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Canberra Girls Grammar School Alumni
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25.01.2022 Yet another Grammarian included in the 2020 Queen's Birthday Honours. Congratulations to Caroline Downer (1987) was received an Order of Australia Medal for service to the visual and performing arts through a range of roles. After graduating from Canberra Girls Grammar School, Caroline earned Bachelors degrees in Music and Fine Arts with Honours at The University of Melbourne. She went on to complete a Postgraduate Diploma of Art Curatorship and Museum Management and a Master of Arts. She is currently the Executive Director of Arts North West.
25.01.2022 Founders' Day 2020 UPDATE: Given the latest developments on the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, in our city, Australia and the world, we have made a series of decisions to make sure we do our part in slowing down the potential transmission of the virus among our community. We have made the difficult decision to cancel Founders' Day celebrations for 2020. Please understand this decision was not taken lightly and as always, the health and safety of our students, staff an...d members of the CGGS community is paramount. Should you have any questions, please contact our Community Relations team by email: [email protected]
25.01.2022 #FlashBackFriday Sometimes you come across a story you just have to share! Meet Elizabeth Kah, Class of 1944 and Prefect.... Elizabeth attended CCEGGS from 1942 to 1944 and happens to also be one of our first students of Chinese heritage. In February, 1942 the Imperial Japanese Army invaded Batavia (modern-day Jakarta) and many residents were forced to flee, including Mr Robert Tschou-Kwong Kah (the Chinese Consul-General) and his family, which included Mrs Kah, Elizabeth and her brother Robert (Ho-Ling). The family escaped on a Dutch ship that was subsequently set ablaze by shellfire on the first night of the journey. The fire spread quickly and only 4 lifeboats were launched before the ship and most of its passengers sank beneath the waves. The survivors had some water, mouldy crackers and corned beef which they carefully rationed as they had no idea how long they would wait for help. The lifeboat sprang a leak and young Robert had to bail out the boat to stop it from sinking. Fortunately, after 28 hours spent adrift, the survivors were picked up by the Oranje, a Dutch liner that had been converted to a hospital ship. Elizabeth and her family arrived in Freemantle on the 28th February 1942. Here are some of the photographs of Elizabeth from the CGGS archives, many of which are from past students' personal photo albums as Elizabeth was a very popular student and beloved friend. According to our database, Elizabeth is now living in Shanghai as Mrs Elizabeth Mao. If you know more about Elizabeth we'd love to hear it!
24.01.2022 Support Local Design If you're looking for something elegant, comfortable AND stylish to wear at end of year celebrations, make sure you get along to the 2020 DESIGN Canberra Festival open studio of Alice Sutton (2007) and Phoebe Porter on 28 November in Waramanga. Alice, who was in Robertson house at CGGS, received half-School Colours for Snowsports and the Mary Henderson Prize for Excellence in Practical Work in Textiles.... I suspect Alice is another student who remembers the influence of Mrs Bozsoky with fondness :) Edition Open Studio with Phoebe Porter Jewellery Pop-up, Saturday, November 28, 10am-4pm, 12 Warrai Place Waramanga. A QR code will be available at the COVID-safe event.
24.01.2022 So great to see one of our Class of 1980 fighting the good fight against Covid-19! Happy International Nurses Day!!
24.01.2022 Congratulations to Grammarian Dimity Douglas (1988) who married in a new style of spectacular yesterday! Her daughter, Chloe, currently in Year 8 at CGGS, played a part in the memorable occasion. Read the full The Canberra Times article below.
23.01.2022 We are collating content for the upcoming edition of the Grammar Report and would love to hear from you. Please let us know about your achievements and milestones by emailing [email protected] We will be featuring engagements, weddings and births alongside personal, academic and career accomplishments.... Please keep your submission to 150 words maximum. Please also attach a suitable high resolution photograph (at least 1mb). Please include your full name and peer year (the year you would have graduated) and contact details in case we need to contact you for further information. Submissions will be accepted until Friday, 8 June 2020.
22.01.2022 #wewillrememberthem In the spirit of Remembrance Day, Grammarian Margaret Cornwell OAM (Archer, 1951) has kindly gifted a limited edition artwork produced by Canberra-based glass artist and Grammarian Kirstie Rea (1973). The work, titled Field of Poppies was commissioned by Canberra Glassworks to commemorate Remembrance Day. Kirstie created the handheld artworks by layering molten glass into a form symbolising both tombstones and poppies.... Margaret Cornwell was a junior student at Canberra Church of England Girls’ Grammar School when on Sunday, 3 September 1939 she and her family tuned into the radio to hear the Prime Minister of Australia, R. G. Menzies announce the nation’s official declaration of war against Germany. Margaret’s memories of WWII include accompanying her mother Tilley Archer to the Lady Gowrie Services Club (known locally as ‘The Hut’) where she volunteered her time serving tea to service personnel, knitting socks and other articles to be sent to soldiers fighting overseas, and of the air-raid siren mounted at the top corner of the Boarding House. The distressing news of community members’ sons, brothers, fathers and friends being killed or wounded in action had a devastating impact on the close-knit Canberra community. Marion Eddison (1942), and her sisters Pamela (1939) and Diana (1931) lost their three brothers (Tom, Jack & Keith) so it was so close to us at School. Amidst the grief and mourning, there was a heightened sense of community belonging in Canberra. Neighbours looked after families who had loved ones in service, volunteers cared for visiting servicemen and the girls at the CCEGGS worked hard to knit garments and raise funds for the Red Cross. The full impact of the war on the wider community was not fully felt by Margaret until VP (Victory in the Pacific) Day, which occurred almost three months after the fighting in Europe had ceased. She witnessed wounded soldiers dressed in their uniforms being carried out on stretchers to participate in celebrating the end of hostilities on 15 August 1945. A total of 27,073 Australian lives were lost as a result of WWII, more than twice the population of Canberra in 1945. Describing why she was drawn to the artwork and wanted to gift it to the School, Margaret said: It’s so small and you can just hold it and remember these things, and that’s what I want people to be able to do, just to remember in their quiet silence. To watch a short video of Kirstie’s process and the story behind Field of Poppies please visit this link from the Canberra Glassworks. The gifted artwork will be on display in the atrium of the Administration Building at the Senior School from 9-13 November 2020, after which it will be available to use in the Lady Chapel for quiet reflection and prayer.
22.01.2022 #WhereAreTheyNowWednesday One of the greatest occasions in life is catching up with old friends. Reunions can bring up a lot of different emotions for people, especially if their time at school was challenging. The beauty of a reunion is that it provides a time and place to acknowledge the people and events in our past that have contributed to who we are now. For many of us it will be a time to share good memories and great friendships. For others it will be a time to reflect... on how far we have come and the challenges we have overcome. Thank you to all of our former students for your contribution to Canberra Girls Grammar School, no matter your experience while here. We encourage you all to keep in touch with the School and let us know what you are doing, what challenges you have overcome and how you have contributed to your community. We would love to receive an update from you via FB, messenger, email, letter or in person. If you can visit Canberra and would like to organise a reunion, please get in touch with us so we can arrange a tour and help in making your reunion as much fun as possible!
21.01.2022 #cggsgrammarians This week we had the pleasure of welcoming Flight Lieutenant Krystal Perkins (1999) back to the School to share her post-schooling experiences with Dr Dietrich's Year 12 Careers class. Flt Lt Perkins was a delightful and engaging speaker who shared her personal life and career adventures with the girls. The importance of networking, being flexible and positive in your attitude towards new ventures and stepping outside of your comfort zone were key themes of ...Krystal's "Choose your own adventure" presentation. Thank you Flt Lt Perkins for bringing your positive message of what the future could be for our students who are choosing their own adventure shortly.
21.01.2022 A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of meeting with some Grammarians from the Class of 1989 visit the School during our annual Fete. A request was made to post a photograph of the boarders from that year, so we've searched the archives and found one. What a bunch of very well-behaved looking young ladies! Surely these youngsters never got up to any kind of shenanigans during their time here
21.01.2022 As Founders' Day quickly approaches (8th May) and Social Isolation continues, we have been seeking ways to keep in touch with our Grammarians online. A number of reunions were being planned for this year, all have been cancelled. So, lieu of being able to catch up in person we are sharing some photos from the CGGS Archives. Please feel free to leave a comment about the faces you recognise and the memories they bring.
21.01.2022 We are very honoured to call this woman a Grammarian. Congratulations, Alison Creagh (1980) on being named a Member of the Order of Australia.
21.01.2022 Sharing success stories Do you know a Grammarian who is doing wonderful things in their community? So often, the quiet achievers in our communities are overlooked. It may be hands-on volunteering, entrepreneurial work with a service focus, health or educational pioneers, a great community leader or something else of note.... We want to know about it! We will, of course, get in touch with your nominated Grammarian before announcing their work to the world. You can contact us through messenger or via email at [email protected]
19.01.2022 Happy Founders' Day! While reunions couldn't go ahead as planned this year, we are doing our best to spread the love and celebration this year. We hope you've been enjoying photographs of past students who would have descended on the campus for a chapel service, tour and reunion lunch. Keep the comments coming - we love seeing how engaged you all are.
12.01.2022 20-year-old Grammarian, Emma Bavington (2017), has twice had her home destroyed by bushfire. Once in 2014 in the Grampians, and once in 2017 in Carwoola, at which point she decided it was time to join her local Rural Fire Service brigade. A week ago, she was one of 28 volunteers from the Queanbeyan region to travel to Port Macquarie to help battle raging bushfires. Another Queanbeyan-based group relieved them on Wednesday. Read the full The Canberra Times here:
12.01.2022 #designcanberra Kirstie Rea (1973) - Open Studio If you liked the beautiful artwork "Field of Poppies" shown in the last post for Remembrance Day, you might consider taking a visit to Kirstie's open studio during the Design Canberra festival.... Kirstie established the studio 32 years ago at the Hayshed complex in beautiful Pialligo. Kirstie and fellow artist Lucy Palmer will be throwing the doors of the glass studio open for visitors to walk through and view processes as well as prototypes and finished artworks. Sat 21 Nov 2020 10:00 16:00 The Hayshed 7 Beltana Rd, Pialligo Photograph of Kirstie Rea in her studio by Jeffrey Chan
12.01.2022 Remembrance Day 2019 Today we take the time to remember those who sacrificed their lives or suffered for Australia's cause during wars and armed conflicts. Although we know of no Grammarians killed in action during conflicts, there have been many former students who served during times of war and many students whose family members served. We give thanks to the selflessness of these individuals today.... The following words were written by Year 12 student Lara Wood in 1995: Response to a War Poem I read your poem tonight, and tried to cry. But I couldn't; I don't know why. Please forgive me For not understanding. Please don't expect me to grieve for you. Only know that I am Thankful... truly thankful For the sacrificing of your youth that I might enjoy mine... However careless it may be.
11.01.2022 #FlashbackFriday In light of the ACT Government easing restrictions on community sport from today, here are a few sports photos from the Archives to help us reminisce. If you can identify any of the girls in the photos, please comment below.
10.01.2022 #WhereAreTheyNowWednesday In 1998 Lara Ette was awarded Dux of the School. Lara's lovely family, including sister Nour (Class of 2002) were there when she was presented with her award.... Lara is now founder and CEO of the successful Lara Ette design in Sydney. And it's not hard to see why Lara's design services are in demand! Lara has an exquisite eye for design and detail. Congratulations Lara, on building a beautiful life!
09.01.2022 Founder's Day 2010
09.01.2022 Congratulations to Grammarian, Kirstie Rea (1973) who was recently announced as the Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre's 2020 DESIGN Canberra festival designer-in-residence. Kirstie has been an independent glass maker for more than 30 years and her practice has been recognised internationally, her work featuring in numerous solo and group shows. She was the first creative director of the Canberra Glassworks. Photos from the Design Canberra website, taken by Lean Timms.
09.01.2022 Well hello, Tallulah and Maddie from the Class of 2018! Always great to see Grammarians in The Canberra Times!
08.01.2022 #FlashBackFriday Were you at Canberra Girls Grammar School in 2011? If you were, you might have been one of the lucky students who travelled to Peru! The trip involved a four day trek in the Andes, a home-stay experience on an island in Lake Titicaca and helping to construct (with the help of locals) a school kitchen in the small town of Huatata. Here's an excerpt from an article written by Patrick Marman (teacher extraordinaire at CGGS) for the term one Grammar Report of 20...11: The highlight for many of us was the project at Huatata, a small town about an hour from Cuzco. We were welcomed by the school community with singing and great warmth. From the beginning our girls gelled with the younger students of the school and much fun was had with balls and skipping ropes we had brought with us. It seemed that friendships blossomed almost instantaneously. Watching the girls interact with these Peruvian youngsters in the playground, the classroom and during home visits reminded us of the privilege that is ours in teaching young Australians of the calibre of CGGS students. For the girls it opened their eyes to the privileges we enjoy, but also the difference that we can make when we step out of our comfort zone and embrace others. And some quotes from the students and staff who attended: No number of eloquent sentences could express what the Peru trip meant to me. It was life changing. Eleanor Ryan (Yr 12) To travel overseas and be completely immersed in a culture utterly different to our own was such an inspiration and eye opener, and really has encouraged me to continue exploring all over the world. Jana Prencel (Yr 12) Peru - indescribable. The best team imaginable, memories that will last a lifetime and in-jokes that never fail to crack me up. Tara Dear (Yr 12) It was an absolute pleasure to accompany such a fantastic group of girls who tackled their kitchen building project with great gusto and ended the trip as independent travellers ready to cope with any situation. Mrs Susan Lashko It is amazing how travel and service can enrich both the lives of those we meet and ourselves through developing our minds, bodies and spirit. These students and staff certainly embodied the School value of Trailblazing Spirit! #cggs #grammarians #totheyounganythingispossible
06.01.2022 #CGGSHonoraryGrammarian Happy 100th birthday Frances Nicholls! Today is the 100th Birthday of a very special honorary Grammarian. Miss Frances Russell, as she was known to us then, first joined the School in 1941. Frances was a great favourite in Canberra and made many good friends.... After training in Physical Education at the University of Melbourne, she became Sports Mistress at CCEGGS and lived in the Boarding House during '41 and '42. In October 1942 Frances chose to join in the war effort by enlisting in the Women's Australian Auxiliary Air Force (WAAAF). At the time, her uncle lived on a property called Narrabundah, where the suburb of the same name is today. Upon being demobilised in December 1946, Frances returned to the CEGGS to teach at the request of Headmistress Una Mitchell. She lived at the School in one of the rooms above the Entrance Hall (in what is now the Boarding House). Four Tasmanian Blue Gums (Eucalyptus Globulus - the floral emblem of Tasmania) were planted in 1991/2 beside the Chapel as a donation from her daughter, Mrs Helen O'Brien and son-in-law, Mr O'Brien, to mark Frances Nicholls' (Russell) 70th birthday (on 15 November 1990). All four are alive and growing well today, as is Frances who is still fit, healthy and gorgeous as ever. Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays today Frances!!
05.01.2022 #FlashBackFriday As our current student and staff start lessons for the year, one group from our School Community is busy celebrating the fact that they will not need to return to the classrooms this year, or ever again! Each year a group of former Canberra Girls Grammar School teachers gather together to catch up and share memories of their time at our School with one another at the Emeritus Lunch.... Perhaps you recognise some of these faces? We'd love to hear your memories and stories of your favourite teacher!
04.01.2022 #FlashBackFriday Happy Valentines Day to all of our Grammarians! Because so many of you loved the photographs of our former staff so much last week, we thought we'd find some more staff pics from our archives. May we present to you the History Department of 1987, whom by all appearances seem to be in just the right mood for Valentine's Day
04.01.2022 We're sad to hear one of our favourite publications, HerCanberra's 'Magazine', will no longer be produced. As a school that celebrates the achievement of girls and women, this magazine has always showcased extraordinary Canberra women doing inspirational things. The final edition (available digitally) is no different, and we are proud to count at least four Grammarians (Kate, Robyn, Nip and Emma) featured alongside a few other members of the CGGS community. See how many you can spot:
02.01.2022 Congratulations to Grammarian, Mrs Margaret Cornwell, (Archer, 1951) who was awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia for her service to the ACT community in yesterday's Queen's Birthday Honours. Not a month goes past where CGGS doesn't somehow benefit from Margaret's kindness and willingness to help. Whether she's delivering newspaper clippings to the Archivist, tending to plants in the greenhouse or volunteering on the Grammarians' Association Committee, Margaret is part o...f the fabric of our School. (Photo courtesy of The Canberra Times).
02.01.2022 #LostandFound Can you help us find Simone Woodhouse (Class of 1987)? We have come across some old family letters written by a soldier during World War 2. They were used in a 12W Modern History assignment in 1987 with Mrs Stone. ... The letters were never collected and have been in our archives waiting for their owner. Can you help us reunite these valuable family archives?
02.01.2022 Actor and Grammarian, Samara Weaving (2009) stars in the new Netflix series, Hollywood, and says she has nothing but fond memories of Canberra. "I love the 'Berra! Love it," she says, her hand on her heart. "It's frustrating, because I went back a couple of years ago and it got cool. When I lived there it wasn't cool. It's cool now! I think it's way too cool for me."... Read more about Samara's latest work in the full interview here:
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