Cambanoora Gorge News | Landmark & historical place
Cambanoora Gorge News
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25.01.2022 STAY IN YOUR SUBURB Premier of Qld This morning the Premier of Qld said this....Stay in your suburb. Avoid all non-essential travel. There will be no Easter holidays this year. Despite this instruction to all of us, we have seen people continue to travel to the Cambanoora Gorge with many stopping to picnic in the Gorge near the crossings. There are no toilets in the Gorge and there is evidence of people using the Gorge as a toilet (see photos). Wet wipes DO NOT break do...wn. Corona virus can be transmitted through feaces. Cows graze all through the roadside and crossings in the Gorge. Other people can also be exposed through the thoughtless acts of others. There is a simple message to all people outside of the 4373 postcode. Please stay home. Do not travel through the Gorge at this time. Do not stop at the crossings. Like most other places, COVID-19 has come to the Killarney area. While we understand people’s need for a break from home, especially at this time, the instructions are clear, stay in your suburb. National Parks are closed, caravan parks are closed or closing, the Gorge is NO EXCEPTION. The Gorge is closed to all non-essential travel until further notice, just like all other places that attract large numbers of people. EASTER - the Gorge is a popular destination during Easter with numbers in excess of 500 vehicles per day (if there are an average of two people per car, that is over a thousand per day). Not this Easter....the Qld Premier has instructed there will be no Easter holidays this year. Again, The Gorge is NO EXCEPTION. Stay home this Easter, like most of the people who are doing the right thing. If we all pull together now, the sooner we will get on top of this situation and get back to normal. The Gorge will be here when this is all over, please listen to authorities and stay in your suburb. I will now put on a face mask and gloves and remove the toilet paper and wet wipes that have been discarded by travellers.... .
24.01.2022 KILLARNEY COUNTRY MARKETS...this Sunday Don't forget to visit the Killarney Country Markets this Sunday 18 October between 8am and 2pm at Canning Park in the middle of Killarney. Real country markets with interesting stalls....craft, honey, bric-a-brac, books, Reiki, plants and more. Hot food at the market and shops and cafes will be open in town! ... Killarney is known for its gift shops, offering vintage wares, art and craft. Visit the Falls and make a day of it. Enquiries to Marie 0468 400 286 or Sandy 0427 719 826.
22.01.2022 THE CASE OF THE MISSING WATERHOLE - FLAGGY CROSSING It is easy to forget about the 360 tonnes of recylced road that was dumped into the Condamine River throughout the Cambanoora Gorge in November 2019. The river is running and the water is back and it is hard for people to notice the impact of this material as they drive through the "14 River Crossings" on their day out in the country. But people who live in the Gorge notice the difference, like the huge bank of material now sits at Flaggy Crossing. This video explains what happened in November 2019 and also what has happened to the material, including filling up a once 3 metre deep waterhole. The waterhole adjacent to Flaggy Crossing was formed from a gully that is fed by a waterfall that flows when it rains. Last weekend we saw this waterfall start flowing and then the gully which feeds the water into the Condamine River also started gushing water. This is why there was once a waterhole at Flaggy Crossing deep enough to swim horses in, according to one local. That waterhole is now filled up with sediment from the road which means that when the waterfall and gully starts flowing, the water spreads out on both sides of Flaggy Crossing, making it impassable as we saw last weekend with mulitple vehicles stalling at this point and having to be assisted by locals out of the river. We have heard from three people about this waterhole, locals who remember it. If you remember this waterhole could you please leave your memories of it in the comments below.
22.01.2022 NATIONAL BIRD WEEK - Birds of the Gorge To mark the end of National Bird Week here are photos of just some of the beautiful Australian birds who make their home in the Gorge...... 1. Grey Goshawk... 2. Sooty Owl 3. Alberts Lyrebird 4. Eastern Whip 5. Glossy Black Cockatoo 6. Satin Bowerbird 7. Fairy Wren 8. Kookaburra 9. Wedge-tailed Eagle (Photos: Wikipedia)
21.01.2022 SECOND CROSSING UPDATE It has been over six months since 360 tonnes of recycled road base was dumped into the 13 river crossings in the Cambanoora Gorge. It is important to track the progress of this material and record it as the river will be dealing with this contaminated material for years to come. Since dumping the material in the crossings, SDRC has undertaken consultation with residents, Killarney businesses, the local police etc and I believe that consultation process... has now been completed. We are hoping that SDRC will be reviewing its road management practices and policies in relation to the Condamine River Road in the coming months. This material was dumped during roadworks in late November 2019, roadworks are currently underway again this week to correct the latest damage at Second Crossing and other locations throughout the Gorge, Council has confirmed no work on the Crossings will be undertaken in this round of roadworks.
21.01.2022 CAMBANOORA GORGE CLOSED In a decision consistent with other closures of popular attractions such as beaches, national parks, walking tracks and swimming holes in the Council has closed the gates to Condamine River Road through the Cambanoora Gorge until further notice.
20.01.2022 HOT PROPERTY! The Gorge welcomes three new property owners in the last few months! As soon as a property in the Gorge hits the market....bam its under offer, sometimes multiple offers on the one property!... People are looking for their "escape from the city" and the Southern Downs looks to be a prime destination being approximately 2 hours drive from most centres in South East Queensland....the perfect distance for your weekend escape. Now that a "holistic management plan" is on the cards for this unique natural asset, it is going from strength to strength.
19.01.2022 BULLOCKY CROSSING UPDATE This update gives information on a few issues at Bullocky including why the timber bollards were put in, what is happening to Bullocky waterhole and the continuing issue of people using the area as a public toilet. The video also addresses the issue of agendas. Over the years residents have attempted to bring various issues in the Gorge into the light. Those efforts made by residents, have often been met with suspicion, distrust and rumour. when I presented the possibility that yet another species is now Endangered, I was accused of having an agenda, baffling. There are currently around 14 Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable species that call the Gorge home. I spoke with a lovely lady a few weeks back who has lived in Killarney her whole life. We spoke about the threats facing the Gorge, the amount of sediment in the river, the waterholes filling up with roadbase etc. I said to her that I was worried that people outside of the Gorge didn’t fully appreciate what is happening here. She seemed to think that locals didn’t know and probably wouldn’t realise until it was too late. My agenda is to share information about the Gorge in the hope that the penny drops before it is too late. Every thing, every effort, every action that residents have ever taken in this place, has been to protect it, not to restrict entry, but to manage the increasing impacts from vehicles, roadworks and rubbish on this watershed. Those people have been treated terribly over the years, many are now exhausted and demoralised. It is time these lies end, it is time the suspicion and accusations end. These posts are an attempt to bridge this gap, to increase transparency and to ensure the truth is louder than the lies and rumours.
18.01.2022 ROADWORKS, BOW WAVES & MUD SDRC commenced roadworks along Condamine River Road last week to correct damage to the road from heavy tourism traffic since the road was re-opened after lockdown in April 2020. The combination of recent rain and heavy traffic, on a dirt road, very quickly produces the results seen in the photos below.... Promoting the road as a "4WD Track" also has an impact on how motorists behave on our road. As we can see from the photos, some motorists mistakenly believe that the mud holes must have been placed there for their 4WDing enjoyment. It is clear that some motorists are intent on coming to the Gorge to damage the road and actually target mud holes as they drive along the road. Deep ruts and mud holes are getting longer and deeper every weekend as motorists target the mud for a quick thrill instead of avoiding the mud. Condamine River Road is a local neighbourhood road that provides access to residents properties, it is also a "scenic drive" for "high clearance vehicles". This road is NOT a 4WD Track or 4WD Park - it is a public road. Promoting the road as a 4WD Track sends the wrong message to motorists and results in behaviour that destroys our road, results in continuous roadworks in a sensitive area and costs ratepayers of this Shire money no one can afford. The historic Cordoroy Road at Second Crossing has been exposed due to motorists driving too fast through crossings, creating bow waves which wash up onto the aprons of the road and drag the road material back into the river. DRIVE LIKE A LOCAL 1. Stick to the hard road surface 2. Drive around and avoid mud holes and ruts 3. Idle through the crossings - no bow waves 4. Keep your vehicle off the soft river banks Thank you.
18.01.2022 One of Theresa Harding’s first acts as the new Mayor of Ipswich was to order a Health Report on the Bremer River. The city now has a plan to balance the protection and health of our waterways with access for community enjoyment and all the benefits that brings, Cr Milligan. It is understood that Southern Downs Council are developing a management plan for the Cambanoora Gorge to achieve the same thing....a balance between sustainable tourism and the protection and health o...f our waterways and important riparian zones (land around the river). Southern Downs is still drought declared, water is precious. You can help reduce sediment by: IDLE Through The Crossings: Driving slowly through the crossings reduces the bow wave of your vehicle which means less sediment is washed back into the river. Speeding through the crossings can damage your vehicle leading to damage to sumps and oil leaking into river. Vehicle parts and number plates breaking off your vehicle and ending up in the river are a sure sign you are going too fast. Please protect and help look after the Condamine River and the Gorge, tread lightly and take all rubbish with you, leave no trace.
17.01.2022 SDRC has released "Speaking Up for the Southern Downs" - the document highlights the key areas that are most important to residents and Council in the current term. Cambanoora Gorge gets a mention under "Environment" - to my knowledge the first time this "Jewel in the Crown of the Overall Condamine Catchment" has ever been acknowledged for its environmental and biodiversity values. All the people, over all the years, who have ever stood up for all the natural values of the Go...rge....take heart at this progress. "Environment Provide funding to Local Government for dedicated Bushcare Officers. Implement a sustainable land management certification program for the funding of a Southern Downs pilot program that incentivises improved/sustainable land management practices. Assist with development of a holistic management plan for the unique Cambanoora Gorge. Promote the development of ecotourism opportunities, enhanced through protected area expansion and investment of funding towards the development of an outdoor recreation trails strategy. Assist Council with enabling landowners to become more self-sufficient in relation to water supply."
16.01.2022 THE CONDAMINE EARLESS DRAGON - ENDANGERED One of our supporters, Vaughn Scott, sent me this link so that we are all aware of the plight of the Condamine Earless Dragon which is currently Endangered, and likely to become extinct by 2040. I can confirm that I have seen this beautiful little Dragon a number of times at various crossings having a drink. (Note: the main photo in the article is not the Condamine Earless Dragon - see the article for a picture of our Dragon).... "The Condamine Earless Dragon (Tympanocyptis condaminensis). Occurs in the remnant native grasslands, croplands and roadside verges of the eastern Darling Downs, on black cracking clays of the Condamine River floodplain. Found as far north as the Pirrinuan/Jimbour area, west as far as the town of Dalby and south to the township of Clifton. To the east it has been recorded to the eastern extremity of the Darling Downs in the Aubigny/Purrawunda area on the western outskirts of Toowoomba. Specific locations include: Oakey, Mt Tyson, Brookstead, Bongeen, and Bowenville. Named for the Condamine River and its floodplain on which this species occurs." (We can include the Cambanoora Gorge in this list of locations). Just another reason to please slow down as you enter the crossings, idle through the crossings and give wildlife a chance to scurry away. Thank you Vaughn for sharing this with us.
14.01.2022 On Saturday morning at approximately 8.00am three 4WDs pulled up near Flaggy Crossing, one of the occupants proceeded to defacate on the road side. There were children in the car who witnessed this behaviour. My neighbour also advised that he cleaned up exrement at Reis' Crossing also on Sunday morning. Three other neighbours have reported exrement left at their front gates previously. Condamine River Road is a road with the same rules and expectations of behaviour that yo...u live on. You live on a road or a street and Condamine River Road is no different to your road or street. You have the right to peaceful enjoyment of your properties, you have the right to safety and security, you have the right to reasonable access to your properties. So. Do. We. This is our road, Condamine River Road, a road that doesnt just run past our properties, a road that runs 'through' our properties. I am sorry if you have been misinformed about what our road is, I am sorry if someone has told you it is as National Park (it is not), I am sorry if you have been told it is a 4WD Track (it is not), I am sorry if you have been told it is a 4WD Park (it is not). There are between 20 and 30 properties along Condamine River Road through the Gorge and the residents have had enough of the bullying, harrassment, the rubbish, the hooning and the exrement. Residents in the Upper Gorge will be deciding what the Appropriate, Sustainable and Reasonable use of our Road is. We will decide whether concrete structures are a viable and sustainable option. I would suggest that residents at the lower end (Killarney) end of the Gorge similarly take matters into their own hands and decide what solutions are best at their end of the Gorge.
13.01.2022 Adjinbilly Rainforest Retreat is helping to save a rare native species....
13.01.2022 STOP PROMOTING THE ROAD - START PROMOTING THE CAMBANOORA GORGE. PUBLIC MEETING - 27 FEB 2020 A public meeting was held in Killarney on Thursday evening to discuss various issues relating to Cambanoora Gorge....Continue reading
12.01.2022 SDRC FACT SHEET - 360 TONNES OF RECYCLED ASHPHALT PLACED INTO THE CONDAMINE RIVER Below is a fact sheet that SDRC has released in relation to the recycled ashphalt that was put in the crossings in December 2019. A couple of observations: * Yes Watson’s Crossing causeway does hold up in floods because it is in open country, not in the highly vegetated Gorge up river which contains large amounts of debris in and around the river. Watson’s Crossing is located in open farmland ...and fields. * This link takes you to the latest Kehoe Myers report dated 2019. This report outlines the cost and design of the proposed engineered solutions to the crossings. Please review this report prior to the meeting ..... * DES confirm that the material was a prescribed contaminant and there was 360 tonnes of it placed into the Condamine River. Regardless of whether any particular process was breached, this type of practice is obviously not sustainable for the river, we can’t keep dumping 360 tonnes of material into the river, there will be consequences. We must find another way. What: Killarney Public Meeting Condamine River Road Who: Open to the public When: 6.30pm, Thursday 27 February 2020 Where: Killarney Senior Citizens, 11 Ailanthus Street, Killarney LINK to FACT SHEET
10.01.2022 ROAD STATUS UPDATE Due to an event which happened last weekend which saw a vehicle crash through the locked gates, the road through the Gorge has now re-opened pending new gates being installed by Council. CURRENT COVID-19 RESTRICTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS:... "From 2 May 2020, you should stay at home unless it is either: - necessary for you to do an essential activity OR - for recreation within 50km of your home. - If you need to leave home for one of these reasons, you should only do so with: - people who normally live with you OR - one person who does not live with you OR - more than one person if you need assistance from more than one carer. It is hoped that Killarney locals - who seldom get the chance to visit the Gorge for a picnic, walk, bike ride or horse ride, due to the large volumes of tourist traffic - will now have an opportunity to visit the area once again. Please note there are no toilet facilities or rubbish bins in the Gorge. The official public health direction is available here." (for further information regarding the current restrictions click on this link
09.01.2022 WHOEVER YOU ARE..... Someone said this to me yesterday on facebook "whoever you are" - well this is me Justine Hankin and my husband Brian (but don't blame him, this is all my doing). Just some blow-ins....townies you call us, been around here a few years now banging on about caring about the Gorge.... No doubt I am ruffling a few feathers, a few aren't too impressed with some upstart standing up for something they have known all their lives, back in the day..... Well I am part of this place now and it is part of me, the Gorge, and I can't help standing up for it, I won't stop standing up for it. I will keep documenting the truth of what happens here and if that is too hard for some to take, sorry, not sorry. Some might even think I am insane....well I say to you people locals and tourists alike.....letting thousands of vehicles drive through the pristine spring water that gurgles out of the ground at many locations and forms the very start (The Head) of the Condamine River (the start of the Murray Darling System) - now THATS INSANE. Allowing a stunning natural Gorge to be trashed by thousands of 4WDs (regardless of the intentions of their owners both good and bad) is just plain crazy in my mind. The current situation is truly insane, and if you think there is any good ending to 1000 cars a day (if projections are correct) driving through the Condamine River, you are just plain wrong. I don't care what your last name is, how long you've lived in this town, what you say about me or what you think of me. My only concern (which actually should have been yours all along) is making sure the Gorge is not ruined beyond all recognition. That is my goal, I am not the first, and I won't be the last to put my neck on the line, there are many others. I would like us all to work together to find a solution that is good for Killarney, good for the residents of the Gorge and most importantly, good for the Gorge and everything in it. Hoping we can achieve a sustainable solution that sees this natural asset preserved for future generations. But what about some concrete to fix the problem, well when someone has a flood map and some hydrology reports showing what is going to happen to 13 concrete structures in a major flood glad to see it. Until then its all just some vested interests trying to push through a solution that is going to have catastrophic consequences for the Gorge. That's me, yeah I might sound a bit terse, but you know, dealing with this shit for the last two years and getting nowhere does that to you. But, rest assured, I won't be giving up, that's not me.
06.01.2022 THE GORGE IS NOT A 4WD PARK For years the Cambanoora Gorge has been promoted by every man and his dog as a "4WD Track", "4WD Park" and "14 River Crossings Track". The Cambanoora (Condamine) Gorge is NONE of those things. The Gorge is a rural residential area with a road running through private property that just happens to have 13 unsealed river crossings.... As I said, every Man and his Dog are promoting this public road, not for "public passage" but as a 4WD adventure playground. Every week we see camper trailer companies, 4WD adventure youtubers, local (and not so local) businesses - promoting the road that runs through our properties for their own benefit. Just last week my neighbour was looking at a property on and what do you know, up pops an advertisement for the "14 River Crossings". Now who do you think would be promoting our little old road on a national real estate website??????? This promotion is wrecking a truly unique and outstandingly beautiful and rare NATURAL ASSET. This is 'misrepresentation' on a massive scale, and with it comes behaviour and disrespect on a similar scale. The attached youtube video is a prime example. Speeding through the crossings like he is in the latest 4WD commercial- sends the WRONG MESSAGE to the thousands of people who now come to the Gorge every year. This is NOT how you drive through the Gorge. People wonder why there are more and more fences when they come to the Gorge. People wonder why there are less and less stopping areas when they come to the Gorge. People wonder why the Council wants to concrete the crossings. People wonder why residents have to seek counselling after they witness the DISRESPECT for the Gorge, the river and the animals. I was accused of "preaching" last week. I was told that 'unless I stop preaching I will have no allies in this town" - well you know what - come out here on a weekend and see what goes on, see the disrespect, see the brown river that is normally crystal clear, see the waterholes that the animals rely on that are filling up with sediment, pick up the rubbish. Here is a sermon for you - the days of HIGH IMPACT 4WD VANDALISM ARE NUMBERED. The days of LOW IMPACT RESPECTFUL TOURISM IS COMING. Until then here are some things to remember: * Less than 5km per hour through the crossings (this creates less sediment and keeps the water clear so platypus, turtles and other river life don't suffocate. * Less than 40km on the dirt road - children PLAY at the crossings. HELLO!!!!! it is only a matter of time before some maniac wipes out a family. * TAKE YOUR WET WIPES with you. Take ALL your rubbish with you there are no bins, no rubbish collection in the Gorge. * NEAREST TOILETS ARE 10MINS down the road in KILLARNEY. Plan your trip - there are NO toilets between Boonah and Killarney - don't use the Gorge as a toilet. HAVE SOME RESPECT - LEAVE NO TRACE - DON'T DESTROY WHAT YOU CAME TO ENJOY - SLOW DOWN FFS!
04.01.2022 A CHANGE IN DIRECTION - CAMBANOORA GORGE NEWS When I first created this page it was to challenge the installation of concrete culverts in the Cambanoora Gorge. Many wonderful people signed the petition to keep the crossings Natural and free of concrete. I would like to again thank everyone who took part in that campaign including all the local businesses who held the petition for locals and visitors to sign. Since the petition we have seen a change in local government and a...lso a realisation that there are two parts to the Cambanoora Gorge. That realisation is that the solution for the lower Gorge, may not be the right one for the upper Gorge and vice versa. One thing I think everyone on this road agrees on, is that the health of the river is of utmost importance. The people on the lower end of the Gorge want a healthy river and believe concrete culverts may be the best way to achieve this. The people in the upper Gorge mostly believe that concrete culverts may not be the best solution in the long run. Since my last post I have realised that there has been enough division, enough misunderstanding and enough anger. I want to be the change I want to see so I am moving towards a more informative and educational approach. Note to self....never make a video in anger. I was going to remove that last video out of respect for all the wonderful people in this town who have made us feel so welcome since we moved here. But I wanted to leave it there to show that you can have a bad day, recover and take a new direction. I am very mindful, now, that young people may be following this page and I certainly want to set the right example for them. After all, future generations are, and have been. front of mind for me since I started this page. I am hoping this new approach will assist with moving forward in a more positive direction for everyone who loves the Cambanoora Gorge. I am hoping it will improve transparency about what is going on in the Gorge and give Killarney more factual information, after all, we are in this together. One rumour I did want to address upfront....there has never been an intention to close the road. This is a public road and I don't have magical powers to close roads. My and most others intention all along, especially in the Upper Gorge is to gain a balance that achieves sustainable tourism for everyone, not just 4WDers. I will be sure to present all perspectives so that everyone knows as much as possible about this complex issue. Thanks for listening.
03.01.2022 THE AUSSIE TRAVEL CODE...... What is the Aussie Travel Code (will be rolled out across Australia)..... When you see the Aussie Travel Code logo, it means you're travelling inor planning a trip toa bloody great place. You're in for an unreal experience in an incredible part of Australia.... Welcome! But, Australia's a big place and things might not be what you're used to back home. Starting with South Australia's incredible Outback, the Aussie Travel Code gives you the insider knowledge you need for this region. It will tell you how to enjoy your trip, stay safe, and be the kind of traveller you would want to meet in your own hometown.
02.01.2022 NOTICE TO DRIVERS - ROAD IS DAMAGED I am sooooo glad to see this post, thank you SDRC for caring about the Cambanoora Gorge. Everyone should also note that the current condition of the road is very bad, high volumes of tourism traffic have decimated the road in numerous spots and the public should travel with extreme caution through the Gorge. We are still seeing tourists smashing through the crossings causing huge bow waves that travel in front of vehicles and wash the road back into the river causing extreme sedimentation buildup in numerous locations. Please IDLE through the crossings, avoid mud patches and avoid the road altogether if possible after rain.
02.01.2022 WHAT IF........
01.01.2022 Collection of rubbish from Bullocky Crossing after first weekend when 150km travel was allowed. Mostly wet wipes and toilet paper collected from behind tree trunks and along the river bank.
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