Candace Coughlan | Health & wellness website
Candace Coughlan
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25.01.2022 Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier Worrying is usually due to fear of uncertainty of the unknown. . Being a warrior, and not a worrier puts the confidence and power back in YOU. Whatever happens, you will be able to deal with it.... . Its about trusting in yourself that you will handle whatever comes your way . . What are you doing today to be a warrior? . . #warrior #worryless #thrive #believe #inspiration #confidence #resilience #handleanything #youcandothis #womenentrepreneurs #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness See more
25.01.2022 Lets share some love . Tag a friend and tell them what makes them uniquely beautiful
25.01.2022 Happy World Kombucha Day What is this you ask? This is a SCOBY - a Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria & Yeast - this is what helps turn your sweet tea into fizzy delicious Kombucha. Now this one is rather on the large size... but aren’t they Funky a.k.a. Awesome!! ... Let’s talk about why we should make kombucha at home? It is: easy & very little active time needed to make ( you can make a pot of tea right?) 1000s of flavours can be made so much better for you costs pennies! (For you young ones that means next to nothing) Did you know that there are so many different ways to use kombucha (other than drinking it that is ) for example: dressings & condiments marinades for roasted veggies & meats to start other ferments as a gut shot as a fruit & veggie wash as a hair rinse We are going to be covering fermentation basics, how to make kombucha , various recipes, different uses, health benefits and so much more in my Everything Kombucha Masterclass coming up in March (On-Line). Let me know or send me a DM if you are interested in some more information #kombucha #scoby #kombuchabrewing #kombuchatea #kombuchalove #fermentedfoods #fermented #fermenteddrinks #fermentedtea #cultured #culturedfoods #probiotics #probiotic #guthealth #guthealthmaters #microbiome #microbiomehealth #antibiotics #digestion #digestionsupport #boostmetabolism #inflammation #constipation #immunehealth #liverhealth #liverdetox #detox #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #wildhealthhub
24.01.2022 Everyone is looking for more ways to support their immunity these days! Are you wondering if theres anything you can eat to keep to keep your immune system functioning properly?? Plenty of Foods contain nutrients that the immune system needs to do its job effectively.... these nutrients are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and zinc.... I have a F.R.E.E. 5 day Challenge coming up that will give you a suggested meal plan and delicious recipes that focus on these nutrients. Youll get daily support with live videos and information on further steps you can take to optimise your, and your familys, immunity. Additionally I will provide a shopping list, in advance, that will make this incredibly easy for you to implement. Want more information? Let me knowor drop me a message. Im here to support you #immunesupport #immunity #immunesystem #healthy #healthyfood #healthyliving #5daychallenge #plan #support #healthandwellness #healthandwellnessjourney #familyhealth #vegetarian #omnivore #choices #helpingothers #womenentrepreneurs #wildhealthhub #wholefoods #justeatrealfood #plantbased #plantpowered #poweredbyplants #healthfoodshare #healthyrecipies #healthydiet #tasty #tastyfood #yummy #healthiswealth
24.01.2022 Whats your favourite hummus flavour? Or are you a plain hummus lover? I love playing with different flavours, garlic, roasted capsicum, beetroot, sweet potato and pumpkin are always delicious. Did you know you can ferment hummus for even more nutritional benefits? And its delicious! ... @thefitfabfoodie #hummus #hummuslover #hummusaddict #plantbased #plantbasedfood #vegan #veganfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #eathealthy #eatclean #delicious #deliciousandnutritious #vegetarian #eatmoreplants #fermentedfoods #fermentation #guthealth #wellnessjourney #guthealthcoach #healthcoach #wildhealthhub
24.01.2022 When we all finally get out.... whats your first adventure going to be?? . . #adventure #lifeafteriso #freedom #playtime #funtime #letsdoit #healthyadventure #adventuretime #whatsyourplan #woohoo #play #goodforthesoul #somethingtolookforwardto #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #takemoreadventures #letswander #neverstopexploring #simplyadventure #optoutside #wildernessculture #keepitwild #staywild #themountainsarecalling #mountainlife ... #mountaingirls #choosemountains #liveyouradventure #womenwantadventure #outdoorwomen See more
23.01.2022 Perfect time to get your Muchroom Hunt on! Love saffron cap mushrooms Pine forests here I come
21.01.2022 Golden Goddess Hummus 10-minute golden hummus infused with anti-inflammatory and immune supporting spices like ginger and turmeric! Creamy, flavorful, and protein-packed! . Yummy ! ... Who wants some right now?! . . . . #plantbased #plantpowered #plantbasedlifestyle #plantbasedlife #plantbasednutrition #poweredbyplants #eatplants #plantstrong #veganteats #vegannutrition #veganinspiration #vegandiet #veganfoodporn #veganfood #veganfoodshare #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthandwellnessjourney #wildhealthhub #healthcoach #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #healthentrepreneur #delicious #yummy #ginger #tumeric #hummus #hummuslover
21.01.2022 If youve ever been on a diet, its likely that one of the first rules included a list of foods to avoid. Maybe the first day or so felt ok, but as time went on the recommended substitutes probably didnt make up for the cravings that lingered for the foods you were used to or favored. When such diets come to an end, the most common outcome is a gradual return to old eating habits. As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I dont believe that deprivation is a healthy appro...ach to anything! So what we do is called crowding out and it refers to the natural process that happens when you add more of the good stuff in first. The more healthy foods you add to your existing diet, the less room youll have for junk, and the more sensitive your palette will become to ultimately appreciate a greater variety of healthy ingredients. Youll literally crowd out the unhealthy foods until you reach a balanced diet that is sustainable and makes you feel great even if that still includes an occasional guilt-free indulgence! Stay tuned for some practical ways that you can implement crowding out to your daily food intake. Let me know....Have you heard of this tactic before #crowdingout #jerf #justeatrealfood #wholefoodplantbaseddiet #healthychoices #healthandwellnessjourney #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #diet #nodiet #healthyhabits #healthyhabitsforlife #womensupportingwomen
20.01.2022 Earth Day 2020 Lets flood the world with messages of hope, optimism and, above all action. On Earth Day 2020, lets seize all the tools and actions that we have, big and small, to change our lives and change our world, not for one day, but forever.... The coronavirus pandemic does not shut us down. Instead, it reminds us of whats at stake in our fight for the planet. Human health and planetary health are inextricably linked. To protect one, we must protect the other. If we dont demand change to transform our planet and meet our climate crisis, our current state will become the new normal a world where pandemics and extreme weather events span the globe, leaving already marginalized and vulnerable communities even more at risk. Check out to see how you can make a difference - today - and everyday #earthday #earthday2020 #change #environment #makeadifference #beapartofit #helptheenvironment #choices #livinggreen #reducereuserecycle #timeforaction
20.01.2022 The Difference Between Change and Transformation. Change uses external influences to modify actions, but transformation modifies beliefs so actions become natural and thereby achieve the desired result. Change in a dictionary is described as to substitute or replace something. Transformation, on the other hand, is defined as a complete change, usually into something with an improved appearance or usefulness. There is definitely a lot of similarity. And the results m...ay look exactly alike to an outside observer. So what is the difference? And why is it important? CHANGE can be small and incremental, or it can be large and complex. But it is something that needs to be constantly monitored and maintained. Think of all of the change management processes and procedures in an IT organization. You do not put them in place and hope for the best. (Well, some groups do, but that is another topic completely.) Every one of these processes has an owner and metrics and involves continual improvements. A conscious external effort is needed to maintain the actions required to achieve the desired result. TRANSFORMATION is almost always large and significant. Transformation is an internal fundamental change in your beliefs of why you perform certain actions. Transformation does not require any external influence to maintain, and because of its fundamental nature, transformation is more likely permanent. With all that said TRANSFORMATION does not need to be difficult. It can come about with education, reflection, intention and consistent action. We will be looking at some of the actions you can take over the next week but if you want to discuss a plan for your personal health transformation reach out for a free discovery session and we will get you started on the right path. . . . #transformation #action #intention #education #staypositive #decide #onestepatatime #motivation #inspiration #prioritise #enoughisenough #itsyourtime #followtheprocess #makethechange #selfcare #youdeserveit #startnow #healthandwellnessjourney #whatsyourwhy #guidance #transformationjourney #healthylifestyle #healthcoach #healthcoaching #wildhealthhub #prioritiseyourself #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone
20.01.2022 Looking forward to this chat ... all things Hormones, Microbiome Health & Ayrurveda AEDT 7:30am Sunday 21 Feb EST 3:30pm Sat 20 Feb PST 12:30pm Sat 20 Feb ... GMT 8:30pm Sat 20 Feb Join us on Clubhouse Let me know and I’ll forward you the invite. @the.biotic.woman @heidijwilde @celestiafrench @skwyland #womenswellness #womenshealth #hormone #hormones #hormonalbalance #hormonalhealth #hormonetest #hormonesystem #healthcheck #estrobolome #hormonegutconnection #gut #guthealth #guthealing #gutflora #gutmicrobiome#guthealthmatters #guttesting #insideout #microbiome #microbiomehealth #healthyfrominsideout #ayrurveda
18.01.2022 Self care is so very important to your overall health and wellbeing. Just swap out a few that you know are not serving you well and go from there
18.01.2022 SUPERFOOD greens & red lasagne. Who wants a slice?? This amazing lasagna brought to you by @panaceas_pantry (recipe & ) These Superfoods - beetroot & greens are so good at bolstering positive gut health!! ... Green foods are some of the densest sources of nutrition you can eat. Not only because theyre low in calories, but because of how they support good gut health. For one, greens are virtually sugar and starch free, which makes them incredibly easy to digest. Sure, theyre high in fiber, but this fiber keeps your digestive tract moving and because these are relatively low-carbohydrate foods, greens digest easier than many other fiber-rich foods such as beans, legumes, and some grains. Greens are also rich in chlorophyll, which lowers inflammation in all parts of the body, including the digestive tract. Eating enough greens on a regular basis to keep your body alkaline, especially your digestive system. And as with greens beets are high in fibre. One cup of beetroot contains 3.4 grams of fiber (1) Fiber bypasses digestion and heads down to the colon, where it either feeds the friendly gut bacteria or adds bulk to stool. This can promote digestive health, keep you regular and prevent digestive conditions like constipation, inflammatory bowel disease and diverticulitis (2,3). Moreover, fiber has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases including colon cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes (4,5,6) References in the comments. #guthealth #guthealthmatters #superfood #superfoodnutrition #greens #beetroot #vegetarian #healthandwellnessjourney #healthy #healthyliving #healthyfood #vegan #wildhealthhub
17.01.2022 Making homemade soda from a ginger bug today. Naturally fermented, probiotic goodness that is so very delicious. These drinks are easy to make and so much better for you than anything you can buy at the shops. And you can tailor them to what ever flavour you like.... Here I have hibiscus, lemon ginger and ginger beer . The bases is simply ginger, sugar, water and time. Great to try new things while we are all at home! And not only do you get a refreshing fizzy drink you get a powerhouse of healthy benefits to support your gut health and immune system. Its all happening over in my FB group so ladies come join us and check it out! . . . #fermentedsoda #fermentation #gingerbug #gingersoda #tasty #healthysoda #healthdrink #probiotics #probioticseveryday #healthandwellness #healthyliving #healthandwellnessjourney #healthcoach #guthealth #guthealthmatters #wildhealthhub
17.01.2022 My fantastic team from the Springwood branch. I love networking when it feels like a supportive family. Definitely collaboration over competition!! At Women with Altitude, we believe that kindness and empathy and helping lift each other up is the most fulfilling and inspiring way for women to do life. It is with this same intention and vision that we work together to help you start a business or side hustle, build a tribe, develop your career and strengthen your connections ...with community. In everything we do, we believe that what we give or contribute is wildly outweighed by what we receive in return, support, friendship, opportunity and connection. Our community has developed a culture of acceptance and friendliness. Our members and experts in their field gather regularly to network in local areas, both in person and online. We offer workshops, programs and mentors to connect you with a tribe of help and support. We are a social enterprise membership community focussed on connecting you with opportunities to propel you towards your goals We welcome you to join our tribe!. Let’s connect #networking #collaboration #connect #connection #community #contribute #community #womensupportingwomen #womenentrepreneurs #womeninbusiness #womeninbusinessaustralia #bluemountains #womenwithaltitude #support #friendship #supportsmallbusiness
17.01.2022 Ive been really craving some yummy, deep green veggies lately! . Got my hands on some, added shallots, garlic (always! ), lemon juice & zest with some chilli and spices and have a nutritiously dense, immensely satisfying side dish to accompany any protein choice. . Use any greens you like- kale, chard, collards, or throw in some beet tops, spinach or mustard greens- you decide!... . This nice thing is the leftover greens can be repurposed for breakfast- warm them up and top with a poached egg, or throw them in your scrambled eggs or add to your buddha bowls or fried rice. You get the idea. . Ladies we are talking all things delicious (recipes), immunity support, gut health and so much more over in the Wild Health Hub Thrive Tribe FB Group. Come and join us #plantbased #plantpowered #plantbasedmeal #plantbasednutrition #poweredbyplants #eatyourgreens #eattherainbow #eatwellbewell #eatwell #wholefoods #justeatrealfood #nutrientdense #lovemyveggies #healthyfood #healthfoodshare #healthyrecipies #healthydiet #healthandwellness #healthandwellnessjourney #wildhealthhub #tasty #delicious #tastyfood #yummy
15.01.2022 Homemade Kimchi Maki Rolls for dinner tonight. Ginger Cashew Cheese, kimchi, and a rainbow of veggies. Infused with some love . Served up with a side of Tamari and a bit of chilli. Yummy #eattherainbow #vegan #veganfood #kimchi #veggiesforlife #vegetarian #veganeats #cashewcheese #glutenfree #glutenfreevegan #dairyfree #dairyfreerecipes #eatrealfood #justeatrealfood #homemade #homemadefood #madewithlove #madeathome #healthliving #cneprogram #cne2020 #cneprogram #cneprogram2020
15.01.2022 So this is my next exciting step in continuing education. Very excited to be undertaking The Culinary Nutrition Expert program with Academy of Culinary Nutrition that starts tomorrow. Culinary Nutrition is about using ingredients in their whole and fresh form, and combining them to make delicious, healing recipes. Combining nutritional theories, science and principles of traditional diets in culinary applications for optimal health. ... This is going to be of great benefit to not only my cooking and recipe development but I will be able to share with all my clients as well! Look out for MANY Gut healthy recipes coming your way!! Woo Hoo!! Lets get cooking!! #cneprogram #cneprogram2020 #culinarynutritionexpert #culinarynutrition #jerf #readytolearn #healthandwellnessjourney #letscook #healthyeating #healthyrecipies #foodasmedicine #veryexcited #wellnessentrepreneurs #eatwellbewell #womenentrepreneurs #wellnessbusiness #healthcoaching #wildhealthhub
14.01.2022 Fire Cider (aka Master tonic) Ever heard of it? Its an immune-boosting health tonic thats been used for decades to naturally protect against cold and flu and ease sinus congestion. There are a few brands on the market (which is how I got into it), but I quickly realized that fire cider is really easy to make at home. The base recipe includes horseradish, ginger, garlic, onions, cayenne pepper and apple cider vinegar. If that scares the bejeezus out of you, dont worry, the... last step before drinking is to add honey and any other flavors to sweeten/balance to your liking. Lets look at making this at home along with and extras we can add in to basic recipe - for tastes and also for health benefits. . All taking place over in the Wild Health Hub Thrive Tribe -
14.01.2022 So, now food ingredients can be changed without label changes because of covid and supply chain management. One has to wonder: could companies ride this out and swap cheap, low quality ingredients in for the foreseeable future? I also wonder: what does this look like for people with allergies and sensitivities? Can you imagine, label says organic sunflower oil, but its actually soy oil?! ... Careful with any packaged foods bought from O/seas manufacturers. Remember, where you can, buy Whole Foods and make from ingredients you know. Thoughts?
13.01.2022 Very important #Listen
13.01.2022 Healthy homemade Immune boosting gut-loving potato and leek soup to feed my body and soul . Made with prebiotic garlic, onion and leeks, and home made bone broth as a base. I know my tummy will be very happy with me . .... . #eatwellbewell #eatwell #guthealth #guthealthmatters #immuneboostingfoods #immunesupport #immunesystem #wholefoods #justeatrealfood #dairyfree #Glutenfree #healthyfood #healthfoodshare #healthyrecipies #healthydiet # #tasty #delicious #tastyfood #yummy
13.01.2022 So important to tune in to how you feel .... take some time, even ask your self how does XYZ make me feel? .... the energy of the situation will come forward. For me I find getting out into natures helps me connect better and really feel what is going on with a particular situation. I think tuning in and connecting with the natural world around me, connects me to a bigger vibrational pool. From here I can get clearer on how I want to move forward. Other ways you can conne...ct: meditate listen to music create something dance exercise practice gratitude What do you do? How do you connect with yourself and feel the vibration and energy all around you? #inspiration #vibrationalenergy #energydoesntlie #feelthevibe #energyheals #positivevibes #connectwithnature #connectwithyourself #listentoyourgut #listentoyourheart #getoutside #meditate #dance #exercise #practicegratitude #healthyliving #healthylivingjourney #womensupportingwomen #womenhelpingwomentrepreneurs #womenentrepreneurs #wildhealthhub
13.01.2022 For anyone isolating and bored at home, Banff MountainFilm Festival have produced a list of 100 BMFF films now available free online
13.01.2022 Kombucha is a drink traditionally made by fermenting sweetened tea with what's referred to as a scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). During the fermentation process, the yeast converts the sugar in the tea to alcohol and the bacteria convert that alcohol to organic acids (such as acetic acid). What results is a refreshing, lightly effervescent and slightly sour drink, not unlike sparkling apple cider. Kombucha certainly has a lot going for it.... It contains a live culture of bacteria and yeast, which can act as a probiotics. Probiotics are live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit to the host. Studies have shown probiotics can improve digestion, help protect against disease and enhance immune function. The fermentation process produces organic acids (including acetic acid), which among other benefits have been shown to inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria including Salmonella, Bacillus cereus, E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus. It's made from tea, which contains a particular variety of polyphenols (naturally occurring plant chemicals) known as catechins. These have strong antioxidant properties and can protect or act against cancer, tumours and unwanted genetic changes. You can buy bottled Kombucha, both pasteurized and unpasteurized, in various flavours everywhere from health food stores to supermarkets. The downside is that Kombucha’s probiotics do not survive the pasteurization process. Many of these pasteurised versions have added probiotics to supplement their kombuchas with beneficial bacteria, but they are not naturally-occurring, nor are they as numerous or diverse as those that are left to develop sans heat. This is the payoff for having a shelf stable, mass produced commercial beverage. These are often referred to as activated. But don’t fret, you can find unpasteurised, live, raw kombucha for sale in the refrigerated sections. Just check out the ingredients, not just the marketing label, to make sure you know what you are getting. One way to know that you are getting the real deal is to make it at home. Very easy and much cheaper. Just ask me how
12.01.2022 Let us all remember that we are guests here
12.01.2022 As the sun rises from my bedroom window this morning I took the time to be grateful for the slower mornings that have allow me to start my day in a calm and peaceful way. No rushing out the door, hoping that I have everything I need for the day (or several days in my normal case) or the noise or stress of busy the peak hour commute or the need to grab a breakfast to go at 4am. Im grateful for a reset time. A time to gather my thoughts and my energy. And plan for a future, ...that I am building, a future that will continue to allow me moments of peace and recovery. Do you take time in the mornings for self care and reflection? How do you start your day? #sunrise #selfcare #healthandwellnessjourney #reset #reset2020 #morningroutine #pursuitofhappiness #Womenentrepreneurs #healthylifestyle #healthcoach #wildhealthhub #peacefulmorning #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness
11.01.2022 Whats in your cup this morning? I love my morning coffee supercharged! I only have one coffee a day so I make sure to sit back and really enjoy it. Take the time for some reflection and contemplation. I find it sets me up for a great day. ... I add superfoods like Coconut oil or MCT oil, medicinal mushrooms and cacao or cinnamon to give me a nutrient boost too. These superfoods keep help my brain and body healthy, my focus and clarity on target, and my boost my motivation! Whats in your cuppa?? p.s. dont you love my mug?! Gift from my mum so I think of her and my homeland of Canada every morning from my home in Australia . Miss you Mum Lorraine Coughlan . . . #morningcoffee #superfoods #morningroutine #morningvibes #coffee #coffeelover #morning #reflection #lovemountains #misscanada #missmymom #loveaustralia #canadiansabroad #healthycoffee #focus #clarity #motivation #wildhealthhub #healthcoach #healthcoachlife #healthandwellnessjourney #Womenentrepreneurs #womensupportingwomen
11.01.2022 Wed all rather go out and live the outdoors than watch someone else do it, but theres nothing wrong with getting a little inspiration every now and then. With streaming video services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, getting a virtual stoke is just a click away. Here, in random order, are 11 of our favorites a few of the best outdoor documentaries streaming on Netflix now. (This article was last updated on March 16, 2020.)
10.01.2022 Welcome to Wild Health Hub, your go-to source for all things Wellness and Adventure. As a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach and founder of Wild Health Hub, I work with women to find their unique path to health & wellness, live on purpose & thrive! Integrating healthy nutrition practices along with those that enrich the mind, body and soul. With a keen focus on connecting back to nature, stepping out of your comfort zone and bringing adventure into your everyday life. I offer ...individual and group coaching sessions, nutrition and wellness workshops, guided adventure days (bush walking, climbing, abseiling, canyoning etc) and wellness escapes both locally (based in Sydney, Australia) and internationally. You can contact me on FB, Instagram @candacecoughlan and via email at [email protected] Drop me a line to say hello or enquire about your free 30min discovery session where we can look at your goals and ways that we can work together to be healthy, happy and wild!! Ensure you follow this page so you too can can receive information & inspiration for living a life of Wellness and Adventure Plus my beautiful sisters Id love you to join our FREE Facebook Group - Wild Health Hub Thrive Tribe to connect with like minded women, receive tips and inspiration for living a balanced healthy lifestyle, share recipes and workouts to try and become part of our amazingly supportive community. Hope to see you there: New website ( coming soon
09.01.2022 Purple Sweet Potato Gnocchi . What a vibrant change to the humble white gnocchi. ... Using the purple sweet potatoes for this recipe for their health benefits along with the stunning colours. Also known as Murasaki Imo, which means purple potato in Japanese, contains dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. The flesh also contains anthocyanin, a naturally occurring antioxidant that gives the tuber its purple hue. They are used in a variety of culinary applications including desserts and snack foods and are valued for their sweet flavour and high antioxidant content. They are also commonly dried and turned into powder for use as a natural food colouring. Note: Japanese purple sweet potatoes are best steamed or roasted. When boiled, they will lose their purple hue. So to retain their vibrant colour, they should be roasted or steamed. For the sauce.... Roasted butternut squash and carrot soup thickened up with some caramelised onions does a treat here. Add some shaved Parmesan cheese, some fresh basil and fresh squeeze of lemon juice.... delicious!! These gnocchi are a touch sweeter than those made from regular potatoes, and therefore are best complimented by salty and savoury flavours. A creamy Parmesan sauce would work well too! & inspiration from @travelandmunchies #purplesweetpotatognocchi #purplesweetpotato #sweetpotato #gnocchi #foodasmedicine #healthyeating #eatrealfood #eathealthy #jerf #healthyhabits #homecooked #homecooking #tasty #tastyfood #delicious #deliciousfood #eattherainbow #anthocyanin #anthocyanins #antioxidants #dietaryfiber #carrots #butternutsquash #dontwastefood #usewhatyouhave #wildhealthhub #healthcoach #guthealthcoach #wellnessjourney #wellnessentrepreneur
09.01.2022 Were gearing up for the BIG product launch coming TOMORROW at our Annual Global Training Conference this year held virtually! 17 new products for Mind, Body and Skin! Sooo heres a few clues on the new products. ... Any guesses? If anyone guesses correctly, Ill send you a free gift!!
08.01.2022 Wow, what a crazy week! Assignments, business, meetings, workshops.. late nights and early mornings .... but I made it!! So thankful to have these 2 friends by my side. Helped considerably with my concentration & focus and my overall energy levels! Could not have done it without my @lifecykel medicinal mushrooms! Made the difference of just scraping by to coming out the other side smiling ! ... Bring on next week!!! Let me know if you have any medicinal mushrooms questions And if you are interested in checking them out for yourself I’ve added my affiliate details in the comments. You get 10% off and I get some $ too
08.01.2022 So many nourishing elements that you can add to your daily routine to support your immune system and overall health. . We are talking everyday herbs and veggies that you most likely would have at home already. . And then some you may need to look into or get especially for the reason of taking care of your health.... . . Ladies Join me over in my private FB Group while we focus on all things in supporting immunity and overall health and wellbeing! Link in Bio . . @heyheathercarvey . . #immunity #immunesupport #immunehealth #naturalmedicine #naturalmedicinecabinet #backtonature #healthyfood #healthfoodshare #healthyliving #healthandwellnessjourney #healthylife #plantbased #plantpowered #plantbasedlifestyle #plantbasedlife #plantbasednutrition #plantstrong
07.01.2022 There has been a surge of interest in hormones and gut health. More specifically, the human microbiome (the collection of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract) and how these trillions of bacteria are crucial to our physiology and metabolism. Every system in the body is connected and our gut is intrinsically linked to overall health and hormone balance. What Is The Estrobolome?... The estrobolome is a collection of bacteria in the gut which is capable of metabolising and modulating the body’s circulating estrogen. It is the bacteria in the gut, and the estrobolome, that affects estrogen levels, which in turn can impact weight, libido and mood. Gut dysbiosis is an imbalance of the gut bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. If there is an excess of bacteria that produce an enzyme called betaglucuronidase, this reverts estrogen back into its unconjugated active form and it is then absorbed back into the bloodstream resulting in estrogen dominance. Elevated betaglucuronidase levels are associated with conditions including: * Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) * Obesity * Metabolic syndrome * Estrogen-related cancers (breast and prostate) * Endometriosis * Infertility * Mood disturbance * Heart disease We will be discussing this and more on Clubhouse tomorrow 7:30am AEST 3:30pm EST / 12:30pm PST More to follow on the Gut Health - Hormone Connect included Ways To Improve Gut Health And Hormone Balance #guthealth #microbiome #prebiotics #probiotics #health #wellness #hormonegutconnection #hormonebalance #hormonehealth #healthyhormones #gutbacteria #guthealthmatters #womenshealth #eathealthy #cookhealthy #staywealthy #probiotics #goodbacteria #nutrition #nutritiousfood #diettips #healthtips #saveourgoodbacteria #healthcoach #wellnesscoach #wildhealthhub
04.01.2022 I Love Delivery Day @arbonne Botanically based, vegan, cruelty free products straight to my door! How easy! This delivery is extra special... the boxes are filled with ALL the brand NEW products that were launched at our Virtual Global Training! Cant wait to try them all .... . . #arbonne #arbonneaunz #arbonneconsultant #iwia #flourish #gtc2020 #newproductlaunch #puresafebeneficial #vegan #glutenfree #crueltyfree #botanicallybased #mindbodyskin
03.01.2022 Interested in find out more about fermentation? Ready to get your hands-on and try it for yourself. This information packed, fun and informative workshop will have you fermenting like a pro and totally supercharge your gut health!!! So easy to do, yes..... even if you are already super busy! And at a fraction of the cost of buying from the store. ... Bring the health benefits of fermentation home and kick out some of those sugar-laden prepared foods and beverages that are not serving you or your family. You will take home: Knowledge about fermented foods, gut health and how it impacts all aspects of your wellbeing Confidence to keep you fermenting at home Fermented veggies that you make yourself in class Kombucha starter kit - so you can make from home....forever! Various other fermented foods, condiments, sauces and dressings prepared in class In class work book E-book of all recipes from class and many more to try at home Ongoing support for any fermentation questions Discount voucher for future workshop attendance September dates: Saturday 26/9/20: 1pm-3:30pm Tuesday 29/9/20: 6:30pm-9pm Location: Katoomba - Address TBA To book your ticket drop me a comment or send me a DM Looking forward to creating health with you there
03.01.2022 For those of you in Sydney
02.01.2022 Which ones get you? Soft drinks, baked goods, lollies, flavoured milks and desserts can all have high amounts of sugar. Also keep an eye on the sugar added to foods you might not think of as sweet, like:... * sauces, including condiments, stir fry sauces, pizza and pasta sauces * salad dressings * bread * yoghurts * tin soup * mueslis and cereals * alcoholic drinks * iced tea * and protein bars. * some healthy snacks and packaged gluten free food. Why is eating too much sugar bad for you? Sugar is a carbohydrate, which is one of the nutrients our bodies use to make energy. If we eat too much sugar, our body will store the excess energy we eat as fat, which can lead to becoming overweight or obese. Being overweight is linked to higher risks of diseases like heart disease and some cancers. Excess sugar consumption is also linked to the development of Type 2 diabetes and tooth decay. Besides carbohydrates, most sugary foods don’t contain many other nutrients, like protein, vitamins or minerals. This can mean that eating sugary foods fills us up, but doesn’t provide our body with much nourishment. What to eat instead? For a healthy, balanced diet, cut down on foods and drinks containing added sugars. These tips can help you cut down: * Avoid sugary drinks, choosing tap water over soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks or flavoured milks. Also be careful with your store bought fermented beverages (kombucha) check the labels for how much sugar they contain. * Swap sugary food for foods with less added sugar (aim for 15g of sugar per 100g, or less) * try cooking some new healthy recipes at home, instead of eating packaged foods * use the Sugar By Half sugar calculator to find out how much sugar you’re eating * and check nutrition labels to help you pick the foods with less added added. #sugar #reducesugar #howmuchsugar #foodlabels #hiddensugar #jerf #sugarswap #homemade #homemadefood #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #healthandwellnessjourney #healthandwellness #wholefoods #justeatrealfood #wildhealthhub
01.01.2022 The only bird that will peck at a Eagle is the crow. He sits on his back and bites his neck. The Eagle does not respond or fight with the crow. It doesnt waste time or energy on the crow. It simply opens its wings and begins to rise higher in the sky. The higher the flight, the harder it is for the crow to breathe. Eventually the crow falls due to lack of oxygen. Stop wasting your time with the crows. Just take them to your heights and theyll fade. #soar #dontletanyonebringyoudown #flyhigh #inspiration #riseup #encouragement #riseabove #womenhelpingwomentrepreneurs #womensupportingwomen #wildhealthhub
01.01.2022 With all the different milks types available what are you choosing to drink? We have: Dairy - Cow , goat , sheep and camel (yes I said camel!!) Pasteurised and Raw ... We also have various nut and seed milks (mylks): Almond Soy Rice Coconut Pea Hemp Oat Cashew Hazelnut Pumpkin seed Sunflower seed What others? And of course we have the fermented versions of the above #milk #nutmilk #milkalternative #milkalternatives #dairy #dairyfree #cowsmilk #goatmilk #sheepsmilk #camelmilk #almondmilk #soyamilk #coconutmilk #hempmilk #oatmilk #fermenteddrinks #fermentedfoods #healthyswaps #healthyliving #environmentallyfriendly #environmentalimpact #whatsgoodforme #choice #healthychoices #wildhealthhub
01.01.2022 Whats coming up...
01.01.2022 So excited for Arbonnes new skincare range!! Age Well Time to level UP our skin because of the proven gold star trifecta of ingedients which have all been clinically trialed in the Age Well line!... Drum roll for the trifecta Bakuchiol - plant based retinol Increased Stabalized Vit C Plant Stem Cells All ingedients that your skin will jump for joy over! #arbonne #agewelllivewell #anzaac2020 #aacanz2020 ##livewellagewell #giveaway #vegan #plantbased #planbasedskincare
01.01.2022 Heres to the next generation of butterflies . Isolation can be seen and used as a time of self reflection. . A time to get clear on what direction you want to move forward with.... . Take this time to nurture yourself and become the most beautiful, resilient and strong butterfly on the other side. . . . #encouragement #support #timetoembracechange #isolation #resiliance #growth #change #womenempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #womensupportingwomen #empoweringwomen #Womenentrepreneurs See more
01.01.2022 Hormone Balancing Smoothie for Women Over 40 If you want to feel energized, calm & clear-headed, then this brain fog busting/ hormone balancing smoothie recipe from @cleaneating_sisters is for you. Ingredients... * 2 tablespoons collagen powder * 1 teaspoon camu powder * 1 tablespoon raw cacao powder * 1 teaspoon maca powder * 1/2 teaspoon ashwagandha * 2 tablespoons ground flaxseeds * 2 tablespoons hemp seeds * 1/2 cup frozen wild blueberries OR 1 package unsweetened frozen acai * 1 cup frozen cauliflower florets * 1 frozen banana * Optional: 3 or 4 medjool dates * Optional: 1 teaspoon vanilla * Optional: 1/2 teaspoon stevia powder * Optional: Go Raw brand Coco Crunch Sprouted Granola topping (for sprinkling on top) Instructions 1. In a blender jar, add 1 1/4 cups water and 1/2 cup ice. Add the collagen, camu, cacao, maca, ashwagandha, flaxseeds, hemp seeds, frozen wild blueberries (OR frozen acai), frozen cauliflower and frozen banana. 2. Process in a high-speed blender for at least one full minute, or until mixture is smooth and creamy. 3. To make the smoothie sweeter: Add the dates, vanilla and stevia powder and process until smooth and creamy. 4. To add a crunchy topping: Sprinkle on a few tablespoons of Go Raw brand Coco Crunch Sprouted Granola topping. 5. Drink cold. Please check out their full article: @cleaneating_sisters #smoothie #cleaneating #cleancuisine #hormonebalancingsmoothie #hormonesupport #hormonegutconnection #hormonehealth #supportinghormonesnaturally #herbsforlife #herbalsupport #foodasmedicine #naturalremedies #naturalmedicine #camu #cacao #maca #ashwagandha #flaxseed #hempseed #collagen
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