Cameron Park Anglican | Religious place of worship
Cameron Park Anglican
Phone: +61 2 4953 1402
Address: 3 Kippax St 2285 Cameron Park, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 What's in a gift? Jesus came into the world to live for us and, in the end to die for us. He came to give us his life and his death. Gold for our king to whom we are called to submit, frankincense for our priest who built a bridge between us and God, myrrh for the one who was to die - these are the gifts of the Magi, who proclaimed that Jesus was to be the true king, the perfect priest and in the end the supreme Saviour of the world. This is our Lord and Saviour this is our King - this is our gift! There is a place for you with us!
23.01.2022 Recently we were studying 1 Peter - in his message to the gentile Christians in Asia minor, Peter in 1 Peter 1: 13-25, was providing a scaffolding for how they were to live within their pagan communities. His message also provides guidance for us as we live in our world today. Peter reminds us that we are; To prepare our minds for action To discipline ourselves... To set all our hope on the grace we have in Jesus And we are not to be conformed to the desires we had before we decided to follow Jesus We are set apart to serve God - to reflect him into the world in which we live as we live among the nations as ‘strangers’ and yet as ‘holy’ people as we bring the gospel of salvation to our world knowing Jesus journeys with us (Luke 2:15) We are to endeavour to live holy lives - not because we have to - but because we place our hope on the grace of Jesus, who has opened our eyes and set our hearts burning (Luke 2:31) knowing he has reconciled us to our heavenly Father - the perfecter of all things The Gospel of Salvation - produces a new birth we will live forever and come into an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, - kept in heaven for [us] This is Great News! We need to tell others!
23.01.2022 Yesterday we looked at the Feeding of the 5000. (Matt 14:13-21) This scripture is typical of scriptures about the power of Jesus - here He takes the resources - provided by his disciples - five loaves and two fish (Matt 14:17) - blesses and breaks them and they are multiplied over and over again. We shouldn't regard Jesus’ miracles as events which only happened in the past, because the ongoing operative power of Jesus becomes real through the actions of people just like us...Continue reading
22.01.2022 Help us to listen Throughout the scriptures we see that people's lives are changed when they are faithful and follow the instructions of our God or his son Jesus. An example of this is Naaman (2 Kings 5:9-13) who eventually did as the prophet Elisha had told him and bathed 7 times in the river Jordan and was healed of leprosy. The lepers in Luke's (Luke 17: 11-17) gospel were healed when they went and showed themselves to the priest. It seems that our willingness to hear, listen and act often can be the precursor to people's lives being changed by God and Jesus. Lord we pray that you would, through your Holy Spirit, teach us to listen and give us the courage and faith to act. There is a place for you with us!
19.01.2022 Last Thursday we started our first Alpha Course with a session on 'Is there more to life?'. This week we are looking at 'Who is Jesus?', looking at evidence outside of the New Testament including Roman Historians and Josephus a Jewish Historian and also evidence within the New Testament. With the underlying question being, how do we know that what was written in the New Testament has not been changed over the years? Next week we will be looking at 'Why did Jesus die?' If you would like to be part of our next Alpha course please contact us at [email protected] There is a place for you with us!
18.01.2022 We gathered today, virtually, to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We were joined by people from Batemans Bay NSW, Melbourne Victoria, Iowa in the USA and Newcastle NSW. Today's Gospel passage was Matthew 28:1-10. Some things for us to reflect upon and pray about. The cross and the tomb are empty - we have been forgiven and raised with Jesus (Col 3:3); in the words of Paul it is no longer [us] who lives but Christ who lives in [us] (Gal 2:20...) We are to focus on Kingdom values placing giving above getting, serving above controlling, and forgiving above getting even We don’t belong to this world, we died with Christ. We now possess a new life with Christ (Col 3:1-3) It is here we will find our real self; The Way now lies open towards a genuine and fulfilling life The Truth is, that the way to that life is through the resurrected Jesus Christ Who brings a Life that releases prisoners, heals the sick, and sets captives free (Luke 4:18) The empty cross and the empty tomb boldly proclaim these promises for everyone, remembering Jesus said of himself I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the father except through me (John 14:6) This is Good News for all people in our aching and suffering world today Jesus lives and brings new life!
16.01.2022 Looking forward to gathering with others, outdoors on Christmas Eve, at 6pm to be part of the Christmas Story - please join with us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in carols and scripture. Please register at [email protected] if you would like to join us. Social distancing will apply for this event. Please also bring a chair or rug to sit on.
16.01.2022 A message for us today from 1 Peter 1:1-12 As we live though this COVID 19 pandemic we can take comfort in the words attributed to David in Peter’s address to the people, I saw the Lord always before me, for he is at my right hand so that I will not be shaken my heart was glad my tongue rejoiced and my flesh will live in hope (Acts 2:25-26) We are to be people of hope, our King is God the Son, our home is eternity. We have an inheritance which is imperishable kept in he...aven for us, we have a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus We are to rejoice even if for now we suffer various trials and led by the Holy Spirit we are to do good, to be a blessing to our community, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Confident in who and whose we are, children of the living God and disciples of our risen Lord Jesus Christ
15.01.2022 Ash Wednesday Service Tomorrow night, 25 February 2020, we are gathering at 7pm at 3 Kippax Street Cameron Park for our Ash Wednesday Service - if you are looking for somewhere to be part of an Ash Wednesday Service and supper after - there is a place for you with us! Want to know more please ring Colin on 4953 1402 - or email him at - [email protected]
14.01.2022 This Sunday morning at 10am we will be hosting an interactive worship gathering using Google Hang Out. In times like this when we are impacted by things outside of our control, like the COVID - 19 virus we still seek to worship our creator God. The writer of the book of Hebrews reminds us "to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another ..." (Heb 10:24-25). In meeting together we stimulate, encourage and comfort each other and have the opportunity to pray and worship God together. If you would like to join us this Sunday morning at 10am please email us at [email protected] and we will send you an invite. You will need to have access to Google Chrome and have a gmail email account. There is a place for you with us!
14.01.2022 Today we gathered virtually and in real time, over 500 km to worship God and give thanks for Jesus, proclaiming as the people did as Jesus entered Jerusalem - Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. We also shared Communion together. A great message on Matthew 27:11-54 by one of our theology students and focused prayers for this season.
13.01.2022 No disconnect Can you imagine a life where there is never a disconnect between us and God? A life of the beauty and closeness with God. A life where all the hurts and ailments of this world are of no real consequence and where the fruits of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control become the dominate characteristics of people's lives. Where the kingdom principles of; love your neighbour as yourself (Matt 22:3...9), love your enemy (Matt 5:44), love your father and mother (Matt 19:19), give them your cloak as well (Matt 5:40), store up treasure in heaven (Matt 6:20), look after the widow, the sick, the orphan and the prisoner (Matt 25) are the foundation upon which lives are built. And the key is opening the door to Jesus (Rev 3:20) and letting him into our lives. Maybe, just maybe, this is the abundant life that John speaks of in John 10:10. See more
10.01.2022 In Romans 12:10, Paul tells us that we should take delight [feel good] in honouring each other - it doesn't matter who you are, where you fit, how long you have been coming to church, what ministries you have or haven't been involved in - what matters is that you know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. From a kingdom perspective we honour other people - when we decide to; lift others up - respect them - give recognition to them - associate with them - value them - promote them... - and seek to benefit them. When we honour others, our focus shifts to where people are going with Jesus and not on where they have been in life. Everywhere we go everything we do - this ‘culture of honour’ will be a catalyst for us being the salt of the earth and light of the world that Jesus spoke of in his Sermon on the Mount. (Matt 5:13) It could be uncomfortable it could be inconvenient but so was the cross It could be liberating life changing and powerful as the resurrection was There is a place for you with us!
09.01.2022 Getting ready for our third Christmas here in Cameron Park. Below is our new nativity scene heralding the birth of Jesus, the Son of God, the real reason for the season - who came that we would "have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). We are also getting ready for our first carol service on Christmas Eve at 6pm at 3 Kippax Street Cameron Park - please register by email at [email protected] if you would like to join us. There is a place for you with us!
09.01.2022 Last night I watched the heartbreaking story on TV titled 'In the Blink of an Eye.' It was a documentary relating to the deaths of Angelina, Sienna and Antony Abdallah and their cousin Veronique Sakr who were struck by a motor vehicle as they walked to buy an ice cream on a hot summers afternoon in February 2020. The parents of these children, Danny, Leila, Bridget and Bob spoke of their faith and belief in God. Leila spoke of the power of being able to forgive the driver of ...the vehicle which released them to look after their remaining children. Leila indicated that the act of forgiving allowed her to move on while also being comforted in knowing that she would be reunited with her children when she too was called home by God. Leila also said that while she forgave the driver there was also a need for justice in relation to the driver and the deaths of the children. As I listened I was reminded that while our God is a God of love, grace mercy and forgiveness, he is also a God of Justice. I couldn't help but see how the families of Angelina, Sienna, Antony and Veronique were being upheld and strengthened by their faith in and love of God as they shined the light of Christ into our world. During the documentary the scripture "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted" (Matt 5:4) was shown on the screen along with others. Even as we struggle to try and make sense of this tragic event we too, empowered by the Holy Spirit, can find strength and comfort in our faith and love of God. Knowing that even when we struggle to understand things that rip our lives apart, he is with us, never leaving us, holding us close, carrying and comforting us as we struggle on through life holding on to the hope we have in Jesus. Please keep Leila, Danny, Bridget and Bob and their family and friends in your prayers. See more
08.01.2022 During the COVID 19 lock down, we continued to gather on line using Google Meet to facilitate an interactive worship service, with people from Melbourne, Batemans Bay and Iowa in the USA joining us online. We are now gathering physically for worship on Sunday at 10am. COVID 19 requirements mean we can only accommodate 13 people. If you would like to join us online please email us at [email protected] and we will arrange to connect you to our service live.
07.01.2022 Distracted by the world? Have you noticed that when we get busy one of the things we put aside is our time with Jesus? Things of the world rush in and cause us to engage with them. We are exposed to over 5000 media images each day encouraging us to do particular things. Paul tells us not to be conformed to the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Rom 12:2). If we want to be transformed, if we want to be more like Jesus, then we need to spend quality time with him (James 4:8). To make him the treasure that we seek in life (Matt 6:21). Thereby diffusing the world's attempt to distract us from Jesus Christ, our first love, (Rev 2:4) and to draw us back to treasures that rot, rust and are eaten by moths (Matt 6:19).
07.01.2022 Congratulations to Mel and Terri, our wardens, who have just completed the Australis Certificate of Ministry, involving more than 100 hours of study and discussion, through the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo. A time of great celebration for us as a church and for Mel and Terri. We will present their certificates to them on Sunday 17/1/2021 at our 10am service. Great job and well done Terri and Mel.
06.01.2022 Christmas Message Recently we read the Magnificat from Luke’s gospel (Luke 1:46-56). It is one of the most famous Christian songs, whispered in monasteries, chanted in cathedrals, recited in bush churches by candle light and set to music with trumpets and kettle drums by Bach It is the gospel before the gospel, a fierce bright shout of triumph thirty weeks before Bethlehem, thirty years before Calvary and Easter. It’s all about God, it’s all about revolution and it’s all beca...Continue reading
06.01.2022 Age of Self Help We live in an age of self-help, the internet and books are full of advice about looking after ourselves and making ourselves the centre of all things. The main focus of these approaches is to become self-sufficient and confident. Yet, we have been called to come to Jesus (Matt 11:28). True confidence comes from knowing we are made complete in his presence. That we can come to him when we are hurting and he will soothe our pain and that we can come to him when... we are joyful and he will share in our joy and multiply it many times over. Jesus is all we need, just when we need it, our deepest desires find their fulfilment in Him and in him alone. That is why he reminds us "I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5) There is a place for you with us!
06.01.2022 Making time for God We live in a busy world - computers, internet, mobile phones, email, SMS; we live busy lives - work, families, housework, shopping, moving from place to place; we live in a doing world - it seems we have become people of almost constant action However, it is when we stop and are still - and take time to be with God - and include him in our lives as Jesus did - that he reveals more about himself to us and guides our lives... As we come near to God, as we read the scriptures and spend time in prayer, He will prolong our moments of intimacy with Him of serenity, of peace and of nearness, that we enjoy with Him when He draws near to us Our intimacy with God enables us to experience His Shekinah (dwelling or settling) Glory allowing us to see just how deep and how personal God’s love for us is Jesus, glorified on the Mount of Transfiguration, is a good model for us - in how to slow down and spend time with His Father and to sit and dwell in His glory Knowing that each of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the Glory of the Lord are being transformed into the [image of God] from one degree of glory to another (2 Cor 3:18) As we grow in our knowledge and love for Jesus - who Paul describes as the hope of glory (Col 1:27) not just for the Jewish people but for everyone, both Jew and Gentile alike, for us today. There is a place for you with us
06.01.2022 Temptations in life The temptations we all face at critical moments in our lives may be very different to those of Jesus, but they have exactly the same intent To distract us and to draw us away from God and the things that he has called us to do - worship him with every breath of our lives, communicate with him by praying without ceasing (1 Thes 5:17), serving him by using the gifts and resources he has given each of us (1 Cor 14:12), loving others by this everyone will that [we] are [his] disciples, if [we] have love one for another (John 13:35) and caring for others the widows, orphans, prisoners and sick (Matt 25) Our flesh may scream for satisfaction the world may beckon seductively - we may feel so very alone and tested beyond our limits it is at these times that we need to draw near to God and - allow His Spirit to lead and guide us through the next phase of our lives Using the same defences Jesus used by stockpiling scriptures in our hearts and using them as our line of defence, keeping our eyes fixed on God and trusting God in everything When we are able to overcome and conquer temptation, then like Jesus, we emerge stronger, finer and purer from the ordeal and God is glorified And we can find comfort in knowing that Just as one man’s [sin] led to condemnation for all, so one man’s act of righteousness [Jesus’ death on the cross] leads to justification and life for all (Rom 5:18)
05.01.2022 To quote Bob Dylan's folk song "the times they are a changin" - we find ourselves in a strange place, along with many other facilities in our state of NSW, the Cameron Park Anglican Church, along with all other places of worship, is closed for public worship until further notice as a result of the COVID-19 virus. This means that our Maundy Thursday Dinner will not happen, our Good Friday Vigil and our Easter Sunday Celebration, will happen in a virtual mode. In times like when things around us seem to be crumbling, it is good for us to remember "to be still and know I am God" (Psalm 46:10). Some other scriptures which might help at this time are; "The Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me." (Hebrews 13:6) "My soul finds rest in God alone: He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken" (Psalm 62:1-2) "What am I afraid of, I put my trust in God" (Psalm 56:3) "I am always with you, even to the end of the world. Amen" - Jesus in Matthew 28:20) Last Sunday Cameron Park Anglican Church gathered virtually. We will continue to work to facilitate our regular worship gatherings using appropriate technology. Please watch this space as we grow our capacity in this area. I was reminded this week that when the oceans rise and thunders roar around us, we can be still - knowing with quietness and trust that he is King over the flood. There is a place for you with us!
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Terri and Mel who have recently completed all the course work for the Australis Certificate in Ministry through the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo in Victoria. The course included the following units; Experiencing the Christian Faith, User's Guide to the Old Testament, User's Guide to the New Testament, Confessing Our Faith, Serving Christ Today and Performing the Gospel. Much has been learnt and much spiritual growth has occurred as we journeyed together through the easily accessible and valuable course which helps people to grow in the faith, ministry and mission as disciples of Jesus.
02.01.2022 We have just finished our first Alpha weekend at Forster NSW. A great weekend focusing on Who is the Holy Spirit, What does the Holy Spirit do and Being filled with the Holy Spirit. God was so gentle yesterday afternoon as he ministered to our group. And then church on the beach, coffee and lunch this morning joined by Jim and Barb who travelled up from Newcastle to join us. PTL.
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