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Cardinal Newman Faith Resources Inc

Locality: Sydney, Australia

Phone: +61 2 9673 2235

Address: 15- 21 Collins St, St Marys 2760 Sydney, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 ~~~BEAUTIFUL PRAYER FOR THE HOLY SOULS~~~ "O Gentlest Heart of Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, ever consumed with burning love for the poor captiv...e souls in Purgatory, have mercy on the souls of Thy departed servants. Be not severe in Thy judgment but let some drops of Thy Precious Blood fall upon the devouring flames, and do Thou, O merciful Savior send Thy angels to conduct Thy departed servants to a place of refreshment, light and peace. Amen." See more

23.01.2022 Time for God by Jacques Phillip can be purchased from CNFRI and postage is only $3.50Time for God by Jacques Phillip can be purchased from CNFRI and postage is only $3.50

21.01.2022 Happy Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians

20.01.2022 The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady #sevensorrowsofmary #ourladyofsorrows #sorrowfulmother #blessedvirginmary #sevensorrows

19.01.2022 Exciting news, we are the Australian distributors for Blessed is She products. We have a shipment of Lenten devotionals on the way. Please ring the shop for orders as we only have a limited number. Ring Gai on 02 96732235

19.01.2022 Come in and browse our excellent range of stock at 15 - 21 Collins Street, St Marys NSW 2760 (in the grounds of Our Lady of the Rosary parish, behind the church) Ph: 02 96732235 email: [email protected] Stocktake sale on now until 25 January 2019

18.01.2022 THE GREATNESS OF MARY . One day Saint Gertrude saw Our Lord counting gold coins. She summoned the courage to ask Him what He was doing. He answered: I am the Hail Marys that you have said; this is the money with which you can pay your way to Heaven. . The Sinners Bouquet to the Blessed Virgin . It is related in the life of the Cur dArs that on one occasion, a lady, a perfect stranger to him, asked him to pray for her husband, a careless Catholic, who had just died suddenly and without receiving the Sacraments. He was so careless, Father, she said, weeping; he did not go to his duties, and whatever will become of him? Madam, replied the saintly Priest, do you not remember the bouquet of flowers he picked every Saturday to decorate Our Ladys Altar? In return Our Blessed Lady obtained for him the Grace to make an Act of Perfect Contrition before dying, and he is saved. This filled the woman with true happiness and love for the Mercy of Our Lord and Lady. . How A Sinful Priest Was Saved From Gods Justice Through Mary . When St. Francis Borgia was in Rome, an ecclesiastic came to speak with him; but the saint being much occupied, sent Father Acosta to him. The ecclesiastic said to him: Father, I am a Priest and a preacher, but I live in sin, and distrust the Divine Mercy. After preaching a sermon one day against the obstinate, who afterwards despair of pardon, a person came to me to make his Confession, who narrated to me all my sins, and at length told me that he despaired of the Divine Mercy. In order to do my duty, I told him that he must change his life, and trust in God; then that penitent rose to his feet and reproached me, saying: And you, who preach thus to others, why do you not amend, and why do you distrust? Know, said he, that I am an Angel come to your aid; amend and you will be pardoned. And when he had said this he disappeared. I abstained for several days from my sinful practices, but when temptation came I again returned to my sins. On another day, as I was celebrating Mass, Jesus Christ sensibly spoke to me from the Host, and said: Why dost thou thus maltreat Me, when I treat thee so well? After this I resolved to amend, but at the next temptation fell again into sin. A few hours ago, a youth came to me in my apartment, and drew from under his mantle a chalice, and from this a Consecrated Host, saying: Do you know this Lord whom I hold in my hand? Do you remember how many favours He has done you? Now behold the punishment of your ingratitude, and saying this he drew a sword to kill me. I then cried: For the love of Mary do not kill me, for I will indeed amend. And then he said: This was the only thing you could have said to save yourself: make a good use of this Grace, for this is the last mercy for you. When he had said this he left me, and I came immediately here, praying you to receive me among you. Father Acosta consoled him, and the Priest, by the advice also of St. Francis, entered another order of strict observance, where he persevered in Holiness till his death. . The Power of the Stabat Mater In the city of Cesena there lived two very bad men who were friends. One of them, named Bartholomew, in the midst of all his vices practised the devotion of reciting every day the Stabat Mater in honor of the Sorrowful Mary. Once when he was repeating this hymn, Bartholomew had a vision, in which he seemed to stand with his sinful companion in a lake of fire, and saw the most Holy Virgin, moved to pity, offer Her hand and take him from the flames. She directed him to seek pardon from Jesus Christ, who showed himself willing to pardon him through the prayers of His Mother. The vision ended, and Bartholomew at the moment heard the intelligence that his friend had been mortally wounded and was dead. Then he knew the truth of the vision, and quitting the world, entered the order of Capuchins, where he led a most austere life, and died in the fame of sanctity. . Mary Saves a Man in Moortal Sin . A certain canon, while he was repeating some devotions in honor of the Divine Mother, fell into the river Seine and was drowned, and being in mortal sin, the devils came to take him to hell. But Mary appeared at the same time, and said to them: How have you dared to take possession of one who died praising Me? Then turning to the sinner, She said: Repent, and be particularly devout to My Conception. He was restored to life, became a religious, and never ceased to thank his deliverer, and everywhere to propagate the devotion to Her Immaculate Conception. . Saved From Hell by Mother Mary . A noble youth, named Eschylus, being bent by the prince his Father to Hildesheim, a city of Saxony, to study, abandoned himself to a dissolute life. He fell ill, and was near dying, and while in that state he had a vision. He saw himself shut up in a furnace of fire, and believed himself to be already in hell; and then he escaped from it through a hole and took refuge in a great place, where he found the most Holy Mary in the hall, and She said to him: Rash man, dost thou dare to appear before Me? Depart from here and go to the flames which Thou dost merit. The young man besought the Virgin to have mercy on him, and then turned to some persons who were near, and implored them to recommend him to Mary. They did so, and the divine Mother answered: You do not know the sinful life he has led, and that he had not even thought of saying a Hail Mary in My Honor. But his advocates answered: Oh Lady, he will change his life; and the youth added: Yes, I promise really to amend, and I will be Thy servant. Then the Virgins anger was appeased, and She said to him: Well, I accept your promise; be faithful to Me, and meanwhile, with My Blessing, be delivered from hell and death. When She had said this, the Virgin disappeared. Eschylus came to himself, and blessing Mary, related to others the Grace he had received. He led ever after a Holy life, always preserving a great affection towards the Blessed Virgin, and was made Archbishop of the Church of Lude, in Denmark, where he converted many to the Faith. Towards the close of his life, being old, he resigned the Archbishopric and became a Monk of Clairvaux, where he lived four years, and died a Holy death. Hence he has been numbered by some writers among the saints of the Cistercian order. . The Gifts of the Blessed Virgin Mary . In the country of Normandy a certain robber was beheaded, and his head was thrown into a trench; but afterwards it was heard crying: Mary, give me Confession. A Priest went to him and heard his confession; and questioning him as to his practices of devotion, the robber answered that he had no other except that of fasting one day of the week in honor of the Holy Virgin, and that for this our Lady had obtained for him the Grace to be delivered from hell by that Confession. . The Power of an Hail Mary . There was once in Germany a certain criminal condemned to death; but he was obstinate and refused to make his Confession, though a Jesuit father did his utmost to convert him. He entreated him, he wept, he cast himself at his feet; but seeing that all was in vain, he finally said: Let us recite a Hail Mary. No sooner had the criminal recited it than he began to cry bitterly, made his confession with much compunction, and wished to die clasping the image of Mary. . The Grace of a Hail Mary . In a city of Spain there lived a sinful man who had given himself to the devil, and had never been to confession. He did nothing good but say a Hail Mary every day. Father Eusebius Nierembergh relates, that when this man was at the point of death the most holy Virgin appeared to him in a dream and looked on him; Her kind eyes so changed him that he immediately sent for a Confessor, made his Confession with a voice broken by sobs, made a vow to become a religious if he should live, and then died. . A Letter from Mary . Young Lady Jane was as sweet as she was lovely. Being the daughter of a prince, the whole world lay before her, full of possibilities. At a young age, Jane chose the road less traveled, that of giving her life to her Savior as His bride. With her parents blessing she entered a Monastery, not too distant from her ancestral home. Sadly, the discipline of this monastery was so relaxed, that, although she was a young person of good intentions, she advanced but little in virtue. But her Divine Spouse watched over Jane and sent her a blessing in the form of a Holy confessor. This devout man of God recognized Janes plight though she herself did not and with all seriousness implored her to pray a Rosary every day. With youthful enthusiasm Jane took her confessors advice to heart and she began to say the Rosary, daily thinking about the mysteries as she prayed. This simple devotion caused her to become so changed that she was an example to all. Unfortunately, her fervor pricked the consciences of those who enjoyed the laxity allowed in the Monastery. The other Religious, taking offence at her for withdrawing from them, attacked her on all sides, to induce her to abandon her newly-begun way of life. One day while she was repeating the Rosary, and praying to Mother Mary to assist her in this persecution, she saw a letter fall from above. The paper was of purest white, feeling almost silky to Janes touch. The script flowed along the page as if it were dancing the most elegant of dances. On the outside were written these words: "Mary, Mother of God, to Her daughter Jane, greeting;" and within . "My dear child, continue to say My Rosary ; withdraw from conversation with those who do not help you to live well ; beware of idleness and vanity ; take from your cell two superfluous things, and I will be your protectress with God." The young Nun kept her letter close and read it often. More importantly, she followed her Mothers gentle advice to the letter and continued to hold fast in the face of persecution. It is no small thing to remain close to Our Lady while being deprived of human companionship, but Jane did all within her power to please her protectress. . It was not long before the abbot of that monastery paid a visited. Seeing the lack of discipline and virtue among the majority of its inhabitants, he attempted to reform it, but did not succeed. One day, to his horror, he saw a great number of demons entering the cells of all the Nuns, except that of Jane. Drawing closer to the favored cell, the abbot came upon Jane kneeling before an image of Our Lady. At one glance the Abbot could see that same Heavenly Mother banishing the demons from Janes cell. He quietly withdrew and entered the gardens to pray for guidance. After a time, he called the young Nun to his side, asking her the most general questions about her life in the Monastery and her religious practices. When he heard from her of the devotion of the Rosary which she practiced, and the letter she had received from above, everything became clear. He now had a sure means of reform for the entire monastery! He ordered all the others to repeat it, and it is related that this monastery soon became a paradise under the gentle gaze of its Protectress. . The Hermit and The Devil . A hermit of Mount Olivet had in his cell a holy image of Mary, and frequently offered up prayers before it. The devil could not endure such devotion to the Holy Virgin, and tormented him continually with temptations against purity; and the poor old hermit finding himself still pursued by them, notwithstanding all his prayers and mortifications, said one day to the enemy: What have I done to you, that you will not leave me in peace? . And the demon appeared to him and answered: You torment me more than I torment you; and then he added: Now come, and swear secrecy to me, and I will tell you what you must cease to do, if you wish me not to molest you any more. . The hermit took the oath, and then the devil said to him: I wish you never again to approach that image that you have in your cell. . The hermit was greatly perplexed, and went to take counsel of the Abbot Theodore, who told him that he was not bound by his oath, and that he must not cease to recommend himself to Mary before that image, as he had done before. The hermit obeyed, and the devil was put to shame and conquered. . Most StoriesTaken From the Glories of Mary, by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori and Other Sources.

17.01.2022 If anyone is interested in purchasing the Diary/Planner from Blessed is She for 2019/2020 could we have a show of interest please? We maybe able to do a bulk order if we have enough interestIf anyone is interested in purchasing the Diary/Planner from Blessed is She for 2019/2020 could we have a show of interest please? We maybe able to do a bulk order if we have enough interest

17.01.2022 Indulgenced Prayer to the Infant Jesus Daily throughout the Christmas-Epiphany Season Our most lovable Lord Jesus Christ, Who, becoming an Infant for us, didst ...vouchsafe to be born in a stable to free us from the darkness of sin, to draw us more closely to Thee, and to inflame us with Thy holy love, we adore Thee as our Creator and Redeemer, we acknowledge and choose Thee for our King and Lord, and we offer to Thee the tribute of all the affections of our poor hearts. Dear Jesus, Our Lord and God, deign to accept this offering, and, in order that it may be worthy of Thy gracious acceptance, forgive us our sins, enlighten us, inflame us with that holy fire which Thou didst come to bring into the world to enkindle in our hearts. May our souls thus become a perpetual sacrifice in Thy honour; grant that we may always seek thy greater glory here on earth, in order that we may one day come to enjoy the beauty of Thy infinite perfections in Heaven. Amen. See more

15.01.2022 A Ritual for #Epiphany: The Blessing of #Homes by Susan Brinkmann The feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord, traditionally celebrated on January 6th, marks the closing out of the Twelve Days of Christmas. In centuries past,... #Christmas #NewYear

15.01.2022 Gods message for you today

15.01.2022 HOW MAKING A PERFECT CONTRITION BEFORE YOU DIE CAN SAVE YOUR SOUL . Many sins are forgiven her, because she hath loved much. (Saint Luke 7:47) .... How is actual sin divided? . Actual sin is divided into mortal sin and venial sin. . What is mortal sin? . Mortal sin is a serious offence against God. . Why is it called mortal sin? . It is called mortal sin because it is so serious that it kills the soul and deserves hell. . How does mortal sin kill the soul? . Mortal sin kills the soul by depriving it of sanctifying grace, which is the supernatural life of the soul. . Is it a great evil to fall into mortal sin? . It is the greatest of all evils to fall into mortal sin. . Where will they go who die in mortal sin? . They who die in mortal sin will go to hell for all eternity. . What is perfect contrition? . Perfect contrition is sorrow for sin arising purely from the love of God. . What special value has perfect contrition? . Perfect contrition has this special value; that by it our sins are forgiven immediately, even before we confess them; but nevertheless, if they are serious, we are strictly bound to go to Confession. . Perfect Contrition will alsofrees us from eternal death and opens to us eternal life if we are about to die unexpectedly or waited to long to Confess. Remember this beautiful gift of God, it must be known that we can only profit from it if we are sincerely sorrow for all mortal sins. . How May We Obtain a Hearty Sorrow For Our Sins? . We may obtain a hearty sorrow for our sins by earnestly praying for it, and by making use of such considerations as may lead us to it. . What consideration concerning God will lead us to sorrow for our sins? . This consideration concerning God will lead us to sorrow for our sins; that by our sins we have offended God, who is infinitely good in himself and infinitely good to us. . What consideration concerning our Saviour will lead us to sorrow for our sins? . This consideration concerning our Saviour will lead us to sorrow for our sins; that our Saviour died for our sins, and that those who sin grievously have wilfully crucified the Son of God and openly mocked him. (Heb. 6:6) . Do you wish to know an easy way of exciting yourselves to true sorrow for your sins? Make three little visits- the first above (Heaven), the second below (Hell), the third in the middle (Calvary).(St Charles Borromeo) . A Prayer That Can Be Said For Those Making An Act of Perfect Contrition . ACT OF CONTRITION . O MY GOD, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who art all-good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen. . EXAMPLES OF THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED PERFECT CONTRITION . 1. Remember the good thief a robber condemned to death and yet for those few words spoken from his heart, Lord, remember me when You shall come into Your Kingdom, he was immediately promised Heaven by Christ Himself: Today, you shall be with Me in Paradise. . 2. Saint Peter, who denied his Master three times. Jesus looked at him; Peter said not a single word, but, going out, wept bitterly. He was forgiven; he was chosen by Christ to be His first successor on earth the Prince of the Apostles and today is one of the most glorious saints in Heaven. . 3. Mary Magdalen, a public sinner. She did not even say one word, but simply wept at the Feet of Jesus. Jesus saw the sorrow in her heart, and, turning to her, said: Woman! because you have loved much your sins are forgiven you. . 4. It is related in the life of the Cur dArs that on one occasion, a lady, a perfect stranger to him, asked him to pray for her husband, a careless Catholic, who had just died suddenly and without receiving the Sacraments. He was so careless, Father, she said, weeping; he did not go to his duties, and whatever will become of him? Madam, replied the saintly priest, do you not remember the bouquet of flowers he picked every Saturday to decorate Our Ladys altar? In return Our Blessed Lady obtained for him the grace to make an act of Perfect Contrition before dying, and he is saved. . . MORE PRAYERS AND DEVOTIONS TO OBTAIN PERFECT CONTRITION . 1. The Daily Rosary 2. The Three Hail Marys Devotion . 3. Prayer to Jesus Christ on the Cross for a Happy Death . Oh my crucified Jesus, I beg of Thee to receive the prayer I now offer Thee for my last moment, when, having desired a holy death, all my senses have failed me. . At my last moments when therefore my sweetest Jesus, my eyes, languid and sunken, can no longer look upon Thee, remember this loving look which I now turn to Thee, and have mercy on me. . When my lips, dried up, can no longer kiss Thy most sacred Wounds, remember these kisses which I now give Thee, and have mercy on me. . When my cold and numbed hands can no longer clasp Thy Cross, remember the times that I held Thy Crucifix with love and devotion, and have mercy on me. . And when my tongue, swollen and immovable, can no longer speak, remember my present prayers, and have mercy on me. . Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I commend to Thee my soul. Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy on me, a sinner! Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee. . . 4. Three Offerings to the most Holy Trinity to obtain the Grace of a Happy Death 1.) I offer to the most holy Trinity the merits of Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for the most precious blood which He shed in the garden for us; and by His infinite merits I beseech Thee divine Majesty for pardon of my sins. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. . 2.) I offer to the most holy Trinity the merits of Jesus Christ, in honor and thanksgiving for the most precious death that He endured on the Cross for us; and by His infinite merits I beseech Thee divine Majesty for the remission of the all the temporal punishments due to my sins. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. . 3.) I offer to the most holy Trinity the merits of Jesus Christ, in thanksgiving for His unspeakable charity by which He descended from Heaven to earth to become man, and to suffer and die for us upon the Cross; and by His infinite merits I beseech Thee divine Majesty to bring my soul to the glory of Heaven after my death, to be forever united with Thee, my God, for all eternity. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. . . 5. Prayer To Saint Joseph For A Happy Death . O Glorious St. Joseph, behold I choose Thee today for my special patron in life and at the hour of my death. Preserve and increase in me the spirit of prayer and fervor in the service of God. Remove far from me every kind of sin; obtain for me that my death may not come upon me unawares, but that I may have time to confess my sins sacramentally and to bewail them with a most perfect understanding and a most sincere and perfect contrition, in order that I may breathe forth my soul into the hands of Jesus and Mary. Amen . . 6. Prayer to St. Joseph for the Dying . Everlasting Father, for the sake of the love which Thou didst bear to St. Joseph, whom Thou didst chose above all to occupy Thy place on earth, Have mercy on us and on those who are dying. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc. Everlasting Son of God, for the sake of Thy love towards St. Joseph, who didst protect Thee so faithfully on earth, have mercy on us all and on those who are dying. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc. Everlasting Divine Spirit, for the sake of Thy love toward St. Joseph, who so carefully protected Mary, Thy most holy and beloved spouse, have mercy on us and those who are dying. Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, etc. . . 7. Litany for Gods Mercy to Obtain a Happy Death . O LORD JESUS, God of goodness and Father of mercies, I approach Thee with a sorrowful and humble heart; to Thee I recommend the last hour of my life, and into Thy hands I commend my spirit. . When my feet, numbed with the chill of death, shall warn me that my life is drawing to the end: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my hands, weak and trembling, shall no longer be able to grasp the crucifix, and I am forced, in spite of myself, to let it fall upon my bed of pain: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my eyes, dim and distorted, at the approach of death, shall fix themselves on Thee, my last and only support: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my lips, pale and livid, shall inspire those near me with pity and dismay, and when my face, bathed in the sweat of death declares my approaching end: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my ears, soon to be for ever shut to the words of men, shall be opened to Thy Judgement and irrevocable decree, which will fix my lot for eternity: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my imagination, agitated by dreadful thoughts, shall be sunk in an abyss of anguish; when my soul, frightened with the sight of my iniquities, and the terrors of Thy justice, shall have to fight against the angel of darkness, who will endeavor to conceal Thy mercies from my eyes and to plunge me into despair: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my poor heart, oppressed with sufferings and exhausted by its frequent struggles against the enemies of its salvation, shall feel the pangs of death: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When the last tear shall drop from my eyes, receive it as a sacrifice of expiation for my many sins and grant that my -current sufferings may be the penance for the sins of my life: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When my family and friends standing around me, shall shed the tear of pity over me, and invoke Thy mercy and clemency on my behalf: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When I shall have lost the use of my senses and when the world shall have vanished from my sight; when my agonizing soul shall feel the sorrows of death: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . When at last my soul shall leave my lifeless body, have mercy on me oh God and receive me into Thy Kingdom, that I may for ever sing of Thy love and mercy for all eternity: Merciful Jesus, have mercy on me. . Let us pray. Oh God, Who has destined all men to die, grant that I may pass my remaining days in the practice of virtue, seeking to know, love and serve Thee at every moment, with a fervent will and desire to do penance for my sins, that I may deserve to leave this world in the peace of a good conscience, and in the embraces of Thy merciful love, through Christ our Lord. Amen . . 8. PRAYER TO BE SINLESS AT THE HOUR OF DEATH . Lord Jesus Christ, Who willest that no man should perish, and to Whom supplication is never made without the hope of mercy, for Thou saidst with Thine Own holy and blessed lips: All things whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, shall be done unto you; I ask of Thee, O Lord, for Thy holy Names sake, to grant me at the hour of my death full consciousness and the power of speech, sincere contrition for my sins, true faith, firm hope and perfect charity, that I may be able to say unto Thee with a clean heart: Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit: Thou hast redeemed me, O God of truth, Who art blessed for ever and ever. Amen (St. Vincent Ferrer). .

15.01.2022 A sample of some of our sale items. Our "once in a decade" stocktake sale is on now until 25 January.

14.01.2022 Daily Offering of the Most Precious Blood . REMEMBER IT ONLY TAKES ONE MORTAL SIN TO SEND SOMEONE TO HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY SO WHAT GREAT MERIT WE ACHIEVE BEFOR...E OUR LORD JESUS FOR STOPPING SUCH AN INFINITE EVIL ACT FROM HAPPENING TO OUR LORD WHO IS HOLINESS AND GOODNESS ITSELF. . With a contrite and a pure and loving heart say: . MARY, Immaculate Mother of Jesus, offer, we beseech Thee, to the Eternal Father, the Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, to prevent at least one mortal sin from being committed somewhere in the world this day (night). . How a Man Who Stopped Two Mortal Sins From Being Committed Eqaled the Merits of a Saint . St. Paphnutius had for many years lived in a desert and labored at his sanctification by austere works of penance. Once a peculiar thought came to his mind, and he dared to express it to God in prayer. He petitioned the Lord, in all humility and simplicity, to reveal to him a person who had the same degree of merit as he himself. God deigned to grant his request, and He gave Paphnutius to understand that at this moment a certain flutist living in Egypt ranked equal to him in merit. . The Saint at once started on a journey to find the flutist. Having arrived at the appropriate village, and making inquiries there, he was informed that the man he was seeking was engaged at a neighboring tavern, playing for the amusement of those who patronized the place. "How strange!" thought Paphnutius. Nevertheless, he sent word to the musician, begging him for a short interview. When the musician came, the Saint took him aside and spoke to him regarding the condition of his soul. "What good deeds have you ever done?" asked Paphnutius. . "Good deeds?" replied the flutist; "I do not remember ever having done any; all I remember is that one day, while I was pursuing my former trade of stealing, I saved the honor of a virgin consecrated to God, and another time I gave my money to a poor woman who, in her great distress, was about to commit a crime." From this, our Saint realized that God had given the flutist graces similar to those he himself had received, because for the honor of his Creator, this man in his crude life had prevented two mortal sins. . If we truly love God, we cannot feel indifferent when God is offended. St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi, when only eight years old, happened to hear two persons quarreling and using the most insulting language, and undoubtedly they thereby became guilty of mortal sin. The Saint was so pained at the thought of how grievously God had been offended that she spent the entire night weeping. Sixteen years had passed and she had forgotten this occurrence, when God revealed to her that in reward for the tears she had shed for the sins of others, she was destined to a special degree of glory, which was shown her in the form of a brilliant garment.Daily Offering of the Most Precious Blood . See more

14.01.2022 OUR LADY AND THE THREE DRESSES . Many centuries ago, three young nuns lived together in a convent. Day after day, they took their meals together, they went to c...hapel together, and they prayed and sang together. One day, their priest-confessor advised them that, as a preparation for the feast of the purification of Mary, they should recite the whole Rosary every day for forty days. The three nuns obediently complied. On the night before that holy feast day, the Heavenly Mother appeared to the three nuns as they gathered in the choir. To the first of these three sisters she handed a rich garment, embroidered with gold. Holy Mary thanked her and blessed her. . She then handed to the second nun a much simpler garment, and also thanked her. Noticing the difference in the two garments, the second sister asked, "Oh Lady, why have you brought my sister a richer garment?" Mary Most Holy lovingly replied, "Because she has clothed me more richly with her prayers than you have done." . Mary then approached the third nun with a canvas garment. Being an observant young lady, this sister at once asked pardon for the half-hearted way in which she had prayed her rosaries. . A full year had passed when all three fervently prepared for the same feast, each saying her Rosary with great devotion. On the evening preceding the festival, Mary appeared to them in glory, and said to them: "Be prepared, for tomorrow you shall come to paradise." The following morning dawned, full of promise. Each nun wondered if this would be her last day in this vale of tears. When evening came, would they retire to their modest cells once more, or did Holy Mary have something else in store for them? The sisters related to their confessor what had occurred, and received communion in the morning. At the hour of compline (evening prayers) they saw again the most holy Virgin, who came to take them with her. Amid the songs of angels, one after the other sweetly expired. (3 HAIL MARYS IN HONOR OF OUR LADYS GIFT OF THE THREE DRESSES) . From the Glories of Mary, by St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.

12.01.2022 Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost: In Latin and English. May 11, 2018 to May 19, 2018. . . The Hymn Veni Creator Spiritus.... . Veni Creator Spiritus, Mentes tuorum visita, Imple superna gratia, Quae Tu creasti pectora. . Qui diceris Paraclitus, Altissimi Donum Dei, Fons vivus, Ignis, Charitas, Et Spiritalis Unctio. . Tu Septiformis munere, Digitus Paternae dexterae, Tu rite promissum Patris, Sermone ditans guttura. . Accende lumen sensibus, Infunde amorem cordibus, Infirma nostri corporis Virtute firmans perpeti. . Hostem repellas longius, Pacemque dones protinus; Ductore sic Te praevio Vitemus omne noxium. . Per Te sciamus da Patrem, Noscamus atque Filium, Teque utriusque Spiritum Credamus omni tempore. . Deo Patri sit gloria, Et Filio, qui a mortuis Surrexit, ac Paraclito In saeculorum saecula. Amen. . In English . Come, O Creator Spirit blest! And in our souls take up Thy rest Come, with Thy grace and heavenly aid, To fill the hearts which Thou hast made. . Great Paraclete to Thee we cry: O highest gift of God most high! O fount of life! O fire of love! And sweet Anointing from above! . Thou in Thy sevenfold gifts art known; Thee Finger of Gods hand we own; The promise of the Father Thou! Who dost the tongue with powr endow. . Kindle our senses from above, And make our hearts oerflow with love With patience firm, and virtue high, The weakness of our flesh supply. . Far from us drive the foe we dread, And grant us Thy true peace instead So shall we not, with Thee for guide, Turn from the path of life aside. . O, may Thy grace on us bestow The Father and the Son to know, And Thee through endless times confessd Of Both th eternal Spirit blest. . All glory while the ages run Be to the Father, and the Son Who rose from death; the same to Thee, O Holy Ghost, eternally. . . The Sequence Veni Sancte Spiritus. . Veni Sancte Spiritus, et emitte coelitus lucis tuae radium. Veni Pater pauperum, veni dator munerum, veni lumen cordium. Consolator optime, dulcis hospes animae, dulce refrigerium. In labore requies, in aestu temperies, in fletu solatium. O lux beatissima, reple cordis intima tuorum fidelium. Sine tuo numine nihil est in homine, nihil est innoxum. Lava quod est sordidum, riga quod est aridum, sana quod est saucium. Flecte quod est rigidum, fove quod est frigidum, rege quod est devium. Da tuis fidelibus in te confidentibus sacrum septenarium. Da virtutis meritum, da salutis exitum, da perenne gaudium. Amen. . In English. . Holy Spirit! Lord of light! From Thy clear celestial height Thy pure beaming radiance give: . Come, Thou Father of the poor! Come, with treasures which endure! Come, Thou Light of all that live! . Thou, of all consolers best, Visiting the troubled breast, Post refreshing peace bestow; . Thou in toil art comfort sweet Pleasant coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. . Light immortal! Light Divine Visit Thou these hearts of Thine, And our inmost being fill: . If Thou take Thy grace away, Nothing pure ill man will stay; All his good is turnd to ill. . Heal our wounds - our strength renew; On our dryness pour Thy dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: . Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Guide the steps that go astray. . Thou, on those who evermore Thee confess and Thee adore, In Thy sevenfold gifts, descend: . Give them comfort when they die; Give them life with Thee on high; Give them joys which never end. . By a Brief dated May 26, 1796, Pope Pius VI., of blessed memory, granted to all the faithful who one or more times a day should invoke the Holy Spirit with the hymn Veni Creator Spiritus, &c., or the Sequence, Veni Sancte Spiritus, &c., with the intention of praying for peace amongst Christian princes, &c. - i. A plenary indulgence once a month, on any one day, after Confession and Communion. ii. Three hundred days indulgence to those who should recite the said Hymn and Sequence as above on Whitsunday or during its octave; and iii. One hundred days indulgence daily, for every other day in the year. The original Brief above named is kept in the Archivium of the Congregation called Prima Primaria, in the Roman College. See more

12.01.2022 A beautiful advent homily

11.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that our new secure on-line shop is now operational. More images to be added shortlyWe are pleased to announce that our new secure on-line shop is now operational. More images to be added shortly

11.01.2022 We have a number of people enquiring about the Blessed Is She diaries. Unfortunately at this stage the costs of importing a bulk order are prohibitive. Pricing could be as high as $150 per diary when you account for the Australian dollar and postage, which we believe is unaffordable. We are still negotiating with the publishers to get better bulk pricing however this is not looking promising. We suggest the best approach may be to order direct from them. Sorry we cannot help further with this at this time. If it changes we will let you know.

10.01.2022 My Dear Friends, Last month I was pleased to announce the establishment of the Papally enclosed Discalced Carmelite community of Jesus, Mary & St Joseph that w...ill be established in the Diocese and now with it becoming a reality, I invite you to join with me in giving thanks to Almighty God for His wonderful gift to us and to welcome the Nuns to the Diocese with a High Mass in the Extraordinary form in Forbes and an official opening of the new Monastery with a Solemn Pontifical High Mass in the Extraordinary form on March the 23rd. Please see my attached invitation and spread the word. Let us give thanks to Almighty God for what God has given to us! May it be fruitful for our Diocese and our nation of Australia! Our Lady of Mount Carmel and all Carmelite Saints- Pray for us! + Columba Macbeth-Green OSPPE DD

10.01.2022 We give thanks for the blessing of our extensions at St Mary’s, for 45 years of our apostolate and for the canonisation of Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman

07.01.2022 Prices for 2020 Blessed is She Diaries are being negotiated as I speak! As soon as they are finalised I will post on this page.Prices for 2020 Blessed is She Diaries are being negotiated as I speak! As soon as they are finalised I will post on this page.

07.01.2022 On Sunday Pope Francis will canonise Cardinal John Henry Newman, who has been described as a saint for our times. Kevin Donnelly explains the extraordinary mans unique contribution to the world and the Church.

06.01.2022 AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL COMMUNION My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. ... Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee. Amen #welovetradition

05.01.2022 Our "once in a decade" stocktake sale is now on, until 25 January 2019. All stock 10 to 70% off. Drop into our centre at St Marys, call us on 9673 2235 or email us on [email protected]. (Our new on-line shop is not yet operational - our apologies)

04.01.2022 Dear Friends of our Shrine 15th of January of every year the Pauline Family commemorates the solemnity of St. Paul the First Hermit. Paul of Thebes, commonly ...known as Paul, the First Hermit or Paul the Anchorite, or in Egyptian Arabic as Anba Bola, Coptic: ; (c. 226/7-c. 341) is regarded as the model of Christian eremitism and the Patriarch of our Order. He lived alone in the desert from the age of sixteen to one hundred thirteen years of his age. On this glorious occasion, when the Superior General conducts the canonical visitation of our Australian Province, we would like to wish you many blessings and graces through the intercession of such a great Saint. Please pray for our Community and for the new vocations to the priestly and religious life. God bless Fr. D. and the Community of Penrose Park

03.01.2022 We give thanks for the blessing of our extensions at St Marys, for 45 years of our apostolate and for the canonisation of Saint John Henry Cardinal Newman

02.01.2022 We have excellent spiritual reading available now. Visit our on-line shop at Some highlights: * "Consecration to St Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father" by Fr Calloway $29.95 * "The Tears of Christ" by St John Henry Newman $24.95

02.01.2022 PRAYERS FOR THE HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY: A SPIRITUAL WORK OF MERCY. St. Padre Pio and His Visitor. Video summary and text. One of the seven spiritual works of m...ercy is to pray for the dead, not only for our loved ones, but also for all those who have died in Gods grace and are undergoing their purification in purgatory. This is a way of living the communion of the saints. Above all, they are our brethren who are in need of our help. The Biblical foundation of this custom and work of mercy could be found in many scriptural passages (see ). To name a few: 2 Machabees 12:46: It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins. Matt 12:32: but he that shall speak against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him neither in this world, nor in the world to come. 1 Cor 3:13,15: Every mans work shall be manifest: for the day of the Lord shall declare it, because it shall be revealed in fire: and the fire shall try every mans work, of what sort it is. If any mans work burn, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by fire. St. Padre Pio recounts an incident (among the many he had experienced) which occurred when one night he was sitting alone in a room absorbed in prayer when an old man entered and sat next to him. Padre Pio wrote: I looked at him but never thought of how he managed to get in the friary at that hour. I asked him: Who are you? What do you want? The man answered: Padre Pio, I am Pietro di Mauro, nicknamed Precoco. I died in this friary [in a fire] on September 18, 1908, in room number 4. I am still in Purgatory, and I need a Mass to free my soul from it. God has given me permission to come to you and ask for your prayers. After I had listened to his story, Padre Pio said: You can rest assured that I will celebrate Mass tomorrow for your liberation. Padre Pio then said that the Holy Mass he celebrated the next day freed the mans soul from Purgatory. One of the monks in his friary checked the village records and found that such an individual had indeed died under the circumstances described by Padre Pio. Dear friends, let us help and pray daily for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. The best prayer is offering the Holy Mass for the eternal repose of their souls. This way, we are united not only with our brethren in heaven and earth, but also with those in Purgatory. Let us also ask their help by praying to them, for with their sufferings, they can intercede for us before God. As Pope Francis wrote: One way of maintaining fellowship with our loved ones is to pray for them. The Bible tells us that "to pray for the dead" is "holy and pious" (2 Macc 12:44-45). "Our prayer for them is capable not only of helping them, but also of making their intercession for us effective". Fr. Rolly Arjonillo

02.01.2022 Cardinal Newman Faith Resources extended opening times to Christmas Eve 2019: * Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 5 pm. * Open Sunday 23 December 2:30 pm to 8:30 pm * Open Christmas Eve 9:30 to 5 pm.... Closed for Christmas and New Year. Reopen 16 January with a massive stocktake sale. Watch this space! Our new on-line shop will be launched in early 2019. Wishing you all a prayerful Advent and a most Blessed Christmas. Telephone: 02 9673 2235 Mackillop Centre, 15-21 Collins St ST MARYS NSW 2760

01.01.2022 Please join us for a triple celebration of thanksgiving: 1. Thanksgiving for the Canonisation of Cardinal Newman 2. Thanksgiving for 45 years of Cardinal Newman Faith Resources Inc (and the former Cardinal Newman Catholic Bookshop) 3. Blessing of the Extensions of the Faith Resources Centre... Scheduled for Sunday 20 October 2019 from 1 pm to 3 pm at Cardinal Newman Faith Resources Centre, 15-21 Collins St St Marys. 1:00 pm - Holy Hour in the Adoration Chapel (front room of Presbytery in Swanston St), including a talk on Cardinal Newman by Fr John Rizzo 2:00 pm - Blessing of the Extensions, followed by afternoon tea The Faith Resources Centre will be open until 3 pm with 10% off all stock

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