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Canton Beach Physio in Toukley, New South Wales | Spa

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Canton Beach Physio

Locality: Toukley, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4396 5686

Address: 20 Canton Beach Road 2263 Toukley, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 High Intensity Training is brief intense weight training in which you perform one set until muscle failure. This increases muscle mass far more quicker than longer sessions of multiple sets. Moving slower with your reps works a greater number of muscle fibres, eliminates wasted momentum, allowing you to maintain proper form and complete control. This form of exercise is so efficient there is no reason to do multiple sets. By working to complete muscle fatigue in just one short set, you get all the benefits of a full workout in a fraction of the time spent at the gym. You can build muscle mass dramatically in 30 minutes of training a week. This is why our Strength Plus Program uses the high intensity training methodology. I have never seen anything work better.

23.01.2022 Check out my first blog post for our new website.

23.01.2022 Check out our instagram page.

23.01.2022 This is a really good article on running and knee pain. Rarely is the solution to stop exercising. Modifying your volume and intensity works far better in managing your knee pain.

22.01.2022 Now that everyone that normally trains in a gym cant, what exercises are you meant to do. I have spent many years fitness training and have done a lot of it at home. If you are unsure of what the home version of your gym exercise is, ask and I will give you the best substitute.

22.01.2022 We are now offering strength training sessions in our clinic gym. This is something I have wanted to do since I was 15 years old. Strength training is what got me interested in Physiotherapy because it has so many health benefits. After trialling one to one sessions with some patients it has been so rewarding. By training in a smart, efficient and safe way you can transform your body in as little as 30-60 minutes a week. If you are interested in one to one strength training call 43965686 for an appointment.

22.01.2022 My leg press should be here in the next few days. I cant wait.

21.01.2022 Low back pain and tight hamstrings Most people are aware that tight hamstrings can cause low back. When the hamstrings are tight the low back will round more to compensate. Over time this causes a lot of strain and damaging to the lower back. The worst case scenario is that you end up with permanent disc damage. The best way that I have found to stretch the hamstrings is laying on the back with a strap around the foot. You should be able to get the thigh perpendicular to the ...body and to be able to tense the quads. When you do this keep a small arch in the low back to ensure you are not compensating. Try doing this for 2 mins each leg. The best way to get tight hamstrings is to sit for long periods. So make sure you get up, move often and change your sitting posture regularly. Try sitting on the floor with the legs out in front of you or in a v shape.

21.01.2022 When strength training most people perform the repetitions too quickly and with bad form. This places a lot of extra strain on the joints and tendons. Over time this leads to pain and injury. If you are exercising to be healthy you want to feel good all the time. If you are walking around with joint and tendon pain from exercise you are doing the wrong thing. If in doubt perform your reps slower. With our Strength Plus Program our reps are performed 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down. These super slow reps put all the emphasis on the muscle with minimum stress on the joints and tendons. This means that you can train safely without getting injured. This is the perfect way to rehab an injury. You can train like this all of your life without wrecking your body.

21.01.2022 Once you had 2 weeks off training you start losing strength. When you go back to the gym warm up with around 50% of your normal weight. Then try 75%. If this is difficult start at this level. It usually only takes 2-3 weeks to wake up the body to get back to where you were before the shutdown. I went back to the gym today and was surprisingly stronger. I have kept up my training at home and work.

20.01.2022 Shoulder pain is one of the most common problems that people have. A simple test that you can do to see how healthy your shoulders are is to perform a circumduction of the arm. A healthy shoulder can nearly do a full circle. A shoulder that has any stiffness or injury cannot perform this nice circle. If you have a look at the video you will see me do a nice circle. My second attempt is what is common when you have a shoulder problem. You will see that my circle is a bit and doesnt go behind my body. The shoulder is mostly a muscular joint so the main cause of pain in this area is due to a muscular imbalance. Its usually a case of lots of tight muscles. There usually are some muscles that are too weak and some too strong, which adds to the problem. If you cant do the circumduction with full range of motion its only a matter of time before something will go wrong with your shoulder. Its not if, but when. If you are having shoulder pain or cant do the circumduction test with good range of motion then book in for a Physio assessment. Call 43965686 for an appointment.

19.01.2022 A lot of work got done on the extensions this week. We can really see how big the space will be for the gym equipment.

19.01.2022 The super slow squat is a great way to train your legs at home when you have no equipment. I first did these when I was 15 with a barbell. They can be very intense, which is why they work wonders. Aim for 1-2 sets of 3-6 reps with a 10 second up and 10 seconds down cadence. Dont spend much time at the top as this is the easy part of the movement. As you get stronger spend more time at the bottom range where you feel the most tension on the legs. You can add this to the body row and slow push up to make it a whole body routine. You should do this 2-3 times a week. Each session will only take around 15 minutes. You will be amazed at how effective this simple routine is and you wont be sore in the joints.

19.01.2022 The human body is designed for a variety of movements. We live in an age where we use machines to do our movement. We have machines that wash our clothes, boil our water, cook our food, we dont even have to get up to change the TV channel. I have noticed that you can even buy pre chopped vegetables. The lack of movement we get has lead to us moving the same way day in day out. This narrow range of movement causes imbalances that lead to pain and injury. Think about how you move day to day and how that would be different if you lived 20 years ago, 50 years ago, 100 years ago and 500 years ago. Add variety of movement in to your daily routine. You will be surprised at how much better you will feel.

18.01.2022 Here is the first 3 reps of Marcia's Split Squats. She is now doing one set of 10 reps and is focusing on getting near perfect form. Marcia has made a huge improvement in the last couple of months. She has focused on keeping more upright and not letting the knee travel forwards over the toes. At 87 she is building real strength and muscle that is making a huge difference in her quality of life. Marcia has an amazing ability to push hard in her workouts. She hasn't missed a workout since starting 10 months ago. A huge part of getting strong is not missing any workouts. Not every workout will be great, but you are laying the foundation for future gains. #strengthplus #getstrong #splitsquats #highintensitytraining

18.01.2022 If you have knee arthritis or an old injury you can make a big difference with physio and corrective exercises. I have seen some terrible knees rise from the dead like lazurus. The big limitation I see is that when you start exercise with knee damage there will be some pain initially. This is when most people give up. It can take 3-6 months for your muscles and connective tissue to strengthen. Its usually at this point the pain subsides and goes away.

18.01.2022 Calf raises for meniscus tears. Don’t forget about the calves when rehabilitating the knee after a meniscus injury. These impressive calves belong to my 73 y.o father-in-law who injured his meniscus a couple of months ago. I like to test the end range isometric strength by lifting up as high as you can on two feet and taking one foot off. If you have strong calves the heel shouldn’t drop. My father in-laws injury was on the right and you can see his heel drop when he is on leg. When he first did this there was an obvious 1-2cm drop. I have him holding the top range for 10 seconds and changing legs for a total of two minutes. This is an awesome exercise for anyone that wants to develop full range calf strength. It is great for patients as they can feel the calf working without aggravating there pain. #cantonbeachphysio #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #calfworkout #meniscus #kneepain #strengthandconditioning #strenthtraining #personaltrainer #personaltraining #ageisjustanumber #bodybuilding #sportsrehabilitation See more

18.01.2022 The human body is a living dynamic machine that is affected by the force of gravity. This force of gravity is placing load on all the tissues of the body at all times. Our body is always adapting to this force no matter what we do. So as I sit here writing this post there is a force on all of my body. My body is adapting to sitting on the couch with my head down. The more I do this, the more my tissues will conform to this shape. I will become adapted and effecient at sitting.... Unfortunately if I do this too much my body wont be good at getting in other positions like standing, walking, running and lifting my arms overhead. The human body is designed to move in a variety of ways so one position is not worse than another. The problem is that when you spend too much time in one position you lose the ability to get into other positions. Once you lose options to move the body in a variety of ways you are at risk of damaging the tissues, which leads to pain. Over the weekend have a think about what positions you are in the most. Try to mix things up a little and change. It can be as simple as walking on the grass instead of the concrete path or sitting on the floor instead of the couch. If you arent moving well under the load of gravity and are in pain call 43965686 for an appointment. Or you could move to the space station where there is no gravitational load.

18.01.2022 Training the youth with the High Intensity Method. Simple, effective & proven to give superior results. Benefits include: ... Increased musculoskeletal strength Help protect muscles & joints from sports related injuries Help improve sport performance - - - - - #healthyhabits #startyoung #educate #youth #highintensity #strength #training #lift #weights #simple #effective #fitness #getresults #centralcoast #cantonbeachphysio #personaltraining #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist

17.01.2022 What is the best exercise for calf, ankle and foot pain? Calf raises. Calf raises are simple, but brutally effective. The Australian Ballet has some interesting stats on preventing calf and ankle injuries. Get good at single leg calf raises. They aim for 25 on each at a rep speed of one second up and one seconds down. They found if you could do more than 25 there was a lot less foot, ankle and calf injuries. Calf raises are my go to exercise for any foot, ankle and calf injur...ies. They work wonders for ankle sprains, achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. They are also great for improving your circulation, which helps to prevent varicose veins. I prefer to perform the reps slower at a 5 second up and 5 second down tempo. Start with two legs and aim for one set of 6-12 reps to maximum muscle failure. Once you can do the 12 reps start using one leg. Initially aim for 4-6 reps and build up to 12 reps. Once you can do the 12 reps add weight by using a dumbbell. You only need to do these 1-3 times a week. If you have access to a gym you can use smith machine or a calf raise machine.

16.01.2022 The way to train for performance isn’t the secret, the secret is learning how to get to that point without getting injured along the way- Nick Willis, dual Olympic(and oldest) 1500m medalist, 2008 and 2016. For the 6 month preparation leading into your event, if you complete more than 80% of your planned training weeks, you are 7 times more likely to achieve your performance goal. #cantonbeachphysio #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #sportsphysiotherapy #sportsperformance #performance #running #training #injuryprevention #injury

16.01.2022 #cantonbeachphysio #personaltraining #personaltrainer #physio #physiotherapy #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #strengthandconditioning #toukley

15.01.2022 It was good to see Diego back at work today. Diego is availabile for appointments on Monday and Thursdays. If you would like an appointment with Diego call 43965686.

14.01.2022 Posted @withregram @payit4dfitness Currently working Thursdays afternoons & Saturday mornings @cantonbeachphysio Did you know every decade from the age of 35, our muscle mass decreases by 2% to 8%. How can you get on top of those physiological changes? Get started with strength training.... It has the ability to can reverse that trend, increase bone density, along with helping us with the movements of day to day living which adds to our quality of life. Just to name a few. Check out more info with the link below: #strengthtraining #personaltraining #fitter #stronger #health #centralcoast #lift #weights #improve #life #quality #daily #activities #fitness #cantonbeachphysio

14.01.2022 I just completed a course on infection control for Covid-19. It only takes 30 minutes and is very helpful for getting the facts on how to slow the spread of the virus. All our staff will be doing this today. It is something that everyone should do.

14.01.2022 I love the smell of rubber in the morning. The morning light does make the new gym flooring from @in2performance.hq look better. #cantonbeachphysio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #physio #physicaltherapist #personaltrainer #personaltraining

13.01.2022 The APA has partnered with elite athletes from the Origin Diamonds, the Australian Opals and Sydney Kings for a series of specialised videos to help us get back... to sport injury free post-COVID. First up is Australian Olympian and Sydney Kings basketballer Brad Newley! Brad takes us through his 10-15 minute pre-game routine to warm up and stretch out before hitting the court when the buzzer sounds! Head to for more information on keeping yourself injury-free. #choosephysio #returntosport Basketball Australia Netball Australia AIS

13.01.2022 It’s not long now until the building is finished. The builders found an old newspaper in the roof from 1956! There was a Holden for sale for 900.

13.01.2022 If you stand and walk with your feet turned out you are putting a twisting load through the plantar fascia. Over time this can cause an irritation and injury to the plantar fascia. Plantar fascia injuries are normally felt under the heel and worse in the morning when you wake up. If you are hobbling out of bed this is the first sign your plantar fascia is not happy. It is also worse when sitting for long periods and taking the first few steps, after walking, jumping and running. If you have heel pain or are walking with your feet turned out Physiotherapy can hell get you back to moving normally. Call 43965686 to book an appointment with Mark or Diego.

12.01.2022 The slow and controlled knee push up a great way to work the pecs, deltoids, triceps and abs. It is a great substitute for bench pressing. Do these slowly so that your set takes 45-120 seconds. So if you take 5 seconds down and 5 seconds up you need to get between 4-12 reps. When you can do 12 reps try slowing the speed down to 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down. At this speed aim for 2-6 reps. If you do these to complete muscular failure you will only need 1-2 sets. Make you keep the abs and glutes tight to prevent the low back from sagging. To make it even harder squeeze the hands towards each other. Depending on how you recover you only need to these 1-3 days a week. Start off 3 days a week and if you find you are not getting stronger drop to twice a week. I have trained many people that can get great results once a week. If you add this exercise to the body row you have a great upper body workout. In the next few days I will release a lower body exercise. I have treated a lot of patients with shoulder pain from doing too many push ups that have terrible form. I have never seen anyone injure their shoulder by doing slow and controlled push ups.

11.01.2022 How do you know you have plantar fasciitis? With plantar fasciitis will feel pain: - when you wake up and take your first few steps... - when you sit down for long periods and walk - with walking, running and jumping - you wont be able to hop on one leg as good as the other one - it is usually pin point pain under the heel When the pain is aggravated it aches constantly and lasts long time before settling. They are very frustrating injuries that can take 6 months to 2 years to improve. With the right treatment you can settle the symptoms relatively quickly and shorten the recovery time. If you have any symptoms like this you more than likely have plantar fasciitis. If you need your foot checked out call 43965686 for an appointment with Mark or Diego.

11.01.2022 We have the new gym flooring by @in2performance.hq and it looks great. It’s the best rubber tiling I have seen. Now we just need to fill it with our @pendulum_strength equipment. #cantonbeachphysio #physiotherapy #physio #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #gymflooring #personaltrainer #personaltraining #rehab #rehabilitation

11.01.2022 How do you know if you have a musculoskeletal problem? Pain is a lagging indicator unless you have a traumatic injury. By the time you feel pain you usually have had something wrong with the muscles and joints for a long time. It often starts with your movement feeling harder to do. For example, you might have noticed squatting down has been difficult to do for 3 months and just ignored it. Then one day you wake up with a sore knee that doesnt go away. Then you ignore it for... another few weeks until you cant sit on the couch without your knee throbbing. Its usually at this point you decide to do some about it and go to the Physio or doctor. By this time you could have some serious damage to your knee. This is like ignoring the noise your brakes are making and not taking your car to the mechanic to get it fixed. One day your brakes fail and you crash the car causing serious damage. The best time to get your body back to normal is to get it treated when you feel like you are not moving effortlessly. Listen to these early warning signs that your body is telling you. This is when you will come good quickly and avoid any permanent damage to your body. If you are not moving as well as you like are are worried about causing further damage to your body give us a call on 4396 5686 for a Physiotherapy assessment.

11.01.2022 Our Personal Trainer Michaela designed this workout for us to do today. The workout was brutally effective at hitting the whole body. All of the exercises were classic bodybuilding exercises that have always worked wonders for stimulating strength and hypertrophy. Each set was taken to momentarily muscular failure with two forced reps. We had minimal rest between sets so the workouts only took 35 minutes. #cantonbeachphysio #strengthandconditioning #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #physiotherapist #personaltrainer #personaltraining #bodybuilding

10.01.2022 Vanessas 50kg calf raises. Vanessa has worked really hard to get to lifting 50kg calf raises. These are a some of her early reps in a set of 12. Vanessa started high intensity training around 12 months ago and has made amazing progress. It wasnt long ago that she was finding 10kg challenging. She has achieved this with only one set of calf raises a week. She is the first to join the 50kg calf raise club. Vanessa fractured her T12 vertebrae in a skiing accident and always found any weight her back caused alot of pain. With the 50kg calf raises she has no pain in the back. There is no doubt that as she has got stronger the bones have also become stronger.

10.01.2022 Check out our updated Strength Training page for answers to frequently asked questions.

10.01.2022 This is great advice that can be applied to all sports.

08.01.2022 Recharge your metabolism with resistance training. When you lift weights your muscles get bigger, which means you need more energy just to maintain your weight. Research has shown that after several weeks of resistance training your metabolism will increase by around 7%. As resistance training causes microtrauma to the muscle you need more food to repair the tissue, which stimulates the metabolism for up to 3 days afterwards. Resistance training really is the magic pill for our health. #cantonbeachphysio #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #personaltrainer #personaltraining #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #fatloss #metabolism

07.01.2022 At Canton Beach Physio we use a whole body approach that looks at how the body is connected. We recognize the actual underlying causes of your pain could be other areas of your body that are not optimising your movement. That old knee injury may no longer hurt, but the muscle imbalances you developed around the knee could be the reason you now have back pain. If you would like to experience the whole body approach and get to the real cause of your pain call us at Canton Beach Physio at 4396 5686 for an appointment.

06.01.2022 We are still open this week. We will be spacing our chairs in the waiting room. We also have a spare room for patients to wait in. We are keeping up to date with Government advice as it changes daily.

06.01.2022 Getting a disc injury doesn't mean that you will suffer for the rest of your life. This research showed that if you had a disc injury when you were younger after 30 years you had no more back pain than those that didn't have an injury. I see this all the time in the clinic. Initially disc injuries can be scary for patients, but most of the time with the right treatment and rehab they come good. The athlete in the picture is Annie Thorisdottir, who is a Crossfit Games winner.... She had a bad disc bulge that looked like it would end her career. After 20 months she was able to return back to the Crossfit Games and so amazingly well. This happens time and time again. The key is to be patient, get good treatment and perform all your rehab exercises. If you have a disc injury and need some Physiotherapy call 4396 5686 for an appointment.

05.01.2022 Achilles tendinopathy(tendonitis) is occurs in 9-15% of runners, but it also affects people who are sedentary. The pain is felt directly over the achilles tendon in the mid portion and on the back of the heel. People normally point directly over the site of the tendon where the damage is. It is usually associated with localised or diffuse swelling. There is usually morning stiffness and pain with walking and running. People will usually hobble out of bed and feel better as they warm up. An ultrasound or MRI is can be used to confirm the diagnosis, but is not essential for your rehab. Most people don’t need imaging unless it will help them be more compliant with their rehab. #cantonbeachphysio #physio #physiotherapy #physicaltherapy #physiotherapist #running #achilles #heelpain #physicaltherapist

04.01.2022 The building is coming along with only 2 weeks until it is finished! This Tuesday we will have a new roof over the whole building.

04.01.2022 A tradies health is their most important tool. Tradies have some of the highest rates of injury and time off work compared to other workers. 60% of serious workplace injuries involve a tradie, despite them making up only 30% of the workforce. The Australian Physiotherapy Association is encouraging all tradies, their employers and families to think about their health and take a few simple steps to prioritise their wellbeing at work. Physio treatment can work wonders to getting you back to moving and working pain free.

04.01.2022 Having the right mindset is crucial to getting your body back to normal. Of all the patients I have treated the ones that have a positive mindset always improve quicker than those that have a negative mindset. If you really want to come good you will make daily decisions that get you there. There have been many times when I am sitting on the couch tired and not wanting to move. I have to force myself to get off my lazy butt and do my exercises. Dont think that doing 5 minutes a day is going to fix your injury. You need to do at least 30 minutes a day to make a quick change in your body.

03.01.2022 Marcia is one of my all time favourite patients. She is 87 years old and started high intensity training with me 6 months ago. When she started I needed to help her stand from a low chair. She initially came for physio for shoulder and back pain. What you dont see in this video is the significant scoliosis that she has. Marcia trains once a week for 30 minutes using the high intensity training method. Her routine is; 1. Leg extensions, 2. Hamstring curls, 3. Bulgarian split ...squats, 4. Lat Pulldowns, 5. Bench press, 6. Dumbbell bicep curls, 7. Single leg calf raises. All exercises are one set to failure performed very slow. The reps are 10 seconds up and 10 seconds down. The split squats are performed quicker as she isnt strong enough to do the slow reps yet. Marcias goal with the split squats is to get her knee to touch the ground and keep the back upright on each rep. She is very determined and mentally tough, so I have no doubt she will get there. Marcia shows there really is no excuse of age.

03.01.2022 Make sure you are getting ready for returning to sport. If you havent been training that much make sure you build up gradually. Most injuries happen when we do more than the body can cope with. If you increase your training by 5% per session there is way less chance of injury. Also make sure that you are doing 1-2 strength training sessions a week. Dont turn your gym sessions into a sport. Your strength training is to help you perform better, not beat you up so much that you are too tired and sore to train properly. Add some daily mobility with massage balls and foam rollers to make sure allmthe soft tissue is healthy and isnt knotted up.

03.01.2022 After many years we retired the old wire fence.

03.01.2022 We got our Rogue old school steel plates today. They are amazing. #cantonbeachphysio #roguefitness #physiotherapy #physio #physiotherapist #physicaltherapy #physicaltherapist #personaltrainer #personaltraining #strengthandconditioning #strengthtraining #bodybuilding

03.01.2022 Side Deltoid Raises The side deltoid raise is a great exercise for middle deltoid, upper trapezius and rotator cuff muscles. A well developed middle deltoid gives the the shoulders a more rounded look. As we get older the muscle shrinks and gives the shoulders a flat and bony appearance. To do this exercises start with some light dumbbells at around 2 kg. Have your elbows slightly bent. Lift up slowly so the dumbbells finish slightly above the shoulder. As you lift keep the l...ittle finger above the thumb and move the arms slightly forward of the body. When you lower the weight only go down 3/4 of the way as this will keep tension on the muscles the whole time. Try to move the weight slowly so it takes 10 seconds to lift and 10 seconds to lower. Aim for 3-6 reps with complete muscular failure. Once you can achieve 6 reps go up 1kg in weight. See more

02.01.2022 The current world best treatment for an anterior cruciate ligament is physical rehabilitation for three months, called prehabilitation. The patients that we have perform prehabilitation always do way better after their surgery.

02.01.2022 The body row is my go to exercise when travelling. If you dont have any equipment at home to train your back, this is the exercise to do. It works the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, mid traps, rear delts, biceps and forearms. Aim for 3 sets of 5. If you can't get all the way up do 1/2 or 1/4 reps. As you get stronger aim for more reps and do them a bit slower.

01.01.2022 We are excited to have Liam Pattison starting work on Monday the 9th of November. Check out his bio.

01.01.2022 For most of our human existence we had to climb trees to get food. This built our pulling muscles in the back and arms. It was also great for the grip strength. In the moden era we rarely use these muscles. Most patients I treat have no latissimus dorsi, which is the biggest muscle on the back. If you arent into climbing trees the next best thing is to do some strengthening exercises in the gym or at home. The best exercises for these muscles are chin ups, lat pulldowns, rows and bicep curls. The lack of climbing also leads to weak grip muscles. This is why when we age we struggle to open a jar of food. Reverse curls and wrist curls are great exercises for the grip. You also get good grip strength from lifting any weights.

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