Cape and Crown Creative | Businesses
Cape and Crown Creative
Phone: +61 422 216 325
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23.01.2022 Note, Facebook is not allowing me to update my page name, so if you would like to continue following me under my new brand, please like the page: Thank you all so much for supporting me on my journey thus far. Peace & Love to you all xx
23.01.2022 Meditation Something I’ve been out of practice of, for the last couple of weeks as we have travelled around Europe visiting friends and family. And it is something that I have missed. I could blame travelling, tiredness, being busy... but really, there were no excuses - I could have meditated if I dedicated myself .... But, this week I’ve got back into meditating everyday and feel so much better for it. I feel calmer, less stressed, a sense of inner peace and have a clearer thought process. When you practice regularly, you become more insightful and able to tackle life’s challenges in a calmer manner. You realise that nothing is THAT important it is worth stressing and worrying over. You realise that there is more to life. I recently studied Adyashanti and his teachings about what is true meditation. He explained that ‘True Meditation’ is a ‘state of pure awareness and that in order to experience true meditation, one must release control of the mind, thereby not focusing one’s mind’; essentially listening to our hearts as opposed to our minds. When you get to that pure state of peace and bliss, you feel a sense of ‘oneness’ with all that is - that we are not separate, individual beings, but all one. And this leads to surrendering the ego self. If you would like to start meditating but have no idea how to begin, get in touch or book a 1:1 session. I can help you reconnect, and find your inner peace. Peace & love xx
21.01.2022 I'm looking forward to some travels planned over the Australian winter and heading back to the UK to catch up with family. I have some some super exciting projects on the go, and currently opening up the diary for bookings for August and beyond. If you or someone you know needs some start up business direction (logo creation, website, social media direction), get in touch; I have a number of bundles that could be suitable.... #capeandcrowncreative #smallbusiness #perthbusiness #marketing #entrepreneur #business #startups
19.01.2022 Since I’ve been in England it’s been interesting to have my partner experience my history; my life before Australia; my background, upbringing and family, allowing him to see another version of me; my roots. We’ve been so busy having to be somewhere or meet someone, that we’ve not had much time to connect to ourselves let alone eachother. But travelling up to Scotland has allowed us to spend time just the two of us, away from distractions. It wasn’t until we got this space, ...did we realise how disconnected we had become. And upon discussing the reasons why, it became apparent that I’d slipped into my masculine. My protector, my familiar. The energy that I became accustomed to reside within when I lived here - the independent, strong and assertive traits. It was all I ever knew- I had to protect myself and be independent in a masculine world. We recognise in our relationship that when we both reside in our masculine, that we clash. There is not the balance of the yin and yang energies. And me being in my masculine was creating tensions - we weren’t speaking in the same language and had begun to get short and a little frustrated with one another. We took some time out today and hiked through a beautiful forest and took the time to reconnect. To talk, and to recognise why we were clashing and overcome this together, to not allow it to continue and potentially ruin the short time that we have here together. With the full moon tonight, I am choosing to let go. To allow myself to feel safe in the feminine. To soften. To feel and to forgive myself and to love all traits of me. Peace and love
13.01.2022 Many of you know, I recently changed my name from Ciara to Mariee (my middle name) as I went through a struggle of identity, not quite sure who I was and what my purpose on this life was. There is a whole back story behind the name change and a lot of thought and reflection was considered before deciding it was the right decision to continue my life with a new name. Although the change was a little difficult at first, my friends and family in Australia were super supportive ...and have seen me evolve and grow so arguably can understand a little more than those back in the UK. I’ve lived with the ‘new name’ for over a month so had become accustomed to it, however that was challenged as I ventured back to my home country of England - where I’ve not lived for 5 years. Where everyone knows me as the old version of myself - the Ciara I have worked so hard on evolving, of shedding those layers I disliked about myself, or rid those beliefs I no longer hold. I found myself politely correcting people the first few times people called me ‘Ciara’, only to be met by sniggers or snide remarks as people didn’t quite understand the journey I have embarked up. It wasn’t long before I started to question my very self, and started asking that very question ‘who am I?’ again and again. One evening I couldn’t even introduce myself by name as I stumbled to speak not knowing who I was, instead just saying I’m James’s daughter. That evening, I broke down. I cried and sobbed and sought reassurance. I was guided to let go of this expectation that people would understand because, many people will not. That, is beyond my control - some people won’t understand, and that’s ok. And it does not matter what people think - that I know the reasons behind the change and I have the inner strength to stand by my decision, by my Self. That I know that we are all One and by me following my path, I am lighting the path for others. I woke the following morning and meditated, and felt the inner strength to continue as Mariee, despite the difficulties and frustrations I may feel. Feel what you need to feel then let it go. Do not let it consume you.
07.01.2022 I thought it about time I got this thing officially off the ground... A slight redirection of my business with a fresh name and look that is more in line with my authentic self. I’m not trying to be someone I’m not. This rebrand is about living my truth, with an open heart and investing my heart and love into my work. Cape & Crown Creative has served me well for a year but I have expanded and grown so much that I feel it no longer serves me to continue under this name. was inspired and born following a fabulous 5 week retreat in Bali by the amazing @spandaschool - where I spent many hours in meditation, reflecting, journalling and peeling back layers of myself. The journey was challenging, exhausting, thrilling but epic! My heart was completely torn open to the core; I lost myself and yet I found myself; my true, authentic self. This self, is here to serve. To help others achieve their greatness. I'm a Reiki II Practitioner, a Yoga & Meditation Teacher and help holistic businesses with their creative branding to help get their businesses underway. I'm here to help you reconnect to yourself, be it through any of my gifts, given to me by the Universe. I'll be using my @living.withlove account to share my yoga, meditation, Reiki and branding work, as well as sharing witchy tips and giving you an insight to my life on this earth. Each client that I work with I endeavour to put my heart and soul into the work and creation, infusing with love and the beautiful Reiki light healing energy. I invite you to continue to follow me on my journey by continuing to follow this page as Living With Love, where I will be posting regularly @living.withlove With love, light & gratitude, Mariee x P.S website is coming soon xx
03.01.2022 W A T C H T H I S S P A C E Have set my self a deadline to stop procrastinating and get this thing out there to help my business move on to the next phase... New website coming in 24 HOURS!!... (No pressure! ) #hustling #newwebsite #newofferings #reiki #yoga #meditation #branding #brandingsmallbusinesses #livingwithlove #womaninbusiness #freelancer #livewithlove #wellbeing #holistic #wellness #wellnessbusiness #goodvibes #brandlaunch #24hours #logodesign #creativebranding #brandingholisticbusinesses #holisticbusiness #businessstartup #businessperth #perthbusiness #perthsmallbusiness
02.01.2022 Yesterday, we took a hike up Ireland’s holy mountain, Croagh Patrick. This mountain is 764m high, the third highest mountain in County Mayo - the beautiful west coast of Ireland. Why did we decide to walk this mountain? Firstly, we both love nature and being out in the countryside and often go hiking at home with the dogs. But, despite having hiked this mountain before with my father when I was 18, I had a big pull to go again. ... I questioned why, when it is such a holy mountain - many Catholics walk the mountain barefoot as a pilgrimage in honour of St Patrick &, although I was baptised, had my holy communion and was confirmed a Catholic all before I was 16, I don’t consider myself a Catholic. My Catholic upbringing has been something that has come up for me over the past few years, and I’ve contemplated what I believe to be truth. I am grateful for the lessons learnt through the religion but I deciphered that the faith does not align with my values & my way of living and recognised the guilt I had held over the years from being a Catholic. I have looked into ways to revoke the contract I made with the church, but found there was no official way to do so. A couple of days before the hike, I got my answer. I had to walk the mountain to revoke my Catholic faith and release my soul contract from the church. After all, there is no way of removing yourself from the church these days - at one point you could write a letter to the Bishop but they no longer accept that as a means to remove yourself. So, that’s what we did. We walked the mountain. We climbed through the muddy terrain and scrambled to the top. I wrote my letter and burnt it on the summit. I felt a sigh of relief as I released all the guilt and shame that the faith has instilled on me and my ancestors over the years. This is something I felt I had to do, for me, to allow me the freedom to ascend for the greater good. To heal myself and those before and around me. I am thankful for the journey & for being part of the Catholic faith and respect my family and friends who are still Catholic. But for me, this is a chapter closed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Peace & love xx
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