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Camp Getaway Axedale in Axedale, Victoria | Sport & recreation

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Camp Getaway Axedale

Locality: Axedale, Victoria

Phone: 54397228

Address: 161 Kimbolton-Axedale Rd 3551 Axedale, VIC, Australia


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18.01.2022 Delivery of kitchen appliances as the camp kitchen nears completion

18.01.2022 There was movement at Camp Getaway two goats had got away. Escaped from Pete & Nora's famous bluestone gallery and had come quite a way. We chased them all around the camp but to no avail. In and under buildings they cut a tricky sway. But when Catholic College students joined into the fray they ran the two goats down. Beneath an old Nissan hut they finally stopped and layed. Beaten and exhausted they gave the chase away and settled for some wheatbix their favourite manmade treat and should be back at home tonight in their comfy own retreat.

17.01.2022 In the camp gamesroom the thinning and worn green felt on the pool table has been replaced with a new blue one that makes the table look brand new.

17.01.2022 Harold, builder from RC Keilor, had one of his regular runaway from home weekends. He and his friends painted and varnished the sourrounds of the fireplaces and completed many other odd jobs around the camp.

17.01.2022 Yay we now have a letter box just need Aust Post to put mail in it.

16.01.2022 Treasurer John looks to evaluate the damage caused by a fallen tree.

13.01.2022 Andy Spry, his helpers and the team from RC Camberwell hit the camp like a whirlwind on their annual working bee. They painted the rec. hall and dining hall giving them multiple coats of the cream and red to match the other outbuildings and sheds.

10.01.2022 Goat herder and assistant caretaker Barb cares for goats

09.01.2022 New kitchen has had epoxy compound applied to floor. Looking from kitchen to hall and from the hall to kitchen. Note door acccess and servery.

09.01.2022 Engineering University Students campers at Camp Getaway but preferred to rough it in their tents. They utilized the camp kitchen and hall and had an enjoyable weekend. They were "happy campers".

08.01.2022 Harold the builder from RC Keilor had his regular, run away from home weekend, and he and his friends painted and varnished the slow combustion fireplaces. They also completed many other handyman jobs jobs

05.01.2022 Completion of stormwater pipes and electrical conduit for later use.

02.01.2022 YMCA grace has adorned the camp wall for many years

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