Captain Walker's Bicycles in Fremantle, Western Australia | Sports & recreation venue
Captain Walker's Bicycles
Locality: Fremantle, Western Australia
Phone: +61 411 217 331
Address: 17 Manning Arcade, 135 high Street mall, Fremantle. 6160 Fremantle, WA, Australia
Likes: 2301
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25.01.2022 Can't find us? Visual learner? Here's where we've moved! #weHaveMoved #captainwalkersbicycles #fremantle #fremantlebicycleshop
24.01.2022 New gift vouchers arrived - business card size so your bestie can keep them in their wallet. They can carry them at all times and flash them around at parties.
22.01.2022 Noodles Bespoke. #captainwalkersbicycles #spokeCutlery #bicyclerepair
21.01.2022 Thanks @bike_karma for sending us some stickers! My favourite grass roots cycling podcast - they focus on cyclists' stories, from manufacturers, racers, mechanics, tourers, collectors. Just a guy who loves meeting new cyclists, and sharing their stories. Cheers! #bicyclepodcast #bikekarmapodcast #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES
21.01.2022 Nicko teaching Captain Millie some 2-step shape cutting in the workshop this afternoon. #CaptainMillie
20.01.2022 The relief this legend felt as I cut these grips off his bike was palpable. #newGripsDay #captainwalkersbicycles
19.01.2022 Naughty little scamp.
19.01.2022 Cycling forensics tell us that these two commuters cut through freo esplanade in their gravel bikes this morning.
19.01.2022 Feeling nostalgic around my 40th birthday. Photo of me from ~1985 on a bike we decorated for a competition for the Cowaramup Fair. Took 1st prize, but the real star is my StackHat! Bright orange. Anyone here used to own one? #stackhat #1985 #vintageBicycle #captainwalkersbicycles #Cowaramup #cowaramupBakehouseTearooms
19.01.2022 I've felt sick about the amount of soft plastics waste created by the bicycle industry for a long time. We've finally got a soft plastics recycling procedure. This compressed bag of turtle lozenges was created in 5 days, without any particularly large orders arriving. I wish the manufacturing industry would break up with their love affair with wrapping stuff unnecessarily in plastic! #plasticsucks #softplastics #plasticrecycling #fuckplastic #captainwalkersbicycles #freobikeshop
19.01.2022 $20 for a DRS helmet? You've gotta be kidding me! No steak knives, I'm afraid. Mostly large size. Crap sign, good deal. #captainwalkersbicycles #drshelmets #shopfreo
19.01.2022 Brown, honey, black and microfibre #brooks bar tape and challenger bag restock arrived today! #brooks #bartape #captainwalkersbicycles #classiccycling #vintagestyle
19.01.2022 @nicksambrooks from @bike_budz_workshop picking up a bunch of unneeded parts donated from us, the only way bike budz know how. "I'm not doing it the hard way, I'm doing it the bicycle way" - Nick Sambrooks. #bikebudz #freo #fremantle #cyclefremantle #cyclefreo #communitybikehub #captainwalkersbicycles #manningarcade
18.01.2022 If you know Captain Walker's, you'll likely know Papillionaire Bicycles. Did you know they have recently closed their doors? This is your last chance to own, in our opinion, the only quality retro bicycle on the market. We have Papillionaire Classics in stock. They ride beautifully, but don't take my word for it, come down and take one for a spin! #captainwalkersbicycles #manningArcade #fremantle #fremantlebicycleshop
18.01.2022 The mighty @nicksambrooks taking another @bike_budz_workshop load of gear donated by our lovely customers (you). Any unwanted spare parts that are able to be serviced and reused are passed onto a Fremantle, grass roots bike kitchen that focuses on hands on maintenance education. They are the Bike Budz, they love bicycles and so do we.
16.01.2022 After breaking two cheaper ultrasonic parts cleaners, we've invested in an industrial strength one. Holy smokes, the results are incredible. . Part of our standard bicycle service at Captain Walker's Bicycles.
15.01.2022 Thoroughly enjoyable night on the spanners last night with @bike_budz_workshop in #fremantle. Check them out - lovely bunch of people! A mechanic from @captainwalkersbicycles will be down there helping out, first Tuesday evening of every month, but they met up frequently. #bikebudz #captainwalkersbicycles #bikekitchen #bicyclekitchen #volunteers #bicyclemechanics #community #communityorganization
15.01.2022 I feel I'm alone on this. We make sure every wheel has them, but.... are they critical? #controversy #bicyclemechanic #changemymind #captainwalkersbicycles
15.01.2022 IT HAPPENED! #bicycleworkshop #bicyclemechanic #captainSpannerDropper #captainwalkersbicycles
14.01.2022 After a month of hurdles, our landline (933 54321) is back! First person to book a soul service through the landline gets free brake and gear cables fitted - mention the instagram post . . #soPhoney #captainwalkersbicycles #freoshopping #freobikeshop #bicycleshop #manningArcade #fremantle
13.01.2022 The man. The legend. The Rod. . Lover of fast bicycles, pizza and visiting CW for a chinwag and a laugh at us, pretending to know what we're doing. . #captainwalkersbicycles #captainRoddy
12.01.2022 I can't remember the last time my hands were so clean. Not picked up a spanner for 10 days! Back on the tools tonight, building up the #bombtrackbicycleco delivery. If you've got a preorder, you'll be receiving a call tomorrow! #bombtrack #buildNight #wereback #captainwalkersbicycles #freobikeshop #fremantlebicycleshop
12.01.2022 I can tick that off the "Unexpected Repairs" list, today. #andIthoughtEbikesWereHeavy #captainwalkersbicycles #harleydavidson #bigfishinasmallpond
11.01.2022 Captain Millie working hard in the shop this morning. We have purchased an Ultrareal Parts Shrinker which can reduce a bicycle to this size, allowing Millie to more easily repair them for you. Special thanks to @spacex and our mate Elon Musk for creating the technology. . #CaptainMillie #captainwalkersbicycles #bicyclerepair #freo #fremantle #fremantlebicycleshop #freobikeshop #manningarcade
11.01.2022 This isn't directly related to bicycles, but I don't care, it's my daughter's 2nd birthday and damnit, I'm sharing #CaptainMillie working on gear ratios. #happyBirthday #captainMillie
11.01.2022 We're in, and trading in Manning Arcade! Plenty to go before the fitout is done, but it's almost fully functional. Come and say hi! #freo #fremantle #captainwalkersbicycles #weHaveMoved
11.01.2022 We're proud to report, Captain Walker's Bicycles is now open, 7 days a week! #captainwalkersbicycles #manningarcade #freo #fremantle #bikeshop #bicycleshop #bicyclerepair #7days
10.01.2022 And that's a goodnight from Captain Millie! I FREO shirts back in store this week, and a new line of Captain Walker's branded tshirts are entering production this week. Swag! #CaptainMillie #bikeshop #freobikes #freoshopping
10.01.2022 By far the most fun part of being a bicycle mechanic. No grips were harmed in the making of this video. #flyingGrips #compressedAir #bicyclerepair #bicycleworkshop #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES #manningarcade #fremantle
09.01.2022 REUSE, REPURPOSE! If you need a bike box, please call us today on 93354321. They're great for putting over soil as mulch for new gardens. They kill weeds, and they compost down, feeding the soil. Plus, you get to look at the Bombtrack logo, which for us, is almost better than a fire-fighter catalogue. #bombtrackbicycleco #captainwalkersbicycles
09.01.2022 In Rod We Trust. #finalSteps #defit #thanksForYourPatience #captainwalkersbicycles #freo #fremantle
09.01.2022 The loneliest little Papillionaire Classic at CW. The last Papillionaire, ever. I'll feel a little twinge in my heart when this gets purchased - we'll miss these lively riding bicycles. #endOfAnEra #papillionaire #captainwalkersbicycles
09.01.2022 Just like this photo, you won't be seeing Nick's pretty face around the workshop next week, he's on holiday! Bon voyage, albeit very local! . #captainwalkersbicycles #nick
08.01.2022 He did his mechanic training in Manchester where the gravity is much weaker. #youllLoveHisAccent #steelCapsRequiredAroundNick #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES #manningarcade #fremantle #freo #fremantlebicycleshop
07.01.2022 Alllll we need is a long vehicle, a long vehicle, a long vehicle. #blackcatwhitecat
07.01.2022 Need new bearings? Come and see us and roll away smooooooth. #bearings #ballbearing #manningarcade #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES #bicycleshop #bicyclerepair #bicyclemechanic
07.01.2022 You know it's time to treat yourself with new grips when... #bicyclerepair #stickygrips #captainwalkersbicycles #freobikeshop
07.01.2022 New tree landed in manning arcade this week! #manningarcade #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES #freo #fremantle #bikeshop
07.01.2022 When it rains, it pours! Almost all parts have arrived, so if your bicycle is awaiting parts for completion of your restoration or service, we'll be able to get spanners on it as soon as we can! Road orders are taking a long, long time at the moment! #captainwalkersbicycles #specialdelivery
06.01.2022 Spent a romantic morning with the Bombtrack Hook EXT on the Yaberoo Budjara Heritage Trail. Bumpy and beautiful, just like most relationships. Similar conditions to the Heritage Railway line except bumpier and more frequent and steep climbs. Highly recommended if you've not visited. Perhaps you could do it on a Bombtrack Beyond + ADV, which will be arriving at CW this week! #yaberoo #yaberoobudjarratrail #yaberoobudjaraheritagetrail #bombtrackbicycleco #hookext #captainwalkersbicycles
06.01.2022 New Bombtracks just arrived! A good day! #bombtrackbicycleco #captainwalkersbicycles
06.01.2022 Looking for a 12 inch or 16 inch bike? We've got a couple left!
05.01.2022 Great day to be alive, great day to be on gravel, great day to be on a bombtrack. #bombtrackbicycleco #captainwalkersbicycles
05.01.2022 That bottom bracket was REALLY stuck in there.. #oops #bottombracket #bicyclemechanics #bicyclerepair #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES #fatSpannerFail
05.01.2022 If you don't find the internals of this vintage Shimano 3 speed hub sexy, I can't help you. . #CAPTAINWALKERSBICYCLES #internalGears #vintageBicycles #gears #cogs
04.01.2022 Captain Millie presiding in the shop this morning. Come in for a nearly guaranteed wave and if you're lucky, kiss blown in your general direction upon departure. . #CaptainMillie #captainwalkersbicycles #freo #freoshopping #manningarcade #fremantlebicycleshop #freobikeshop #servicing #repairs #sales
04.01.2022 Sometimes, you just have to admit to yourself... this pedal isn't repairable. #captainwalkersbicycles #brokenpedal
03.01.2022 Butterfly touring bars - few accessories are as polarising. You either love em or hate em. I'm scratching an itch I've wanted to scratch for a long time and I'm trying them on my commuter/light tourer. I really enjoyed them on my commute tonight. You can change your hand positions into almost unlimited angles, stretch your back out after a long day, or ride them tight and close almost like a classic fixie bars. They're cheap, too! #touringbars #butterflybars #captainwalkersbicycles #handlebars #customiseYourBicycle
03.01.2022 Bombtracks don't grow on trees, but you can ride them under some lovely ones in the rain. #bombtrackbicycleco #captainwalkersbicycles
02.01.2022 If you're lucky, you can catch the train and ride your bike at the same time in freo! Clear run from South Beach all the way to the traffic bridge without car intersection interference! Living the dream. #freoacityofbicycles
02.01.2022 @mswaevents snapped this photo of our window and enhanced it - noice! If it's been a while since your wheels had some professional attention, we'd love to see you and your bicycle, and beat the albatross for efficient transport. Unless that albatross is riding a serviced bicycle...hmm... Always best to book at: 93354321. ... #mswaevents #captainwalkersbicycles #bicyclerepair #servicing #bicycleworkshop #fremantlebicycleshop See more
02.01.2022 You're always one false move away from spending the next hour, shuffling around the workshop floor for an hour with SRAM shifters
02.01.2022 New MKS pedals in stock! . #CaptainMillie #captainwalkersbicycles #mkspedal #mkspedals #fremantle #fremantlebicycleshop
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