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Captured Moments By Alisa in Hillside, Victoria | Photographer

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Captured Moments By Alisa

Locality: Hillside, Victoria

Address: 92 brindalee way 3037 Hillside, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 A super sweet girl with a super sweet little face xxx

25.01.2022 Keep Smiling!! xxx

25.01.2022 A handy tip for some new mums!!

25.01.2022 ANNOUNCEMENT: Just wanted to let you all know that the #babywhisperer (aka me! lol) will be re-opening from June 1st for bookings. I'M BAAACK :P... Can't wait to meet more new little bundles of joy!!! For bookings, availabilities or pricing, please PM the page or email me on [email protected]

25.01.2022 River definitely loved his cake!!!

24.01.2022 -WIN- It's that time again! If you could please go to my listing by clicking on the link below and leave a review... It would mean the world to me (preferably a good one ;) )!! Everyone that posts a review also go into the running for the monthly prize draw!... Link to my page:

23.01.2022 I just have no words!

23.01.2022 And here we go again! Time to close the doors and reschedule all sessions until we are given the go ahead again. Current restrictions mean photographers have to stop operating! Hopefully it only lasts the 6 weeks and no longer, but I will miss all my baby cuddles and will try my best to get all appointments that have been made already sorted out.... I will, of course, still be posting some baby spam as I get through my editing, and to give everyone something a little more 'happy' to look at! Stay safe everyone, and goodbye for now :(

23.01.2022 "There's no Buddy Like a Brother"

22.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE I have been receiving lots of messages lately asking when I will be re-opening or if I am currently operating. The current rules are very vague when it comes to photographers and many people are being given conflicting information. ... I have decided that, in the interest of baby safety, I will remain closed at this time. The wellbeing of the little ones is my priority and I would rather not take any unnecessary risks. I am however, very hopeful that, the new rules being released on June 1st will be much more open to the operation of photographers and I will be back up and running shortly!

22.01.2022 Purple Princess

22.01.2022 A lot of cuteness and beauty in a teeny little bundle xxx

21.01.2022 This gorgeous girl ... 7 weeks new xxx

21.01.2022 As you all know, the world is going through a crazy time and everything has become uncertain. Unfortunately, due to the current restrictions to stop the spread of COVID-19, I have had to close down due to photography being a non-essential operation :(. It is not GOODBYE, but Hopefully SEE YOU LATER!... I will, however, still be posting the odd baby spam to lighten up your news feeds with positive baby vibes, rather than the negative stuff we all have see, read and hear every day. Lets all stay safe, stay home and stay positive! We will all get through this!!

20.01.2022 When your baby is born during isolation and can't have her newborn shoot until she is 3 months old ... No problem! :D Welcome to the world Little Georgia xxx

19.01.2022 Absolutely Loving all the "older newborns"! Most of the babies coming in are between 4 and 7 weeks, which is generally not the recommended age for a newborn session, but obviously, we have had to bend the rules with our restrictions! So far, they have been blowing me away at how well behaved they can be xxx

18.01.2022 Sorry for the radio silence... I was given some bad news about the health of one of my little ones and had another hospital stay! But I am back and ready to get posting again :) How about a fun post to cheer me up :P???... Post a GIF on your current feelings about lockdown! :D

18.01.2022 I so Love these Comparisons!!

17.01.2022 I had the pleasure of meeting this little treasure and her beautiful mum today. What a gorgeous little girl with so much character and the cutest smile that lit up the studio.

17.01.2022 Look at the little cutie pie I got to meet today!! :D !UPDATE! Sorry for the radio silence lately, I have been working like crazy to get through the mountain of editing and pre-Christmas print orders, not to mention I am currently on crutches due to an injury, as well as having 4 kids with school, kinder and after-school activities to usher around and look after.... ... Needless to say, I am a little behind :( Good news is, once everyone has received their images, I will post some of the amazing photos from the Christmas Minis.... What a SUCCESS they were this year! The images captured were so precious and I am so happy that I decided to run them again this year! I am booked out for the remainder of the year, and January is pretty much fully booked also, but if you have any questions, or would like to discuss a booking, please feel free to PM the page and I will respond as soon as I can :)

17.01.2022 Since I still can't photograph any new little bubbas, I decided to take the time off to focus on honing in on my photography and editing skills ... I dont have any newborns to work on, so I tried branching out to more stylised portraits of older children (since I have so many around the house to pose for me! haha) One way to help me through this was to enter some major photography competitions and really push myself. I will find out results next month so fingers crossed I ge...t some good feedback! But I thought I would share one of my images with you all as I just feel so strongly about the message I was trying to portray. This one is simply titled: Together... But Alone

16.01.2022 UPDATE For those that are wondering when we can re-open, so far the news isn't great... It's looking like it COULD be the end of November at this stage :( I will keep you all informed if there is any further news on this!... I hope you are all staying strong, and keeping well! Enjoy those ISO baby cuddles xxx

16.01.2022 TELL US TUESDAY For today's topic of recommendations: Hospital Bags! ... What are some great tips for new mum's needing to pack their hospital bags? What are your must-have items? #capturedbyalisa #findaphotographeraus #newborn #hospitalbag

16.01.2022 Little River came in for his first birthday cake smash.. Can you guess the theme?!? I will post images of the cake destruction shortly ...

15.01.2022 Finally able to have babies back in the studio!!! Oh how I missed baby cuddles. Lachlan was definitely a perfect little man, even though he is older than my traditional newborns, he did amazing!! He made my first day back very enjoyable :D

15.01.2022 Monthly REVIEW AND WIN is on again! All you need to do to enter this comp is go to and leave a review. I would LOVE if any of my lovely clients could enter!... Feel free to brag about how amazing I am! hahaha, Kidding ;) GOOD LUCK EVERYONE

14.01.2022 Sending LOVE out there to everyone who is struggling right now! xxx

14.01.2022 So much fun with this little one and her big sis. I will have to post more from their session! Was so lovely to see you again little Evelyn xxx

13.01.2022 I'm so excited to share with you the good news! As you know, I entered a major international photography competition. There were thousands of entrants and images, and only the very top in the world receive the major winning and gold awards. Being my first time, and against so many amazing world renowned photographers, I didnt expect to place high enough for any awards, but more entered for the feedback from the judges to help me grow. I was blown away to see that I actually r...eceived, not 1, but 4 bronze awards!! There is obviously a lot of room for improvement, but to even receive bronze is an achievement in itself. The judges critiques were super harsh and the competition was at an amazingly high standard. One of my images was even just one point off a silver award! I will definitely be working towards a silver next year for sure.... watch this space!! :D Thankyou everyone for all of your support xxx

13.01.2022 Aren't our bodies just amazing!?! A small human being is being created in that beautiful bump!

13.01.2022 !!VOTING TIME!! Entries have closed for the baby faces competition, now it's time to vote! Here is the link: Make sure you get your friends and family to get your image more votes ;). Good luck guys! I have already put my vote in! Fingers crossed it's one of my gorgeous clients! :D

12.01.2022 It's the first day of December! Let the Merry Season Begin!!! :D

12.01.2022 Even with all the terrible things going on in the world, these little angels manage to put a smile on my face every day. I love my job!!! Welcome to the world Milana! xxx

11.01.2022 *** SNEAK PEEK*** Another "Older" Newborn who just amazed me. Harrison was the sweetest little 5 week old!... Welcome to the world little man xx Backdrop- Oz Backdrops & Props

11.01.2022 I cannot stress enough how important it is to print your photos! I have a wide range of product options available, and even if you had a shoot a while ago, I can still order products for you. Keepsake boxes, Matted Prints, Canvases, Acrylic or aluminium prints, and more. Your cherised memories need to be displayed so that you can enjoy them everyday, please don't leave them hidden away on a USB only!... Pictured is my keepsake wooden box with USB and Print storage. You can hold your prints and USB in there as well as use the box as a photo display! There is plenty of room to add more prints to it also for future photos to store :) #printyourphotos

11.01.2022 When you're just too cute for words xxx

11.01.2022 How is everyone holding up?! We Victorian's are definitely the talk of the town at the moment. Here is a little baby spam to lighten the day :)

10.01.2022 Oh Alessia, those eyes are just gorgeous So happy we could finally get you into the studio! xx

10.01.2022 COMPETITION TIME! If I have photographed your baby, please enter your favourite image. Lets keep things fun :) CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW TO ENTER!! (give you something to do when you're bored ;) )...

10.01.2022 Little Lewis xxx

09.01.2022 CHRISTMAS MINIS ARE HERE! Back by popular demand! Christmas minis will take place during the weekend of 20th of November - 21st of November. I am only taking a limited number of bookings so please message me for availabilities. ... #christmas #capturedbyalisa #christmasminis #christmasminis2020 #christmasphotos

09.01.2022 Every Month Find A Photographer- Australia gives a prize to one lucky person who leaves a review for their photographer! If you leave a review on my listing, you will automatically be put into the draw for the month! Please click here and scroll to the bottom to leave your review :). I appreciate every comment !!!! ...

09.01.2022 I thought it was time for another before and after edit video... I went through some old images and thought I would show a little behind the scenes on what goes into editing one of your images. Some photos require lots of editing, some require less, but this is what gives them that 'little extra'. This has been sped up of course! Watch to the end for the final image.... Thankyou: @LSP Actions By Lemon Sky

09.01.2022 Missing my clients and babies like crazy! I have already missed out on so many new additions to the world that I was so dying to meet :( I hope everyone is staying home and keeping safe and hopefully we will be able to get through this soon.... Meanwhile, I have been playing around with edits and brushing up on my learning. What do you think of the colours? Which would be your favourite??

09.01.2022 Ready for the beach and some Sun!!! It was so nice to see Alexandra in here again! What a sassy little character she is! Her images definitely show her personality!! I can't wait to share more from her session :P

09.01.2022 ! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ! To all the beautiful mother's out there... I hope you all get spoilt rotten by your loved ones and they show you just how much they appreciate you and everything you do! For those that have lost their own mother's, don't cry... smile and laugh! Remember her smile, and the funny things she did, remember how strong she was and how she led you to the path you are on now...rejoice in the thoughts of her love and kindness, she would want you to enjoy the da...y. Our mother's are our supeheroes, and we need to cherish every moment we have with them. If you are a mum, know that, the love your children have for you, is stronger and more pure than any other love there is! Enjoy your day ladies, and lap up the attention and love from your little ones :) xxxx PS. I would love to see some pics of your gifts and/or breakfasts if you were lucky enough to get either!!! hehe

08.01.2022 So my Luca is on the list ... and even though he wasn't a Loud baby, he is definitely a loud CHILD! lol Is your bub on the list?!

08.01.2022 So I never thought it was possible, but I actually did a 'newborn' shoot for an almost 9 week old! It is not recommended to do over 2 weeks, but is still doable for up to 6 weeks.... however, this little girl has proven me wrong. So glad we finally go to do her shoot :D There were so many lovely ones from her shoot that I will have to share more soon.... Welcome to the world Nikki xx

08.01.2022 Stop and Smell the Roses :)

07.01.2022 OMG OMG OMG! I was almost blown away when I checked out the list of the state finalists for Photography Business of the Year this morning .... and found "CAPTURED MOMENTS BY ALISA" on the list!!! Even if I don't actually win, just being a finalist has made me so very proud and happy!... Thankyou so so so so much to everyone that voted for me and left glowing reviews, I appreciate you all immensely. I just wanted to share my excitement with you all! Now it's up to the judges...I cannot wait for the announcement of the winners on the 21st of November :D Find A Photographer- Australia

06.01.2022 *** UPDATE *** I have been inundated with emails and messages about when I will be able to return to shooting. The good news is, I will be able to reopen November 2nd (pending governments secondary restriction easing)!!... The bad news is, due to an extremely tough year, personal circumstances have forced me to reduce my workload. This means that I will have to further limit the amount of bookings I can take per week/month. If you have already made a tentative booking, or put down a deposit, I will be contacting you shortly to discuss booking dates. Please be patient with me as I have quite a few emails to get to :P Also feel free to contact me for availability if I haven't gotten back to you

06.01.2022 'Just chillin' in bed with my teddy.' wrap: Princess and the Pea Props

06.01.2022 OK, don't freak out, but there are only 8 days left until CHRISTMAS!!! Comment with an emoji below to show how you feel about this :P Pictured below, the gorgeous Alexandra patiently waiting for Santa to arrive :D

05.01.2022 Welcome to the world Serena! Such an adorable little bundle of joy :D I always love seeing clients come back with new babies :P

05.01.2022 So the results came in....! Unfortuntaely I didn't win..... BUT I placed 4TH as VIctorian Photography Business of the Year! I am still super proud of this achievement and want to thank each and every one of you that left me a review, which counted towards the judges decision.... All of the clients I have had over the past years have been AMAZING and I truly feel honoured that they have chosen me to be the one to entrust with capturing the special memories of their most prized possessions. It's been a super tough year for my family, but it is nice to have some good news for a change :) Fingers crossed for next year!! Find A Photographer- Australia

05.01.2022 So exciting!!! PLEASE VOTE FOR ME! All you need to do is click on the link below and leave a review. PRETTY PLEASE :) Leaving a review also puts you into the draw for a monthly prize so ... BONUS!!!...

04.01.2022 Can't resist a little sisterly love xxx

04.01.2022 Just wondering how much interest there is in Christmas Mini's this year??? I was thinking of giving them a miss this year, but I have been getting enquiries about them, so I thought I would gauge how many people are interested?

04.01.2022 ** UPDATE ** Unfortunately, as we all know, there have been some major announcements over the last few days in regards to Level 4 Restrictions being put in place. This will mean we need to extend our shutdown for at least another 6 weeks.... I will contact families that are currently booked in within the 6 week minimum time frame and work out what choices we have. Any families booked for after that date, I will assess when the time comes. I’m just taking updates day by day as things seem to be changing each day at the moment. If anyone has any enquiries or would like to discuss this, please contact me. I honestly do feel for my beautiful families but we must do the right thing stay home be safe & try to get numbers here in Victoria down. Stay safe families. Enjoy your moments with your little newborns, lots of cuddles and love. This time passes so quickly so try to enjoy every little moment.

04.01.2022 We just made over 1000 likes! woohoo! Thankyou for all the support everyone! Can't wait to create beautiful memories for the new followers, as well as MORE memories for the returning ones :D Love you all xxx

04.01.2022 Last few days to vote! Please leave a review on my listing to vote for me :D!

02.01.2022 I know it has been hard for all the families that have had their precious newborns and not been able to come into the studio for photos to capture those special memories. As photographers, we are also struggling! we miss our clients, and have suffered a great loss having to close down our small businesses. We WILL be back in a FLASH, but in the meantime.... Please support your local photographer in these hard times by:... WRITE A REVIEW BUY A GIFT VOUCHER ORDER PRINTS SHARE OUR IMAGES Looking forward to getting back soon! Keep an eye out in the video below for yours truly! haha #supportyourphotographer

02.01.2022 Even with all the craziness and despair in the world, there are still little miracles like this arriving every day... how can this not make you smile?! :) Welcome to the world ZOE xxx

01.01.2022 Only 48 hours left! Pretty Please leave a review, or even just checkout the page!!... Even visits count towards points. Click on the link above.... It would mean so much to me :D. PS - Christmas Minis will be advertised in the next few days!!!

01.01.2022 Just a little late night editing for Olivia's Gallery! #capturedbyalisa #newbornphoto #newbornbaby #newbornphotographer #babygirl #newbornbabygirl #familyphotographer Princess and the Pea Props

01.01.2022 ONLY 2 MORE DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS MINIS BEGIN! It is going to be crazy busy, but looking forward to seeing some of my old clients and even meeting some new ones! Saturday and Sunday are FULLY BOOKED, but I can squeeze in a couple of spots on Friday if you still want to get in!

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