary in AUST & NZ... #RotaryOpensOpportunities #LetsGoForwardTogether
23.01.2022 #rotaryclubofcaloundra
23.01.2022 Sunshine Coast Rotary Children's Photographic Competition now has two more dates for the FREE PRE-ENTRY TUITION workshops thanks to Barry Alsop, Camera House and Rotary Club of Caloundra 2nd - Tuesday 10 March 2020 3rd - Tuesday 17 March 2020... 5pm to 6.30pm Garricks Camera House Maroochydore Shop 10/45-49 Plaza Parade, Maroochydore QLD 4558 To help our planning, you are asked to register either (a) on the Facebook event page for the day concerned, or (b) by email with the student’s Name, School, and email address to [email protected] DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR CAMERA! 2nd - Tuesday 10 March 2020 3rd Tuesday 17 March 2020 Eyes Wide Open Images #SunshineCoastRotaryPhotoCompetition #CaloundraRotary #EyesWideOpenImages #garricksmch #photocomp
23.01.2022 Been a while since an update. After extended meetings with Council everything is now starting to move. Our shed is going to be built by Southern Cross Sheds a g...reat local company who have been fantastic so far. Will give updates on who we are using for the different trades. We are probably about 4 weeks behind schedule due to making sure we get everything right first time. Also first lot of Federal Govt. grant money has come through. Thanks. See more
23.01.2022 Rotary’s Centenary hits the road In conjunction with the Variety Bash Queensland, the Rotary Club of Caboolture, Qld, is creating a vehicle that will be a mobil...e billboard to celebrate and promote 100 years of Rotary in Australasia. The car has been registered as #1921, to recognise the commencement of Rotary in Australasia. All Rotary clubs in Australia can participate by sponsoring a Rotary Wheel on the vehicle, which will be used as a daily commute throughout the year and an entry in the 2020 Variety Bash Queensland. The goal is for 100 Rotary clubs to be sponsors at $100 or greater relative to the size of the wheel and location on the vehicle. The Variety Bash Queensland is to be held at the beginning of September, starting from Winton via Birdsville and onto the Barossa Valley in South Australia. The team of three Caboolture Rotarians, led by Peter Brown with his brother and son, will drive the vehicle from Brisbane to the start in Winton, and return to Brisbane from the end of the Bash in the Barossa Valley. The vehicle will cover approximately 5500km through Queensland, NSW and South Australia. It is anticipated the vehicle will be a great talking point, drawing enquiries about Rotary. The Rotary Club of Caboolture has already attracted two applications for membership before the car has even been painted. A Caboolture Rotarian and owner of Jonkers Smash Repairs has donated the paint job. Peter participated in the 2019 Variety Bash as a co-driver in another vehicle and said it was a fun event with a serious message that was consistent with the aims of Rotary. Funds raised through sponsorship of Rotary wheels on the vehicle will be donated to Variety Kids giving kids a fair go through sickness, disadvantage, or living with special needs. The club anticipates this will have multiple rewards through supporting a worthwhile organisation, making Rotary highly visible to promote our good work and attract potential new members. Interested clubs can contact club secretary Peter Brown via [email protected].
22.01.2022 BBQ with Kieth at Diamond Head Last saturday ... #Rotarians Bernadette Strong
22.01.2022 Rotary International was the first organization to dream of a polio-free world. How do you support polio eradication?
21.01.2022 Learn 5 ways the polio eradication infrastructure bolsters overall healthcare delivery to fight and protect against other diseases:
20.01.2022 Some info about our old steam engine
17.01.2022 During the International Day of Peace in 2015, Past District Governor Jennifer Scott attended the Dialogue for Peace initiative at NSW Parliament and met a wond...erful group of refugees from the Great Lakes, an area covering the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda. Following the celebration, in March 2017, Jennifer’s Central Blue Mountains Rotary, Rotary District 9685, agreed to host a group of refugee women in the Blue Mountains. Among them was the charismatic changemaker Rosemary Kariuki, who is on a mission to empower migrant women, enticing them out of cultural silos, exposing them to new ideas, experiences and the wider Australian society. The story of these women is now being told in a film directed by Ros Horin and produced by Pat Fiske. Rosemary's Way will premiere at Sydney Film Festival, which is going online and national for the first time tomorrow. Tickets cost $14 and can be used anytime between June 10-21 for a one time viewing. Book now at #RosemarysWay #Sydneyfilmfestival #RotaryConnectsTheWorld
17.01.2022 This old train sat at Happy Valley for about 16 years during the 70's and 80's. We loved climbing all over it as kids
17.01.2022 Awesome meeting being entertained by Barry Bull & learning about hear & say at nambour (Oct.06,2020) #rotaryclubofcaloundra #hearandsay #loudshirtday
17.01.2022 The Rotary Club of Caloundra Charity Golf day is on again on 19th March 2021. Entry is $400 for a team of 4 or $100 for visitors and there is a Sponsorship Package available for $1000 per team. #rotaryclubofcaloundra
16.01.2022 East to the West, Meneng Playcentre is the best! Rotary visited this week to teach correct handwashing practices to parents and students aged 3 and 4 by Spatap portable taps to bring clean, fresh water and soap to your child. Simple face and hand hygiene prevent prevalent diseases, such as the highly contagious eye disease, trachoma. Meneng Playcentre is open 9am-12pm, Monday to Friday. Rotary Nauru is proud to support Nauru's Playcentres because we know the positive difference an early childhood education makes to your child's future. See more
16.01.2022 Have you registered for the District 9600 Conference? Join us from the 26th to the 28th of March for an extraordinary celebration of Rotary Opening Opportu...nities! We have an incredible line up of internationally and nationally renowned speakers, such as Leah Purcell, Stephanie Woollard OAM, Rick Morton, William McInnes, Tony Dee, Josh Gadischke and MORE! This conference promises to be a time of inspiration, learning and relaxing among friends. Funds raised at the conference will go towards supporting Youth suicide prevention programs in the South Burnett region. To register, go to Registration closes on 18 March. #Rotary #Rotaract #Rotaractor #PeopleOfAction #RotaryDistrict9600 #Humanitarians #Community #PromotingPeace #ProtectingPeople #FightingDisease #SupportingEducation #GrowingEconomies
16.01.2022 Spread The Love. Help Us, help those that need it. We all have camera gear going to waste that we don't use any more right.... Lets Put it to a fantastic use.. ...Garricks Camera House Maroochydore Wants to link your old gear up with avid photographers that can't afford some of the luxuries after the basics. Please, if you have any gear that you would like to donate to us, we will make sure it gets into the hands of someone that can use it. It doesn't matter if its a tripod, a single lens or even a camera body without lenses. Even Analog film cameras are great. We will take anything and then make up some sort of kit and get it to someone that needs the help. Please feel free to Contact Rick (the Store Manager) or just Bring your gear into our New "True Blue" store and we will do the rest for you. AND... If you know someone in a situation as mentioned above then feel free to get in touch and let us know and maybe we can get some of the equipment into some hands and make life a little different for someone. Camera house Maroochydore and yourselves can help Spread the Love of Photography. Lets be proud together.
15.01.2022 Bernie presenting Lynne Roberts Scholarship on be half of the Rotary Club of Caloundra to Chloe Barwick at the STEMM Graduation. What a wonderful young group of 12 Graduating. From Ron Strong
15.01.2022 The latest issue of Rotary Down Under magazine is out today! In this months edition read all about pioneering women in Rotary.
15.01.2022 Rotary clubs in Australia and New Zealand have contributed to the largest-ever Rotary Foundation Grant to fund vital healthcare equipment on the world’s largest... purpose-built NGO hospital ship, operated by Mercy Ships. The ‘Global Mercy’ launches in 2021 and will double the NGO’s healthcare impact throughout West Africa by providing six surgical specialities, as well as training for local healthcare workers. Money donated by Craig Brodey, of Lane Cove Rotary, Rotary District 9685, together with contributions from New Zealand’s Rotary Club of Morrinsville - District 9930 Inc, Rotary District 9930 Central North Island New Zealand, forms part of the 2020 Rotary Foundation global grant of US$1.125 million, helping outfit six operating theatres, three infection isolation rooms, six wards, and an intensive care unit on board the Global Mercy. Worldwide, two out of three people could not access surgery when they need it pre-COVID-19. More than 18 million people were dying unnecessarily from conditions that could have been treated by surgery because they could not afford it, could not access it, or it was simply not available in their country at any time. In 2020 this need has escalated. During the 50-year lifespan of the ‘Global Mercy’, it is estimated more than 150,000 people will be transformed through free essential surgery. The addition of the new hospital ship will enable Mercy Ships to reach more people in need and train more local healthcare professionals, while leaving a sustainable, lasting healthcare legacy. Read the full story in the November edition of Rotary Down Under. In mailboxes and inboxes now! Mercy Ships NZ Mercy Ships Australia Rotary International #RotaryOpensOpportunities #TheRotaryFoundation #DoingGood
15.01.2022 Rotary International Presidential message Month of April 2020 I spend a lot of time thinking of family, not just my own or the extended family of Rotary, but the families we are helping in the communities we serve. In many parts of the world, mothers and children face challenges to survive that most of us will never comprehend. According to the World Health Organization, the risk of a woman in a low-income country dying during pregnancy or childbirth, or from related causes, is about 120 times higher than that of a woman living in a high-income country. It is encouraging that infant mortality rates are declining globally, yet 4 million babies annually still die within the first year of life. In April, Rotary turns its attention to maternal and child health. And when we think of what we can do to help, we can look to clubs like the Rotaract Club of Calabar South-CB, Nigeria, for inspiration. It teamed up with the Rotaract Club of Canaan City (CB) in a program focused on educating mothers on best practices to prevent infant mortality and promote postnatal health for themselves and their babies. In Bangladesh, the Rotary Club of Dhaka North provides free surgeries and medicine to pregnant women who cannot afford the hospital costs associated with giving birth. I encourage you and your club to go to to find projects like these that are helping to save mothers and children. We also have witnessed how millions of people families and entire communities have been ripped away from their homes because of conflict, poverty, and disasters during the past decade. But Rotary has not stood idly by during the global refugee crisis. During Rotary Day at the United Nations last November, we honored a Rotary Peace Fellow and five Rotarians who are taking action to help refugee communities. Among them was Ilge Karancak-Splane of the Rotary Club of Monterey Cannery Row, California. After visiting several tent camps in Turkey, she led a Rotary project that collected 1,000 pairs of children's shoes and socks for families in the camps and, later, led a global grant project to help educate refugee children. In March, Gay and I had the privilege of visiting a tent camp in Torbal and seeing firsthand the good work that Rotarians from Turkey and California were accomplishing with Syrian refugees. The challenges faced by mothers, their children, and refugee communities around the world are daunting. But when we remember our greatest strength how Rotary Connects the World we can begin to find solutions. Through our creativity, our resources, our dedication, and our networks, Rotary can and will open opportunities to face these challenges. Mark Daniel Maloney President 2019-20 Rotary International
11.01.2022 In developed countries clean water delivered to where it is needed is taken for granted. In under-developed countries access to clean water sources or water is fit for human consumption can be a rarity. Around the world, 2.1 billion people are unable to access safe water sources within their home and this results in disease, malnourishment, illness, an inability to participate in the economic well-being of the family and community and more. A lack of clean water negatively affects sanitation, agricultural and food production (hunger) and economic development. Rotary helps through a myriad of projects that improve the sourcing, storage and distribution of clean water to where it is absolutely needed. Wells, rainwater collection, water storage dams, water tanks, filtration systems, reticulation systems along with providing the recipient communities with the knowledge and expertise to maintain these and manage the resources sustainably. Picture courtesy of #rotarywatersanitationhygiene
11.01.2022 Our work to eradicate polio continues even as we take action against this new disease. Manipulating Rotary’s End Polio Now logo and messaging to communicate abo...ut #COVID19 weakens the End Polio Now brand and confuses the public. Please only use the End Polio Now logo design for polio-related communications. #EndPolioNow #TheRotaryFoundation #Rotary #ThisClose
11.01.2022 #rotarygolfday2021 #rotaryclubofcaloundra
10.01.2022 Here’s the chance to speak your mind
10.01.2022 Today, Year 10 students will participate in the RYDA program designed to provide young people with the tools, habits and motivation to take action and stay safe... on our roads as both drivers and passengers throughout their lives. RYDA is more than a program, it’s partnership which supports teachers on the journey as they provide their students with the tools and understanding they need to see themselves as active, responsible road citizens. Thankyou to the Rotary Clubs of Caloundra, Caloundra Pacific and Glasshouse Mountains for coordinating this program. RYDA Road Safety Rotary Club of Caloundra #cshspc #proudparentsvoice #localssupportingeducation
09.01.2022 Hey everyone Just letting you know that our breakfast meeting is back at Oaks Sunshine Coast Oasis Resort since 16th of June. We meet from 6.30am and start at 7am. See you there ! ... God Bless Stay safe #RotaryClubOfCaloundra
09.01.2022 T H AN K . Y O U to everyone involved in community organisations in Caloundra who contribute so much to our town. From sporting clubs, men's sheds, surf clubs... and Rotary to business organisation's, school P&C's and more. The work that you all do is so important to Caloundra in maintaining our culture and lifestyle whilst also shaping the future of our region. The Caloundra Chamber is so pleased to have given back (in a small way) to those who give so much this morning - at the 'President's Breakfast'. We would also like to thank Terry Landsberg, Jason Hunt MP & Andrew Wallace - LNP Federal Member for Fisher for attending and representing all three levels of government. Thank you for all you do! Caloundra Cricket Club Rotary Club of Caloundra Caloundra State High School Caloundra City Private School Sea Cadets Oldham TS Onslow Caloundra Residents Association Caloundra Arts Centre Caloundra Community Kindergarten Caloundra Men's Shed Friends Regional Gallery Caloundra Inc Caloundra RSL Services Club Caloundra RSL Rotary Club of Caloundra Ithaca-Caloundra City Life Saving Club Inc Caloundra Volunteer Coast Guard - QF4 Caloundra Power Boat Club Caloundra City Soccer Club Caloundra Sharks Junior Rugby League Club Caloundra Sharks Junior Rugby League Club Dicky Beach Surf Club Mets on Kings - The Caloundra Surf Club Caloundra Cricket Club Caloundra Business Alliance Downtown Caloundra Sunshine Coast Council
06.01.2022 Ashton Wood DV Safe Phone Ashton lives on the Sunshine Coast and runs a business that specialises in Consumer Advocacy, Reputation Management Solutions and IT Consulting.... Ashton launched DV Safe Phone in April of this year, when he was told that victims of domestic violence desperately need working mobile phones right now. He partnered with King IT to receive and test the phones, then with Red Rose Foundation, who ensure that the tested phones are given to victims who are in immediate danger. DV Safe Phone has received 655 phones and distributed 312 phones to victims of domestic violence already, with many more phones on their way from individuals and companies who are jumping on board to support this important project. How can You help? *If you have a spare mobile phone,bring to us or contact @dvsafephone for more info *Share this to your family,friends and neighbors.. Small Acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the World -President James #rotaryclubofcaloundra #rotarypeopleofaction #rotarypeopleinaction #rotaryinaustralia #rotaryinternational
04.01.2022 We are SUPER EXCITED for this Friday’s Train Ride! Please see where and when you can hop on and off So looking forward to seeing you there! Have you got your #EndPolio apparel? If not, you can get it here
03.01.2022 Australian Rotarian, Clem Renouf, was the second Austalian elected as a Rotary International President (1978/79) and is credited with sparking the End Polio Now... campaign. During his presidential year, Sir Clem decided it was time for the legion of Rotary clubs around the world to focus less on parochial projects and tackle a big-picture problem that would leave an indelible mark on society. He had been inspired by the World Health Organization (WHO)’s eradication of smallpox and came up with Rotary’s Health, Hunger and Humanity program that would initially see 6.3 million children immunised against polio in the Philippines at a cost of just $760,000. Suddenly Sir Clem realised there was a real power for good in the form of the ready-made Rotary network spanning the globe. A lot of people say I spearheaded the eradication of polio campaign, but that’s not right. I just happened to know the right person to talk to, Sir Clem said. The right person was Rotary district governor Dr John Sever, who was head of infectious diseases at the National Institute of Health in Washington DC. Sir Clem put the question to him was there another disease that could be eliminated? His answer was Polio - Now , more than forty years later, we are 99% of the way there and are "this close" to realising Clem's dream RIP Sir Clem.
03.01.2022 Rotary Charity Golf Day to support Dicky Beach SLSC. We still have 96 players.
03.01.2022 Zoom meeting today (19 May 2020) Thank you DG Darryl Iseppi for joining us today Want to Join our Rotary zoom meeting?... Just click the link bellow every tuesday at 7am
03.01.2022 The May edition of Rotary Down Under has landed! As lockdown laws begin to slowly ease, we look at some of the ways we continued to Do Good in what is quite lik...ely the most challenging time for service in history. We dug deep, we adapted, and we found new ways to connect with each other, with our communities, with the world we built bridges over fences. #RotaryResponds #RotaryConnectsTheWorld #ServiceAboveSelf #BuildingBridgesOverFences #KickCovidToTheKerb Read the May edition here:
01.01.2022 Here's to excellence in Impact. Rotary International is celebrating 12 Consecutive years of being recognized by Charity Navigator with their highest level 4 STAR Rating #Rotary #RotaryResponds #PeopleOfAction #CharityNavigator
01.01.2022 Aren’t you so proud to be a Rotarian? We are. #nationalvolunteerweek
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