Capture Life | Health & wellness website
Capture Life
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25.01.2022 BUNDLES OF SUPPORT, EMPOWERMENT & GUIDANCE I often get requests from women about coaching with me, yet the fear of really going all in and investing in themselves is a hurdle that many women don’t jump. I get it. I’ve been there. But every time I did jump, my life changes again and again. ... If you are a woman that wants to not just be empowered but to also empower; to not just learn but to evolve - then I have put together some 1:1 coaching bundles that allow you to enter my world on a very short commitment to see how we work together. There are several options for my 1:1 coaching sessions with me and, if you wish, you have the choice of adding in any other services I offer. If this calls you, then simply DM me and reach out. Be empowered. Evolve. Emerge. It’s your time to rise. See more
24.01.2022 Setting up our wedding day I had to capture the memories of the morning of getting it all ready. The beautiful arbour my WIFE had built. Our furniture she had restored and the way it was all laid out. But it isn’t just about standing there and clicking the camera. It’s about creating a lasting memory. The angles create a different memory and the photos create each chapter to the beautiful story that is us.... This is why I created my latest program. From a channelled message whilst out running, telling me I need to share this gift with you. And so here it is. PHOTOGRAFULL will be a 7 day magical week of teaching you how to create your memories simply through the lense of your smart phone. Because the best camera you own is the one you have on you. If you are interested in this program, I am gifting it for just $111 as a celebration of my wedding to the love of my life on the 1/11/2020. Not to mention the room number at our honeymoon resort is magically Room 111! Stop it! This program will run Live in a private FB group. Simply DM me for the payment link and you’re in! Have a memorable day. Coll #photographer #weddingpic #loveisloveislove #capturelife #coffsharbour #covidwedding2020 #angelnumbers #coursecontent #womensupportingwomen #mindsetcoach #weddinglovestory #creatememories #capturedmoments #captureperfection #capturelove #yourtimeisnow
23.01.2022 Want to win a copy of my latest journal? Head to my group in the link in the comments to be in the draw!
22.01.2022 COACHING MASTERY - find your hidden magic When she finds her inner magic, she sets a new paradigm for herself. She begins to release the untapped & fascinating wizardry that is hidden inside of her. When it’s released she becomes more of what she imagined and less of what she predicted. ... She becomes more of the human she wanted to be and less of the human others expected her to be. She dug deep. So deep she found spells, tricks and magic that blew her own mind. So much so she wanted to bring that magic to the stage. The venue and stage that she chose, not what others chose for her. She’s about to deliver a show that gets better each time she grows, learns and believes in herself a little more. Tickets for the show are on sale. Do you want to be able to stage your own magic show? COACHING MASTERY IS HERE! 15 days of an online LIVE and magical coaching program for women. DM me for the link....we start Monday 3rd August (AEST). Let the magic begin #coachingmastery #intuitivebusinesscoach #selflovecoach #healthandfitnesscoach #coachforthecoach #fitnesscoachonline #mentoringmatters #magiconlegs #coachinglife #womensfitnesscoach #mentorshipprogram #selfloveandmindsetcoach #coffsharbour #intuitiveguidance
21.01.2022 DON’T STAND STILL #womenempowerment #selflovecoach #womensbusinesscoach #womenpreneur #mindsetcoach #capturelife #coffsharbour #intuitiveguidance #intuitivehealer #intuitivehealing #reikipractitioner #selflovery #beunapologeticallyyou #youmattermost #coachingforwomen #coachingbusiness #beyouonlybetter #dowhatmakesyoursoulhappy
20.01.2022 I п I On the days when you can’t hold yourself up In the moments when you feel no one cares... In the seconds you feel lost and alone In the minutes you feel waves of fear. In the times you cry a storm of tears And the days you question EVERYTHING. In the moments you wonder who you are And the days your head rules your heart. The nights you can’t see the stars for the clouds And the hours you thirst over your empty cup. #intuitiveguidance #intuitivehealing #coach #seflovecoach #mindsetcoaching #lovewhoyouare #selflovematters #mentalhealthisimportant #yourenotalone #coffsharbour #traumahealing #intuitive #reikipractitioner #soulcoach #soulgrowth #soulguidance #universalpower
19.01.2022 Every day is an opportunity to show up, live and create a life you desire. Did I always know this? Probably. I just didn’t get it Till now. ... #desires #dreamlifestyle #femalebusinesscoach #womensupportingwomen #lifepurposecoach #coffsharbour #capturelife #doingwhatilovetodo #sunrisephotography #sunriseoftheday #lifecoachingforwomen #businesscoachingforwomen
17.01.2022 Filling my cup in the beauty that is sunrise With courage Bravery... Strength Compassion Integrity Transparency Leadership Empowerment Wellness And love Is your cup full? #selfcaretips #selflove #selfcarematters #selfempowerment #womenwholead #womensupportingeachother #liveyourbestlifenow #coachwomen #iamenoughthewayiam #iamworthy #iamstrong #iamconfident #iamabundant #iamawesome #selflovecoach #selfworthcoach #coffsharbour #holisticwellness #holisticcoach #womeninspirewomen #womeninspired #inspirewomen #youareworthy #selfworthmovement #mindsetcoaching #intuitivecoach #healthliving #coffsharbour #coachingmastery #fillyourcup #mindfulness See more
16.01.2022 I went looking for the instruction booklet, but I couldn’t find it. You know the one on how to be a woman, with chapters on how to be a mother, daughter, partner, friend etc? I was never taught that I can feel the feelings and show my emotion. That I can walk with sadness and be ridiculously happy at the same time. That I can plan, do, achieve whatever I want and be grateful for all the amazing things that come my way.... I was taught to keep my emotions to myself . To not talk about feelings. To not cry when I’m sad. To not let on when I wasn’t feeling ok. I am discovering more and more each day the woman that I am. I am guiding women daily on how to accept themselves for who they are. To not worry about searching for the rule book - because there isn’t one. I am connecting more and more with amazing women who lift each other up, not drag each other down. I am running a beautiful business that guides and supports women i to discovering who they are. We’re all learning together. We’re all walking together. We’re all laughing together. We’re all crying together. We are beautiful We are strong We are women #womenempoweringwomen #entrepenuerlife #lovewhoyouare #womensupportingwomeninbusiness #selflovecoach #mindsetcoach #alignmentmatters #soulguidance #coffsharbour #capturelife #youvegotthis #selfacceptancejourney #coachforwomen #coffsharbourjetty #dowhatyoulovetodo #innerwork
15.01.2022 , . . ... (pic taken on my morning run) #sunrisephotography #sunrisepic #mindsetcoaching #goldsoul #landscapephotos #goldensky #coffsharbour #capturelife #mindsetcoachingforwomen #selflovecoach #intuitivelifecoach #youaregold #lifecoachforwomen #sunriselover #beachphotos #jettybeach #goldenhourphotography #mindsetiseverything #lovewhoyouare #soulconnection See more
15.01.2022 and craziness, never doubt the calmness and comfort that lies within. Amongst the pain and trauma, never question your right to feel. Amongst the excitement and thrill, never think that it won’t get even better.... Amongst the doubt and fear, never question your intuition. Amongst the abundance and prosperity, never question your deservingness. Amongst the challenges and failures, never question your ability to rise. #risesisterrise #capturelife #intuitivecoach #womensupportingwomeninbusiness #coffsharbour #selflovecoach #beyourbestyou #intuitivebusinesscoach #womenscoach #riseandgrow #reflectyourpassion #manifestingabundance #dowhatmovesyou #staytrueandstayhumble #womeninbiz #womeninspiringwomen
15.01.2022 5pm AEST today! My free masterclass will be LIVE! It’s time to celebrate who you are! Come and join me! Link in the comments !
14.01.2022 YOU CANNOT TASTE LIFE WITH AN EMPTY CUP . . #emptycup #fillyourcup #coachforwomen #intuitivecoach #coffsharbour #capturelife #coachingforwomen #selflovecoach #accountabilitycoach #walkforward #womensupportingwomeninbusiness #womensupportingwomen #lifeofanentrepreneur #womenempoweringwomen #womenwithambition
14.01.2022 A calling to what goes beyond what I can see, but feel. that uses a gift I kept hidden in the depths of my being, disallowing it to surface....until now... that took me to the wonderful worlds of Reiki, Crystal Healing, Yin Yoga and Oracle Card readings. that allowed my intuition to surface and guide women to heal, grow, learn and evolve - including myself. that over the past couple of years had me going into deep learning, many hours of study and growth. that has allowed my business to grow in a way that fills me with so much gratitude and appreciation. I am so happy to now open this up even more to you. In person or via distance - this is open to you, if it calls you. My healing and treatment room is ready to welcome you and via the wonders of the Internet, you can also reach me. Reiki Crystal Healing Intensive & Intuitive Oracle Card Readings intuitive Healing Simply DM me for more information or to book your treatment. #crystalenergy #reikienergy #capturelife #coffsharbour #oraclecardreading #crystalhealer #empowermentcoaching #selflovematters #innerwork #mindsetcoachingforwomen #reikihealer #reikiteacher #crystalhealer #chakraalignment #abundantlife #abundantmindset
12.01.2022 I am blown away so much at the moment. So many good memories are being made and I am loving it! The more I live my life in complete alignment, the more magic that is happening. I always thought I was living an aligned life because I was in an industry I loved and following a passion. How wrong I was. Yes it was amazing. Yes it was rewarding but if I compare it to how I’m living my life now, I was so disconnected from me. ... The real me The one you see here. Smiling a genuine smile. Feeling no stress. Feeling magical. Feeling loved. The inner work I have done far outweighs the opinion of others. The judgment of others. I had to take the action to let go of my trauma, my nightmares, my demons and those that no longer align with me. That was hard work, but I did it and I’ve come out the other side living a life I am so grateful for. This is not about my achievements, my financial gain or my accolades. This is about me and the memories I’m making. I’m learning a lot of lessons. I’m being challenged. I’m being guided and I’m being loved. The work I do and do well is due to my life. My experiences. The people who have come and gone and those who remain. I’ve fallen many times, but I didn’t just get up. I walked forward - to a better version of me. A better life. The women that are calibrating to my coaching world is exciting and I cannot wait to continue this work that I know I am meant to be doing. The joy of this is inexplainable and I am honoured the Universe has sent them to me. Magic is real it’s just hidden for some of you and it’s waiting to be discovered, unleashed and experienced. #magicisreal #selflovecoach #selflovecoaching #mindsetcoaching #intuitivecoach #reikipractitioner #crystalhealer #coachforwomen #fitnesspreneurcoach #fitnesspreneur #coachingmastery #coffsharbour #onlinecoachforcoaches #intuitiveguidance #kindnessiscontagious #beunapologeticallyyou #doingwhatilove #womensupportingwomen #togetherwerise #universalguidance
10.01.2022 TRUST ALL WILL BE... OK #capturelife #divinetiming #coffsharbour #womensbusinesscoach #intuitivecoach #reikipractitioner #cardreader #businessforwomen #womensupportingwomen #trusttheuniverse #universalpower #knowyourtruth #itscooltobekind #sendlove #womeninbusiness #inspiringwomeninbusiness #beunapologeticallyyou
08.01.2022 CELEBRATE! The completion of my Coaching Mastery 15day Program was today!!! I am proud of myself and the growth I have had in running this course and embodying everything in it. ... I am proud of women who take the steps forward to grow and evolve and their businesses and lives will evolve and grow with them as a result. I celebrate the days clients come to the calls with doubt and leave with intention and then follow them through. I celebrate the ideas that flow and then the steps taken to bring them to life. I celebrate their courage and bravery and willingness to learn about themselves and what’s holding them back - things they didn’t even realise. I celebrate women supporting women and helping each other rise. So much to celebrate! #celebrateyourself #gratitudedaily #coachingmastery #capturelife #coffsharbour #celebrationtime #coachingforwomen #mindsetcoaching #mindsetcoach #womensupportingwomen #togetherwerise #womenempowerment #coachingbusiness #womensempowermentcoach #womenscoach #onlineprograms #womensonlinecoach
08.01.2022 There is no shame There is nothing to be embarrassed about. It shows bravery ... And you woman, are brave. It’s time to let go of that which is weighing you down. Bravery has your name written all over it. It’s your time to put you first. Your cup is waiting to be filled. #seekhelp #mindsetcoachingforwomen #selflovecoach #selfworthjourney #selfworthjourney #coachingonline #coffsharbour #capturelife #makememorieseveryday #courageovercomfort #selfworthmovement #selfrespectmatters #mindsetcoaching #womenempowerwomen
07.01.2022 How often do you question your worth? How many times do you come late yourself to others? How often do you worry about being judged?... How harsh are you on yourself and your own self judgement? Do you understand the difference between doing and being? What do you do more of? Is your life run by your masculine energy and your feminine energy is lost? Do you want to find it again? Do you doubt yourself? What’s your mindset like? Are you aligned with who you are? Do you even know who you are? Come and have some fun with me for 7 days, starting on the 21st September in a private group - just for this program. 7 days of Live coaching by me. Each coaching session will run for a minimum of 1 hour. The Early Bird is just $125 for this 7 day program! Just comment with ‘I Matter’ or DM me and I’ll send you the link! There are also options to bundle this program with a 1:1 coaching call. If you know of any women that need this program, please feel free to share this with them or give them my details. It’s time to regain your personal power and celebrate life and who you are.
06.01.2022 Capture memories, not just photos Capture Life . .... #capturelife #coffsharbour #beunapologeticallyyou #selflovecoach #mindsetcoach #womenempoweringwomen #photographerfun #weddingpic #weddingsetup #photographycourse #capturememories #creativeentrepreneurship #shepreneur #lovewhatyoudodowhatyoulove #honeymooning #loveisloveislove See more
05.01.2022 Create stories Capture Life Create memories... 7 days Live coaching Private Group 1 month of access to material Prizes $111 for this magical program Simply comment or DM me for the payment link We start 1st December AEST
04.01.2022 When you stop resisting, what you desire flows effortlessly to you. . . #empowermentcoachforwomen #capturelife #coffsharbour #reikipractitioner #crystalhealingpractitioner #resistless #mindsetcoachingforwomen #selflovecoach #dowhatyoudesire #moneycomeseasilyandfrequently #moneyflows #effortlessliving #dowhatyoulovelovewhatyoudo #shepreneur #bossbabe #womanpreneur
04.01.2022 This past week I’ve been physically full of energy but mentally and emotionally drained. Nothing negative, just the need to go more inward and take the time to give myself some self care. More meditating... Swims in the pool Self reiki treatments Journaling Photography for fun And quiet time. I find when I feel like this, I push my creativity to the back burner and keep it on low and focus on myself. The work I take on is what had already been planned and no pressure to take on anything new or put any new projects into play. Maybe it’s the full moon. Maybe it’s me just needing some time out. What’s important is that I recognise it and take the time to look after myself. I spent way too many years putting work first and ignoring the signs of burnout, fatigue and the need to just be. The feeling of giving yourself permission to relax is rewarding. The guilt free feeling of giving yourself permission is life changing. #capturelife #coffsharbour #heycoffs #empowermentcoachforwomen #womensupportingwomen #mindsetcoach #selfcareeveryday #fillmycup #coffscoast #visitnsw #sunriseoftheday #sunrisepics #oceanpics #sunrisesunset #relaxandunwind
04.01.2022 Community ... Connection Safety Authenticity Courage Bravery As women, we are ever evolving. Do we emerge as a more magical, dynamic and empowered woman who, every day heals a little more, loves a little more, discovers a little more, surrenders a little more and is unapologetic for who she is a little more? It’s time to say yes to you. This community of women is to allow you to do just that. We are not alone. We are here together. To celebrate each other. To laugh and cry with each other. To learn from each other. To hold each other up and to help each other rise up. One of us may be just a drop in the ocean, BUT together we become the ocean and send a ripple affect to all other women to surrender their fears, stand tall, come together and create magic and magnetism. If this group calls you, the link to join us is in the comments below. I look forward to meeting you
03.01.2022 #capturelife #lovewhatyoudodowhatyoulove #coffsharbour #mindsetcoach #olympusphotography #omdem5markii #alignmentandabundance #businessmindsetcoach #girlbosscoach #girlbossbabe #shepreneur #womanpreneur #choiceswemake #fillyourcup
02.01.2022 ,-*' ^ '~*-.,_,.-*~ Someday I'll wish upon a star Wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where trouble melts like lemon drops High above the chimney top That's where you'll find me ~*-.,_,.-*~' ^ '*-,... Somewhere over the Rainbow is where we found Freedom Joy Peace Love And each other On a full moon at 5.55pm yesterday - 1/11/2020 - we finally said a hell yes to each other. A friendship that has grown over 20 years and a love that has continually blossomed for over 10. The tears The laughter The silence The pain The joy The understanding The compromises The excitement The respect The frustration The forgiveness The honesty and the patience - was all poured out together from both of our hearts yesterday. It poured out and created the perfect recipe of love that is simply unexplainable. @tulliaconnorceremonies @carlislephotography.jpg #loveisloveislove #covidwedding2020 #capturelife #coffsharbour #fullmoonwedding @twosistersthelabel #farmlifewedding #wifelife #weddingpic #gaywedding #truelovestory #tattoobride #twobrides #twobridesarebetterthanone #loveisequal #2020weddings #happyaf #happinessiskey #loveyougirl
02.01.2022 And I’m also very proud to bring you my Reiki & Crystal Healing Sessions - available now! Reiki (face to face and distance available)... Crystal Healing Guided Mindfulness Meditation Oracle Card Reading Smudging of self &/or home Mindset Coaching All treatments and coaching can be purchased individually OR you can bundle them up in any way you that calls you. Here are some launch offers available! LAUNCH OFFERS!- LIMITED AVAILABLE 1 x reiki or crystal healing session & Card Reading $110 1 crystal healing/reiki session combined & personal smudging or guided meditation $110 1 reiki or crystal healing session & 1 hour 1:1 mindset or business coaching session $350 1 x 1:1 coaching session & home smudging $300 If you are interested in all or any of the above please DM me for bookings and costs. Don’t forget you can make up your own bundle and I’ll price it for you. I am so excited about releasing this to you. I am definately where I’m meant to be #reikipractitioner #crystalvibes #capturelife #coffsharbour #crystals&reiki #mindsetcoach #selflovecoach #womensupportingwomen #womenempowerment #reikidistancehealing #dowhatcallsyou #dowhatyoulovelovewhatyoudo #coachingonline #coachingforwomen #onlinecoachingforwomen #ihaveadream #dreamscometrue #itscooltobekind
01.01.2022 Don’t let anyone cloud your day Don’t allow yourself to be affected by another’s opinion of you Don’t allow yourself to hide your light... Don’t allow yourself to hide in the shadows Don’t allow yourself to judge yourself or others Don’t allow yourself to be anything less than the amazing human you were born to be. I have 1 more space remaining for 1:1 coaching. If you’re scared to step out of the shadows and live the life your deserve and desire, then reach out because it was meant to be. #mentalhealthadvice #womensempowerment #selflovecoach #mindsetcoachingforwomen #lifecoachingforwomen #shineyourlight #mentalhealthsupport #beatnarcissism #coffsharbour #capturelife #youmatteralways #selfworthmovement #youdeservebetter #bekindtoyourmind #sunriselover #sunrisepics #onlinecoachforwomen
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