Can Change Therapy in Bolton Point | Medical and health
Can Change Therapy
Locality: Bolton Point
Phone: +61 417 949 060
Address: 181a Bay Road 2283 Bolton Point, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 SELF COMPASSION Client once described herself as a junkie, Ice addict, despised by people, cut off from family, a woman who gave up her own baby, a worthless piece of sh..t. The reply was I don’t agree, whilst you may be fighting addiction with it’s associated issues, the fact that you had the courage, love, common sense to understand that your ...child would be better off with someone else indicates you are very a strong lady who will overcome. That lady has been 12 months plus free from using, this lady has taken control of her addiction and is growing stronger every day. SHE ACCEPTS HER FAULTS BUT ACKNOWLEDGES HER STRENGHTS. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #addiction #drugs #covid19 #canchangethrapy See more
24.01.2022 HUNGER REAL HUNGER stems from the brain, brain registers certain nutrients are needed, ei proteins, carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, etc. transmits the message to stomach which then starts to generate feeling of hunger. PHYSIOLOGICAL or REAL HUNGER is always in the body. not the head, normally starts to occur about 4 hours after last meal, this hunger is not specific in what foods are required. It is your body’s way of telling you to nouris...hment is required, feelings of hunger are BELOW the NECK. EMOTIONAL or HEAD HUNGER is about eating to distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings: It comes on quickly. Cravings are for specific foods. These tend to be comfort foods. Feelings of hunger are ABOVE the NECK. WHAT TYPE OF HUNGER DO YOU EXPERIENCE, for free hunger and satiety rating scale just type hunger in comment box. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #overweight #hunger #virtualgastricbanding #canchangetheraphy See more
23.01.2022 Check out
23.01.2022 INFECTIOUS and TRANSMISSIBLE We have all felt the effect of CONTAGIOUS INFECTIONS, not good. Perhaps time to respond with goodwill, humor and generosity. Maybe smile, wave or assist a stranger. Possibly reach out to some friend, associate or family member not spoken to. Remind someone close to yourself of your feelings, appreciation and support for them. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #future #covid19 #canchangethrapy
22.01.2022 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) CBT is a evidence based therapy that works by examining and changing your attitudes and behaviours. It focuses on your thoughts, images perceptions and beliefs, how they impact your mental wellbeing. It is psychological treatment that has been demonstrated to be effective for a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, eating disorders and severe mental illness. CBT alone is 50-75% effective for overcoming depression and anxiety when combined with clinical hypnosis and NLP 90% plus success rates are realized. . #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #addictions #depression #anxiety #canchangetheraphy
22.01.2022 MOOD The relationship between mood and various cognitive (reasoning, thinking) processes such as memory, learning, problem solving, etc. is now better understood by mental health professionals. Your memories, problem solving, learning and relationships tend to be negative and/or sad. Discover how to manage your moods, how to change the way you reason/think about events, people and problems. Phone or text 0417 949060 #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #moods #covid19 #canchangethrapy
21.01.2022 FEEL GOOD DO SOMETHING TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL GOOD Often when depressed our desire to do much of anything slowly dwindles away to the point that we only do what we have to, we stop doing the things we enjoy. Sometimes we actually forget what we like to do, this is called anhedonia - inability to feel pleasure in normally pleasurable activities. THE POINT BEEN HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FEEL GOOD IF YOU DON’T REGULARLY DO THE THINGS THAT MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD. Perhaps make a of 10 or 20 things you have really enjoyed doing (leave out those detrimental ones). Then write alongside the list the last time you actually did those things. Then decide which of those things you are going to do this week, plan them out, take action to make it happen. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #feelgood #covid #canchangethrapy
21.01.2022 OBESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD) People suffering from OCD find themselves in a continuous vicious cycle of thoughts, emotions and rituals. These people experience anxiety, sometimes extremely severe anxiety. Feeling anxious they look for ways to lessen that anxiety but often the habits/rituals they employ to reduce their anxiety become obsessive because they believe these rituals/habits lessen their anxiety. Change the way you think about things, change your rituals/habits and understand your emotions and feelings. Reach out if you need further information or assistance. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #ocd #anxious #covid #canchangethrapy
21.01.2022 CHANGE, IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME We change often in our journey, sometimes we feel that there no control over change, sometimes we are very uncertain of change, BUT we know how to change and we realise it is happening all the time, think of HOW YOU HAVE CHANGED, YOUR EDUCATION, RELATIONSHIPS, SPORT, LIFESTYLE, EMPLOYEMENT, etc. Yes, a lot of changes. Perhaps take the time today to make some CHANGES, nothing major but little changes, maybe dress differently, go ...for a walk or take different route in daily walk, eat different foods, do your hair differently, do small physical exercise, think about possible alternate ways you relate/feel about someone or some situation in your life. At the end of day write them down, note how you feel. Maybe send me a short message regarding your thoughts about that small change. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #change #anxiety #covid #canchangethrapy
20.01.2022 TESTIMONIAL FROM CLIENT WHO WAS HOMELESS, BUT NOT HELPLESS. "I can't change your past. However, I can help you be happier now and also look forward to a happier future". I had just commenced my first appointment with Doug and I remember the above words he spoke. After nearly thirty years of consulting with dozens of health care professionals, I have finally found an effective solution to my mental wellbeing issues. Doug has guided me to recovery, my confidence, determination,... and positive thinking have all increased. I started to make meaningful and positive changes to my life addressing homelessness, mental and physical health, exploring my creativity, all for the better. I now think and behave differently. My overall health has improved, I have a lovely home, rewarding work and have lost 16 kilos. Life is really happier and my future looks bright and positive LEE R #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #feelgood #covid #canchangethrapy See more
19.01.2022 HEALTHY LIFE Successful weight loss is an inside job...Diets are not sustainable, changing subconscious eating habits and behaviours will elicit the desired outcome, albeit health, a slimmer, fitter body and an upgraded and longer healthier life. Learn about your best resource in achieving a healthier and happier self. Your MINDSET, allow it to reset your relationship with food, so that it no longer controls you. Start a conversation, reach out if you really want to CHANGE the role food plays in your life. Fist consultation free. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #health #diets #food #canchangetheraphy
17.01.2022 WHAT IS HYPNOSIS In 2015 the American Psychological Association developed a definition of Hypnosis. " STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS INVOLVING FOCUSED ATTENTION AND REDUCED PERIPHERAL AWARENESS CHARACTERISED BY ENHANCENCED CAPACITY FOR RESPONSE TO SUGGESTIONS. In layman’s terms, under hypnosis you are in a very relaxed state, not asleep, your mind focused on the voice of the therapist. The skilled therapist’s role is that of communicating those ideas and suggestions that you want in your life in order for you to change those behaviours, habits and thoughts that had caused you concern. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #hypnosis #mentalhealth #hypnotherapy #canchangetheraphy
17.01.2022 DECISIONS GOOD versus BAD The process we employ for making decisions can impact our mental health, especially if we are suffering depression. We need to be open to new or different ways of thinking/processing decision making. Scientific evidence is that people actually increase anxiety/depression by making bad decisions. EXAMPLE spouse, concerned for mental of partner, suggests they should seek help, partner responds adamantly No, leave me alone. BAD DECSION. EXAMPLE doctor states patient’s symptoms suggest depression, recommends treatment -therapy/medication. Patient ignores doctor’s advice. BAD DECISION. In such instances the bad decisions are made unintentionally but are nonetheless negative. If we are suffering from depression it is our tendency to use our feelings to make decisions, thus decisions are negative/bad. Making important decisions should never be made when we are in depressive state. The value of another’s opinion, doing reality check cannot be overstated. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #decisions #covid #canchangethrapy
17.01.2022 WHAT is OVERWEIGHT If you weigh more than you should, you’re not alone. People everywhere weigh more than they did a decade ago. In fact, the rate of obesity has doubled over the past 30 years. Obesity is now classed as a disease and has reached epidemic proportions. Estimates show 65% of Australian adults are overweight or obese. The direct health costs of obesity are estimated to exceed $2 billion annually. The Garvan Institute research show that 31% of Australian adults ar...e obese, another 34% are overweight. This may be why heart disease remains the world’s leading killer. Multiple studies have confirmed the connection between obesity and death in men and women alike. As your body mass index (BMI, a measurement of obesity) goes up, your risk of dying increases, says preventive cardiologist Haitham Ahmed, MD, MPH. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #overweight #obese #virtualgastricbanding #canchangetheraphy See more
15.01.2022 HOPE in DEPRESSION Often people ask How do I get out of this depression?. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single treatment or approach that provides a solution. Depression (mood disorder) is a complex and horrible experience. It can reach in and effect virtually every aspect of one’s life, it has many dimensions, it can be complex and everyone’s experience of depression is unique. BUT be very clear, depression CAN be managed, you CAN overcome, the beginning is always... the hardest part. One obvious starting point is learning, gather information, know the signs and symptoms, your triggers, your vulnerabilities, understand goals and methods of treatment. Reach out for help from mental health professionals. PERHAPS IF YOU VOLUNTEERED TO DO SOMETHING FOR OTHERS, Salvation army, St Vinnies, opp shops, food banks, assist elderly, or other charities. You CAN and WILL overcome your depression, DO NOT give up HOPE. I will continue to post information each week. Any questions text, email, msg me #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #future #covid19 #canchangethrapy See more
12.01.2022 DIGGING YOURSELF OUT OF DEPRESSION, ESCAPING THE BLACK HOLE Global thinking is evident in a depressive person, it plays a role in exacerbating their distress, it precludes them from developing key skills necessary for their effective problem solving. Those skills are Compartmentalizing, Thinking linearly, Good boundaries and Key discriminations. Using cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) that teaches you these specific skills, then utilizing clinical hypnotherapy and NLP as a means to activate and enhance those skills enables you to identifying your defined problems, thus you are able to resolve issues that trouble you. Combining CBT, clinical hypnotherapy and NLP has demonstrated the successful (90%+) plus success in treatment of depression. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #hope #depression #anxiety #canchangetheraphy
10.01.2022 WHY COVID19 HAS INCREASED THE ONSET or INTENTSIFIED DEPRESSION and ANXIETY. We are in the midst of change, change we were not prepared for, change that was forced on us, change has so many uncertainties/unknowns The two psychological patterns of uncertainties and ruminations (thoughts/pondering) are often the epicenter of anxiety and depression health conditions. Learn how recognise ambiguity/uncertainty, understand possible meanings, consequences and outcomes, how to acknowledge the vulnerabilities of second guessing or internal orientation/focus. Accept and appreciate the value of Not Knowing versus Knowing the future. Free consultations available now, text or phone 0417949060 #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #anxiety #covid19 #canchangethrapy
10.01.2022 Pauline's POST 1d Sadly I've been saying similar since this all began. Everyone there are people who you can talk to take care The next added 6 weeks are going to be the killer. 100 people in the first lockdown committed suicide in the first week alone. That was only in Victoria too. The mental health issues related to lockdown and the pandemic are especially hard for people with depression. The wonderful charity MIND have a 24 hour helpline: 1300 554 660... Please could any two of my Facebook friends just copy and repost to share the helpline far and wide. Just two. Any two. Say done. See more
10.01.2022 TREATING ADDICTIONS Helping clients who have addictions does NOT start with asking or telling them they must QUIT. It starts with understanding the causes of their dependency, what triggers the need for that drug, drink, food, etc. Then understanding the events, emotions, feelings and thoughts that resulted in their anxiety, depression, PTSD, loneliness, despair, ADHD, traumas, etc ... Then we demonstrate/guide clients through proven strategies and techniques (tools) to manage and control those thoughts, feelings and emotions. Then THEY stop their dependency, because they no longer have the need for that dependency, they have other tools and support. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #addictions #drugs #recovery #canchangetheraphy See more
09.01.2022 QUALITY of LIFE Are you happy with your current QUALITY of LIFE, what do you feel about it, is it satisfying, is it worthwhile, etc. These are some of the questions we need to answer before we are able to improve our own QUALITY of LIFE. 1/ DISCOVER people who have faced similar challenges, learn from them. ... 2/ Use your CURIOSITY as a resource for stimulating investigating, learning what and how you can do to improve your QUALITY of LIFE. 3/ Use your OBSERVATION skills, notice what other people who are good at doing, managing emotions, people, handling different situations, whatever. 4/ When you IDENTIFY people who are good at SOMETHING that you admire then ask How do they do it? 5/ Talk to professionals (GP, Psych, etc) who can guide you and assist you YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR QUALITY OF LIFE #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #qualityoflife #happy #change #canchangethrapy See more
08.01.2022 CHANGE, IT’S HAPPENING ALL THE TIME Boy, 12 years old starts drinking Boy, 17 years old, addicted to heroin Young man arrested for using, dealing, importing drugs. Young man goes to ...rehabilitation, serves years goal,. Middle aged man, studied as mature age student, married and 3 children Middle aged man senior public servant, Justice Department Secretary, in charge of NSW Courts and Prisons All above are SAME man, CHANGED #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #addiction #drugs #covid19 #canchangethrapy See more
08.01.2022 BEING OVERWEIGHT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOD. Understand your habitual activity, including food and drink consumption. We are born with an inbuilt survival mechanism, it’s very simple. As babies our stomach sends signals to our brain that we need to eat, we cry and, once we’re SATISIED, we stop. However, as we grow, our brain gets more involved and we develop associations with food, good and bad. For example, if our parents gave us sweets as a reward or to make us feel better, now our natural instinct is replaced with conditioned response, rewarding ourselves with food, thus need to feel good equates to food. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #overweight #obese #virtualgastricbanding #canchangetheraphy
08.01.2022 REALITY TESTING vs DEPRESSED BELIEFS People are story tellers, we create stories to explain meanings of our lives, events, perceptions and values. Some stories create possibilities, open us up to life-enhancing experiences, others shut us down and cause us to be miserable. Depressed moods can distort our perceptions of other’s motives and actions in a negative direction. Sometimes we add negative thoughts to innocent events, be aware that if we allow ourselves to believe thes...e negative thoughts or feelings they will become our reality. Maybe the reason the friend hasn’t rung you lately is not because they care less or feel negative about you but they may be ill, suffering, etc. and don’t want to burden you with their problems. Don’t SECOND GUESS, rather develop the skill of REALITY TESTING. This involves getting out of yourself (your internal orientation) long enough to find out if what you are thinking and feeling is supported by FACTS. Discover and learn how to REALITY TEST, gather facts and test your perceptions rather than reacting to your anxious/depressed beliefs. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #reality #covid19 #canchangethrapy See more
06.01.2022 YOUR FUTURE Whilst using your past or even your present experiences as a reference point about your future is understandable. HOWEVER be aware it is also a RELIABLE way to stay stuck in the depressing perception that expending any effort to help yourself is futile. This is the road to WHY BOTHER? victim mentality You CAN manage your depression when you refocus from the UNCHANGEABLE PAST to FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES. Begin to clearly define in ACTION terms what you want, develop and follow realistic plans for making these things happen #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #future #covid19 #canchangethrapy
06.01.2022 New 5.0-star Review: "The Virtual Gastric banding that I have undertaken has proven to be very beneficial. Over a period of four months I lost 12 kilos. It is definitely effective. This technique has worked where many attempts at dieting have failed."
05.01.2022 ISOLATION It is literally true that the human brain is wired to be social and that relationships with families, friends, associates, etc. affect our mental functioning in a variety of powerful ways. Without interaction and communication with others we run the risk of not having our thoughts, our thinking, challenged. You may not realise the ways you can twist information, distorting the facts, ignoring inconvenient sections of information thus creating beliefs that do not ...stand scrutiny, do not past the REALITY test. Whilst we experience COVID19 situation we can be thankful for the range of technological tools at hand that enable us to maintain, to varying extents, communications (phones, email, facetime, FB, Twitter, Zoom, Skype and the list goes on), fifty years ago we would have been lucky to have a land line.. Perhaps we take this time to challenge ourselves to explore ways of using technologies available for communicating. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #depression #isolation #covid19 #canchangethrapy See more
04.01.2022 Are You Ready to Lose Weight ? Change Your Relationship with Food, Change Your Habits & Behaviors Virtual Gastric Banding is a revolutionary approach to transforming your attitude towards food and reducing your portion sizes and appetite. It changes how you think about food and gives very safe, very predictable results. The clinical hypnotherapy convinces the brain that the stomach is full after a certain level of intake and that there is no need for more food. No dieting, s...hakes, special foods, the Virtual Gastric Band allows you to eat what you want and works by enabling you to eat much smaller portions. Because it’s not a diet, you won’t feel deprived, miserable or hungry, the issues which cause diets to fail. Reach out now, book your for free consultation. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #overweight #hunger #virtualgastricbanding #canchangetheraphy See more
03.01.2022 POOR ME, EVERYONE HATES ME, LIFE IS UNFAIR, ETC, ETC, ETC. Depressed people suffer from an over generalization in their thoughts, this results a bias in in recalling past per negative/sad context as well as predicting future outcomes/events in a negative/sad context. Also depressed people frequently experience global thinking, this best describes as how we see the world. These types of thoughts for depressed individuals impair problem solving and intensify negative mem...ories and thoughts. I will guide you in two very effective and proven strategies that empower you to CHANGE your thoughts, takes about 10-15 minutes vis phone/Zoom. No obligation, no fees involved, just my contribution to those experiencing heightened levels of anxiety and depression during COVID19. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #hope #depression #anxiety #canchangetheraphy See more
02.01.2022 GOALS-- THERE IS NO ONE SO POWERFUL AS SOMEONE ON A MISSION Maybe you have the GOAL of overcoming addiction, managing depression, take control of your weight, eliminating a phobia, stop smoking, something YOU want to change in your life. Make it your mission to change the things you want in your life Take that first step, text or phone 0417 949060 to discuss your goal. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #addiction #weightloss #depression #canchangethrapy
01.01.2022 THOUGHTS Thoughts are ideas, notions, cognitive processing, considerations, recollections/remembrances, perception, imagination, etc. Thoughts trigger emotions, emotions govern how we attend our lives, how we feel about ourselves, our mental wellbeing. YOUR world is made of your thoughts, learn how to manage and control your thoughts, your world, your mental wellbeing. #lakemacquariensw #newcastlensw #thoughts #depression #anxiety #canchangetheraphy
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