Canning Vale Education Support Centre in Perth, Western Australia | Primary School
Canning Vale Education Support Centre
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +6194276030
Address: The Ramble 6155 Perth, WA, Australia
Likes: 265
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25.01.2022 HEAD, SHOULDERS, KNEES & TOES Lachlan loving Miss Kates dance routines!!
25.01.2022 Well done to Rayhan for earning a class award today for his amazing hard work! Super star!
24.01.2022 HAPPY FATHERS DAY To all the superstar Dads/Guardians out there, we wish you all a Happy Fathers Day!! What lucky students we have at our school to have such supportive, kind, and caring Fathers. Enjoy your special day
24.01.2022 Don’t forget to return your permission form for the School Colour Explosion- Run due TODAY Monday (30th) You don’t want to miss out
23.01.2022 B1s first day back on Community Access for the term. Our students and staff took the bus to Livingstone shopping center. Part of their learning activity was to identify shops and important signs. What a wonderful job our students did at locating them. We look forward to more travel training through out the rest of the year.
23.01.2022 ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT Only 3 days left to fundraised for the Colour Explosion!!! Make sure that you have created your child’s fundraising. ... Page at Also please make sure you have checked the amounts you are donating (cash donations) for any mistakes!! It has been an amazing effort so far!! Colour Explosion run will be held on Friday 4th of December 2020
22.01.2022 If any students missed out on the Fathers Day stall tomorrow is your last chance!!
22.01.2022 #RUOKDAY Theres always a way to ask someone if they are OK!
22.01.2022 Dont forget....
22.01.2022 B9 has been working hard all week on their individual goals in literacy, numeracy, science, and protective behaviours. What an amazing effort from all our students!
22.01.2022 FATHERS DAY STALL REMINDER A friendly reminder the Fathers Day stall is TOMORROW. If you wish to send in money with your child all Items are $5 each. Education support classes from years 1-6 will be tomorrow ( Tuesday ) & kindy Ed support classes will be on Wednesday.
22.01.2022 Don't forget the last day of term (next week!) is a FREE DRESS for a gold coin donation. We cant wait to see you all in your team colours!
21.01.2022 Next Tuesday is our annual Christmas appeal. Please support this great community cause by donating non perishable food items.
20.01.2022 Our Early Intervention students have been practicing what it is like to be in a Year 1 classroom. The students are learning to sit in a group and copy from the board so they can be ready for next year. What super stars!
20.01.2022 LIMITED EDITION available tomorrow
20.01.2022 Today the Autism Early Intervention Kindy students had a Teddy Bear’s picnic and also shared the farm toys really well.
19.01.2022 SHAKE IT H3 & H4 students shaking it in Miss Kates dance class this morning Infinite Limits
19.01.2022 Here is the Program for next week's House Athletics Carnival. Please note that times are approximate and depend on the completion of previous events.
19.01.2022 Last chance to order a sports carnival lunch is Wednesday!!
18.01.2022 In honour of Remembrance Day, B8 students did an excellent job of staying silent for 1 minute as a mark of respect.
18.01.2022 TODAYS THE DAY Dont forget to come to school today dressed in your sport team colours. Please remember you gold coin for donations.
18.01.2022 CVESC would like to wish everyone a HAPPY and SAFE school holiday. Enjoy your well deserved break!! We look forward to seeing you all in Term 4 when school resumes for students on the 14th of October.
17.01.2022 Its Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation week and we are so lucky to have a fabulous team of Education Assistants at our school. We will be celebrating each and everyone of them this week. In order: Mrs Sandrakasan - has been working with us for 8 years and she thoroughly enjoys working as part of a supportive team and finds her job very rewarding. She loves seeing the students excel in all they do. She especially enjoys being able to see students transition all the way fro...m Kindy to Year 6 graduation. Mrs Lee - has been an EA for 3 years. Her favourite part of the job is of course, the students! She enjoys working as a team to get the best out of the students and likes all the different challenges that comes with the job. Ms Saunders - has been at CVESC for 17 years! Her favourite part of the job is being able to watch the students grow and succeed. Mrs Saunders really loves the team work that comes with being an Education Assistant. Mrs Siew - has been an EA for 4 years. She loves the sense of fulfillment she gets when she witnesses students achieving and excelling in a task that they once found challenging..whether it be hearing a student speak a sound for the first time or achieving a new skill, she loves celebrating their success! We appreciate their dedication, expertise and passion for their work! #TeacherAssistantAppreciationWeek
17.01.2022 #TeachersAideAppreciationWeek Mrs Hawke has been with us at CVESC for 6 years, She has loved the friendships she has made with staff, however he most favourite part of her job is the satisfaction she gets from watching the students learn and grow. Our Autism Early Intervention EAs are a little shy to take individual photos, but Mrs Taylor (left) has been an EA for 16 years and loves seeing the stuent's independence grow. Mrs Baker (middle) has been at our school for 12 year...s and says the staff and the students are what makes her job amazing. Mrs Rush has been an EA for 5 years and thoroughly enjoys making a difference in student's lives. Mrs Murcan has been an EA for the last 10 months and did her training with us. She enjoys seeing the students achieve their goals and being in the position to be able to create a positive environment where students can flourish. Mrs Brown has been an EA for 12 years and loves all the action that comes with working in an Education Support school. Each and every day is so different but always packed full of excitement, celebration and fun. We truly value the expertise these ladies bring to our CVESC team!
16.01.2022 CAPT! Community Access Training is an intensive, structured travel training program conducted on a weekly basis, with students using public transport. Canning Vale ESC are lucky enough to have this program running at our school. This week H4 caught the bus and train into Perth City! We had our morning tea in Forrest Chase, had a walk around Perth City, learnt how to use escalators and lifts safely and before we knew it, it was time to get the bus and train back to school!
16.01.2022 Please check you emails for your invite to our Christmas Concert on 11th December. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, please RSVP to our Admin office on 9427 6030 to secure your seat.
15.01.2022 Sports Carnival Day 18/9 (Friday) Canteen is running a special combo, Lunch+Drink. You may order online @ or hand in order with payment by 16th Sept (Wednesday). No other lunch orders will be available on the day. Thank you for your support!
14.01.2022 Please click on the following link to view the latest newsletter from Canning Vale Education Support Centre.
14.01.2022 Our staff are so dedicated and passionate about learning how they can best support the communication of students. This afternoon they spent their time learning how to properly use communication pathways on AAC devices.
13.01.2022 To celebrate NAIDOC week our students learnt the art of dot painting and the importance of Naidoc week. NAIDOC Week celebrates the achievements and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. NAIDOC Week is a celebration of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
13.01.2022 TODAYS THE DAY
12.01.2022 REMINDER Just a friendly reminder - Friday mornings we have our wonderful dance class with Miss Kate. We would love if students arrived at school on time so they dont miss out on all the fun. Our first session starts at 9am!!
12.01.2022 Continuing our celebration of our Education Assistants, Mrs Shoebridge has been an EA for 20 years, working at 3 different Ed Support Schools and loves how active her job is. She really enjoys taking the students to Dance, Phys Ed and staying fit and active throughout her day. Her favourite memories of being an EA are the school camps. Ms Laird has been an EA for 11 years, working in both mainstream and Ed Support schools. She loves how rewarding her job is and particularly likes seeing students work hard to achieve their goals. Ms Laird loves taking the students for Sport, Dance and Community Access because she loves seeing the enjoyment and learning these activities bring the students.
12.01.2022 #Teachersaideappreciationweek Miss Dawson has been an Education Assistant for 7 years at CVESC. Miss Dawson has a fun, cheerful, kind approach to all students and has great skills in behavior management. Miss Dawson is also very proficient in Information Technology and helps manages the school social media platform. Miss Dawson is very helpful to her colleagues and is ready to give anyone a hand when needed. Miss Morier loves building a great relationship with students as wel...l as helping them achieve their goals. Miss Morier has been an Education Assistant for 8 years, working in both mainstream and Education Support setting. Miss Morier has created an amazing dance business called Infinite Limits which our students LOVE attending on Friday mornings, and some even attend outside school hours. Miss Morier is a very dedicated Education Assistant and dance teacher. Mrs white has been an Education Assistant at CVESC for 11 years, working in a range of classrooms from Kindy to senior classes. Mrs White loves watching students achieve their goals and also enjoys being part of the process. One of her many strengths is working with students in managing their behaviors. Mrs white gets great joy seeing how far our students have come. Mrs Gould has been an Education Assistant at Canning Vale Primary for 9 years now, working in both mainstream and Ed Support. As being a parent with a child with special needs Mrs Gould understands the impact EA'S have in a students life and appreciates the important role they play. Mrs Gould has attended multiple courses to strengthen her knowledge on special needs, with one of her favorites being the key word signing course. This course has given Mrs Gould a great understanding of basic keyword signing and use of communicating with students which she now uses everyday.
11.01.2022 The Autism Early Intervention Kindy students have been playing board games and are really improving at taking turns and following the rules when playing. The Hungry Caterpillar game has become a class favourite!!
10.01.2022 2020 CHRISTMAS CONCERT Just a friendly reminder tomorrow is our CVESC Christmas concert, starting at 9am in the undercover area. To help add to the atmosphere we would LOVE if our students came to school dressed in Christmas theme attire. ... We look forward to seeing you all there
10.01.2022 Today’s CATP for B9 was to the Bell Tower. We are so proud of our students adapting extremely well to the change of route we took to get into the city. The students had great joy in getting to ring the bell and also walking up to level 6 to the lookout.
09.01.2022 Celebrating our fabulous Education Assistants ALL WEEK.... Thank you for your commitment.
09.01.2022 can you believe it’s the last week of school for 2020!! get ready for a last busy week everyone
09.01.2022 This week H3 made Reti Jala, also known as pancake net. Thank you to Rayhan's mum for providing the recipe - it's a favourite of Rayhan's. Everyone was involved in the measuring, mixing and rolling of the pancakes - and of course, the eating!
08.01.2022 Congratulations to Sebastian for his Honour Certificate today. What a super star!
08.01.2022 TODAY’S THE DAY We look forward to seeing you all at our CVESC Christmas concert in the undercover area starting at 9am today
07.01.2022 Yesterday our senior students were lucky enough to make their own wrappers with Mrs Atkin and Mrs White from our partner school. These were made in hope to hopefully replace the single use plastic in lunchboxes. With the assistance of teachers, our students made their very own from start to finish. We were so excited to see some of our students using their very own hand made wrappers in their lunch boxes today instead of using plastic glad wrap.
06.01.2022 Dont forget to place your orders for the sports carnival. All orders must be placed before the sports day!!
06.01.2022 2020 SPORTS CARNIVAL What amazing sportsmanship we have at our school. Well done to all of our students who participated in our school carnival, it was amazing to watch all of your hard work pay off. You are all such superstars A big THANK YOU to all of our parents for your ongoing support and to all of our staff at CVESC for your hard work.
06.01.2022 Going to staff in another room such as the office is one of our goals that we teach incidentally in the Autism Early Intervention class. One of our students got an award yesterday for his friendliness when visiting.
05.01.2022 WE APPR-EA-CIATE YOU Take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank your EA's next week for Australian Teacher Aide Appreciation Week 2020! The week is to ...highlight the important role of teacher aides, whose hard work and dedication makes a difference to the lives of our students, teachers and wider school community. Share photos and stories about your hard-working assistants with us throughout the week by tagging us! For more information on how to celebrate go to: #TeachersAideAppreciationWeek See more
04.01.2022 The B8 Kindy students have been using their cutting skills to make ‘wish list’ stockings.
04.01.2022 It’s time to say goodbye bye to our giant Elf Buddy check out all the mischief Buddy got up to in our B1 class!! See you next year CVESC, From Buddy
04.01.2022 Don’t forget to return your permission form for the School Colour Explosion- Run due this Monday (30th) You don’t want to miss out
04.01.2022 AUSSIE APPLES To celebrate crunch & sip in September, CVESC were lucky enough to receive apples from Aussie Apples for our students to enjoy. Some classes used their apples in a cooking lesson to make apple turnover, and other classes enjoyed their apples for crunch and sip. ... A big thank you to Aussie Apples!!
02.01.2022 DID SOMEONE SAY JUMP A popular routine for our senior class students. Our staff are all so amazed at how quickly our students learn new dance routines and try their best every week!!
02.01.2022 #Teachersaideappreciationweek In 2015 Miss Rudrum completed her prac at our Education Support centersince then we never let her go!! Miss Rudrum loves working with all of our students, but one of her favorite things to do is teaching our students new dance routines. Miss Rudrum enjoys watching our students learn, reach their full potential but most of all celebrating every success whether it be big or small. ... Mrs Pennings has been an Education Assistant for 11 years now, working in both mainstream and Education support. After having three of her own children attend Canning Vale Primary School, Mrs Pennings values just how important an Education Assistants role is and the impact they have on students lives. Mrs Pennings loves having fun, joining in on games (whilst also being a little bit competitive), but most of all enjoys helping students achieve their goals. Mrs T was an Education Assistant in New Zeland for 8 years before moving to Perth to live. Mrs T then continued her career here at CVESC for the past 7 years. Mrs T loves playing the guitar, singing, dancing and joining in on all sport activities with our students. Our students love Mrs Ts quiet and calm nature towards them. Mrs T loves attending our Community Access Training program with our students and gets great joy seeing how far they have come on their community access journey.
02.01.2022 Congratulations to John, Abdul and Caiden for achieving some of their road safety goals on Community Access today. What superstars you all are
01.01.2022 1 MORE DAY!!!! Only 1 more day until the fundraising for the Colour Explosion Run 4 Fun ends 11/11/2020!!! For those that have CASH donations can you make sure that is paid into the fundraising account via the website If you have any issues please contact the P&C at [email protected] Colour Explosion Run 4 fun is on the 4th of December 2020 REMINDER - ALL children can participate if they are wearing their white shirt!!
01.01.2022 Please click the following link to view the latest newsletter from CVESC.
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