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Canning Bridge Art Appreciation Page in Perth, Western Australia | Visual arts

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Canning Bridge Art Appreciation Page

Locality: Perth, Western Australia

Phone: +61 447 500 853

Address: Canning Bridge 6153 Perth, WA, Australia


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20.01.2022 Once again the artist uses the symbol of a white picket fence, incorporating text as the title of the piece: "In a perfect world?" It is a symbol that reflects the so called 'perfect life', with family security - the peaceful life - the things we take for granted. The water is a place often associated with reflection, we must remember and reflect on the past, and take time to reflect on the things we take for granted. Between 1930 and 1933, during the great depression, in the camps near Canning Bridge, life was not so perfect.

18.01.2022 New art popped up under the bridge "Once Upon a Time". We'll be adding more notes from the artist wrt specific pieces in the near future, as well as changing the name of the group to reflect the seemingly protected status of the artwork currently. Please continue to follow, like, share and link to other potentially interested groups and individuals to keep the page alive. Thanks all!

16.01.2022 Good evening all. We have good news to report. Today I met with Adam Poulsen, journalist for Community News - Perth, for a story which will run next Thursday (more details to come). Afterwards I spoke with Peter Sewell from Main Roads Perth. He has assured me that the removal of artwork will be restricted to those works in the main boating channel that protrude into the channel, and are considered a navigational risk to boat traffic. Peter also said that any artwork removed ...will be stored for collection, which I will do on behalf of the artists. This is a very different stance being taken by Main Roads Perth than when I spoke to a representative there last week, and it's a huge win for us. Thank you all for the support. I know that Main Roads Perth and the Dept of Lands, Planning and Heritage have had many calls from the public in support of the artwork, and it has paid off! I'll continue to monitor any future removal plans and post details on this page when I can. The next step is to have the artwork listed as a site of cultural significance with the Dept of Lands, Planning, and Heritage, and therefore protected. At that point hopefully this page can simply become an appreciation page dedicated to the Canning Bridge Art Gallery, and we can track the evolution of the project over time. Thanks again!

16.01.2022 Hey all. Sorry for the lack of content. I've also requested a name change for the page that seems to be still going through facebook quarantine. Anyway, here's a spiel from the artist wrt individual pieces under the Canning Bridge. A chair with a letter box, combining the 2 symbols to create a conversation. The chairs placement to view reality in a different perspective and that the viewer has just received a message from the artist. Incorporating the idea of ready made objects and upcycling the objects have now taken on a new and unique purpose

03.01.2022 This painting is my personal favourite. When Main Roads Perth moved some of the artwork recently, this one was rehung in the orientation of the second picture (horizontal), it was originally hung as in the first picture (vertical) - but it looks just as good either way imo. From the artist: Pareidolia Take 2 We see images in the clouds, faces on the moon, we are attuned to recognise patterns, by instinct. This particular artist is hyper-sensitive to pattern recognition. ...In this painting the artist has once again explored an alchemist approach and taken what could be considered a mediocre landscape, which was a discarded painting, and turning the image on its side. Herein the artist has created an image of a face which the artist has seen between the positive and negative space. The lines on the face suggest the movement of life and that all things are in transit, ever changing. Is the face in the image a self-portrait? The artist explores the idea of irony by hanging the picture which was once a snowy landscape with a river and hanging the picture vertical instead of horizontal, this painting is a fine example of how we perceive the world around us. Tthe artist is trying to continuously challenge the viewer into new ways of looking at a pre-existing idea and that we may need to change a few simple things around us in order to gain a new perspective.

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