Candy Cassidy Mind Body Coaching in Perth, Tasmania, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Candy Cassidy Mind Body Coaching
Locality: Perth, Tasmania, Australia
Phone: +61 419 582 046
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24.01.2022 TAKE A FEW DEEP BREATHS IN FOR THIS ONE. A pretty powerful question here? Would love to see your two words below in the comments box. For me it would be I’M WORTHY
23.01.2022 BE THE CHANGE IN THEIR WORLDS Whos jumping on this incredible night online class to learn some incredible access consciousness tools and to get a different spin on ADD, ADHD, OCD AND Autism LIMITED DAYS to register as I will need to email you your manual x
23.01.2022 WHAT DO YOU WAKE UP TO IN THE MORNING ? I wake up to my visions and purpose, it’s the first thing and last thing I see each day. It’s my WHY I do what I do and continue to do for GROWTH ADVENTURE & FREEDOM... Turning visions into reality one step and one action at a time. Never be afraid to dream big even if you think it’s not possible. Don’t put limitations on your vision or you will limit your vision. #2021yearofgrowth #steppingoutofcomfortzone #onestepatatime #mixingitup #mindsetandempowermentcoach #launcestoncoach #balanced #planplan #beyouchangetheworld
23.01.2022 STRONG MIND = STRONG EVERYTHING For so long i lacked self worth and confidence in all areas of my life: Schooling Relationship ( intimate and others )... Body Business I came to a point in my life where it was either I make it or break it. I was mentally tired of putting on a brave face, a fake smile and using the excuse all the time Im okay Im just tired . I had, had enough of the constant negative mind chatter that was happening 24/7 and I was done. So why changed.......... Its funny I went seeking answers and support for my kids who were recently diagnosed with ADHD ( thats how i came across Access Consciousness Bars ) but what I actually found after all those classes was ME AGAIN. That happy, fun, loving, real, true and raw me. The one that didnt need to fake a smile or say no to opportunity anymore because I lacked self worth. MY ADVICE TO YOU Dont let decade pass feeling the same way you did the decade before that, life is all about making a choice. A choice to stay and feel the way you do or rise above it and Choose a different path and create the next incredible chapter of that fun, loving, confident you. This wont only be a contribution to you and your life but you husband/wifes, your kids, anyone who you have contact with. BE YOU AND MAKE THE CHANGE #empowermentcoach #mindsetcoachlaunceston #accessbarslaunceston #accessbarsfacilitator #confidencelaunceston #anxietylaunceston
22.01.2022 MOTHER AND DAUGHTER TIME Was so blessed to have my first child attend a Acces Bars Class today. She is so excited that she can run bars on her two sister, pop and everyone else she can get her hands on. Next generation of Access Practitioners
20.01.2022 WAS YOUR DAY AS AMAZING AS MINE? How lucky am I to teach these gorgeous ladies Access Bars and to also have new practitioners in our state. Being an Access Bars Facilitator is by far one of the most rewarding parts of my business
20.01.2022 APPOINTMENT BECAME AVAILABLE Due to a cancellation I have an appointment tomorrow become available at 6:00
20.01.2022 THESE JUST ARRIVED How cute are these After each session clients get to pick one of these pop cards to open and take home with them .....
20.01.2022 GET EXCITED CONFIDENT MIND CONFIDENT KIDS IS COMING SOON When searching for something similar a few years back in our local area there was nothing unless you went to a Pyschologist hence the creation of this incredible program, nothing else out there like it More information to follow but this will include weekly/ fortnightly sessions which will include a blend of ... Access Bars sessions Coaching Mindfullness Mindset Tools and more......... They will even receive a small weekly surprise in the mail. Sessions will empower your child/teen to: Raise their self esteem and confidence level Shift their mindset Learn to stand up for themselves Improve school performance Improve relationships with peers Express themselves & communicate more effectively Deal with fears & let go of anger Deal with anxiety & stress Develop awareness of the power of their thoughts Be more mindful & increase concentration Problem solve Reach for goals and dreams
18.01.2022 MONEY VS HAPPINESS This was me a while ago, so I can totally relate. I always wanted to do thing or learn things to help support me and my mental health but I was constantly resisting and self sabotaging myself by saying I dont have the money It wont work, nothing does... I dont have the time One of my life coaches sat me down one day and went over this with me and I will never forgot the conversation and the words she said to me that day and how much it changed my life forever Do you want to feel like this for the rest of your living days? NO The truth was I didnt but I was so used to feeling that way I would use excuses to stop me moving forward and past that. So what did I do.......... I sold useless stuff to make the money I needed I took time off to attend her sessions I made a promise to myself, my family and her that I would do whatever it took to get better physically and mentally. Having them hold me accountable was such a blessing. Whats holding you back from having all of you? Do whatever it takes to do and get whatever it is that is needed for your happiness. Ask yourself the question Do you want to feel the way you do for the rest of your life? If no then ask yourself What would it take to create the you, you want ? Short term loss for long term growth #mindsetcoachlaunceston #empowermentcoach #accessbarslaunceston #lifecoachlaunceston
13.01.2022 TWO DAYS LEFT TO REGISTER Do you, your kids, family or clients have ADD, ADHD, OCD, AUSTISM? If your answered yes to any of the above then this class is for you. ... You dont have to of read the book to attend the class. This online Introductory 2 hour Access class is based on the book "Would you teach a fish to climb a tree? Which is a different take on kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism. I am a mum-of 2 boys formally being diagnosed ADHD and myself undiagnosed ADHD. This book and Access Consciousness has helped me enormously in communicating and seeing my boys in a totally different light to what I was before. This book along side access consciousness bars therapy has given me more ease with my own undiagnosed ADHD and supporting my kids and clients This introductory class can help you create the space that allows you and the children in your life to have a much greater ease in all areas from communication to behavior, confidence to joy and much more. Seeing the gifts in them - rather than going into the wrongness of them. I invite you to empower your children to access the gifts and capacities they have and to create what theyre truly capable of. During class we will discuss: * A different perspective who they are and who they are not * Parenting these kids * Communication by and with them using pictures * What if ADD and ADHD are actually gifts? We will also discuss practical tools you can use immediately to create more ease for you and for them. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to recognize that in your child, you have a small body and an infinite being. That being, your child, knows things, perceives things, and receives things. You need to acknowledge that and not try to come from the perspective that youre superior because youre an adult. Your kids are infinite beings too, and even though their bodies are smaller than yours, it doesnt mean they are smaller than you are. Acknowledging their infinite capacity to perceive, know, be and receive is the single most important thing that you, as a parent or a teacher, can do to assist them to access their talents and capacities. This is especially true for kids with autism, OCD, ADD, ADHD and all those other labels because they have special gifts. You dont need the book to take the class but highly recommended you grabbing yourself a copy, its amazing Investment: $50 AUD Mini manual included Please PM me to register. Candy Cassidy Access Bars Facilitator Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein
12.01.2022 HOW TO CALM THE MONKEY MIND CHATTER Monkey Mind describes that incessant mind chatter that distracts us from our practice. Its the part of the mind that is hyperactive, distracted and wanders from one thought to the next. Its the part of our mind that ruminates on the what-ifs, should-bes, could-bes, oughts-tos and need-tos. The monkey mind dwells on the past and catastrophizes the future. Its the part of our mind that drives us nutty and its the meditators worse enemy.... Deepak Chopra in his book "Quantum Healing" quotes a figure that the average person thinks approximately 65,000 thoughts per day and that 95 percent of these thoughts are exactly the same thoughts that passed through the mind the day before. Thats a lot of mind chatter!! Access Consciousness Bars therapy is well known for killing the monkey the only time killing a monkey is okay Imagine saying goodbye to the monkey mind chatter and being able to: Sleep better at night Less exhausted during the day More Clarity and focus Has Access helped you with the above ? Inbox for more questions and booking an appointment
11.01.2022 WHOS JOINING ME? I just brought 2 tickets before it sells out. I have been following this page for some time and really loving the impact its having in our youth and an incredible program. You know me super passionate about mental health and supporting our youth, our next generation of amazing people ... Cant wait to go along, raise funds by purchasing a tickets and hear all about their new program BEAST. I will definitely be recommending this program to many of my clients Im sure. Tickets are $150 Little bit of info about the night below: "Changing lives through genuine impact" Join us for the most inspiring night of 2020. This event is launching BEAST Inc - a not for profit organisation that is changing the lives of young Tasmanians. The night showcases our states at-risk and vulnerable young people from across the state who want to share stories and messages of impact that you have never heard before. Event MC - Australian of the Year Local Hero Tommy Windsor. Opening Event Speaker - Will Smith (Youth Leadership Expert/Coach/Speaker) CEO+Founder JCP Empowering Youth. President BEAST Inc. 2020 Tasmanian Young Australian of the Year. This event features an auction and opportunities to fundraise money for the most impactful program in our country.
11.01.2022 WHAT AN AWESOME ONLINE CLASS Thankyou to the 6 beautiful ladies who jumped on my HOW MUCH ARE YOU WILL TO RECIEVE class tonight ( missing one who was in bed unwell) Had a great call, worked on personal blocks and limitations, taught some incredible tools and most of all we had fun and laughed a lot
11.01.2022 ST HELENS IM COMING FOR YOU I have ladies booked in for this down there and so excited to bring a bars class down that way to support them all eeeeeeeek tag and invite your coasty friends along #sthelens #sthelenstasmania #accessbarsclasstasmania
10.01.2022 . NOT LONG TILL ANOTHER EMPOWERING CLASS Dont forget to register to secure a place on the day Whos ready to transform their lifes and others?... #accessbarslaunceston #mindsetcoach #mentalhealth
09.01.2022 LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER FOR THE LAST CLASS FOR 2020 Imagine bringing 2021 in with an incredible empowering mindset. Ask yourself is it time to throw that junk ( negative self talk and emotions) in the trunk? ... Be the CHANGE you have always desired #accessbarslaunceston #accessbarstasmania #empowermentandmindsetcoach #mindsetlaunceston
09.01.2022 R U OK DAY IS EVERYDAY Make sure your always checking in with loved one and observing any unusual behavior. This could be a sign that things may not be okay? #mentalhealth #ruokeveryday #mindsetcoach #accessbarslaunceston
08.01.2022 ACCESS BARS AND ANXIETY IN ADULTS AND KIDS Did you know The first Access Bars session was facilitated by Gary Douglas over 25 years ago. Since then, it has expanded into 173 countries and there are more than 5,000 trained Access Bars facilitators worldwide! Recently, Dr. Terrie Hope Ph.D., DNM, published an article in the Journal of Energy Psychology on The Effects of Access Bars on Anxiety and Depression.... The results of this pilot study? In the participants, the severity of anxiety symptoms was decreased by an average of 84.7% and the severity of depression symptoms was decreased by an average of 82.7%. How does it get any better than that? Watch the video below as Dr. Terrie Hope talks about this research with Access Consciousness co-creator, Dr. Dain Heer!
08.01.2022 THIS ROUND IS NOW BOOKED OUT. As of this morning all places have now been filled for this round starting in just over a week. Keep an eye out for next round starting in November or get in early not to miss out as I only take on limited numbers per round.
08.01.2022 TRIED EVERYTHING AND NOTHING HELPED? .......................Warning long post.......................... I Hear you... I see you I FEEL YOU That was me over 12 months ago GIVEN UP, I had learnt and tried different therapies to support my mental health alongside other concern I had going on. I would try something new and i would feel amazing for 1,2,3 weeks even and then BAM that negative mind chatter would creep its way back in and screw me over AGAIN. The last thing I tried before I was deciding to give up was Tony Robbins. I even walked on hot coals to prove to myself I could do anything I put my mind to and that I was stronger than ever and I would never allow fear to get in my way again( I got a lot out of those 4 days dont get me wrong) I came home from Tony feeling like a million dollars ............ BUT same thing happened a month later, self sabotage and all the negative thought patterns came back and I started to limit myself, my relationships and my business again. You see I was so good at acting I fooled almost everyone around me, even my husband that I was okay Fortunately for me the universe had my back, my kids were diagnosed with ADHD and I was seeking support for them ( because hey, I didnt need help ) Thats when I can across Access Consciousness Bars therapy, I thought if I can learn this I can help support my kids in all areas of their lifes. What I didnt know, on the day I become a access bars practitioner and had my bars ran for the first time, I was going to get a piece of the old me back ( the old but new me). The me before the trauma, abuse, anxiety, depression. The me I wished to have back for sooooo long, the me that laughed, loved, had joy and got excited about life, had confidence, drive and passion. Im so glad I have found me again One thing I love about Access Consciousness Bars is it doesnt allow you to go backwards after a session, so no more of this feeling amazing for 4 weeks and crashing again yes I still have some shitty days ( we all do ) but I dont allow it to become part of my everyday life. I may feel shitty for a day or two and then Im back up ready to go. Before It was a constant daily battle of an emotional rollercoaster. Having bars ran on a semi regular basis for me and my kids is a blessing and we will be forever grateful for that. Im forever grateful for what Access has given me, my kids and family. but also now to be able also help facilitate that in my clients to. When you think there is nothing out there to help and support you, please know there is, sometimes we just need a little nudge to find it. For me the nudge was my kids and their diagnosis. For me and my family is was Access Bars that saved us, what will it be for you? #mentalhealthlaunceston #anxietylaunceston #accessbarslaunceston #nevergiveup
06.01.2022 WHOS JOINING ME NEXT THURSDAY NIGHT? Are you or your kids, students or friends different? What if different was a capacity not a disability? A different take on kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and Autism.... This online Introductory 2 hour Access class is based on the book "Would you teach a fish to climb a tree? Which is a different take on kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism. ( dont need to have or have read the book to attend ) I am a mum of two boys who have been diagnosed with ADHD and myself undiagnosed ADHD. So I totally get the difference we be. This book and Access Consciousness has helped me enormously in communicating and seeing me and my boys in a totally different light to what I was before. This book along side access has given me more ease with my own undiagnosed ADHD. This introductory class can help you create the space that allows you and the children in your life to have a much greater ease in all areas from communication to behavior, confidence to joy and much more. Seeing the gifts in them - rather than going into the wrongness of them. I invite you to empower your children to access the gifts and capacities they have and to create what theyre truly capable of. During class we will discuss: * A different perspective who they are and who they are not * Parenting these kids * Communication by and with them using pictures * What if ADD and ADHD are actually gifts? We will also discuss practical access consciousness tools you can use immediately to create more ease for you and for them. One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to recognize that in your child, you have a small body and an infinite being. That being, your child, knows things, perceives things, and receives things. You need to acknowledge that and not try to come from the perspective that youre superior because youre an adult. Your kids are infinite beings too, and even though their bodies are smaller than yours, it doesnt mean they are smaller than you are. Acknowledging their infinite capacity to perceive, know, be and receive is the single most important thing that you, as a parent or a teacher, can do to assist them to access their talents and capacities. This is especially true for kids with autism, OCD, ADD, ADHD and all those other labels because they have special gifts. Investment: $50AUD Mini manual included Please PM to register Candy Cassidy Access Bars Facilitator Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein
06.01.2022 BRING BACK KIDS CONFIDENCE One thing I see a lot in my clients who are children is that they lack confidence. When we lack confidence it has a ripple effect and affects all areas of our lifes. In reverse support the confidence and it has the same ripple effect in a positive way When kids are confident and secure about who they are, theyre more likely to have a growth mindset. That means they can motivate themselves to take on new challenges and cope with and learn from... mistakes. Theyre also more likely to stand up for themselves and ask for help when they need it. How can I support your kids and their confidence? One of the ways I help support and facilitate growth in their mindset is through Access Consciousness Bars therapy. The Access Bars are a fantastic way to create change any area that is inhibiting a childs growth, confidence and happiness. The Bars points will unlock areas of of a childs life that are creating dis-harmony. This can assist them in reaching their full potential both at school and home. An Access Bars session can dissolve limitations and judgements that kids are holding onto, creating a sense of ease and possibility. Kids of all ages will enjoy the benefits of a session, including teenagers during the challenging years. This process begins to clear the electromagnetic charge of all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that have limited you in your life, that have kept you looping back to the same problems over and over again Put simply, The Bars delete the files stored in your brain that are limiting you from creating the life youve always known is possible. What are the benefits of Access Bars for kids? The Bars can benefit babies, children and teenagers in the following areas: Confidence Improved sleep Decrease in stress, anxiety and depression A boost for the immune system Improved health and wellness Improved clarity and focus for schooling, study, learning & creativity Decrease in behavioural issues Increase in relaxation and calm Phobias, trauma, bulling, PTSD Autism, ADHD, ADD, OCD, Eating Disorders And so much more Let me help facilitate the confidence in your child today, inbox any questions you have?
05.01.2022 TWO WEEKS LEFT How excited, count down is on. First Bars Class for 2021... #accessbaratas #2021yearofgrowth #accessconsciousness #beyouchangetheworld #getyourbarstun
05.01.2022 NEXT AVAILABLE APPOINTMENT Completely booked this week and next apart from next Friday night 6pm Who will book this session?
05.01.2022 THANK YOU Thank you Ella May for your beautiful review
04.01.2022 BOOKED OUT FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS if you would like to go on my cancellation list please let me know if not next available appointments are: Monday 5th October : 6pm... Tuesday 6th October : 1:15pm Wednesday 7th : 4:30 5:30 6:30 Monday 12th October : 6pm Tuesday 13th : Morning appointments available Wednesday 14th: Morning appointments available
03.01.2022 12 WEEK RISE UP COACHING SERIES I am an Empowerment & Mindset For those who are ready to take back control of their lives, feel confident, empowered and have an unwavering belief in themselves and what they can achieve. Whether its a a personal goal, business goal, health goal ive got your back. Are you ready to reclaim your confidence, own your power & feel entirely worthy of being the incredible woman that you are?... If you answered, HELL YES! Then welcome I see you, I feel you, and Ive totally got your back. Im here to support you in creating a life that youre absolutely in LOVE with! I want to help you get out of the shadows of their limiting beliefs, old thought patterns & what society has been telling us to do for years. I want you to feel empowered by their choices, their beliefs & the life they live and trust yourself. It is my absolute passion and pleasure to support those in reclaiming their confidence, creating unshakeable self-belief and to feel entirely worthy of the life they want to create for themselves. If you can relate to any of the above and think I could be the right coach for you, then reach out and lets have a chat! WHATS INCLUDED IN THE COACHING PACKAGE? * Clarity questionnaire lets dig deep and find out what it is you REALLY want to get out of coaching. * Initial consultation (30-40 mins) this is where we get to know each other a little better, have a conversation about the details in your questionnaire and see if we are a good match (i.e. am I the right coach for you). I offer this consultation free of charge (and obligation) before we even begin so you can be 100% sure that this is for you. * 1 x 60 min inspiration and goal setting session, here we really dig deep and you will set goals that you feel super inspired and passionate about that we will be working on over the months to come. * 5 x 60 min coaching sessions. We will have 2 calls together each month which are personalised just for you. We will uncover your limiting beliefs, what things are currently holding you back and keeping you small and work together to find ways to overcome these and get you living a life of confidence, self- belief and feminine power. * Unlimited email support and voxer (walkie-talkie style app). This will give you direct access to me in between sessions so you can confidently approach your action steps, celebrate your wins and keep moving forward. * Worksheets & Resources, these will be selected just for you based on your goals and offer deep exploration in the areas you want to work on.
01.01.2022 2 APPOINTMENT LEFTS I have two spots left tomorrow for the free 30 minutes sessions supporting mental health. 9:30 1:00pm ... Inbox the page for the appointment ACCESS BARS During a Bars session, a trained practitioner lightly touches 32 points on your head which dissipates the electromagnetic charge that gets locked in our brains by the thoughts, feelings and emotions that we have stored. Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head, or provide relief in your body. It helps you let go of limitations and beliefs and judgments that youve been carrying with you for a long long time that you might not even know that you had. Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed and nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being? For most people, it is the first time that they actually allow themselves to receive without obligation and consideration. This is an incredibly nurturing and relaxing process, undoing limitation in all aspects of your life that you are willing to change. How often do we just let go, lower our barriers, and allow another person to truly gift to us! How does it work? During an Access Bars session the 32 Bars points are lightly touched by a practitioner. This process begins to clear the electromagnetic charge of all the thoughts, feelings, emotions and beliefs that have limited you in your life, that have kept you looping back to the same problems over and over again- whether that be with money, your body, in your relationships, your business, with your family etc. Put simply, The Bars delete the files stored in your brain that are limiting you from creating the life youve always known is possible. The Benefits. The Bars have assisted thousands of people in changing things they thought were unchangeable, including me! After a Bars session, people report: * Relief from stress, anxiety, PTSD and depression. * Relief from childhood and emotional trauma. * Greater fun, peace, ease and joy in every aspect of their life. * People or situations that once drove them nuts no longer bother them or cause problems. * An easier time for kids and adults in social, academic and emotional situations. * Improved health | Greater connection and joy within relationships | Improved sleep | Increased motivation | Weight loss | A heightened awareness (intuition), and much more. In addition to the above benefits, another life-changing component that happens naturally with each Bars session is that you learn how to receive- something not many people know how to do. How often do we just let go, lower our barriers, and allow another person to truly gift us? Learning to receive is key to inviting more of what youre asking for into your life: money, joy, ease or fun! I wonder what a Bars session could change for you?
01.01.2022 PRACTICING GRATITUDE 3 Ways to Practice Gratitude 1)Notice good things, look for them, appreciate them.... 2)Savor, absorb, and really pay attention to those good things. 3)Express your gratitude to yourself, write it down, or thank someone. WHAT ARE YOUR TOP WAYS TO PRACTICE GRATITUDE?
01.01.2022 MY SIGNATURE 6 WEEK PROGRAM Next round starting week of the 28th September ONLY 2 SPOTS LEFT WHOS READY? ... Are you ready to reclaim your confidence, own your power & feel entirely worthy of being the incredible women that you are? If you answered, HELL YES! Then welcome I see you, I feel you, and Ive totally got your back. Im here to support you in creating a life that youre absolutely in LOVE with! Over the 6 weeks we work through a blend of Access Consciousness facilitation, Bars sessions, Coaching and home-play you will learn to view you, your body and all aspects of your life on a more consciousness level without the limitation and judgements. Through the facilitation you change negative programming for new postive ways of thinking. We work through blocks that are effecting your: Business Body Self worth Confidence Happiness, Relationships and much more. You will also receive a 37pg workbook, have email/messenger access to me daily for the 6 weeks to help keep you on track of your goals and keep you accountable for your actions and home-play over the week/s. WEEK 1,3 These sessions will be done in person, it will include 60 minute ( Week 1 - 120 minute ) Access Consciousness Bars Sessions and facilitation personalised to what may come up for you. WEEK 2,4,5 These sessions will be 60 minute coaching sessions via zoom, these will include in depth limiting belief clearing work, home play and learning other access tools to play with. WEEK 6 FINAL SESSION This will be our final 60 minute Access Bars session and overview of the 6 weeks. We will celebrate the incredible BEing that you are and your journey. How does it get better than that. What would it take for you to create the life you have be longing for?
01.01.2022 GIFT VOUCHERS GOING QUICK Not sure what to get a loved one for Xmas? Then why not grab them a gift voucher. All vouchers come with a beautiful Essential oil roller and crystal
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